Letter to the Washington State Board of Health
Margaret Anna pens a comprehensive letter to the Washington State Board of Health
Here’s a link to Margaret Anna’s letter to the Washington State Board of Health which meets on January 12, 2022 to discuss issues like Proposed Policies to Involuntarily Detain People in a Quarantine Facility & Mandate COVID Vaccination in Schools.
Her letter is long and comprehensive.
You can adapt it to your local situation. Or you can simply use it to educate yourself on the key arguments so you are prepared.
A caution about pitching to policy makers
It’s important to keep in mind that policy makers have very short attention spans, so long and comprehensive doesn’t necessarily translate to “effective” for all policy makers. What you want is “effective.”
One technique that works well when pitching policy makers, especially on something that is complex is to start with a one-page executive summary that makes all the key points you want to communicate: what you are specifically asking for, what the benefit is, and why they should care. That summary may be all that gets read.
Know of pitches that have worked to change minds?
If you know of other examples of pitches to policy makers on COVID vaccine and/or mask mandates, please let us all know in the comments, especially if the pitch worked. Copying what works is important.
I wrote this email to every one of our school board members the day after the FDA passed EUA for 5-11 year olds in hopes of stopping the promotion of the vaccination clinics. They had previously set up vaccination clinics for ages 12 and up on our school campuses. It's January 2022 and our school district still hasn't done any vaccination clinics for 5 and up, even though neighboring school districts have. The email copy below is edited for privacy reasons:
Title: Potential criminal liability associated with vaccine promotion
Dear School Board Members,
It appears the White House plans to fast track the rollout of the COVID-19 vaccine for children 5-11 years old as it passed Emergency Use Authorization by the FDA yesterday. You face a difficult and unenviable policy decision on how to react to this contentious policy.
There are credible allegations of organized criminality involving the NIH, CDC, FDA, and large pharma companies in promoting these products. The failure to maintain adequate experimental controls, the absence of long-term safety studies, the suppression of safe and effective therapeutics like ivermectin, the protests of senior biologists including the inventor of the mRNA technology, the unusually large number of reported injuries... the list of reasons to believe something is terribly wrong is long and disturbing.
In normal circumstances you would be well advised to follow official health advice. These are not normal times, and you have a duty of care to the children that overrides all other concerns. From a personal and institutional perspective, you also face potential liability for promoting a medical intervention whose harms to children are known to exceed their benefits (by a wide margin), and where informed consent is clearly absent (since cheap and effective Covid treatments do exist).
You face a particularly difficult choice since (as I understand from a previous email sent out by the school district) federal COVID relief funding is tied to the school district following federal health guidelines. Failure to comply with their guidelines may seem costly in the short run, but is incomparably better than the alternative of ruined young lives, enormous compensation claims for criminal negligence, and potential charges for murder should children be killed.
The stakes are extremely serious, and I do not wish a burden on your conscience and stain on your reputation. If I can be of any assistance to you in bringing together the evidence to make the case for doing what is right, rather than what is easy, please let me know. You have been put in an unfortunate position, and I am sure many parents will step up to back you in putting the interests of the children first, ahead of mandates or profit.
I wanted to let everyone seeing this thread know I created a generic version of my letter that people can use for their own legislators, policymakers, boards, employers, or others involved in making decisions about mandates, quarantining, vaxxports, or related policies: