
This article has been corrected to reflect that all measures were resident impacts.

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Thank-you for your work, Steve🙂

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Horrible. And Waltz in Minnesota is what 10 to 1 on deaths? He had the highest deaths in nursing home patients.

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3 hrs ago·edited 1 hr ago

I wonder how many nursing home staff have been impacted. Maybe the nursing home staff would walk off the job knowing the risks of the COVID jab and its shedding.

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2 hrs ago·edited 1 hr ago

If all nurses and care home staff understood what was REALLY going on I would surmise most would have chosen to get out of Dodge or firmly refused to participate. However, there is something else at play...many health-care workers have been imported. They feel favoured to be here. They paid a lot of money to be here, and they have families back home that need their support. These people, by and large, feel completely indebted to their host countries, and can be sent home in an instant for speaking out. I suspect some would turn a blind eye to questionable things they see going on, UNLESS they come here with a strong ethic. I am NOT prejudice against any race. I merely know what I see. I stand to be corrected.

By the same token, domestic healthcare workers have buckled under and carried out unethical, if not litigious acts of wrongdoing, for monetary gain. Morals and ethics come into it.

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JethrineBeauDean. Lets turn the money spigot and motivation in the other direction. We need something similar to a class action lawsuit against the cigarette industry or asbestos exposure. In filing such a lawsuit you solicit (current and former) workers in nursing homes that have suffered adverse events from the COVID shot and its shedding while educating them on what qualifies as an adverse event.

I am not a lawyer but it seems like something that could get some traction.

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I m not a lawyer. However I do love justice as I am sure you do.

I recently learned that Big Tobacco invested in Big (processed) Food once its market began to dry up. These corrupt entities are rotten to the core. Wherever the profits are you will find them. They corrupt people bit by bit with their lure of wealth.

We have corrupt governments (dictatorships) and corrupt media that continue to misled the masses, hand in glove with Big Money.

History is, unfortunately, 'written' (bent and twisted) by the victors. Unless Someone more powerful than the greedy, amoral entities on earth intervenes the masses will continue to be misled by lies and propaganda...and controlled by threats.

There must be a permanent solution. A global solution. (NOT led by the corrupted U.N.) As well, we need a just authority that sets the standard of right and wrong...and enforces law. In my opinion only a just, loving God, who cares about people, the one who created the earth and life on it, can solve the problems we face. I have these thoughts in my mind constantly.

I believe, as individuals, we can make a difference by our own behaviour and by helping others see the value of respecting and loving God's standards.

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The people who pushed the shots (especially for money) KNOW they are facing the Gallows. What they don't know apparently, is that WHEN they face God Almighty, they just may be shuffled DOWN to the Lake of Fire--and that is for ETERNITY! I hope and pray they REPENT; but the REPROBATE MIND may not allow them to. May God have MERCY on their souls.

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Steve, I never get your columns in my emails - even in my Spam file and I've been a paid subscriber for years.

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Set up a rule on your email.

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It seems that even substacks are not immune to this bullshit...

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I'm starting to think that this "push" to get jabbed is just to confirm the "safe and effective" narrative.

I don't know anyone falling for it...

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I do, alas. Many elderly.

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I am glad Mckeekitty you don't know anyone getting the jab anymore. Sadly, I know folks who have had 10. They must have been using an eleven chamber gun so far.

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> but only in 2 of the 3 measures we used and ONLY in for the first dose

Not "first dose" but "first course", i.e., the primary course of two shots.

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Staff? Seriously?

THEY infected residents of assisted living and nursing homes.

THEY introduced COVID to a fragile population by dumping + in the middle of them

ALL the while assuring family that they would be 'safe'

I know of two cases where the elderly person DIED while sequestered in their room

denied family or friends visits because of COVID

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My dad was one of them. My brother, I trusted with his care, did not inform me, in fact he misdirected me ( I was at sea at the time) later he claimed he was too embarrassed and angry to inform me as the "care" ( death) home he imprisoned our dad in used the excuse of "sexualized behavior" to drug, sedate, vaccinate and imprison dad to death and then claim after 19 negative covid tests that the 20th test, that was positive, 9 days before his death, meant he died of covid and not drugging, abandonment, abuse, isolation and neglect.

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Reach out to Former Feds Group. chbmp.org and share his story.

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I am so sorry 😞. I know so many of the victims and families of the hospital Ave nursing home protocols. It is horrible...

We have a support meeting every Monday night with chbmp.org and former feds group.

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Just sickening!

My heart goes out to you.

I believe some of the gov't run nursing homes (in Canada) have been nixing people for awhile. If anyone signs a DNR that is a mistake.

Before Covid I suspect they nixed my mom. I could not be there every day due to work out of town. She had no visitors. All of a sudden out of nowhere they said she had 2 weeks to live. No reason given. As a trusting fool I accepted their word. I was able to go see her. As she was diminishing she seemed as if she were very drugged up, then shortly went into a coma. I saw her die. It was so upsetting. I felt so guilty because I could not have kept her with me at home. She had dementia. I had to work. Several years passed and I clued in. I think they killed her.

7 years later, my dad, who was able to stay in his own home, got 2 jabs and got turbo cancer very soon after jab #1. Within months he died. I had to travel to see him. Then I saw what #2 jab did to him. He died 3 weeks later.

A crushing nightmare.

My hope is that God will deal with the criminals in His due time.

The only hope I have is that God can restore life to these ones in a better time and place.

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Many condolences on the loss of your parents.

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You are always so kind, Transcriber🙂

I seldom say what I believe happened to mom, however, I have heard that I am not off course...from legit sources.

The powerlessness to stop this is torture. However, I do wait on God...though my faith has a few chinks in its armour, at times.

I see the magnificent and beautifully crafted design in nature and know for certain there is a Grand Designer. If he can create all of this beauty he can also put a stop to wickedness...and restore those who have perished, giving them a beautiful future existence. It is his timetable I must accept.

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You must be SO outraged!

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6 hrs ago·edited 4 hrs ago

By the way, if anyone is still following the news on ALEXIS LORENZE whom Steve and VSRF helped, watch out for the fake account on X. Alexis' account is llexxiiiiiiii. (That's llexx with 8 'i's after it) The impostor has 9 'i's after llexx. Alexis has already called the faker out on X.

Alexis' real account is verified with a blue checkmark. https://x.com/llexxiiiiiiii

The impostor is asking for money through PayPal.

The only legit funder is givebutter.com/savealexis which Steve and VSRF set up. As well, Alexis set up a mealtrain.

I have reported the impostor repeatedly to X. So far nothing has been done. Maybe if others report it something will happen.

Fake account: https://x.com/llexiiiiiiiii This faker has used a picture of Alexis in a green dress with a shepherd on her/his home page. Thief!

Report the impostor by firstly finding her/his account. Then, tap the 3 dots, then tap the flag, then choose 'impersonating' then enter the real Alexis account (type it in then tap it to make sure it is fully entered in the search bar). Then tap 'done'. It took me a few tries to do it correctly.

I did this for every video she (he) posted.

As you can see....I cringe at this evil injustice and find it beyond disgusting that anyone would try to divert donations away from Alexis.

One more thing: this video should be seen by everyone. Alexis posted this on Instagram then on X.


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I am sure other countries shall be having inquiries/investigations. Too much money to be made in this game eh!? One would hope that if there is clear criminality exposed that the cops would be brought in!? YES/NO? Hey just asking!


Now the findings and reports on this are going to be exciting as there are so many things to look at and so many 'players' with all sorts of back grounds. HONEST/PERFIDIOUS/SATANIC/EVIL/SINISTER words that may have to be recalled to sum them up at the time the end result is made public?

The inquiry started off in real shambles style with folk resigning and that included the HEID BUMMER! THAT ALONE IS BIG ALARM BELLS AND RED FLAGS!

What it has to do is look at the decision to move elderly from hospitals to 'slaughter houses' which go under the name 'care homes'!? Taking into account that other countries did similar where were the orders for such action coming from. Add on the DNR/MORPHINE/MIDAZOLAM and it then becomes a clear fact that the elderly were on DEATH ROW!? This has to be disclosed and made known to the public. Why was it done!? Was it to get death figures soaring so a flu could become a pandemic!?

Then jump forward to the introduction of the POISON JAB GHOULS!? It became clear very early that the JABS were creating havoc with peoples health in all manners. CLOTS/STROKES/HEART ATTACKS AND DEATH!? I was given information that an elderly person had become ill in the MATTHEW FYFE CARE HOME IN DUNFERMLINE, shortly after getting the POISON JAB, say in January 2021. I wrote to FREEMANN and in a short space of time some low life by the name of LESLEY BROWN returned wondering where I had got the information. I told her in a polite manner. Had we been face to face the words would have been some thing else!

One can only hope that families and friends of those maimed and murdered get a fair chance to speak and ask questions etc? That has to include the elderly victims, vulnerable victims and also those maimed and murdered by the POISON JABS!?

I do not know if THE COVID 19 ASSEMBLY are still functioning but if not I am sure there shall be plenty more groups and lawyers beavering away. The people shall just have to sit back and wait for the results!? Shall it be open and honest or just a GOVERNMENT PROMOTED COVER UP?----READ ON!

If You Know Something Is Killing People and You Carry On, That Is Murder

Posted By The White Rose UK On 04/10/2021

By Roy R M McIntosh

After reading the report by the BBC Scotland on the elderly deaths in care homes it was shocking to see that there was no mention of this being advised to the Scottish Government to move people from hospitals to clear beds, and that was by Andrews!

Now you do not have to be smart or a doctor to know that every year the care homes struggle to keep ‘bugs’ out of the homes, so taking elderly people from hospitals and sending them to care homes can only be described as criminal. The elderly were not in hospital for a holiday! How did the elderly die? No mention of DNR, Midazolam or Remdesivir…

So, for Krankie Sturgeon to say it was a mistake, is just a lie to cover up killing like never seen before. And it was deliberate, so that is criminal. It was deliberate murder!

Then jump forward to when the injections started and the killing started again. Look at the UK death figures for Jan 2021, and you shall see each week is higher by thousands than the average for previous years. Once again, if you know something is killing people and you carry on, that is murder! Oh, but it is put down to all sorts of other causes: Doctors were falsifying health reports and death certificates.

I wrote in March 2020 and said that moving the elderly would kill people and not one reply. I also wrote to media, Freeman and political parties as I was told by a person from a care home that the injections were maiming and killing, and the only reply I got back was from some Lesley Brown from Scottish government, wondering where I got my information from. I told her where to go… I had written to Freeman, yet Brown replies? Taking the killing of the elderly and now the killing and maiming by injections, the politicians and NHS should be on murder charges!

In time the truth shall come out, and it is good that families have come together to ask questions, and also that the Covid-19 Assembly are working away in the background. Looks like pharma and Gates etc could be pulling the strings!?

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I wonder if the research where the money was that backed it because everything that I've read insane and even by our surgeon general in Florida, he's very transparent and data by the FLCCC shows absolutely no benefit.

I've even heard Govt officials say it won't keep you from getting Covid and it won't prevent you from dying from getting Covid but it "might lessen" the symptoms . 🤯

What the h*ll does that mean?


it was used for de-population. That's a fact. plain and simple

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It’s hard to comprehend the number of people who are knowingly complicit in their own area of “expertise,” namely, virology, vaccines and/or medical care.

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7 hrs ago·edited 7 hrs ago

They are clearly terrified to lose their income. Besides that did they coerce people to take the shots and then saw the fallout? It takes a REAL man or woman to fess up, apologize and seek to undo the bad they caused.

It is too bad that most people don't realize that honesty is FREEDOM. Sure, you may be cancelled or jailed for telling the truth but you will truly be FREE.

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Steve, would love to see an article from you about Naomi Wolf's new book The Pfizer papers!

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I am reading that book now!

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I downloaded the original documents, but am looking forward to reading their analyses! It is a massive amount of info, some are just things like the layout for the label, and then there is that 'postmarketing' file with 9 pages of 770+ adverse events.....I bought the book partly to support them, but also because things do have a way of disappearing from the internet these days. BLESSINGS to all.

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I was working at an assisted living facility during Covid. Interesting that the shot might have prevented a small number of residents to not sick. Instead, many died later on. 1/4 needed pacemakers, many new heart issues, residents routinely passing out at meals, 3 cancers and two years after administration of safe and effective, 50 percent dead. Small place with 20 residents.

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7 hrs agoLiked by Steve Kirsch

That's it. The fallout that came later on.

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Almost all health officials, from senior to junior, are salaried and know that if they are fired, there will be no tomorrow. If I were in their position, I might prioritize my salary if I was not competent enough to work elsewhere. Politicians also have no tomorrow if they are found to be incompetent. Guts was the whistleblower in NZ. He is a great man.

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7 hrs agoLiked by Steve Kirsch

Barry Young.

A few of his words when released from prison..."They can cage me but they can't cage the truth".

(Anyone have news regarding him these days.)


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Politicians, with very few exceptions, are incompetent and ruthless, all over the world. By definition.

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It is wise to archive everything. Printed or on data sticks.

Even the WayBack Machine (THE internet archive) has been hacked and information is vanishing.

Recently reported on by James Corbett:


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