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It is deadly. I had measles when I was 3. I developed triple pneumonia from the measles. I was expected to die. The Army called my father home from Vietnam. By God's grace I lived. But yes others have died from measles.

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And yet, here you are

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That is a concurrent bacterial infection. Viruses mess up your immune system and allow bacterial pathogens to take hold. Before antibiotics many people with a virus were killed by a bacterial infection they would have fought off if they didn't have the virus. Vaccines came into play a couple of decades after antibiotics, the death rates from viruses had already dropped due to antibiotics treating concurrent bacterial infections.

Much of the recent, say last 20 years, of providers withholding antibiotics to prevent "overuse" has been a huge cause of viral infections leading to bacterial infections turning deadly. A close friend of the family was hospitalized with covid. The doctors insisted antibiotics wouldn't help him and he died. His autopsy showed bacterial pneumonia was what killed him. The lawsuits are still ongoing but it is highly likely the case will be won against the doctors that refused antibiotics without having tested for a bacterial cause to the pneumonia.

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I just watched Dr. Ryan Cole and Joseph Malone talking about this very thing last night on the IMA (formerly FLCCC) webinar.

They talked about influenza A being the cause of the "flu", which people do not die from. They die from pneumonia caused by a secondary bacterial infection.

And that if people are treated for the virus WITH antiobiotics you can avert a death.

I cannot link the webinar but it would be available on the IMA site.

I remember watching an Italian doctor a couple of years ago talk about the extensive research and studies he did on respiratory disease, and how you have to treat it with tapered steroids AND antibiotics.

A close friend developed interstitial lung disease after the cvid shot (or shots). She fell through a million cracks in the medical system. They told her "cat allergy", and sent her home.

Ended up in ER being tested for everything. It was insane. They sent her home with an oxygen tube. She could not walk from the bed to the bathroom without it.

NO ONE giving her answers. Finally, we got her to top pulmonary doc in the area. He immediately put her on nightly steroid and antibiotic. For two months. (of course he did not mention that it was cvid injection related, but at least he treated it properly)

Within a week she was off the oxygen and is doing fine now. It was very very scary.

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100% Joe

How infuriating тАФ with-holding antibiotics from people when they're bloody ill with pneumonia, makes NO sense whatsoever.

I hope your friend's family gets a generous settlement.

Luckily, in Australia, we get heaps of sunshine in summer - even in southern states, and we are very outdoorsie type of people.......

Low Vitamin D will have you catch near anything тАФ incidence and recovery hinges on that + Vitamin C.

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In the UK doctors were explicitly told to NOT use antibiotics for pneumonia in covid patients, ensuring many "died of covid".

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Yes. The prompt international agreement to march in lockstep with all instructions from "higher up" was nothing short of astonishing. That alone was cause for much suspicion.

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Lol Whatever

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Sorry for your childhood health issue. However, I have the same question, What exactly is triple pneumonia? I had measles as a child along with my siblings, cousins, etc. and no one experienced any life challenging health issues. Did you have an underlying issue?

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In the 40s when mumps or measles hit, my mom took us to play with the kid who had it to ''get it over with''. She was an RN under a cardiologist. But when the German measles hit, she didn't. We got bathed every night with alcohol infused water, drank a spoonful of some brown yucky stuff, and stayed home from school. And no neighborhood playmates until it was over!! I'm now 90.

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My nine siblings and I got everything.... the Mums had neighbour parties to ensure our natural immunity kicked in.

Some kids in our 16k farming town & district did get very sick, but no one died.

We had lots of sunshine and fantastic fresh, organic, nutrition back in the 1940s and 50s.

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If it's left to RFK Jr, we'll soon have all the poisonous chemicals removed from these processed foods we and our kids eat today. He's already gotten the fluride out of school water and other public places..

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And he's recommending the CDC childhood vaccine schedule and said Operation Warp Speed was a success.

I do not cotton with the ridiculous "He had to say that". NO, NO he didn't.

He advocated for fluoride out of water. He was not the one responsible for it. Many many people and communities sued the govt about the fluoride in water.

I was a Kennedy devotee, so I write this with sadness, but he is now controlled. I wish he had stayed at CHD.

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Husband & I were so very worried that RFK2 wouldn't get through..... we were on tenterhooks for weeks and very anxious about the news.......

Husband couldn't sleep. Got up early to hear the news, then came in to wake me from a very deep sleep. Gently telling me "Kennedy passed - he's in" ........ I was fully alert in a flash! Lept out of bed. It was so exciting! We were "yay!!"ing and dancing and jumping and laughing and crying (I was) all at once. Exhilarating news!

Such was the dire precipice, we knew we were hovering over.

Thank God for Bobbie! He was born for such a time as this.

Australia operates like the 51st state - I figure, it seems our perpetual payback for saving our skins during WW2..... the officials are a bit slow here, but if Bobbie can get the message out - with calm reasoning, then a lot more will hop on board. Sadly, we STILL have fluoride in most water supplies here. Husband and I distill our town water, then re-mineralise for drinking....... beautiful clean water ЁЯТз

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No I did not

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And what is "triple pneumonia"? It is a concurrent infection of the lungs with 3 different pathogens. Frequently a viral infection and a bacterial and/or fungal infection. The viral infection causes the immune system to not be able to fight the bacteria and fungi that we encounter every day and we end up with concurrent infections. It is important to note that the CDC's guidance to doctors was to not test for bacterial infections in people who were covid positive. They didn't test so they didn't treat the bacterial infections that were really causing damage.

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"They didn't test so they didn't treat the bacterial infections that were really causing damage"

and how odd is it, that they employed that SAME directive in different countries?

Yet this has typically been what has killed people with flu in the past.

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Lol geez what a dummy. Just like your name.

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Strange you call HER a dummy. No one's body reacts the same to any given situation, including measles. I learned the same diagnosis when I was in nursing. I had toxemia on July 4, 1953 and as given 1 hour for me and my child to live (he was a preemie). I'm still here, although my son just passed away last month at the age of 72. Not all women died from toxemia, either. Stop showing your ignorance, Kelly.

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