I understand. And this alone & by itself I find almost more disturbing. The evil people in this world have created such a monopoly on information that we are all starting to give up; it feels like we are beginning to show the signs of "battered-wife-syndrome" from a marriage to a sadistic & abusive Capitalism. Or, what psychologist Martin Seligman called "Learned Helplessness" (where we disassociate from fear conditioning; no matter what we do, it is impossible to avoid the electric shock from our torturers; e.g., an experiment that used dogs ... and they eventually just lay down & gave up trying to even avoid the shock).
And, then there is the science experiment with rats, where they only survived a few minutes treading water in a bucket. But, they rats that were saved from drowning at the last minute; learned to not give up hope & treaded water much longer before drowning - (as long as 20 minutes longer) - cruel experiment; I know, yet very informative. It was named the "expectancy theory of motivation" ... i.e., theorizing that humans can become stronger and more resilient, provided they have hope of surviving.
... We can NOT afford to give up. If we give up we increase our own risk of death. I know this to be a fact of animal/human nature; once we give up, it's over. Yet, I feel like you do (i.e., no energy left). AND, it's really scaring me.
... We have to find reasons to hang on & keep fighting no matter what. In other words, hopelessness kills. Literally.
Bliza ... comment "I have not been able to convince either. It’s on them. And I don’t really have the energy or desire anymore, at this point" -- she mentioned regarding giving up on trying to communicate with blue-pilled ... I too have given up on trying with my family ... I see this as a bad sign.
Yes MJSchild60, I agree. I have not been able to convince either. It’s on them. And I don’t really have the energy or desire anymore, at this point.
I understand. And this alone & by itself I find almost more disturbing. The evil people in this world have created such a monopoly on information that we are all starting to give up; it feels like we are beginning to show the signs of "battered-wife-syndrome" from a marriage to a sadistic & abusive Capitalism. Or, what psychologist Martin Seligman called "Learned Helplessness" (where we disassociate from fear conditioning; no matter what we do, it is impossible to avoid the electric shock from our torturers; e.g., an experiment that used dogs ... and they eventually just lay down & gave up trying to even avoid the shock).
And, then there is the science experiment with rats, where they only survived a few minutes treading water in a bucket. But, they rats that were saved from drowning at the last minute; learned to not give up hope & treaded water much longer before drowning - (as long as 20 minutes longer) - cruel experiment; I know, yet very informative. It was named the "expectancy theory of motivation" ... i.e., theorizing that humans can become stronger and more resilient, provided they have hope of surviving.
... We can NOT afford to give up. If we give up we increase our own risk of death. I know this to be a fact of animal/human nature; once we give up, it's over. Yet, I feel like you do (i.e., no energy left). AND, it's really scaring me.
... We have to find reasons to hang on & keep fighting no matter what. In other words, hopelessness kills. Literally.
And that is exactly what the abusive system wants ... for us to all give up & just lie down like broken animals.
Bliza ... comment "I have not been able to convince either. It’s on them. And I don’t really have the energy or desire anymore, at this point" -- she mentioned regarding giving up on trying to communicate with blue-pilled ... I too have given up on trying with my family ... I see this as a bad sign.