Have you seen any analysis of the NZ data posted by any prominent epidemiologist showing it is safe? I haven't and it's been almost 1 year since I set the data free.
That epidemiologist (Janine) has rainbows in her photo. I'm not optimistic that she will produce a report that supports your interpretation of the data. More than likely, it will just regurgitate the government view (best vaccine EVAH!!).
I've seen three analyses of NZ data, one by Scoop McGoo, https://open.substack.com/pub/scoopsmcgoo/p/leaked-pay-per-dose-data-shows-so?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android&r=14q8is another by Ben at USMortality , https://open.substack.com/pub/usmortality/p/new-zealands-all-cause-deaths-and?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android&r=14q8is and henjin at https://open.substack.com/pub/stevekirsch/p/the-simplest-way-to-show-the-covid?r=14q8is&utm_campaign=comment-list-share-cta&utm_medium=web&comments=true&commentId=67053913 I found an obvious error in the Scoop McGoo v.7 spreadsheets and pointed it out on your substack comments. henjin pointed out a second error, which I believe is correct also, in the link above. Ben did a good job of analyzing the Chris Johnson FOI data dump from NZ MOH. I believe henjin is the most thorough and needs to be taken seriously. Regarding the matter of who is among the unvaccinated, well I'm one of them; my wife also. To be counted as a potential member of the population in the HSU, you had to either nave a NHI number, or had to have visited a doctor at least once since 2018, I believe. There are many who were in neither category and therefore not counted in the potential vaccination population. I will dig further on this. Note that I challenged the MOH on their published figures which claimed that at one stage in May of 2022, the unjabbed were 15% of the covid hospitalized, but comprised only 3 % of the population. I used population data from Stats NZ and vaccination data from the MOH to show that the unjabbed actually made up 16 % of the population. They never challenged that figure and immediately stopped publishing the hospitalized % by vaccination status. Even to this day, world tracking of national vaccination rates shows NZ at around 83-84 % jabbed.
The Czech Republic is still publishing hospitalization data by vaccination status and age group up to the present day. Compared to New Zealand, the Czech Republic also has better public data available for the number of vaccinated people by age group and date, so you can calculate the vaccinated and unvaccinated population sizes more accurately.
But when I calculated a monthly age-standardized hospitalization rate, it was about 8.4 times higher in unvaccinated people than vaccinated people during the peak in March 2021, about 5.0 higher in November 2021, about 3.5 times higher in February 2022, about 1.8 times higher in October 2022, and only about 1.5 times higher in December 2023: sars2.net/czech3.html#Age_standardized_hospitalization_rate_by_vaccination_status. I think it might be if unvaccinated people gradually gained natural immunity over time, so vaccinated people gradually lost their immunization advantage after unvaccinated people also became immunized.
NZ MOH claimed similar advantage for the vaccinated, but when I pointed out that in the general population of Unvaccinated only around 15% of them reported their covid status to the government, it brought their hospitalization back to even with the vaccinated. But when hospital administrators pointed out that the majority of their covid positive cases in hospital were not there for Covid, the government started only publishing the vax status of “real” Covid cases, decided by government bureaucrats who were paid to quell vaccine hesitancy. This removed hundreds of hospitalizations from the records in July 2022. I captured the weekly updates for two years and over the next 12-months the figures reverted to higher death rates for vaxxed hospitalized and equal rates for ICU admissions. Guess what? they stopped doing after that. Yep, they stopped publishing by March 2023. I personally know no unvaccinated person who went to hospital, and I know hundreds. in May of 2024, they stopped publishing the vax status of Covid deaths because they went negative for the vaccinated. I asked the MOH why and received no answer. I cannot vouch for Czeck data, but I believe they would employ similar tricks to the NZ MOH because most nations were in lockstep as per Event 201.
Yes, I agree. I have had a brief look at your website for the Czech data and it looks impressive. One has to look at comorbidities on death certificates to see what really caused the death. Not all old people die in hospital. Most die in nursing homes rather than moving them to hospital. In my mother’s rest home, five died in a week, including my mother; this was after a Covid outbreak where 34 of the 100 residents contracted Covid. My mothers death certificate had Covid listed as one of the causes of death, yet the nursing home did not specify Covid for any of the five deaths. It shows that the data can be manipulated to prop up whatever story you choose.
Back when you first did this, I felt the PNEU chart showing "what a safe shot looks like" was the touchstone for the rest of your chart presentations. I still love that chart. "This is what safe looks like."
Here's an idea. Calculate a (21-day?) moving average of PNEU (presented as a single line) and overlay it on the other medicare charts. The divergence from safety will be really obvious.
The list of illnesses not exacerbated by man-modified Covid and the unsafe 'EXPERIMENTAL' mRNA injected poisons is far smaller that the extensive list of human harms caused by the deadly injections they call 'VACCINES'. So much so, that our everyday language has altered post Covid and DEADLY Covid vax.
Rarely used words and expressions have become 'everyday' conversation since Pfizer vax (et al) were justified and recommended by other corrupted organisations like the FDA, CDC, who financially benefit from the ill gotten proceeds of the Death Shot!
'Excess Deaths' in the UK compared to pre-2020 now stands at PLUS 8%.
+1% would cause concern. +2% would be extremely worrying and require a Public Enquiry!
8% is OFF THE SCALE but, because we all know why this number is so massive, the authorities hide the facts to allow the expensive deadly injections to continue to be marketed so the profits can be shared!
Plus 8% in Excess Deaths = No action!
If Pfizer et al, accepted LIABILITY Excess Deaths would slowly level off. I say 'slowly' because the damage has already been injected into unsuspecting vax recipients, who believed the lies and propaganda. Be warned the next Scamdemic is being prepared by the CORRUPT but defunct World Health Organisation who seem to favour MonkeyPox (MoneyPox) over Bird Flu. Both of which have been made more dangerous in laboratories using Gain of Function (DoD Bioweapon) technology.
You have been warned - NO MORE mRNA VACCINES, they are dangerous and can kill!
Unjabbed Mick. I'll live longer without corrupt medical intervention.
Hey steve! Color me late to the party... i just ordered Fenton's book and saw you contributed commentary on it. It cites you as "Steve Kirsch phd"... i didn't know you had a phd! (Most only articles just mention your bachelor's and master's.) Is this a recent development?
WE know that the data shows more deaths. WE can see that. It's pretty darned obvious. The worldwide data pretty well says the same thing! Deaths are up. Births are down. It's all bad.
But most of the people's incomes on your Substack aren't determined by adhering to the covid narrative, so of course we can see it! However, most medical people's incomes ARE. So it's not in their best interest to shun the vaccine cash cow and somehow pretend that their work is still righteous and good and continue on. It's in fact in their best interest (as they see it) to keep going around with blinders on (which they don't think they have on!). And so they do!
The reason the government/medical establishment is not going to admit outright that their covid jabs are evil is because it would be a suicide mission. You'll only get that when the whole medical system is crumbling - and I don't see that happening any time soon. Not while people blindly believe in medical practitioners - or ANY practitioners! Problem is, if people can't question things, then there cannot be any science.
I know you want people in power to admit that something was wrong, but it's not going to happen, no matter how much you push.
Perhaps we should see how the state of Kansas goes with their court case against Pfizer! We'll see if your US judges are as bought as ours in Oz....! But even if Kansas wins against misleading and deceptive claims (The Kansas Attorney General is concerned with whether Pfizer’s actions and statements relating to its Covid-19 vaccine violated the Kansas Consumer Protection Act), it won't require Pfizer or the Feds to admit that their injections are actually killing people - just that their jabs weren't as effective as they advertised. They may get another fine, and that will be that.
However, I appreciate that you keep finding holes in the covid narrative, and it's important that you do this, otherwise it gives all the green lights in the world for a one world order and for pharmaceutical nastiness to engulf the world. It may not seem like we're achieving anything with our standing and fighting, because we're not winning court cases or watching Pfizer go into administration, but if we do NOT keep at it, they keep going even harder. Small wins, I suppose! This pushback is actually so important, even if they never admit they were wrong. So keep up the good work, Steve!
Well done, Steve. Perhaps the most crushing realization is that cowardice defines our age. These people don't want to investigate data nor debate because they're ruled by cowardice. We all experience fear; cowardice is relinquishing control to that fear.
I was wondering why the recent Scandinavian data on sudden deaths failed to include Sweden on the list. But I now get it: Sweden built a better herd immunity with no lockdowns, no distancing rules since the minister in charge of policies during C19 was a virologist.
They had to exclude Sweden from the data... the lower deaths in Sweden would be a stark contrast to the other countries, and reveal, in black and white, that the excess deaths are related to what took place during C19 (=vaccines), and nothing else. So better keep Sweden out so people won't start asking questions....
All this makes me so angry. I worked in healthcare during the pandemic and we were required to get jabbed. My medical director even went so far as to say that I should call the Dr of my husband and tell her she needed to make my hubby get the jab. He then told someone he couldn’t wait for his kids to get jabbed. I left that facility, no idea how he feels now. Just the blindness of the medical industrial complex
Steve, I appreciate all the work you have put in on this analysis and all your analyses. I'm proud to be a paying member of your Substack to support you in all the work you're doing on behalf of humanity. If you had wanted to, you probably could have had a retirement of playing golf or traveling, but instead you work on behalf of all of us, and open yourself up to unfounded criticism, and being known to Big Pharma and the other powers that be.
On a personal note, I listened to the wrong people several years ago, did not have the right information to make an informed consent, and feel duped into getting the jab. I'm now listening to the right people such as you, Dr. Peter Mccullough, and Dr. John Campbell (who had a 180 degree about-face about the jab). I feel fortunate to be here, unlike the people I knew who died suddenly.
“ In other words, all the people pushing the shots are either bought off to look the other way or they are simply sheep following the herd and ignoring the record-level data that is now in full public view.”
I can think of at least one more reason why those people refuse to look at the data because it may reveal the truth and that they were dead wrong about the jabs. Think about it. The great majority of those people probably had their family members, friends and maybe themselves jabbed. They may have had many people fired for refusing the jabs. If they were to admit they were wrong about the jabs, they would likely face what Berry Young is facing - jail time - plus it would mean a suicide on the professional and personal level. So, they’ve probably decided to numb their conscience somehow (if they have such a thing as a conscience at all) and decided not to look at the data just in case it exposes their wrongdoing…
“When there’s no way out, you find a deeper way in.”
I can think of an example of a cardiologist who works with one of my family members. He knew the mRNA jabs cause myocarditis. However, he was persuaded to believe myocarditis due to the “vaccines” was temporary. His own short experience with the vaccines seemed to suggest that too. So, he recommended having his son vaccinated because he wanted to travel. A couple of years later his son developed a heart condition. He may even need a heart transplant. What will the cardiologist do? Will he investigate the vaccines as a possible cause of the heart condition he had recommended to his son? Will he take responsibility for his actions? Or, will he look the other way and blame other causes, such as covid-19 infection?
Is this cardiologist’s situation much different than those immunologists who refuse to look at the vaccine data?
“When there’s no way out, you find a deeper way in.”
One aspect of the NZ data missed by most analysts is that they do not factor in the non pharmaceutical interventions that existed in NZ from mid-2021 through to mid-2022. As an island state that saw what was happening months earlier in other countries, they locked down the borders and were super vigilant with protecting the elderly from circulation. This prevented over 1000 normal winter season deaths in each year of that time period. So what we saw in 2020, where we had a record low death rate, especially in the 65+, should have continued in 2021 and 2022, before Covid really hir. If you overlay the weekly death rates, from Stats NZ of those older age cohorts, you see something flipped around week18 of 2021, where the death rate showed a step increase, despite the strict restrictions and no Covid, or flu about. One would need to lo to look at the causes of death on death certificates and vaccination dates to get a handle on this. Vaccination status, as published by NZ MOH wouldn't be a reliable source as they delayed rhe assignment of 'vaccinated' by weeks, or even months. Ben, at USMortality plays with rhis scenario to show how this effects the Crude Mortality Rates over time. If it wasn't the flu, or other winter malaise that precipitated the step in 2021, what was it. It can't be population, as the NZ population stalled over that period . It can't be aging as those effects require a generation pass through. I speak from experience hers; my mother was in a nursing home at the time. I visited her in early May of 2021. I needed a PCR test to see her AND they were just about to start requiring proof of a flu jab. Everyone was temperature tested. This was all new.
That epidemiologist (Janine) has rainbows in her photo. I'm not optimistic that she will produce a report that supports your interpretation of the data. More than likely, it will just regurgitate the government view (best vaccine EVAH!!).
Don't forget 'Safe & Effective' with 'ZERO LIABILITY' when it ain't! Unjabbed Mick (UK).
You can't get a job in the NZ government unless you area vaccine worshipper. As a result there are no decent epidemiologists in there.
she's had MONTHS to produce her analysis. NOTHING!!!! That tells you she can't dispute it.
You are being shunned Steve.
hi Steve,
I've seen three analyses of NZ data, one by Scoop McGoo, https://open.substack.com/pub/scoopsmcgoo/p/leaked-pay-per-dose-data-shows-so?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android&r=14q8is another by Ben at USMortality , https://open.substack.com/pub/usmortality/p/new-zealands-all-cause-deaths-and?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android&r=14q8is and henjin at https://open.substack.com/pub/stevekirsch/p/the-simplest-way-to-show-the-covid?r=14q8is&utm_campaign=comment-list-share-cta&utm_medium=web&comments=true&commentId=67053913 I found an obvious error in the Scoop McGoo v.7 spreadsheets and pointed it out on your substack comments. henjin pointed out a second error, which I believe is correct also, in the link above. Ben did a good job of analyzing the Chris Johnson FOI data dump from NZ MOH. I believe henjin is the most thorough and needs to be taken seriously. Regarding the matter of who is among the unvaccinated, well I'm one of them; my wife also. To be counted as a potential member of the population in the HSU, you had to either nave a NHI number, or had to have visited a doctor at least once since 2018, I believe. There are many who were in neither category and therefore not counted in the potential vaccination population. I will dig further on this. Note that I challenged the MOH on their published figures which claimed that at one stage in May of 2022, the unjabbed were 15% of the covid hospitalized, but comprised only 3 % of the population. I used population data from Stats NZ and vaccination data from the MOH to show that the unjabbed actually made up 16 % of the population. They never challenged that figure and immediately stopped publishing the hospitalized % by vaccination status. Even to this day, world tracking of national vaccination rates shows NZ at around 83-84 % jabbed.
The Czech Republic is still publishing hospitalization data by vaccination status and age group up to the present day. Compared to New Zealand, the Czech Republic also has better public data available for the number of vaccinated people by age group and date, so you can calculate the vaccinated and unvaccinated population sizes more accurately.
But when I calculated a monthly age-standardized hospitalization rate, it was about 8.4 times higher in unvaccinated people than vaccinated people during the peak in March 2021, about 5.0 higher in November 2021, about 3.5 times higher in February 2022, about 1.8 times higher in October 2022, and only about 1.5 times higher in December 2023: sars2.net/czech3.html#Age_standardized_hospitalization_rate_by_vaccination_status. I think it might be if unvaccinated people gradually gained natural immunity over time, so vaccinated people gradually lost their immunization advantage after unvaccinated people also became immunized.
NZ MOH claimed similar advantage for the vaccinated, but when I pointed out that in the general population of Unvaccinated only around 15% of them reported their covid status to the government, it brought their hospitalization back to even with the vaccinated. But when hospital administrators pointed out that the majority of their covid positive cases in hospital were not there for Covid, the government started only publishing the vax status of “real” Covid cases, decided by government bureaucrats who were paid to quell vaccine hesitancy. This removed hundreds of hospitalizations from the records in July 2022. I captured the weekly updates for two years and over the next 12-months the figures reverted to higher death rates for vaxxed hospitalized and equal rates for ICU admissions. Guess what? they stopped doing after that. Yep, they stopped publishing by March 2023. I personally know no unvaccinated person who went to hospital, and I know hundreds. in May of 2024, they stopped publishing the vax status of Covid deaths because they went negative for the vaccinated. I asked the MOH why and received no answer. I cannot vouch for Czeck data, but I believe they would employ similar tricks to the NZ MOH because most nations were in lockstep as per Event 201.
You have to adjust the hospitalization analysis for age, because old people are more likely to be vaccinated and old people are more likely to be hospitalized. Or you have to split it out by age group like I did here: sars2.net/czech3.html#Hospitalizations_by_age_group_and_vaccination_status.
Yes, I agree. I have had a brief look at your website for the Czech data and it looks impressive. One has to look at comorbidities on death certificates to see what really caused the death. Not all old people die in hospital. Most die in nursing homes rather than moving them to hospital. In my mother’s rest home, five died in a week, including my mother; this was after a Covid outbreak where 34 of the 100 residents contracted Covid. My mothers death certificate had Covid listed as one of the causes of death, yet the nursing home did not specify Covid for any of the five deaths. It shows that the data can be manipulated to prop up whatever story you choose.
thanks. I love how they stop publishing the stats right after they realize that the stats show that the vaccine doesn't work.
There have been several exchanges between all three parties in the comments sections of the links above.
absolutely right on the obits.
Shiva relies on ad hominem attacks. When challenged on the data, he resorts to ad hominem attacks.
He's a turd. I never expected anything wiser to come out of him.
Back when you first did this, I felt the PNEU chart showing "what a safe shot looks like" was the touchstone for the rest of your chart presentations. I still love that chart. "This is what safe looks like."
Here's an idea. Calculate a (21-day?) moving average of PNEU (presented as a single line) and overlay it on the other medicare charts. The divergence from safety will be really obvious.
Thanks again Steve! Great work.
The list of illnesses not exacerbated by man-modified Covid and the unsafe 'EXPERIMENTAL' mRNA injected poisons is far smaller that the extensive list of human harms caused by the deadly injections they call 'VACCINES'. So much so, that our everyday language has altered post Covid and DEADLY Covid vax.
Rarely used words and expressions have become 'everyday' conversation since Pfizer vax (et al) were justified and recommended by other corrupted organisations like the FDA, CDC, who financially benefit from the ill gotten proceeds of the Death Shot!
Examples; "Excess Deaths", 'Myocarditis', 'Blood clots', 'Died suddenly', Autism, etc, etc,.
'Excess Deaths' in the UK compared to pre-2020 now stands at PLUS 8%.
+1% would cause concern. +2% would be extremely worrying and require a Public Enquiry!
8% is OFF THE SCALE but, because we all know why this number is so massive, the authorities hide the facts to allow the expensive deadly injections to continue to be marketed so the profits can be shared!
Plus 8% in Excess Deaths = No action!
If Pfizer et al, accepted LIABILITY Excess Deaths would slowly level off. I say 'slowly' because the damage has already been injected into unsuspecting vax recipients, who believed the lies and propaganda. Be warned the next Scamdemic is being prepared by the CORRUPT but defunct World Health Organisation who seem to favour MonkeyPox (MoneyPox) over Bird Flu. Both of which have been made more dangerous in laboratories using Gain of Function (DoD Bioweapon) technology.
You have been warned - NO MORE mRNA VACCINES, they are dangerous and can kill!
Unjabbed Mick. I'll live longer without corrupt medical intervention.
Hey steve! Color me late to the party... i just ordered Fenton's book and saw you contributed commentary on it. It cites you as "Steve Kirsch phd"... i didn't know you had a phd! (Most only articles just mention your bachelor's and master's.) Is this a recent development?
WE know that the data shows more deaths. WE can see that. It's pretty darned obvious. The worldwide data pretty well says the same thing! Deaths are up. Births are down. It's all bad.
But most of the people's incomes on your Substack aren't determined by adhering to the covid narrative, so of course we can see it! However, most medical people's incomes ARE. So it's not in their best interest to shun the vaccine cash cow and somehow pretend that their work is still righteous and good and continue on. It's in fact in their best interest (as they see it) to keep going around with blinders on (which they don't think they have on!). And so they do!
The reason the government/medical establishment is not going to admit outright that their covid jabs are evil is because it would be a suicide mission. You'll only get that when the whole medical system is crumbling - and I don't see that happening any time soon. Not while people blindly believe in medical practitioners - or ANY practitioners! Problem is, if people can't question things, then there cannot be any science.
I know you want people in power to admit that something was wrong, but it's not going to happen, no matter how much you push.
Perhaps we should see how the state of Kansas goes with their court case against Pfizer! We'll see if your US judges are as bought as ours in Oz....! But even if Kansas wins against misleading and deceptive claims (The Kansas Attorney General is concerned with whether Pfizer’s actions and statements relating to its Covid-19 vaccine violated the Kansas Consumer Protection Act), it won't require Pfizer or the Feds to admit that their injections are actually killing people - just that their jabs weren't as effective as they advertised. They may get another fine, and that will be that.
However, I appreciate that you keep finding holes in the covid narrative, and it's important that you do this, otherwise it gives all the green lights in the world for a one world order and for pharmaceutical nastiness to engulf the world. It may not seem like we're achieving anything with our standing and fighting, because we're not winning court cases or watching Pfizer go into administration, but if we do NOT keep at it, they keep going even harder. Small wins, I suppose! This pushback is actually so important, even if they never admit they were wrong. So keep up the good work, Steve!
Well done, Steve. Perhaps the most crushing realization is that cowardice defines our age. These people don't want to investigate data nor debate because they're ruled by cowardice. We all experience fear; cowardice is relinquishing control to that fear.
Die early.
I was wondering why the recent Scandinavian data on sudden deaths failed to include Sweden on the list. But I now get it: Sweden built a better herd immunity with no lockdowns, no distancing rules since the minister in charge of policies during C19 was a virologist.
They had to exclude Sweden from the data... the lower deaths in Sweden would be a stark contrast to the other countries, and reveal, in black and white, that the excess deaths are related to what took place during C19 (=vaccines), and nothing else. So better keep Sweden out so people won't start asking questions....
All this makes me so angry. I worked in healthcare during the pandemic and we were required to get jabbed. My medical director even went so far as to say that I should call the Dr of my husband and tell her she needed to make my hubby get the jab. He then told someone he couldn’t wait for his kids to get jabbed. I left that facility, no idea how he feels now. Just the blindness of the medical industrial complex
Steve, I appreciate all the work you have put in on this analysis and all your analyses. I'm proud to be a paying member of your Substack to support you in all the work you're doing on behalf of humanity. If you had wanted to, you probably could have had a retirement of playing golf or traveling, but instead you work on behalf of all of us, and open yourself up to unfounded criticism, and being known to Big Pharma and the other powers that be.
On a personal note, I listened to the wrong people several years ago, did not have the right information to make an informed consent, and feel duped into getting the jab. I'm now listening to the right people such as you, Dr. Peter Mccullough, and Dr. John Campbell (who had a 180 degree about-face about the jab). I feel fortunate to be here, unlike the people I knew who died suddenly.
“ In other words, all the people pushing the shots are either bought off to look the other way or they are simply sheep following the herd and ignoring the record-level data that is now in full public view.”
I can think of at least one more reason why those people refuse to look at the data because it may reveal the truth and that they were dead wrong about the jabs. Think about it. The great majority of those people probably had their family members, friends and maybe themselves jabbed. They may have had many people fired for refusing the jabs. If they were to admit they were wrong about the jabs, they would likely face what Berry Young is facing - jail time - plus it would mean a suicide on the professional and personal level. So, they’ve probably decided to numb their conscience somehow (if they have such a thing as a conscience at all) and decided not to look at the data just in case it exposes their wrongdoing…
“When there’s no way out, you find a deeper way in.”
I can think of an example of a cardiologist who works with one of my family members. He knew the mRNA jabs cause myocarditis. However, he was persuaded to believe myocarditis due to the “vaccines” was temporary. His own short experience with the vaccines seemed to suggest that too. So, he recommended having his son vaccinated because he wanted to travel. A couple of years later his son developed a heart condition. He may even need a heart transplant. What will the cardiologist do? Will he investigate the vaccines as a possible cause of the heart condition he had recommended to his son? Will he take responsibility for his actions? Or, will he look the other way and blame other causes, such as covid-19 infection?
Is this cardiologist’s situation much different than those immunologists who refuse to look at the vaccine data?
“When there’s no way out, you find a deeper way in.”
One aspect of the NZ data missed by most analysts is that they do not factor in the non pharmaceutical interventions that existed in NZ from mid-2021 through to mid-2022. As an island state that saw what was happening months earlier in other countries, they locked down the borders and were super vigilant with protecting the elderly from circulation. This prevented over 1000 normal winter season deaths in each year of that time period. So what we saw in 2020, where we had a record low death rate, especially in the 65+, should have continued in 2021 and 2022, before Covid really hir. If you overlay the weekly death rates, from Stats NZ of those older age cohorts, you see something flipped around week18 of 2021, where the death rate showed a step increase, despite the strict restrictions and no Covid, or flu about. One would need to lo to look at the causes of death on death certificates and vaccination dates to get a handle on this. Vaccination status, as published by NZ MOH wouldn't be a reliable source as they delayed rhe assignment of 'vaccinated' by weeks, or even months. Ben, at USMortality plays with rhis scenario to show how this effects the Crude Mortality Rates over time. If it wasn't the flu, or other winter malaise that precipitated the step in 2021, what was it. It can't be population, as the NZ population stalled over that period . It can't be aging as those effects require a generation pass through. I speak from experience hers; my mother was in a nursing home at the time. I visited her in early May of 2021. I needed a PCR test to see her AND they were just about to start requiring proof of a flu jab. Everyone was temperature tested. This was all new.
There's good reason to review and archive this. This kind of data is causing some of the health care professionals stop practicing.