Sweden decides against vax for kids ages 5 to 12
CNN didn't think this was newsworthy enough to mention, so I wanted to make sure everyone knew. Meanwhile, US Surgeon General says big tech should silence scientists like Malone who disagree with him.
Here’s the Reuter’s article on Sweden and the COVID vaccines:
Sweden couldn’t find any benefit of the COVID vaccines since the rates of serious disease are so low.
Here in the US, we can’t find any benefit either, but that doesn’t matter. In fact, the risk-benefit analysis is strongly negative. Here’s the risk benefit analysis for kids in the US done by Dr. Toby Rogers:
Nobody wants to discuss this analysis.
According to this article, U.S. Surgeon General Vivek Murthy in fact thinks that nobody should even know about analyses like this.
They are smart. They know that censorship is the only option when you don’t have any of the facts on your side.
I really think Rogan should invite Murthy on his show. I predict Murthy will decline. What do you think?
Clearly Sweden can still think rationally and not be coerced by: US Fauci money; big pharma; Billy g; corrupt WHO; nazi countries to their south; etc., unlike Pfisrael.
The problem with this country is that you can't take off your glove and slap it across a man's face anymore.