Hi...I’ve checked on “how bad is my batch” and the negative effects were minimal. I will look at vaersaware as well to see if there’s any discrepancies. Thank you! And no, I’ve not had any issues. No shedding. I’m healthy, eat well, exercise, and take my supplements. Thank you so much!
Hi...I’ve checked on “how bad is my batch” and the negative effects were minimal. I will look at vaersaware as well to see if there’s any discrepancies. Thank you! And no, I’ve not had any issues. No shedding. I’m healthy, eat well, exercise, and take my supplements. Thank you so much!
Good to hear HOWBAD.info came up largely blank. Eagle88s Vaersaware is much more accurate and thorough, across his various dashboards and the V-Safe data. A true mine of info from the official scraped datasets and unarguably the greatest tracker system out there. For the record my parents were lucky to get 3 shots of Saline. 1 J&J and then 2 Modernas from the same batch luckily, yet 3 months apart. A sleepy rural area, so the batch had not been updated. A lucky escape. My sister not so lucky with 2 real batches of mild/moderate severity from Pfizer, and although nothing serious has occurred, she has not felt well since them. My brothers had many shots but Covid has seen us fall out, so I am unable to check his, as despite my medical background, he just thinks I am a crazy conspiraloon, so will never indulge such wild fantasies to check such.
Hi...I’ve checked on “how bad is my batch” and the negative effects were minimal. I will look at vaersaware as well to see if there’s any discrepancies. Thank you! And no, I’ve not had any issues. No shedding. I’m healthy, eat well, exercise, and take my supplements. Thank you so much!
Good to hear HOWBAD.info came up largely blank. Eagle88s Vaersaware is much more accurate and thorough, across his various dashboards and the V-Safe data. A true mine of info from the official scraped datasets and unarguably the greatest tracker system out there. For the record my parents were lucky to get 3 shots of Saline. 1 J&J and then 2 Modernas from the same batch luckily, yet 3 months apart. A sleepy rural area, so the batch had not been updated. A lucky escape. My sister not so lucky with 2 real batches of mild/moderate severity from Pfizer, and although nothing serious has occurred, she has not felt well since them. My brothers had many shots but Covid has seen us fall out, so I am unable to check his, as despite my medical background, he just thinks I am a crazy conspiraloon, so will never indulge such wild fantasies to check such.
God was looking out for your parents!!!