NOTE: The same statement applies to mainstream doctors who are publicly promoting the vaccines as “safe and effective.” I can’t get a recorded discussion with any of them either. Not a single one. They don’t like to be challenged either.
I'm a licensed MD and I will go on your site and admit that the C19 vaccines are completely unsafe and harmfully ineffective. Call anytime
The person who created the term "pack journalism" nailed it. As far as I can tell, 99.9 percent of mainstream journalists follow the pack. There is no "diversity" of thought in today's newsrooms. Any story or investigation that might challenge the authorized narrative is off limits. Everyone in these newsrooms knows what stories they can write ... and, more importantly, what stories or investigations they cannot write.
Steve is right. Pick the big newspapers in any state. Now name one or two reporters at these newspapers who have written ANY story that challenges any of the key Covid narratives. I don't think anyone can find more than a handful of such examples. There must be millions of Covid stories that have been written by corporate journalists in the last 27 months. Maybe 10 or 20 of these stories have touched on "taboo" topics. So, what's that? 0.0001 percent of the "Covid journalism' has been skeptical? Boy, that's really great.
Bottom-line: The members of the "pack" are ALL captured. Until this changes, probably nothing changes.
I'm a licensed MD and I will go on your site and admit that the C19 vaccines are completely unsafe and harmfully ineffective. Call anytime
The person who created the term "pack journalism" nailed it. As far as I can tell, 99.9 percent of mainstream journalists follow the pack. There is no "diversity" of thought in today's newsrooms. Any story or investigation that might challenge the authorized narrative is off limits. Everyone in these newsrooms knows what stories they can write ... and, more importantly, what stories or investigations they cannot write.
Steve is right. Pick the big newspapers in any state. Now name one or two reporters at these newspapers who have written ANY story that challenges any of the key Covid narratives. I don't think anyone can find more than a handful of such examples. There must be millions of Covid stories that have been written by corporate journalists in the last 27 months. Maybe 10 or 20 of these stories have touched on "taboo" topics. So, what's that? 0.0001 percent of the "Covid journalism' has been skeptical? Boy, that's really great.
Bottom-line: The members of the "pack" are ALL captured. Until this changes, probably nothing changes.