Kevin Kiley fundraiser today at 4pm PT in San Rafael
I'll be speaking at the event. He's running for Congress. It's important to have as many clear thinking people in Congress as possible. Join me if you can.
Here’s the online form to make a donation:
The event is in San Rafael.
You should get the exact address when you register.
If not, use the Contact Me form.
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I write about COVID mitigation policies, vaccines, corruption, censorship, and early treatments. The data shows that vaccines are ruining the health of Americans and driving the epidemic in a variety of health conditions.
Wayne (In the doctor's office): "You know, the CDC retracted their recommendation that health care workers wear masks. You should tell your boss to let you stop wearing that."
Nurse assistant: "They don't make me, I'm just worried about Covid."
Wayne: "Those masks don't stop Covid. There is one that does but it's battery powered and costs $800."
Nurse assistant: "Well, I just want to be sure."
Wayne: "You should change it out every hour, then. Your dental bills will shoot through the roof with infections and cavities. Look up 'mask mouth' on the internet."
Nurse assistant: "What?"
Wayne: "And when you're changing masks breathe very deeply, it's cutting off oxygen that you need."
Nurse assistant (pulling down mask) "You know, it feels great to breath!"
Republican candidates were winning in 2018 in CA. Then suddenly they all lost and the Dems got in. Gee how did that happen? They need to stop all the fake ballots and voting machines that are adjusting numbers.