A new paper by Girma and Paton shows a dubious, small, short-lived benefit in initial vaccination on nursing home residents. For boosters, the effect was HARMFUL and HIGHLY statistically significant.
I got inspired to write about this after you first brought attention to it, Steve. Please keep up the good work.
But for total clarity, your highlighted impacts were all resident impacts (as you say), but over on the right side of the data table, there are factor effects for impacts on the staff as well (statistically-significant "days missed" of work after taking the COVID booster shot).
Thank you for keeping this info free. AR least broke people with three young kids can still get most access. There's a Canadian doctor that's holding potentially life saving info and dangling it for subscribers! Like at least post the links or titles of the studies he's commenting about and let people pay if they want to read his take on the studies!
Surely Steve, you can only suggest the "first Covid injection helped save lives" if you could compare Nursing Homes PARTICIPATING in the 'Covid Vax EXPERIMENT' with Nursing Homes that DID NOT PARTICIPATE in the dangerous Experiment'. Otherwise any 'vax benefits' are simply conjecture! Do you understand my reasoning?
My suspicion is that the injections do more harm than good, and these ongoing Covid Vax FATALITIES will increase in time as the poison permeates those who believed in the Death Shot!
I maintain that each extra Covid jab increases the prospects of injuries or DEATH by Vax. Each extra jab reduces Life Expectancy and each extra jab increases vulnerability to many illnesses - exponentially!
Otherwise Big Pharma would not be so paranoid about retaining their 'Licence to Kill' = ZERO LIABILITY!
I sincerely hope that all this excellent work you do finds an authority willing to do something with it to stop the murder and injury. Perhaps the media will take it seriously first but it’s getting late in the game. On a positive note the uptake of the jab at least is way down.
I guess we'll have to read the paper to see how they came up with their "estimates." Even if the method is logical, it's based on BS since all "Covid death" data is untrustworthy. For that reason alone, without even reading it, I feel pretty confident throwing it onto the mountain of other worthless "studies" on "Covid" and the clot shots. The fact that there are so many academics out there making a good living creating junk science is a sad testimony to the state of our society. Even the English is crappy in the excerpts Steve shows. How's that possible with a serious scientific study? I'm no literary guru, but I'd be damn sure any paper I published was clear and concise. Sadly, just about any dingbat can get a paper or book published these days. Imagine what humanity could do if we directed our energy productively.
Remember the Surgisphere paper? Talk about a big fat fraud! That piece of garbage halted the use of hydroxychloroquine for Covid. How many people died because such treatment was demonized and made unavailable??
The Lancet okayed the clearly fraudulent study which never should have passed the muster of peer review! Then it pled ignorance. Really??
The fraud was broadcast far and wide but made no difference at all. The use of hydroxychloroquine for Covid was nixed.
As a sample, the Guardian did call out the fraud, but there was a lot more that wasn't said, like: who FUNDED the study?? As well, co-author of the fraud, Sapan Desai, is facing separate charges of malpractice....PRIOR TO HIS FRAUDULENT PAPER. Did no one check out who he was?
From Wikipedia (of all places):
In February 2020, Desai resigned from Northwest Community Hospital in suburban Arlington Heights, Illinois "for family reasons"; at least four medical malpractice suits had been filed against him.[6][2]
I had never heard the story behind that retracted paper, but it doesn't surprise me. I think there was another one, which was also designed to discredit hydroxychloroquine, where the subjects were given it both late, and in toxic amounts.
I say, let the liars lie. The powers that enable them will eventually be discredited, and we sure as hell don't want Big Brother telling us what's true. We need less government, not more. In this new "wild west" information environment, we'll just have to learn to do our own homework and elect leaders who enable independent thought and action.
Here is the info on the trials that put an end to hydroxychloroquine, as explained by Dr. Meryl Nass.
Meryl's words:
Situations that were controlled to show no benefit included 3 large, randomized, multi-center clinical trials (Recovery, Solidarity and REMAP-Covid), which are generally believed to yield the most reliable evidence. However, each of them used excessive doses that were known to be toxic; see my previous articles here and here.
It is not just the media that are cowards it is almost the entire entertainment industry as well. You know what they say, "birds of a feather flock together ".
Now I do not know who POLITICO are but allegedly they wrote an article about a meeting that was called by FACEBOOK in FEBRUARY 2020 and what I read made me think this is the ramping up by SECRET POWERS THAT BE to control free speech!? YES/NO?
Just read the following paragraph that I have taken from the article! Then think about and have a debate with family, friends, MSM or at least in your own head!?--- --- ---- In February, Facebook used its headquarters in Menlo Park, California, to host a summit of World Health Organization officials and tech companies about managing the so-called infodemic of fake health news. In early March, before much of corporate American had decided how to handle COVID-19, Facebook shut its offices, sent its 45,000 employees home, and canceled major events more than 13 months out. In April, it waded directly into the political storm around reopening the country, pulling down ads for anti-lockdown protests in places like New Jersey and Nebraska, sparking outrage on the right. Last week, it dramatically announced, in the New York Times, a new “oversight board” to guide its decisions on removing content, made up of an unapologetically globalist mix of academic experts, journalists and political figures.
What drew my attention to this is that I stuck a song ( https://rumble.com/v5d4805-mask-by-roy-mcintosh-video-banned-on-youtube-and-facebook..html ) on FACEBOOK with my take on the world in 2020/21 and got a 3 day ban from making comments and posting on FACEBOOK! My first reaction is that this is like being at school and being stuck in the 'NAUGHTY CORNER'! I also GOOGLED FACEBOOK and the one heading that caught my eye was the POLITICO one--- How Nick Clegg is trying to fix Facebook's global image. YOUTUBE also deleted my videos so I have stopped using FACEBOOK and YOUTUBE!
Mask by Roy McIntosh - video banned on YouTube and Facebook.
Mask by Roy McIntosh Mask, mask, mask with the mighty covid, The Chinese Wizard is on the prowl, Not sure where he his flu tae, But wir telt he'll be back again. Waiting, waiting, waiting fir the seco
MONEY IS THE ROOT OF ALL EVIL! My mother used to say that to me and sure she had taken it from the bible or religious mags she used to read! So when I saw the WORLD HEALTH ORGANISATION being allegedly involved right away I thought that the EVIL TENTICLES of THE SATANIC GATES FOUNDATION shall be well into this and all the SATANIC FOLLOWERS in the fold. That being WEF/UN/ROYALS/UNIS/COUNCILS/MSM etc and even the tiddlers in media such as THE FERRET of Scotland and the TASMANIAN TIMES in Aus. Look at the funding that GATES gives to UNIS/MSM etc and that shall trickle down the SATANIC TENTICLES and be drip fed to to the tiddlers and there shall be many round the world as how do they survive. Sure isn't from sales--YES/NO!?
It is strange but no great shock that this is hardly spoken about by MSM and smaller media outlets. I have only seen the POLITCO article!? Clear that the NARRATIVE has to be followed and step over the line and the funding is chopped!?
Yes, MONEY IS THE ROOT OF ALL EVIL, my Auld Maw sure got that right!
Are there any legal penalties for politicians taking money from Big Pharma to look the other way and to hide the government data on the clot shots? Are there any penalties for directors of the NIH,HHS,CDC,FDA to retire and then accept a position with Big Pharma? Are there any penalties for doctors at the NIH making money on the side from the clot shots? Are there any penalties for taking tax money, sending it to Red China to produce more lethal viruses to kill mankind? No, there are actual financial incentives to do all of this.
Bravo - yet another example. I cannot understand why this product is offered, much less encouraged. Maybe it's the percentages.....I seem to remember that being a difficult subject for some peers. Just because someone is older and bigger, doesn't mean their intelligence and/or knowledge has kept pace through the years.
This article has been corrected to reflect that all measures were resident impacts.
I got inspired to write about this after you first brought attention to it, Steve. Please keep up the good work.
But for total clarity, your highlighted impacts were all resident impacts (as you say), but over on the right side of the data table, there are factor effects for impacts on the staff as well (statistically-significant "days missed" of work after taking the COVID booster shot).
Thank-you for your work, Steve🙂
Embalmers find long white fiberous clots began appearing after Covid vaccination.
Search at Youtube for 4-5 videos.
Thank you for keeping this info free. AR least broke people with three young kids can still get most access. There's a Canadian doctor that's holding potentially life saving info and dangling it for subscribers! Like at least post the links or titles of the studies he's commenting about and let people pay if they want to read his take on the studies!
Surely Steve, you can only suggest the "first Covid injection helped save lives" if you could compare Nursing Homes PARTICIPATING in the 'Covid Vax EXPERIMENT' with Nursing Homes that DID NOT PARTICIPATE in the dangerous Experiment'. Otherwise any 'vax benefits' are simply conjecture! Do you understand my reasoning?
My suspicion is that the injections do more harm than good, and these ongoing Covid Vax FATALITIES will increase in time as the poison permeates those who believed in the Death Shot!
I maintain that each extra Covid jab increases the prospects of injuries or DEATH by Vax. Each extra jab reduces Life Expectancy and each extra jab increases vulnerability to many illnesses - exponentially!
Otherwise Big Pharma would not be so paranoid about retaining their 'Licence to Kill' = ZERO LIABILITY!
Unjabbed Mick (UK).
Thank you, Steve.
This study is so devastating that I had to do a follow-up report on it [ https://deepd1ve.substack.com/p/covid-shots-in-elderly-care-homes ].
Serving the Depopulation Agenda since November 2020….
As Steve and his readers know, all of our important "truth-seeking" organizations never investigate that which they do not want to CONFIRM.
This tells me that the vaccines were working as intended.
I have no need for these studies. All the injected animals died. Pfizer asked for 75 years to release the details.
Wake me up when these jabs are discontinued and justice is served.
Keep up the good work! 👍
I sincerely hope that all this excellent work you do finds an authority willing to do something with it to stop the murder and injury. Perhaps the media will take it seriously first but it’s getting late in the game. On a positive note the uptake of the jab at least is way down.
I guess we'll have to read the paper to see how they came up with their "estimates." Even if the method is logical, it's based on BS since all "Covid death" data is untrustworthy. For that reason alone, without even reading it, I feel pretty confident throwing it onto the mountain of other worthless "studies" on "Covid" and the clot shots. The fact that there are so many academics out there making a good living creating junk science is a sad testimony to the state of our society. Even the English is crappy in the excerpts Steve shows. How's that possible with a serious scientific study? I'm no literary guru, but I'd be damn sure any paper I published was clear and concise. Sadly, just about any dingbat can get a paper or book published these days. Imagine what humanity could do if we directed our energy productively.
Remember the Surgisphere paper? Talk about a big fat fraud! That piece of garbage halted the use of hydroxychloroquine for Covid. How many people died because such treatment was demonized and made unavailable??
The Lancet okayed the clearly fraudulent study which never should have passed the muster of peer review! Then it pled ignorance. Really??
The fraud was broadcast far and wide but made no difference at all. The use of hydroxychloroquine for Covid was nixed.
As a sample, the Guardian did call out the fraud, but there was a lot more that wasn't said, like: who FUNDED the study?? As well, co-author of the fraud, Sapan Desai, is facing separate charges of malpractice....PRIOR TO HIS FRAUDULENT PAPER. Did no one check out who he was?
From Wikipedia (of all places):
In February 2020, Desai resigned from Northwest Community Hospital in suburban Arlington Heights, Illinois "for family reasons"; at least four medical malpractice suits had been filed against him.[6][2]
The Guardian:
Of course, the renowned Prof. John Ioannidis already published the facts about rampant fraudulent research:
Bottom line: the criminals running the Covid scam do whatever they want in plain sight.
I had never heard the story behind that retracted paper, but it doesn't surprise me. I think there was another one, which was also designed to discredit hydroxychloroquine, where the subjects were given it both late, and in toxic amounts.
I say, let the liars lie. The powers that enable them will eventually be discredited, and we sure as hell don't want Big Brother telling us what's true. We need less government, not more. In this new "wild west" information environment, we'll just have to learn to do our own homework and elect leaders who enable independent thought and action.
Here is the info on the trials that put an end to hydroxychloroquine, as explained by Dr. Meryl Nass.
Meryl's words:
Situations that were controlled to show no benefit included 3 large, randomized, multi-center clinical trials (Recovery, Solidarity and REMAP-Covid), which are generally believed to yield the most reliable evidence. However, each of them used excessive doses that were known to be toxic; see my previous articles here and here.
The link to her expose:
Thanks. I will check that out. I like Nass. Her opinions are always very well researched.
It is not just the media that are cowards it is almost the entire entertainment industry as well. You know what they say, "birds of a feather flock together ".
Now I do not know who POLITICO are but allegedly they wrote an article about a meeting that was called by FACEBOOK in FEBRUARY 2020 and what I read made me think this is the ramping up by SECRET POWERS THAT BE to control free speech!? YES/NO?
Just read the following paragraph that I have taken from the article! Then think about and have a debate with family, friends, MSM or at least in your own head!?--- --- ---- In February, Facebook used its headquarters in Menlo Park, California, to host a summit of World Health Organization officials and tech companies about managing the so-called infodemic of fake health news. In early March, before much of corporate American had decided how to handle COVID-19, Facebook shut its offices, sent its 45,000 employees home, and canceled major events more than 13 months out. In April, it waded directly into the political storm around reopening the country, pulling down ads for anti-lockdown protests in places like New Jersey and Nebraska, sparking outrage on the right. Last week, it dramatically announced, in the New York Times, a new “oversight board” to guide its decisions on removing content, made up of an unapologetically globalist mix of academic experts, journalists and political figures.
What drew my attention to this is that I stuck a song ( https://rumble.com/v5d4805-mask-by-roy-mcintosh-video-banned-on-youtube-and-facebook..html ) on FACEBOOK with my take on the world in 2020/21 and got a 3 day ban from making comments and posting on FACEBOOK! My first reaction is that this is like being at school and being stuck in the 'NAUGHTY CORNER'! I also GOOGLED FACEBOOK and the one heading that caught my eye was the POLITICO one--- How Nick Clegg is trying to fix Facebook's global image. YOUTUBE also deleted my videos so I have stopped using FACEBOOK and YOUTUBE!
Mask by Roy McIntosh - video banned on YouTube and Facebook.
Mask by Roy McIntosh Mask, mask, mask with the mighty covid, The Chinese Wizard is on the prowl, Not sure where he his flu tae, But wir telt he'll be back again. Waiting, waiting, waiting fir the seco
MONEY IS THE ROOT OF ALL EVIL! My mother used to say that to me and sure she had taken it from the bible or religious mags she used to read! So when I saw the WORLD HEALTH ORGANISATION being allegedly involved right away I thought that the EVIL TENTICLES of THE SATANIC GATES FOUNDATION shall be well into this and all the SATANIC FOLLOWERS in the fold. That being WEF/UN/ROYALS/UNIS/COUNCILS/MSM etc and even the tiddlers in media such as THE FERRET of Scotland and the TASMANIAN TIMES in Aus. Look at the funding that GATES gives to UNIS/MSM etc and that shall trickle down the SATANIC TENTICLES and be drip fed to to the tiddlers and there shall be many round the world as how do they survive. Sure isn't from sales--YES/NO!?
It is strange but no great shock that this is hardly spoken about by MSM and smaller media outlets. I have only seen the POLITCO article!? Clear that the NARRATIVE has to be followed and step over the line and the funding is chopped!?
Yes, MONEY IS THE ROOT OF ALL EVIL, my Auld Maw sure got that right!
Are there any legal penalties for politicians taking money from Big Pharma to look the other way and to hide the government data on the clot shots? Are there any penalties for directors of the NIH,HHS,CDC,FDA to retire and then accept a position with Big Pharma? Are there any penalties for doctors at the NIH making money on the side from the clot shots? Are there any penalties for taking tax money, sending it to Red China to produce more lethal viruses to kill mankind? No, there are actual financial incentives to do all of this.
Bravo - yet another example. I cannot understand why this product is offered, much less encouraged. Maybe it's the percentages.....I seem to remember that being a difficult subject for some peers. Just because someone is older and bigger, doesn't mean their intelligence and/or knowledge has kept pace through the years.