Two highly recommended videos to watch: Turtles All The Way Down / Childhood vaccine schedule vote
I met with the editors of "Turtles all the way down" which is my favorite vaccine book of all time. Also watch a short clip of Peter McCullough and me on Steve Bannon.
Here’s the video of the VSRF discussion about the “Turtles all the way down” book which is a must read for anyone who cares about being informed about how the authorities have legally gamed the system for decades to make the vaccines appear safe. The short answer: they compare the vaccine against other unsafe vaccines.
The cool thing is that the authors of the book will be watching the comments on this Substack article so if you want to send them a message, you can do so by posting a comment in the comments section below.

McCullough and Kirsch comment on the ACIP vote to put the COVID vaccines on the childhood vaccine schedule
The 15-0 vote on Thursday did two things:
It makes the COVID vaccine mandatory in some states for kids to attend school.
It makes the liability protection for the manufacturers permanent. The EUA can end and they will still have liability protection for all COVID vaccines that they make.
Here’s the video of the segment on Steve Bannon’s War room:
I'm currently going through the book now, bought it shortly after you first mentioned it Steve. I have 4 kids with a 5th on the way and I'm thinking number 5 won't be getting any needles.
I just cowrote an article with Igor Chudov (https://igorchudov.substack.com/p/cancer-rates-are-increasing-and-may) about the explosion of cancers following the COVID-19 vaccines. There was one part we didn't use, which was as follows (and is HIGHLY relevant to your post):
The Polio Vaccine Saga
The only parallel I know of to the situation we are facing occurred with the Polio vaccine. In 1954, an NIH scientist, Bernice Eddy, tasked with safety testing for the COVID-19 vaccines discovered that some of them were contaminated with live polio virus due to poor manufacturing practices at one facility. Eddy attempted to warn her superiors, but her findings were suppressed, and she was moved to the influenza vaccine program and placed on back duty there.
Ultimately, 120,000 of these potentially contaminated vaccines ended up being produced, and not long after Eddy’s suppressed report, approximately 40,000 of the recipients developed various types of polio. In 1955, the NIH examined the questionable facility but was unable to identify any steps that could be taken to improve its manufacturing process, and a month later, temporarily paused the vaccination program. This incident is considered to be one of the worst pharmaceutical disasters in US history, leading to multiple resignations (e.g. that of the director of the NIH) and the suspension of polio vaccination campaigns around the world.
Later, in 1960, Eddy discovered that due to being cultivated in monkey cells infected with the SV-40 virus, small injections of the polio vaccines frequently caused cancer in hamsters. After once again being ordered by her superiors to not report these events to the public (for fear of further damaging public confidence in the vaccine program), Eddy decided to report her findings at a scientific conference, which resulted in her being demoted and losing her research lab. Fortunately, however, Eddy's findings were subsequently replicated by other researchers.
At the time, it was concluded that between 10-30% of the polio vaccines in the United States were contaminated with the SV-40 virus. Weighing their options, public health officials decided that rather than admit there was a problem, it would be best to continue manufacturing and distributing the infected vaccines. Three years later, in 1963, manufacturers were ordered to use kidney cells from a different monkey species (that were screened for signs of SV-40 and did not harbor the virus) for the production of the Polio vaccine. As far as I know, this prevented further SV-40 contamination of the polio vaccines.
It is well known that SV-40 causes cancer in animals, however, it is a matter of debate if it also does so in human beings. Research in this area is taboo, and presently it is viewed as an unknown matter requiring “further research.” Based on my observations, clinical experiences, and discussions with colleagues, I believe the SV-40 virus did cause a variety of soft tissue cancers in the human population. Unfortunately, this will likely always remain an area where no causation can ever be proven or disproven.
Note: In addition to the article referenced above, details about this incident can be found within Chapter 10 of Turtles All the Way Down and this excellent video presentation by Dr. Suzanne Humphries, the author of Dissolving Illusions, the book that awoke many to the fact most of the benefits attributed to vaccination were false correlations that had nothing to do with vaccination. Because these events show us how the U.S. government previously handled a vaccine with grave cancer concerns, I believe they hold great value for understanding how this potential catastrophe may play out.
The video I referenced above can be found here (as none of the links can copy paste into comments):
I would strongly recommend watching it and sharing it with your readers. Amongst other things, this is how I originally learned about the Cutter incident and a lot of other critical facets of early vaccine history.