None of my family died because of the gene juice because none of us took it. None of us died because of the 8 vaxxes we had as kids (UK born none had MMR we had them separately).
None of us died because of hospital treatment, I was in hospital for 2 hip replacements in 2021 and waited for them to say I was “positive” for CONvid, they didn’t, had they done so I would have discharged myself, gone home and took my ivermectin.
Interestingly on my second visit a nurse brought my paperwork back and went through it with my because I had no other health issues and was not on any other meds. After confirming it was correct she said “You weren’t brought up here were you”? “No” I replied. “You are lucky”, she said. I have never forgotten that.
Ultimately all roads lead to the nefarious agenda of transhumanism, "Transhumanism is eugenics without coercion", the "transhumanists" own words there. Though of course there was coercion with the jabs. I mean we were offered donuts, free burgers, a lottery ticket, (oh the irony), to win a million dollars, even in Austria they offered a free "go" at the local brothels. Then of course the more insidious coercion was the threrats, of losing jobs and more. Why transhumanism, look into the results of the blood that various scientists and doctors are observing, blood taken from the vaccinated and unvaccinated, and observed using blood spectroscopy. Incredibly compeling and extremely worrying. Self assembling "nano bots" are being observed, graphene based, in the blood of both the vaccinated and the unvaccinated. Steve probably has some qualified thoughts on this, the whys of it all, I sense, can be found here.
It's still hard to believe that so many of us fell for the biggest hoax in a hundred years. Covid was just a bad cold -- unless you were already quite unwell.
How many people died from the vaccine with the death being reported as something else. A 3 yr old recently died of myocarditis but no questions were asked by the coroner as to whether she had recently had a Covid vaccine. Obvious questions that should be asked about sudden deaths are not being asked.
Might want to do a survey on the number of people that have had their health ruined by being shed on by the jabbed Been sick for 4 years now Would the vac have saved me? Or just killed me quicker?
You should not have limited the "any vaccine" question to 2021 or later. I have a family member who suspiciously died of a heart attack at age 68 the night after receiving a flu shot, but that was pre 2021.
Dr Mike YEADON said "so many people will be dying from these vaccines but many won't notice because there will be a WAR going on in the world at the time"... Stunning words indeed
and still the figures are waaaay out (under reported) the real death figures are no where NEAR what the truth is going to be. In the next 12 months all known figures will be blown out the water
Of the three (3) post C19 vaccine deaths in my family - the eldest family member died within 72 hours of the vaccine. The other two were younger than myself and Cancer came out of no where (immediate onset "Stage 4") with no warning signs or symptoms. I am absolutely convinced the vaccine eviscerated their "God given" natural immunities.
regarding the survey, I have not had any family members die. But I have three very close friends that have significant injury. That could be another survey!
This will be an under reported number as most deaths which aren't immediately apparent will just be recorded as something else such as if the person who dies already had an existing condition.
My family at present only comprises of one brother, My wifes Family = one brother and wife and 2 children. My brother probably has had the vaccine but is out of touch, similar with my wifes' family who live far away, and also out of touch all are alive. My wife and I did not take the "vaccine" and we both had Covid in early 2020 but did not get very ill probably because we took the early Zelenko protocol to treat it. We also did not go to the hospital. I warned my brother not to take the jabs, but he got mad at me and would not talk to me. So, we do not really fit your survey very well. I believe what I said is another data point in such surveys.
Can we include friends as my next door neighbor and a close pal died 4 months after booster with turbo cancer?
None of my family died because of the gene juice because none of us took it. None of us died because of the 8 vaxxes we had as kids (UK born none had MMR we had them separately).
None of us died because of hospital treatment, I was in hospital for 2 hip replacements in 2021 and waited for them to say I was “positive” for CONvid, they didn’t, had they done so I would have discharged myself, gone home and took my ivermectin.
Interestingly on my second visit a nurse brought my paperwork back and went through it with my because I had no other health issues and was not on any other meds. After confirming it was correct she said “You weren’t brought up here were you”? “No” I replied. “You are lucky”, she said. I have never forgotten that.
Ultimately all roads lead to the nefarious agenda of transhumanism, "Transhumanism is eugenics without coercion", the "transhumanists" own words there. Though of course there was coercion with the jabs. I mean we were offered donuts, free burgers, a lottery ticket, (oh the irony), to win a million dollars, even in Austria they offered a free "go" at the local brothels. Then of course the more insidious coercion was the threrats, of losing jobs and more. Why transhumanism, look into the results of the blood that various scientists and doctors are observing, blood taken from the vaccinated and unvaccinated, and observed using blood spectroscopy. Incredibly compeling and extremely worrying. Self assembling "nano bots" are being observed, graphene based, in the blood of both the vaccinated and the unvaccinated. Steve probably has some qualified thoughts on this, the whys of it all, I sense, can be found here.
It's still hard to believe that so many of us fell for the biggest hoax in a hundred years. Covid was just a bad cold -- unless you were already quite unwell.
How many people died from the vaccine with the death being reported as something else. A 3 yr old recently died of myocarditis but no questions were asked by the coroner as to whether she had recently had a Covid vaccine. Obvious questions that should be asked about sudden deaths are not being asked.
Might want to do a survey on the number of people that have had their health ruined by being shed on by the jabbed Been sick for 4 years now Would the vac have saved me? Or just killed me quicker?
None of my immediate family died…but have many friends and coworkers that have died from the jab!
You should not have limited the "any vaccine" question to 2021 or later. I have a family member who suspiciously died of a heart attack at age 68 the night after receiving a flu shot, but that was pre 2021.
Dr Mike YEADON said "so many people will be dying from these vaccines but many won't notice because there will be a WAR going on in the world at the time"... Stunning words indeed
and still the figures are waaaay out (under reported) the real death figures are no where NEAR what the truth is going to be. In the next 12 months all known figures will be blown out the water
Of the three (3) post C19 vaccine deaths in my family - the eldest family member died within 72 hours of the vaccine. The other two were younger than myself and Cancer came out of no where (immediate onset "Stage 4") with no warning signs or symptoms. I am absolutely convinced the vaccine eviscerated their "God given" natural immunities.
regarding the survey, I have not had any family members die. But I have three very close friends that have significant injury. That could be another survey!
This will be an under reported number as most deaths which aren't immediately apparent will just be recorded as something else such as if the person who dies already had an existing condition.
What is your definition of family?
My family at present only comprises of one brother, My wifes Family = one brother and wife and 2 children. My brother probably has had the vaccine but is out of touch, similar with my wifes' family who live far away, and also out of touch all are alive. My wife and I did not take the "vaccine" and we both had Covid in early 2020 but did not get very ill probably because we took the early Zelenko protocol to treat it. We also did not go to the hospital. I warned my brother not to take the jabs, but he got mad at me and would not talk to me. So, we do not really fit your survey very well. I believe what I said is another data point in such surveys.
Most of my familie, I managed to convince not to take the vaccine, but if we talk about friends and acquaintance, I would say around 10