And what is "triple pneumonia"? It is a concurrent infection of the lungs with 3 different pathogens. Frequently a viral infection and a bacterial and/or fungal infection. The viral infection causes the immune system to not be able to fight the bacteria and fungi that we encounter every day and we end up with concurrent infections. It is…
And what is "triple pneumonia"? It is a concurrent infection of the lungs with 3 different pathogens. Frequently a viral infection and a bacterial and/or fungal infection. The viral infection causes the immune system to not be able to fight the bacteria and fungi that we encounter every day and we end up with concurrent infections. It is important to note that the CDC's guidance to doctors was to not test for bacterial infections in people who were covid positive. They didn't test so they didn't treat the bacterial infections that were really causing damage.
Strange you call HER a dummy. No one's body reacts the same to any given situation, including measles. I learned the same diagnosis when I was in nursing. I had toxemia on July 4, 1953 and as given 1 hour for me and my child to live (he was a preemie). I'm still here, although my son just passed away last month at the age of 72. Not all women died from toxemia, either. Stop showing your ignorance, Kelly.
And what is "triple pneumonia"? It is a concurrent infection of the lungs with 3 different pathogens. Frequently a viral infection and a bacterial and/or fungal infection. The viral infection causes the immune system to not be able to fight the bacteria and fungi that we encounter every day and we end up with concurrent infections. It is important to note that the CDC's guidance to doctors was to not test for bacterial infections in people who were covid positive. They didn't test so they didn't treat the bacterial infections that were really causing damage.
"They didn't test so they didn't treat the bacterial infections that were really causing damage"
and how odd is it, that they employed that SAME directive in different countries?
Yet this has typically been what has killed people with flu in the past.
Lol geez what a dummy. Just like your name.
Strange you call HER a dummy. No one's body reacts the same to any given situation, including measles. I learned the same diagnosis when I was in nursing. I had toxemia on July 4, 1953 and as given 1 hour for me and my child to live (he was a preemie). I'm still here, although my son just passed away last month at the age of 72. Not all women died from toxemia, either. Stop showing your ignorance, Kelly.