Sorry for your childhood health issue. However, I have the same question, What exactly is triple pneumonia? I had measles as a child along with my siblings, cousins, etc. and no one experienced any life challenging health issues. Did you have an underlying issue?
Sorry for your childhood health issue. However, I have the same question, What exactly is triple pneumonia? I had measles as a child along with my siblings, cousins, etc. and no one experienced any life challenging health issues. Did you have an underlying issue?
In the 40s when mumps or measles hit, my mom took us to play with the kid who had it to ''get it over with''. She was an RN under a cardiologist. But when the German measles hit, she didn't. We got bathed every night with alcohol infused water, drank a spoonful of some brown yucky stuff, and stayed home from school. And no neighborhood playmates until it was over!! I'm now 90.
If it's left to RFK Jr, we'll soon have all the poisonous chemicals removed from these processed foods we and our kids eat today. He's already gotten the fluride out of school water and other public places..
And he's recommending the CDC childhood vaccine schedule and said Operation Warp Speed was a success.
I do not cotton with the ridiculous "He had to say that". NO, NO he didn't.
He advocated for fluoride out of water. He was not the one responsible for it. Many many people and communities sued the govt about the fluoride in water.
I was a Kennedy devotee, so I write this with sadness, but he is now controlled. I wish he had stayed at CHD.
Husband & I were so very worried that RFK2 wouldn't get through..... we were on tenterhooks for weeks and very anxious about the news.......
Husband couldn't sleep. Got up early to hear the news, then came in to wake me from a very deep sleep. Gently telling me "Kennedy passed - he's in" ........ I was fully alert in a flash! Lept out of bed. It was so exciting! We were "yay!!"ing and dancing and jumping and laughing and crying (I was) all at once. Exhilarating news!
Such was the dire precipice, we knew we were hovering over.
Thank God for Bobbie! He was born for such a time as this.
Australia operates like the 51st state - I figure, it seems our perpetual payback for saving our skins during WW2..... the officials are a bit slow here, but if Bobbie can get the message out - with calm reasoning, then a lot more will hop on board. Sadly, we STILL have fluoride in most water supplies here. Husband and I distill our town water, then re-mineralise for drinking....... beautiful clean water ЁЯТз
Sorry for your childhood health issue. However, I have the same question, What exactly is triple pneumonia? I had measles as a child along with my siblings, cousins, etc. and no one experienced any life challenging health issues. Did you have an underlying issue?
In the 40s when mumps or measles hit, my mom took us to play with the kid who had it to ''get it over with''. She was an RN under a cardiologist. But when the German measles hit, she didn't. We got bathed every night with alcohol infused water, drank a spoonful of some brown yucky stuff, and stayed home from school. And no neighborhood playmates until it was over!! I'm now 90.
My nine siblings and I got everything.... the Mums had neighbour parties to ensure our natural immunity kicked in.
Some kids in our 16k farming town & district did get very sick, but no one died.
We had lots of sunshine and fantastic fresh, organic, nutrition back in the 1940s and 50s.
If it's left to RFK Jr, we'll soon have all the poisonous chemicals removed from these processed foods we and our kids eat today. He's already gotten the fluride out of school water and other public places..
And he's recommending the CDC childhood vaccine schedule and said Operation Warp Speed was a success.
I do not cotton with the ridiculous "He had to say that". NO, NO he didn't.
He advocated for fluoride out of water. He was not the one responsible for it. Many many people and communities sued the govt about the fluoride in water.
I was a Kennedy devotee, so I write this with sadness, but he is now controlled. I wish he had stayed at CHD.
Husband & I were so very worried that RFK2 wouldn't get through..... we were on tenterhooks for weeks and very anxious about the news.......
Husband couldn't sleep. Got up early to hear the news, then came in to wake me from a very deep sleep. Gently telling me "Kennedy passed - he's in" ........ I was fully alert in a flash! Lept out of bed. It was so exciting! We were "yay!!"ing and dancing and jumping and laughing and crying (I was) all at once. Exhilarating news!
Such was the dire precipice, we knew we were hovering over.
Thank God for Bobbie! He was born for such a time as this.
Australia operates like the 51st state - I figure, it seems our perpetual payback for saving our skins during WW2..... the officials are a bit slow here, but if Bobbie can get the message out - with calm reasoning, then a lot more will hop on board. Sadly, we STILL have fluoride in most water supplies here. Husband and I distill our town water, then re-mineralise for drinking....... beautiful clean water ЁЯТз
No I did not