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hi Steve,

I've seen three analyses of NZ data, one by Scoop McGoo, https://open.substack.com/pub/scoopsmcgoo/p/leaked-pay-per-dose-data-shows-so?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android&r=14q8is another by Ben at USMortality , https://open.substack.com/pub/usmortality/p/new-zealands-all-cause-deaths-and?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android&r=14q8is and henjin at https://open.substack.com/pub/stevekirsch/p/the-simplest-way-to-show-the-covid?r=14q8is&utm_campaign=comment-list-share-cta&utm_medium=web&comments=true&commentId=67053913 I found an obvious error in the Scoop McGoo v.7 spreadsheets and pointed it out on your substack comments. henjin pointed out a second error, which I believe is correct also, in the link above. Ben did a good job of analyzing the Chris Johnson FOI data dump from NZ MOH. I believe henjin is the most thorough and needs to be taken seriously. Regarding the matter of who is among the unvaccinated, well I'm one of them; my wife also. To be counted as a potential member of the population in the HSU, you had to either nave a NHI number, or had to have visited a doctor at least once since 2018, I believe. There are many who were in neither category and therefore not counted in the potential vaccination population. I will dig further on this. Note that I challenged the MOH on their published figures which claimed that at one stage in May of 2022, the unjabbed were 15% of the covid hospitalized, but comprised only 3 % of the population. I used population data from Stats NZ and vaccination data from the MOH to show that the unjabbed actually made up 16 % of the population. They never challenged that figure and immediately stopped publishing the hospitalized % by vaccination status. Even to this day, world tracking of national vaccination rates shows NZ at around 83-84 % jabbed.

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The Czech Republic is still publishing hospitalization data by vaccination status and age group up to the present day. Compared to New Zealand, the Czech Republic also has better public data available for the number of vaccinated people by age group and date, so you can calculate the vaccinated and unvaccinated population sizes more accurately.

But when I calculated a monthly age-standardized hospitalization rate, it was about 8.4 times higher in unvaccinated people than vaccinated people during the peak in March 2021, about 5.0 higher in November 2021, about 3.5 times higher in February 2022, about 1.8 times higher in October 2022, and only about 1.5 times higher in December 2023: sars2.net/czech3.html#Age_standardized_hospitalization_rate_by_vaccination_status. I think it might be if unvaccinated people gradually gained natural immunity over time, so vaccinated people gradually lost their immunization advantage after unvaccinated people also became immunized.

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NZ MOH claimed similar advantage for the vaccinated, but when I pointed out that in the general population of Unvaccinated only around 15% of them reported their covid status to the government, it brought their hospitalization back to even with the vaccinated. But when hospital administrators pointed out that the majority of their covid positive cases in hospital were not there for Covid, the government started only publishing the vax status of “real” Covid cases, decided by government bureaucrats who were paid to quell vaccine hesitancy. This removed hundreds of hospitalizations from the records in July 2022. I captured the weekly updates for two years and over the next 12-months the figures reverted to higher death rates for vaxxed hospitalized and equal rates for ICU admissions. Guess what? they stopped doing after that. Yep, they stopped publishing by March 2023. I personally know no unvaccinated person who went to hospital, and I know hundreds. in May of 2024, they stopped publishing the vax status of Covid deaths because they went negative for the vaccinated. I asked the MOH why and received no answer. I cannot vouch for Czeck data, but I believe they would employ similar tricks to the NZ MOH because most nations were in lockstep as per Event 201.

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You have to adjust the hospitalization analysis for age, because old people are more likely to be vaccinated and old people are more likely to be hospitalized. Or you have to split it out by age group like I did here: sars2.net/czech3.html#Hospitalizations_by_age_group_and_vaccination_status.

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Yes, I agree. I have had a brief look at your website for the Czech data and it looks impressive. One has to look at comorbidities on death certificates to see what really caused the death. Not all old people die in hospital. Most die in nursing homes rather than moving them to hospital. In my mother’s rest home, five died in a week, including my mother; this was after a Covid outbreak where 34 of the 100 residents contracted Covid. My mothers death certificate had Covid listed as one of the causes of death, yet the nursing home did not specify Covid for any of the five deaths. It shows that the data can be manipulated to prop up whatever story you choose.

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thanks. I love how they stop publishing the stats right after they realize that the stats show that the vaccine doesn't work.

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There have been several exchanges between all three parties in the comments sections of the links above.

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