Pathologist reports a stunning 52% increase in cancer risk for ages 15-59 who were vaxxed
I just interviewed a pathologist in Croatia who told me about a study she did which shows a 52% increase in carcinomas (all stages) in ages 15-59 who took the jab. She refuses to be vaxxed
Executive summary
I just interviewed Ivana Pavic, a pathologist in Croatia.
She did a careful study in Croatia and found that while 55% of the 15 to 59 year olds are vaccinated, 65% of the carcinoma cases in that age group had one or more shots.
If you do the math, it means that the COVID vaccines increased your risk of getting cancer by a whopping 52%. Did they warn you about that before they gave you the shots?
I called up John Beaudoin and he was nonplussed: “I’m surprised it was so low.”
In short, this is a train wreck, and there is no other explanation for this differential since the only difference between the groups was whether they were vaccinated or not.
The full interview
The study referenced in the interview
The math
The easiest way to visualize this is you start with 100 people: 55 vax, 45 unvaxxed.
Suppose your cancer risk is 10% for both groups.
Then you’d have 5.5 and 4.5 which is 55% vaxxed.
To get to a 65% ratio, it would mean that more vaxxed people got cancer: 8.342 people.
So you then take 8.342/5.5=1.517.
So a 52% increase over baseline risk.
Ivana isn’t taking any shots and she doesn’t recommend them for anyone.
She is not alone. Hardly anyone in Croatia is opting for the shots anymore either, even though 99% of the doctors recommend them as safe and effective. Maybe I can get one of them to come on camera with me to explain their recommendation.
America's downturn started years ago with the emhasis on regular trips to the doctor in raising children in the fifties...and I was a young mother who went along with this to the detriment of my first child. The doctor's dieary advice, shots, tranquilzers at 4, etc. totally harmed my son from the beginning. This was the beginning of the end for America, too. Relying on doctors for advice. The health statistics for America show that the health of Americans has declined greatly in the last 60 years. The Food industry and the Medical Industry are two of the biggest culprits in this fiasco. They are both responsible for the poor health of Americans. Childhood Vaccines were bad enough, but the ingredients in this CV-19 were the worst ...and Big Pharma is still promoting them. What kind of a world do we live in today...where an industry is permitted to keep on selling products that are destroying so many lives daily?
I'm old enough to remember seeing moms take pictures of their kids getting the Covid vaccine and posting it on Facebook. They said things like, "I'm so proud of her!" "She did her part." "We're all in this together!" In reality, the five-year-old daughter had no idea what was going on and the moms were virtue signaling and using their kids for social media clicks/credit. It was totally the "in thing" to do.