Lessons learned paper: "6 dead for every person that MIGHT have been saved by the COVID vaccine"
I was a co-author of this paper, but thanks to corrupt medical journals such as Cureus, the paper is impossible to find anymore, despite passing 10 peer-reviewers!
Executive summary
Recently, I tried to locate a paper I co-authored and despite lots of effort, I couldn’t locate it. You just get links to the retracted paper in Cureus. You can’t find the republished version.
Here are the links to the papers which have been republished in a non-corrupt medical journal (that is not indexed by PubMed):
COVID-19 Modified mRNA “Vaccines”: Lessons Learned from Clinical Trials, Mass Vaccination, and the Bio-Pharmaceutical Complex, Part 1 and Part 2
Hopefully, people will now be able to find these important papers since my Substack is indexed in Google.
I’ve also submitted the two papers to the React19 science page which has 3,751 papers with COVID side effects, but not these two papers.
And to save you the time of reading the papers, here is everything you need to know:
“For every life theoretically saved, there would be approximately 6 times (7.2 – 1 = 6.2) more deaths caused by the modmRNA injections.”
Czech data confirms no benefits
There is only one publicly available dispositive data source with record level data where you can see for yourself exactly what happened. That’s the Czech Republic dataset.
See: The Czech Republic record level data can be used to prove that the COVID vaccines had mortality benefits for the details.
The bottom line is:
All cause mortality during non-COVID periods skyrocketed after the COVID vaccines were rolled out to a population. This highly suggests the vaccines made people more likely to die.
Vaccinated vs. unvaccinated cohorts appear to do proportionally equally worse during COVID waves suggesting no beneficial effect of the vaccine against COVID.
I think you have to understand that your own government wants you DEAD. Hard pill to swallow, but if you look at history this isn't the first time. But.But...But.. America is different. We are more civilized. We even have better sensitive pronouns now. Doesn't matter.
There was no pandemic. There was no Covid. PCR test proved nothing. People with the flu were murdered by lethal shots masquerading as vaccines or by deadly hospital protocols