That epidemiologist (Janine) has rainbows in her photo. I'm not optimistic that she will produce a report that supports your interpretation of the data. More than likely, it will just regurgitate the government view (best vaccine EVAH!!).
That epidemiologist (Janine) has rainbows in her photo. I'm not optimistic that she will produce a report that supports your interpretation of the data. More than likely, it will just regurgitate the government view (best vaccine EVAH!!).
That epidemiologist (Janine) has rainbows in her photo. I'm not optimistic that she will produce a report that supports your interpretation of the data. More than likely, it will just regurgitate the government view (best vaccine EVAH!!).
Don't forget 'Safe & Effective' with 'ZERO LIABILITY' when it ain't! Unjabbed Mick (UK).
You can't get a job in the NZ government unless you area vaccine worshipper. As a result there are no decent epidemiologists in there.
she's had MONTHS to produce her analysis. NOTHING!!!! That tells you she can't dispute it.
You are being shunned Steve.