That will most likely never pass with a liberally retarded Legislature, Gov & AG! That's why is
t is up to We the People to STAND UP for our Freedom! If the courts fail us, we always have our 2nd Amendment, written JUST for this situation! THANK YOU FOUNDING FATHERS!!
These are comments folks put into the Q&A box. They are excellent. The only response is: "More information will be provided in items 8 and 9. Please stay tuned."
Attendee 10:31 AM
First, people are divine creations and are only bound by divine law, not by man’s law. The first sentence of the first law of this country, the Declaration of Independence, states this clearly: “Men [and women] are endowed by their Creator with unalienable rights.” These are absolute and unconditional. What is given by our Creator cannot be taken away by you. The supreme court has upheld this countless times. Your coercive policies violate our unalienable rights under the pretense of law.
Second, all three of these policies involve medical procedures. In 1947 civilized society declared in Article 1 of the Nuremberg Code that this type of coercion is everywhere and always a crime against humanity.
Policies relating to COVID-19 are violations of the 1st, 4th, 5th, and 9th Articles of the Bill of Rights and are by definition Rape, Bodily Invasion, Abduction, Abuse, Molestation and Maltreatment at the very least.
Anonymous Attendee 10:33 AM
As a WA citizen and the son of survivors of 1930’s Germany where my entire family line on my father’s side was wiped out, I am very troubled for my children by the language of WAC 246-100-070 and allowing local health officers to use law enforcement to detain a person or group of persons to be isolated in a quarantine facility WAC 246-100-045 following refusal to voluntarily comply with requests for medical examination, testing, treatment, counseling, and vaccination WAC 246-100-40 including Covid19 injections required as school immunization using WAC 246-105
My comment is directed to WA, Mr. Grellner, Mr. Pendergrass, Ms. Bessermin, Ms. Crawford, Ms. Crockrell, Mr. Kutz, Mr. Lentz, Mr. Lunz and especially WA secretary of health Mr. Shah. Please forgive me if my use of pronouns is incorrect.
Please “first do no harm” and reestablish informed consent, the 4th amendment, and the Nuremberg code and bodily autonomy in WA by voting against immoral and illegal medical tyranny and vote down this proposal.
Anonymous Attendee 10:33 AM
1. The voluntary consent of the human subject is absolutely essential.
2. The experiment should be such as to yield fruitful results for the good of society,
unprocurable by other methods or means of study, and not random and
unnecessary in nature.
3. The experiment should be so designed and based on the results of animal
experimentation and a knowledge of the natural history of the disease or other
problem under study that the anticipated results will justify the performance of the
4. The experiment should be so conducted as to avoid all unnecessary physical and
mental suffering and injury.
5. No experiment should be conducted where there is an a priori reason to believe
that death or disabling injury will occur; except, perhaps, in those experiments
where the experimental physicians also serve as subjects.
6. The degree of risk
Anonymous Attendee 10:34 AM
To be clear, many of us are here to get the TAG update regardless of whether or not any decision will be made today.
Could it please be stated for the record:
1) Covid 19 mRNA products will never be included in WAC 246-105
2) a person considered "unvaccinated" or "positive" for covid 19 will never be detained against their will and civil liberties granted by God and reaffirmed by the Constitution.
or your own version of the above that states the same.
If not, then we the people came to the right meeting.
It should add to your concern that InSLEEZE's proclamation, a couple years back, cited RCW 38.08.030, which states partial or full martial law is established by governor's proclamation and it just keeps going on and on and on and. . . .
Regarding the WA proposal for rona vackseen concentration camps:
The vaccine mandates are illegal and immoral. At the most fundamental level, vaccine mandates are illegal and unconstitutional as they violate our inalienable God-given right of sovereignty over our own body, also known as informed consent, and codified in the Nuremberg Code.
And, if that weren't enough, these vaccine mandates are outrageously and egregiously ILLEGAL for the following reasons:
0/ Violate fundamental right to body sovereignty (aka, informed consent)
1/ Violate existing laws against medical privacy and discrimination,
2/ The covid flu has a 99% survival rate for 70 and younger
3/ The covid vaccines cause harm/death, & no published studies provide evidence of benefit (more died in the vax'ed group than the placebo group)
4/ The "FDA approved" vaccine is NOT available, & the EAU version is being illegally mandated
All the above are indicative of sinister motives at play. Those who push and carry out vaccine mandates, unlawful detentions, and associated concentration camps will face future arrests and trials for crimes against humanity.
!!! The WA Dept of Health proposes that it have the authority to involuntarily detain folks who refuse to voluntarily comply w medical exams, tests, treatments, & vaxxinat!0n. Anyone who refuses any further jabs is vulnerable. This IS the DS agenda.
Guess I need to find a way to not be like Margaret Anna because most of my COMMENTS are long due to the information normally cannot be condensed into a short summary. Issue is that these issues I comment on are pet peeves and disturbing that our Government, our Government Agencies and some of our Medical Professionals have become mouth pieces of a ROGUE QUACK Dr. Fauci and an ILLEGITIMATE PRESIDENT BIDEN who continue to act like Adolf Hitler's Nazi Party of the 1930s and 1940s! Our Government Agencies the CDC, the FDA and others have chose to IGNORE the NUREMBERG CODE and are COOKING THE BOOKS concerning COVID DEATHS and refusing to report VACCINE DEATHS and SIDE EFFECTS accurately. Which the above two statements have ERODED THE PUBLICS TRUST. Then there is the QUESTION why the FDA has not STOP the USE of a EXPERIMENTAL VACCINE that does NOT WORK but it does cause a person's IMMUNE SYSTEM to be COMPROMISED (over 1,000 studies have proven this FACT). The COMMON SENSE ACTION since there are medications to cure COVID would be to HALT THE VACCINE and ALL MANDATES except when a patient has multiple medical issues.
Then the issue that Margaret Anna is discussing of UNVACCINATION (CONCENTRATION) CAMPS is a subject that should get EVERY AMERICAN pissed off! ALL REPRESENTATIVES, SENATORS AND GOVERNORS should receive MILLIONS of LETTERS DEMANDING that this not be considered as a alternative to fighting the COVID VIRUS. Then these SAME AMERICANS should send the SAME LETTER to their U.S. REPRESENTATIVE and SENATORS, but include the PRESIDENT, VICE PRESIDENT, ALL CABINET SECRETARIES and the SUPREME COURT. IF these folks get 150,000,000 LETTERS they might, let me restate that "THEY MIGHT TAKE NOTICE"!
Mock the Bible though some might, our laws are riddled with its good, common sense.
One excerpt from the Bible that comes to mind when confronted with educating people is, "[l]east ye become as children, you'll not inherit the kingdom." A reasonable take on this is, children are empty vessel and can be filled with truth or lies. We adults, young and old, must unlearn many of the lies pounded into our heads before we can replace what we thought we knew to be true with truth. A couple examples:
(1) You must seek permission from your agents in government to feed, cloth and shelter yourself and your family, either by working for someone else or by working for yourself (e.g., seek a Social Security Number and/or business license).
(2) You must seek government permission to establish and exercise your religious freedoms (e.g., incorporate).
(3) A license is a permission to do what is, without it, illegal, and you must seek permission to marry by way of a license (e.g., the first marriage license was issued to allow a couple to perform an illegal act - miscegenation).
I will NEVER EVER seek the permission of ANY GOVERNMENT official do DO ANYTHING! You are a bit of an extremist when it comes to the Bible IMHO. God gave us our RIGHTS! NOT the government. They government is ONLY here to PROTECT us from our enemies, foreign & Domestic. PERIOD. Seems to me that you need a refresher course in HISTORY! But this IS America & you are entitled to YOUR opinion as are the rest of us! Have a nice day!
Percey and Mookie, I have an understanding of both statements and appreciate both opinions. Percey, yes there are LICENSES we must obtain for MARRIAGE, for INCORPORATION, to Drive a Car, to Vote, etc. and Mookie, we have FREEDOMS and RIGHTS guaranteed to us by GOD. But as you mentioned HISTORY which defines what occurred before our LIFE TIME and the BIBLE is one of the BEST HISTORY BOOKS concern both WARS, CIVILIZATIONS of ACIENT TIMES but it explains GOD'S LAWS which DO NOT CHANGE.
The United States is know as a GREAT EXPERIMENT with many of the U.S. CONSTITUTIONAL GUARANTEED based in BIBLE LAW, one being FREEDOMS which MAN expanded upon to include RELIGION due to HISTORY of ANTI-RELIGIOUS MOVEMENTS which caused may initial IMMIGRATE a path to ESCAPE RELIGIOUS PERSECUTION!
Percey, we have LAWS which require LINCENSES to allow for an orderly SOCIETY because Human's have be granted FREE WILL from our creator and for some weird reason Human's are sinners and many follow that LIFE STYLE and without LAWS does not allow for PEACEFUL ASSIMILATION into SOCIETY.
MOST not all of our LAWS have a foundation into BIBLICAL LAWS and others LAWS can easily be determined to be of a nature that denies GOD'S LAWS. We as Citizen's who have an UNDERSTANDING of the BIBLE or just a BASIC UNDERSTAND realize that the LAWS are in place so all can live in peace together instead of having TRIBAL WARS whenever LEADERSHIP CHANGES.
All reading is subject to an individuals' INTERPRETATION! Doctors read the same medical books yet interpret the same information differently! Joys of being a HUMAN! The same applies to the Bible, IMHO! I will always agree to disagree with EVERYONE who does not share my opinion as this IS STILL AMERICA & we are ENTITLED to each have our own free thinking MIND & OPINION! & Thank you, God, & our founders, for that!
Mookie, thanks, my thoughts exactly. It would be a very boring world if we all looked alike, talked alike, thought alike, etc. GOD made us individuals.
Add to ALL this the misrepresentations we hear about our laws and government every day. Hardly one goes by you don't hear some politician rambling about "this great democracy." A thing even the government described as the most sophisticated form of socialism known to man.
We hear people rambling about the central government, referring to the U.S., as if the tenth amendment and the other fifty constitutions don't exist and CONgress is our boss (though the LOPEZ case makes clear the tenth amendment and those other constitutions are real and do work as [partial] checks and balances against the feds and their ongoing attempts at overreach.
To the previous I would add, there are many examples of the people's agents gaming the system. Consider the example of traffic infractions.
Only a few decades ago, driving ten miles an hour over the speed limit on a long, lonely desert highway, like the ones around me, was a crime. Attorneys and other public officials convinced citizens they cared so much about them they would decriminalize such things so that they would no longer have a criminal traffic fine on their record.
What they NEVER mentioned was, no longer would you be judged by a jury of your peers, who would judge the facts. Instead, you'd be judged by a judge, who judged both the law and facts.
It was not mentioned that the judge saw his/her retirement grow with each fine.
It was not mentioned you would no longer be presumed innocent, and the government required to prove you guilty. Instead, you would have to do what, more often than not, was impossible - prove yourself innocent. Elsewhere in law this burden is frowned on for the obvious reason it is impossible in many instances.
Now, with infractions, there remains a presumption, which is, what the agent writing the ticket said is true. Back to that "prove your innocence" thing.
The coffers of cities and counties started filling up much quicker, with the people's new freedom from crime in their orderly society.
Bruce, many of the things of which you speak are more presumption than fact.
Not all licenses are exist, as you say, to insure an orderly society. Many times they are just another law purposed to collect taxes or to give more control to agents over their masters, such that they become the masters, rather than the servants.
Merely that people think everyone must seek a license to do this or that does not make it so. For example, common law marriages exist even in states where people are expected to obtain a license to marry. One reason is, states where licenses it's said you must have permission of the state to marry must honor the laws of other states, or those state will not have to honor theirs. Colorado recognizes common law marriages. If a couple reach that status there, then move to State of Washington, or they are still married under Washington laws.
Add to the foregoing the fact the federal government recognizes common law marriages.
From there we can go to case law. The courts have declared a couple believing they are lawfully married will be treated as such. In part, this is to avoid either of the two parties from being damaged by a loss of right if they were treated as not being married.
Again, keep in mind a license is a permission to do what is said to be illegal without it. From there, we can go to article one, section eleven of the Washington Constitution, where we will see that constitution guarantees our right to establish and exercise religion. For many, God ordained marriage. As I said, the common law, the state constitution, guarantees that right.
As to that not all laws are grounded in the Bible, that could have gone without saying. Take LICENSED civil marriages, versus ones before God as an example.
After a few decades in law, if nothing else, I've learned law is often not what people think it is.
Case law is replete with proofs that many laws agents of the people claimed to put in place are not laws at all. Take Dementia Joe's brag about gun free zones: Creepy Joe failed to mention they were ALL struck down by the U.S. Supreme Court (U.S. vs LOPEZ (1995) as never having been laws at all. As the court stated, schools have nothing to do with interstate commerce. The only authority under which CONgress could have enacted a law affecting one of the several, united states.
From the foregoing, it is obvious many laws are not put in place "[s]o all can live in peace together instead of having TRIBAL WARS whenever LEADERSHIP CHANGES." To the contrary, many are nothing more than extensions of political garbage. Our law reports and case files bear that fact out.
Of course, we were warned what would happen if we got our wish and ended up with kings, by whatever name called, in charge.
Percey, I respect your opinion and it appears we are not that far apart but there are some basic differences in our interpretations. I appears and sounds like your opinions come from the Legal Profession (i.e. - a Lawyer) while mine from a everyday U.S. Citizen that has lived in other countries for over 10 years during my 71 year stay here on GODS GREEN EARTH! When I compare how LAWS were enforced in those countries and how they are enforced in the U.S. has left me with one opinion, GIVE ME THE U.S.! You see I agree with you about many LICENSE being on in place to collect tax revenue. But many LICENSES are also there to prevent someone from PRACTICE SURGERY with ever going to MEDICAL SCHOOL and the MEDICAL LICENSE gives the patient a sense of confidence in his or her doctor. Just like a LAW LICENSE prevents a person from practicing LAW with adequate education in LAW. Therefore my belief is there are positives to LICENSING and there are times they should never be required. However I do believe LAWS allow for citizens of different cultures to assimilate into our society. The LAWS do not stop a CRIMINAL but when they are captured and prosecuted it gets them off of the street to protect the masses.
In my seventy years, I've only lived in foreign countries for a few of them. From that, I know not everything we are told about foreign countries and the U.S. are true. Even Russians, who we were trained were hard put upon by their Russian agents have freedoms we don't.
If we don't educate ourselves and, at the least, inform others on what we learn, the America we were told we have will keep dwindling away.
Take money and assets. Nearly every last career politician spends money like a drunken sailor. It's so bad our country in trillions in debt to those who are NOT our friends and only stay their hand because it benefits them.
Much of that money is given away to foreigners or aliens. Many outside out country, many within. Just like pyramid or Ponzi schemes, it cannot keep going.
As to licensing, merely that some are good does not make them all good, any more than with other laws.
There is NO license to practice surgery, or law. There are, howevere, business licenses, but they are just that, business licenses.
To practice law, you get a bar card from an entity which claims to be part of the judiciary. That agency claims to be exempt from disclosure laws, claiming judicial protections. However, that same agency conducts executive branch functions, such as going after those who practice law without a bar card.
Sadly, having a license does not make you a good marriage partner, a good doctor, or a good attorney. I know paralegals, for lack of a better name, who can stomp all over the average attorney building pleadings and things, or in court.
Practicing law, like much of medicine, is just a business. You have people who graduated at the top and the bottom of the class. You have people who can think and those who can only parrot.
In the end, our nation was built on distrust as much as it was on trust. Sadly, we have it pounded into our heads, during all our school years, to trust, rather than question.
Sadly, laws are only as good as the people making and enforcing them. More and more dangerous criminals are being let back onto the streets. On the other hand, profitable low fruit, less dangerous criminals put us in at or around first place in per capita incarcerations.
Sadly, our medicine is heavily influenced by profit. Remove censorship and it would be impossible to dispute that much of what is tied to covid is hogwash. Ivermectin does work, as do vitamins, herb and minerals, but those on high would ban even God's remedies, if they could, to promote for profit shots that have gained some trillions, and killed and injured many others.
SIDE NOTE: Merely that someone is a felon does not mean they are full on evil. I know a more than few. Several of them I would trust with my bank accounts and PINs.
Qatar, host country of the 2022 FIFA World Cup, reported 3,487 new COVID19 cases, outpacing a previous high of 2,355 seen in May 2020. 86.5% of the 2.8M population is fully vaccinated.
Unless the constitutions have been over thrown by the federal gov or some other unknown power, even a vote of the people cannot, even by amendment, grant the legislature unlimited law making powers. This is not Germany.
There is no clause in any state constitution that allows a state to suspend due process except if the state is being militarily invaded. This even applies to so called medical emergencies. While a person proven to be a health threat might be able to be force-ably quarantined, there is no provision to detain a healthy person on the mere suspicion that they might be harboring an illness. Even proof they have been around an unhealthy person would not grant the state the power to quarantine them against their will.
Due to this, if someone challenges the governor to prove they have the constitutional authority to enforce this statute or even to allow it to be enforced, the governor would default because they have no such power.
While the governor is tasked with seeing that all laws are faithfully executed, they are not granted the power to allow laws to be executed that that cannot be proven to be constitutional.
Forced jabbing: No state constitution grants any state or any agency of it the power to impose a medical treatment upon their civilian population. Especially an experimental treatment that is killing and disabling many that take it. The state has no power to make you play a game of medical Russian roulette with your life - even if the state thinks it might be a good idea.
The citizens have the right to demand, in writing, that the governor prove, in writing, these actions are constitutional. When the governor fails, the people have the power to go to court and get an injunction against enforcement on the ground that the state has failed to prove enforcement is constitutional.
As citizens, you are claiming that you have the right not to be subjected to these rules because no such power is granted to the state. When the state, via its representative, the governor, fails to prove you wrong on the record, an honest court is required to protect you from enforcement upon petition.
The statement to the courts would be: We [ make it well publicized so the judge knows there are a lot of eyes on him ] cannot find in the state constitution where the power is granted to the state to impose these rules and mandates upon us. We therefore deny the power exists. We have challenged the governor to prove they have the constitutional authority to impose said regulations. The governor has been unable or at least unwilling to provide proof of the authority to enforce said rules and mandates.
The rule of authority is that where the power of the gov to act is not clearly stated or necessarily implied by what is stated in the relevant constitution, the power of the gov to act is forbidden.
Further, that when the gov is challenged to prove they have the constitutional power to act and they cannot or will not, the power is deemed not to exist.
Therefore, the question before the court is: Is the state constitution binding upon the legislature and governor? The obvious answer would be yes, unless the state constitution has been over thrown and Washington is an admittedly communist state where in all rights have been abolished.
Can the governor allow enforcement of laws and mandates that they cannot or will not prove to be constitutional? The clear answer is no, unless the Washington constitution has been over thrown and all rights have been abolished.
The questions must be concise and leave no room for interpretation or opinion
Remember, the judge can only rule on the evidence before him. If he did know that the Washington constitution allowed the proposed actions, he cannot enter that into the record. It is the responsibility of the the state's representative, such as the state AG, to enter such evidence.
If the judge does know that no such power exists on behalf of the gov, he cannot allow the rights of the people to be violated and he has a duty to rule on behalf of the people
If no proof of authority to act is entered into the record, for the judge to rule against the people to be free of the enforcement of the mandates would be a statement that somehow the Washington constitution and the rights it secures has have been over thrown.
The question then becomes: When and by whom?
Suggestion: Organize and petition your local sheriffs to take this task on, on behalf of the people of their counties. This is one of their constitutional duties - to protect the rights of those they were elected to serve.
A mayor has some resources and a state legislature that is against the mandates would seem to have the power, acting in an official capacity, to use all resources at their disposal to make the gov proven its actions are constitutional.
There is a retired sheriff who has started a movement to involve local sheriffs in such an action and to educate them on their constitutional duty -
I've contacted them with a short post. I have yet to receive a reply. It appears they have a different agenda and in regard to actually protecting rights, they are all talk.
I made contact with an Oregon sheriff that claims to be against the lock downs, but is not interested in doing anything about it. I contacted a sheriff in LA country that has complained loudly, but when offered help - I get no reply.
You experts in the fields of medicine especially the heavy hitters, the ivy league professors, famous neurosurgeons and physicians, field leaders, Dr Yeadon, Malone, Chetty, Hoffe, Cole, Carson, Doshi, Bhattacharya, Palmer, Harvey Risch, Bhakdi, Dolores, Montagnier, Nagase, Bridle etc must join together and produce something that can go viral on the alternative media platforms.
The piece will have to be short, at least less than one hour in duration. Other sources can be attached and linked as there will not be time to go into too much depth.
Simple. Short. Powerful. Logical.
Four key arguments.
1)The need for the response is disproportionate to the hazard it is addressing and more harmful.
2)The efficacy of the vaccine is pathetic and why it cannot work well nor ever could.
3) The safety profile is terrifying, both short term and the long term epigenetic consequences and permanent health affects should make you really concerned.
4) The morality and ethical, legal consequences.
The information is out there for sure. But it is too widely dispersed. Only those who have the time, passion and somewhat skill to interpret the data are able to do so. Thus it is not escaping into the wider public fast enough.
The target audience should be the directors of small-medium businesses. Busy people of influence. They are busy and only will take advice of the foremost experts. You will need to boast your credentials. And be factually very accurate as it will be attacked.
You will never EVER convince those seeking to CONTROL others of ANY other "agenda' but their own. You need to check out what is the BIG PICTURE! Check out Glenn Becks book on the Great Reset. Also check out this site as it explains EVERYTHING going on in the WORLD! dont' you think it's interesting /odd that the ENTIRE WORLD, as in ALL countries are doing the SAME THING when it comes to mandate & controlling their population? It's time to WAKE UP to reality!
Keep in mind, agencies can ONLY execute the law. They cannot add to or take from it.
That aside, one of our The State of Washington's problems is, perpetual martial law. RCW 38.08.030 states partial or full martial law is initiated by way of governor's proclamation. That's how our mess started - InSLEEZE issued a proclamation citing that code section.
One of the groups pursuing legal action might find it helpful to seek a declaratory judgement on the intent of the law codified at RCW38.08.030, and how long the framers intended that even one privilege or right could be suspended.
It's an excellent letter! Yes, there is some confusion over the agenda tomorrow. Regardless of the incremental steps they are actually taking, it's great the information is being shared and people are taking notice.
Love you Steve Kirsch! You are fine! NOW please, Dr. Kory is out there in the midst of this hell everyday and he needs some is dark as hell out there! Please give him a call full of your wry lightness along with our deep love and respect for his intrepid shining integrity and outrageous courage.
Unfortunately, I suspect the most compelling missive has nothing to do with a factually, well-documented letter but rather a few photos of the BOH members in seriously compromised positions. Also known as a "CONTROL FILE."
That will most likely never pass with a liberally retarded Legislature, Gov & AG! That's why is
t is up to We the People to STAND UP for our Freedom! If the courts fail us, we always have our 2nd Amendment, written JUST for this situation! THANK YOU FOUNDING FATHERS!!
Sorry, this is not a comment on this article but a recommendation that you watch this presentation by Dr. Mike Yeadon former VP at Pfizer. It is extraordinary:
These are comments folks put into the Q&A box. They are excellent. The only response is: "More information will be provided in items 8 and 9. Please stay tuned."
Attendee 10:31 AM
First, people are divine creations and are only bound by divine law, not by man’s law. The first sentence of the first law of this country, the Declaration of Independence, states this clearly: “Men [and women] are endowed by their Creator with unalienable rights.” These are absolute and unconditional. What is given by our Creator cannot be taken away by you. The supreme court has upheld this countless times. Your coercive policies violate our unalienable rights under the pretense of law.
Second, all three of these policies involve medical procedures. In 1947 civilized society declared in Article 1 of the Nuremberg Code that this type of coercion is everywhere and always a crime against humanity.
Policies relating to COVID-19 are violations of the 1st, 4th, 5th, and 9th Articles of the Bill of Rights and are by definition Rape, Bodily Invasion, Abduction, Abuse, Molestation and Maltreatment at the very least.
Anonymous Attendee 10:33 AM
As a WA citizen and the son of survivors of 1930’s Germany where my entire family line on my father’s side was wiped out, I am very troubled for my children by the language of WAC 246-100-070 and allowing local health officers to use law enforcement to detain a person or group of persons to be isolated in a quarantine facility WAC 246-100-045 following refusal to voluntarily comply with requests for medical examination, testing, treatment, counseling, and vaccination WAC 246-100-40 including Covid19 injections required as school immunization using WAC 246-105
My comment is directed to WA, Mr. Grellner, Mr. Pendergrass, Ms. Bessermin, Ms. Crawford, Ms. Crockrell, Mr. Kutz, Mr. Lentz, Mr. Lunz and especially WA secretary of health Mr. Shah. Please forgive me if my use of pronouns is incorrect.
Please “first do no harm” and reestablish informed consent, the 4th amendment, and the Nuremberg code and bodily autonomy in WA by voting against immoral and illegal medical tyranny and vote down this proposal.
Anonymous Attendee 10:33 AM
1. The voluntary consent of the human subject is absolutely essential.
2. The experiment should be such as to yield fruitful results for the good of society,
unprocurable by other methods or means of study, and not random and
unnecessary in nature.
3. The experiment should be so designed and based on the results of animal
experimentation and a knowledge of the natural history of the disease or other
problem under study that the anticipated results will justify the performance of the
4. The experiment should be so conducted as to avoid all unnecessary physical and
mental suffering and injury.
5. No experiment should be conducted where there is an a priori reason to believe
that death or disabling injury will occur; except, perhaps, in those experiments
where the experimental physicians also serve as subjects.
6. The degree of risk
Anonymous Attendee 10:34 AM
To be clear, many of us are here to get the TAG update regardless of whether or not any decision will be made today.
Could it please be stated for the record:
1) Covid 19 mRNA products will never be included in WAC 246-105
2) a person considered "unvaccinated" or "positive" for covid 19 will never be detained against their will and civil liberties granted by God and reaffirmed by the Constitution.
or your own version of the above that states the same.
If not, then we the people came to the right meeting.
It should add to your concern that InSLEEZE's proclamation, a couple years back, cited RCW 38.08.030, which states partial or full martial law is established by governor's proclamation and it just keeps going on and on and on and. . . .
Regarding the WA proposal for rona vackseen concentration camps:
The vaccine mandates are illegal and immoral. At the most fundamental level, vaccine mandates are illegal and unconstitutional as they violate our inalienable God-given right of sovereignty over our own body, also known as informed consent, and codified in the Nuremberg Code.
And, if that weren't enough, these vaccine mandates are outrageously and egregiously ILLEGAL for the following reasons:
0/ Violate fundamental right to body sovereignty (aka, informed consent)
1/ Violate existing laws against medical privacy and discrimination,
2/ The covid flu has a 99% survival rate for 70 and younger
3/ The covid vaccines cause harm/death, & no published studies provide evidence of benefit (more died in the vax'ed group than the placebo group)
4/ The "FDA approved" vaccine is NOT available, & the EAU version is being illegally mandated
All the above are indicative of sinister motives at play. Those who push and carry out vaccine mandates, unlawful detentions, and associated concentration camps will face future arrests and trials for crimes against humanity.
!!! The WA Dept of Health proposes that it have the authority to involuntarily detain folks who refuse to voluntarily comply w medical exams, tests, treatments, & vaxxinat!0n. Anyone who refuses any further jabs is vulnerable. This IS the DS agenda.
Here's the proposed UNCONSTITUTIONAL WA code:
Please send your comments to the Board at
Please watch the movie "The Boy in the Striped Pajamas." It's about 2 boys who are friends despite their parents' separation by barbwire.
Excellent letter by Corporal Richard Mehner. Love you, Steve.
Guess I need to find a way to not be like Margaret Anna because most of my COMMENTS are long due to the information normally cannot be condensed into a short summary. Issue is that these issues I comment on are pet peeves and disturbing that our Government, our Government Agencies and some of our Medical Professionals have become mouth pieces of a ROGUE QUACK Dr. Fauci and an ILLEGITIMATE PRESIDENT BIDEN who continue to act like Adolf Hitler's Nazi Party of the 1930s and 1940s! Our Government Agencies the CDC, the FDA and others have chose to IGNORE the NUREMBERG CODE and are COOKING THE BOOKS concerning COVID DEATHS and refusing to report VACCINE DEATHS and SIDE EFFECTS accurately. Which the above two statements have ERODED THE PUBLICS TRUST. Then there is the QUESTION why the FDA has not STOP the USE of a EXPERIMENTAL VACCINE that does NOT WORK but it does cause a person's IMMUNE SYSTEM to be COMPROMISED (over 1,000 studies have proven this FACT). The COMMON SENSE ACTION since there are medications to cure COVID would be to HALT THE VACCINE and ALL MANDATES except when a patient has multiple medical issues.
Then the issue that Margaret Anna is discussing of UNVACCINATION (CONCENTRATION) CAMPS is a subject that should get EVERY AMERICAN pissed off! ALL REPRESENTATIVES, SENATORS AND GOVERNORS should receive MILLIONS of LETTERS DEMANDING that this not be considered as a alternative to fighting the COVID VIRUS. Then these SAME AMERICANS should send the SAME LETTER to their U.S. REPRESENTATIVE and SENATORS, but include the PRESIDENT, VICE PRESIDENT, ALL CABINET SECRETARIES and the SUPREME COURT. IF these folks get 150,000,000 LETTERS they might, let me restate that "THEY MIGHT TAKE NOTICE"!
Well, did it again, I apologize for rambling.
Just my opinion.
Mock the Bible though some might, our laws are riddled with its good, common sense.
One excerpt from the Bible that comes to mind when confronted with educating people is, "[l]east ye become as children, you'll not inherit the kingdom." A reasonable take on this is, children are empty vessel and can be filled with truth or lies. We adults, young and old, must unlearn many of the lies pounded into our heads before we can replace what we thought we knew to be true with truth. A couple examples:
(1) You must seek permission from your agents in government to feed, cloth and shelter yourself and your family, either by working for someone else or by working for yourself (e.g., seek a Social Security Number and/or business license).
(2) You must seek government permission to establish and exercise your religious freedoms (e.g., incorporate).
(3) A license is a permission to do what is, without it, illegal, and you must seek permission to marry by way of a license (e.g., the first marriage license was issued to allow a couple to perform an illegal act - miscegenation).
. . . .
I will NEVER EVER seek the permission of ANY GOVERNMENT official do DO ANYTHING! You are a bit of an extremist when it comes to the Bible IMHO. God gave us our RIGHTS! NOT the government. They government is ONLY here to PROTECT us from our enemies, foreign & Domestic. PERIOD. Seems to me that you need a refresher course in HISTORY! But this IS America & you are entitled to YOUR opinion as are the rest of us! Have a nice day!
Percey and Mookie, I have an understanding of both statements and appreciate both opinions. Percey, yes there are LICENSES we must obtain for MARRIAGE, for INCORPORATION, to Drive a Car, to Vote, etc. and Mookie, we have FREEDOMS and RIGHTS guaranteed to us by GOD. But as you mentioned HISTORY which defines what occurred before our LIFE TIME and the BIBLE is one of the BEST HISTORY BOOKS concern both WARS, CIVILIZATIONS of ACIENT TIMES but it explains GOD'S LAWS which DO NOT CHANGE.
The United States is know as a GREAT EXPERIMENT with many of the U.S. CONSTITUTIONAL GUARANTEED based in BIBLE LAW, one being FREEDOMS which MAN expanded upon to include RELIGION due to HISTORY of ANTI-RELIGIOUS MOVEMENTS which caused may initial IMMIGRATE a path to ESCAPE RELIGIOUS PERSECUTION!
Percey, we have LAWS which require LINCENSES to allow for an orderly SOCIETY because Human's have be granted FREE WILL from our creator and for some weird reason Human's are sinners and many follow that LIFE STYLE and without LAWS does not allow for PEACEFUL ASSIMILATION into SOCIETY.
MOST not all of our LAWS have a foundation into BIBLICAL LAWS and others LAWS can easily be determined to be of a nature that denies GOD'S LAWS. We as Citizen's who have an UNDERSTANDING of the BIBLE or just a BASIC UNDERSTAND realize that the LAWS are in place so all can live in peace together instead of having TRIBAL WARS whenever LEADERSHIP CHANGES.
Just my opinion.
All reading is subject to an individuals' INTERPRETATION! Doctors read the same medical books yet interpret the same information differently! Joys of being a HUMAN! The same applies to the Bible, IMHO! I will always agree to disagree with EVERYONE who does not share my opinion as this IS STILL AMERICA & we are ENTITLED to each have our own free thinking MIND & OPINION! & Thank you, God, & our founders, for that!
Mookie, thanks, my thoughts exactly. It would be a very boring world if we all looked alike, talked alike, thought alike, etc. GOD made us individuals.
Add to ALL this the misrepresentations we hear about our laws and government every day. Hardly one goes by you don't hear some politician rambling about "this great democracy." A thing even the government described as the most sophisticated form of socialism known to man.
We hear people rambling about the central government, referring to the U.S., as if the tenth amendment and the other fifty constitutions don't exist and CONgress is our boss (though the LOPEZ case makes clear the tenth amendment and those other constitutions are real and do work as [partial] checks and balances against the feds and their ongoing attempts at overreach.
To the previous I would add, there are many examples of the people's agents gaming the system. Consider the example of traffic infractions.
Only a few decades ago, driving ten miles an hour over the speed limit on a long, lonely desert highway, like the ones around me, was a crime. Attorneys and other public officials convinced citizens they cared so much about them they would decriminalize such things so that they would no longer have a criminal traffic fine on their record.
What they NEVER mentioned was, no longer would you be judged by a jury of your peers, who would judge the facts. Instead, you'd be judged by a judge, who judged both the law and facts.
It was not mentioned that the judge saw his/her retirement grow with each fine.
It was not mentioned you would no longer be presumed innocent, and the government required to prove you guilty. Instead, you would have to do what, more often than not, was impossible - prove yourself innocent. Elsewhere in law this burden is frowned on for the obvious reason it is impossible in many instances.
Now, with infractions, there remains a presumption, which is, what the agent writing the ticket said is true. Back to that "prove your innocence" thing.
The coffers of cities and counties started filling up much quicker, with the people's new freedom from crime in their orderly society.
Bruce, many of the things of which you speak are more presumption than fact.
Not all licenses are exist, as you say, to insure an orderly society. Many times they are just another law purposed to collect taxes or to give more control to agents over their masters, such that they become the masters, rather than the servants.
Merely that people think everyone must seek a license to do this or that does not make it so. For example, common law marriages exist even in states where people are expected to obtain a license to marry. One reason is, states where licenses it's said you must have permission of the state to marry must honor the laws of other states, or those state will not have to honor theirs. Colorado recognizes common law marriages. If a couple reach that status there, then move to State of Washington, or they are still married under Washington laws.
Add to the foregoing the fact the federal government recognizes common law marriages.
From there we can go to case law. The courts have declared a couple believing they are lawfully married will be treated as such. In part, this is to avoid either of the two parties from being damaged by a loss of right if they were treated as not being married.
Again, keep in mind a license is a permission to do what is said to be illegal without it. From there, we can go to article one, section eleven of the Washington Constitution, where we will see that constitution guarantees our right to establish and exercise religion. For many, God ordained marriage. As I said, the common law, the state constitution, guarantees that right.
As to that not all laws are grounded in the Bible, that could have gone without saying. Take LICENSED civil marriages, versus ones before God as an example.
After a few decades in law, if nothing else, I've learned law is often not what people think it is.
Case law is replete with proofs that many laws agents of the people claimed to put in place are not laws at all. Take Dementia Joe's brag about gun free zones: Creepy Joe failed to mention they were ALL struck down by the U.S. Supreme Court (U.S. vs LOPEZ (1995) as never having been laws at all. As the court stated, schools have nothing to do with interstate commerce. The only authority under which CONgress could have enacted a law affecting one of the several, united states.
From the foregoing, it is obvious many laws are not put in place "[s]o all can live in peace together instead of having TRIBAL WARS whenever LEADERSHIP CHANGES." To the contrary, many are nothing more than extensions of political garbage. Our law reports and case files bear that fact out.
Of course, we were warned what would happen if we got our wish and ended up with kings, by whatever name called, in charge.
Percey, I respect your opinion and it appears we are not that far apart but there are some basic differences in our interpretations. I appears and sounds like your opinions come from the Legal Profession (i.e. - a Lawyer) while mine from a everyday U.S. Citizen that has lived in other countries for over 10 years during my 71 year stay here on GODS GREEN EARTH! When I compare how LAWS were enforced in those countries and how they are enforced in the U.S. has left me with one opinion, GIVE ME THE U.S.! You see I agree with you about many LICENSE being on in place to collect tax revenue. But many LICENSES are also there to prevent someone from PRACTICE SURGERY with ever going to MEDICAL SCHOOL and the MEDICAL LICENSE gives the patient a sense of confidence in his or her doctor. Just like a LAW LICENSE prevents a person from practicing LAW with adequate education in LAW. Therefore my belief is there are positives to LICENSING and there are times they should never be required. However I do believe LAWS allow for citizens of different cultures to assimilate into our society. The LAWS do not stop a CRIMINAL but when they are captured and prosecuted it gets them off of the street to protect the masses.
In my seventy years, I've only lived in foreign countries for a few of them. From that, I know not everything we are told about foreign countries and the U.S. are true. Even Russians, who we were trained were hard put upon by their Russian agents have freedoms we don't.
If we don't educate ourselves and, at the least, inform others on what we learn, the America we were told we have will keep dwindling away.
Take money and assets. Nearly every last career politician spends money like a drunken sailor. It's so bad our country in trillions in debt to those who are NOT our friends and only stay their hand because it benefits them.
Much of that money is given away to foreigners or aliens. Many outside out country, many within. Just like pyramid or Ponzi schemes, it cannot keep going.
As to licensing, merely that some are good does not make them all good, any more than with other laws.
There is NO license to practice surgery, or law. There are, howevere, business licenses, but they are just that, business licenses.
To practice law, you get a bar card from an entity which claims to be part of the judiciary. That agency claims to be exempt from disclosure laws, claiming judicial protections. However, that same agency conducts executive branch functions, such as going after those who practice law without a bar card.
Sadly, having a license does not make you a good marriage partner, a good doctor, or a good attorney. I know paralegals, for lack of a better name, who can stomp all over the average attorney building pleadings and things, or in court.
Practicing law, like much of medicine, is just a business. You have people who graduated at the top and the bottom of the class. You have people who can think and those who can only parrot.
In the end, our nation was built on distrust as much as it was on trust. Sadly, we have it pounded into our heads, during all our school years, to trust, rather than question.
Sadly, laws are only as good as the people making and enforcing them. More and more dangerous criminals are being let back onto the streets. On the other hand, profitable low fruit, less dangerous criminals put us in at or around first place in per capita incarcerations.
Sadly, our medicine is heavily influenced by profit. Remove censorship and it would be impossible to dispute that much of what is tied to covid is hogwash. Ivermectin does work, as do vitamins, herb and minerals, but those on high would ban even God's remedies, if they could, to promote for profit shots that have gained some trillions, and killed and injured many others.
SIDE NOTE: Merely that someone is a felon does not mean they are full on evil. I know a more than few. Several of them I would trust with my bank accounts and PINs.
The Executive Summary suggestion really does help. We successfully used that when communicating large data files to county commissioners.
Qatar, host country of the 2022 FIFA World Cup, reported 3,487 new COVID19 cases, outpacing a previous high of 2,355 seen in May 2020. 86.5% of the 2.8M population is fully vaccinated.
Wonderful tip!
Unless the constitutions have been over thrown by the federal gov or some other unknown power, even a vote of the people cannot, even by amendment, grant the legislature unlimited law making powers. This is not Germany.
There is no clause in any state constitution that allows a state to suspend due process except if the state is being militarily invaded. This even applies to so called medical emergencies. While a person proven to be a health threat might be able to be force-ably quarantined, there is no provision to detain a healthy person on the mere suspicion that they might be harboring an illness. Even proof they have been around an unhealthy person would not grant the state the power to quarantine them against their will.
Due to this, if someone challenges the governor to prove they have the constitutional authority to enforce this statute or even to allow it to be enforced, the governor would default because they have no such power.
While the governor is tasked with seeing that all laws are faithfully executed, they are not granted the power to allow laws to be executed that that cannot be proven to be constitutional.
Forced jabbing: No state constitution grants any state or any agency of it the power to impose a medical treatment upon their civilian population. Especially an experimental treatment that is killing and disabling many that take it. The state has no power to make you play a game of medical Russian roulette with your life - even if the state thinks it might be a good idea.
The citizens have the right to demand, in writing, that the governor prove, in writing, these actions are constitutional. When the governor fails, the people have the power to go to court and get an injunction against enforcement on the ground that the state has failed to prove enforcement is constitutional.
As citizens, you are claiming that you have the right not to be subjected to these rules because no such power is granted to the state. When the state, via its representative, the governor, fails to prove you wrong on the record, an honest court is required to protect you from enforcement upon petition.
The statement to the courts would be: We [ make it well publicized so the judge knows there are a lot of eyes on him ] cannot find in the state constitution where the power is granted to the state to impose these rules and mandates upon us. We therefore deny the power exists. We have challenged the governor to prove they have the constitutional authority to impose said regulations. The governor has been unable or at least unwilling to provide proof of the authority to enforce said rules and mandates.
The rule of authority is that where the power of the gov to act is not clearly stated or necessarily implied by what is stated in the relevant constitution, the power of the gov to act is forbidden.
Further, that when the gov is challenged to prove they have the constitutional power to act and they cannot or will not, the power is deemed not to exist.
Therefore, the question before the court is: Is the state constitution binding upon the legislature and governor? The obvious answer would be yes, unless the state constitution has been over thrown and Washington is an admittedly communist state where in all rights have been abolished.
Can the governor allow enforcement of laws and mandates that they cannot or will not prove to be constitutional? The clear answer is no, unless the Washington constitution has been over thrown and all rights have been abolished.
The questions must be concise and leave no room for interpretation or opinion
Remember, the judge can only rule on the evidence before him. If he did know that the Washington constitution allowed the proposed actions, he cannot enter that into the record. It is the responsibility of the the state's representative, such as the state AG, to enter such evidence.
If the judge does know that no such power exists on behalf of the gov, he cannot allow the rights of the people to be violated and he has a duty to rule on behalf of the people
If no proof of authority to act is entered into the record, for the judge to rule against the people to be free of the enforcement of the mandates would be a statement that somehow the Washington constitution and the rights it secures has have been over thrown.
The question then becomes: When and by whom?
Suggestion: Organize and petition your local sheriffs to take this task on, on behalf of the people of their counties. This is one of their constitutional duties - to protect the rights of those they were elected to serve.
A mayor has some resources and a state legislature that is against the mandates would seem to have the power, acting in an official capacity, to use all resources at their disposal to make the gov proven its actions are constitutional.
There is a retired sheriff who has started a movement to involve local sheriffs in such an action and to educate them on their constitutional duty -
I've contacted them with a short post. I have yet to receive a reply. It appears they have a different agenda and in regard to actually protecting rights, they are all talk.
I made contact with an Oregon sheriff that claims to be against the lock downs, but is not interested in doing anything about it. I contacted a sheriff in LA country that has complained loudly, but when offered help - I get no reply.
You experts in the fields of medicine especially the heavy hitters, the ivy league professors, famous neurosurgeons and physicians, field leaders, Dr Yeadon, Malone, Chetty, Hoffe, Cole, Carson, Doshi, Bhattacharya, Palmer, Harvey Risch, Bhakdi, Dolores, Montagnier, Nagase, Bridle etc must join together and produce something that can go viral on the alternative media platforms.
The piece will have to be short, at least less than one hour in duration. Other sources can be attached and linked as there will not be time to go into too much depth.
Simple. Short. Powerful. Logical.
Four key arguments.
1)The need for the response is disproportionate to the hazard it is addressing and more harmful.
2)The efficacy of the vaccine is pathetic and why it cannot work well nor ever could.
3) The safety profile is terrifying, both short term and the long term epigenetic consequences and permanent health affects should make you really concerned.
4) The morality and ethical, legal consequences.
The information is out there for sure. But it is too widely dispersed. Only those who have the time, passion and somewhat skill to interpret the data are able to do so. Thus it is not escaping into the wider public fast enough.
The target audience should be the directors of small-medium businesses. Busy people of influence. They are busy and only will take advice of the foremost experts. You will need to boast your credentials. And be factually very accurate as it will be attacked.
You will never EVER convince those seeking to CONTROL others of ANY other "agenda' but their own. You need to check out what is the BIG PICTURE! Check out Glenn Becks book on the Great Reset. Also check out this site as it explains EVERYTHING going on in the WORLD! dont' you think it's interesting /odd that the ENTIRE WORLD, as in ALL countries are doing the SAME THING when it comes to mandate & controlling their population? It's time to WAKE UP to reality!
Great idea!
Keep in mind, agencies can ONLY execute the law. They cannot add to or take from it.
That aside, one of our The State of Washington's problems is, perpetual martial law. RCW 38.08.030 states partial or full martial law is initiated by way of governor's proclamation. That's how our mess started - InSLEEZE issued a proclamation citing that code section.
One of the groups pursuing legal action might find it helpful to seek a declaratory judgement on the intent of the law codified at RCW38.08.030, and how long the framers intended that even one privilege or right could be suspended.
It's an excellent letter! Yes, there is some confusion over the agenda tomorrow. Regardless of the incremental steps they are actually taking, it's great the information is being shared and people are taking notice.
Love you Steve Kirsch! You are fine! NOW please, Dr. Kory is out there in the midst of this hell everyday and he needs some is dark as hell out there! Please give him a call full of your wry lightness along with our deep love and respect for his intrepid shining integrity and outrageous courage.
Unfortunately, I suspect the most compelling missive has nothing to do with a factually, well-documented letter but rather a few photos of the BOH members in seriously compromised positions. Also known as a "CONTROL FILE."