It's time to end the mandates
Both sides have a compelling rationale to end the mandates and the State of Emergency. It's time to trust the judgment of the American people.
I am not alone in calling for the end of the mandates.
First, most important of all, the virus itself is calling for an end to the mandates:
Here are some others calling for the end to the mandates:
Jan 24: Scott Gottleib
Jan 25: Alex Berenson:

Countries ending mandates:
Denmark recently announced that starting February 1, it will drop all mandates for vaccinations and face masks.
Boris Johnson recently declared an end to the COVID restrictions in the UK. He said, “We will trust the judgment of the English people.”
Why can’t we do that in the US? Isn’t it time to trust the judgment of the American people?
Whether you ask a red or blue pill person, it’s clear that both sides have compelling rationales to end the mandates and the State of Emergency.
Interestingly, the rationale for each side is completely different, but the conclusion is the same.
Here’s how they stack up.
Blue pill rationale
We don’t need mandates for the vaccine or masks because we know they work. No need to sell us! Mandate or not, we will comply.
We no longer fear those who are not compliant: we are all boosted up the wazoo using safe and effective vaccines with virtually no side effects AND we are wearing N95 or P100 masks at all times. And we always stay 6 feet from any other person. So there is basically no way to infect us.
We have nothing to fear. Virtually none of us will be hospitalized, and none of us risk death. And the prevalence of Omicron makes our risk even lower.
We think people who are not compliant are evil and deserve to die. Why force them to take life-saving medical interventions? We are better off as a society if these people are gone. Permanently.
We trust our doctors to deliver quality medical advice. Our doctors always follow the CDC guidance which has been uniformly excellent. We all should be treated the same, no matter what our medical histories are. If the doctors follow the CDC guidelines, almost nobody dies. All the hospitals are filled with unvaccinated people.
Just to be safe, we test ourselves every day using antigen tests for COVID. If we have a positive test result, we now have two new safe and effective drugs from the most trusted drug companies in the world so that in the rare chance that we get COVID, we can treat it with nearly 100% success.
Note: Many blue pill people still are unsafe after being triply vaxed and doubly masked. This is why it’s critically important to let them know about the P-100 respirator. This face covering gives them 150X protection over what they had before so that they have nothing at all to fear from anyone. Problem solved. Nobody can put them at risk. The burden is thus placed on those people who don’t believe in science.
However, they can still believe they are at risk. Anyone who feels at risk can simply quarantine at home and have no human contact. That would be safest for them.
We cannot build new quarantine facilities for those who fear being infected because even remote Antarctica stations where everyone is tested still develop COVID.
Red pill rationale
The vaccines are unsafe. They don’t work against Omicron. Mandating a vaccine which has just downsides for people is insane.
Mandates aren’t needed because we won’t comply with them anyway. They just create division and animosity in society. They divide us.
We don’t fear the vaccinated.
Cloth, surgical, and N95 masks don’t work so why should we wear them? P100 masks do work, but they are pretty cumbersome and not worth the trouble for a COVID variant that can’t hurt us.
Social distancing is useless and doesn’t work. The 6 foot rule is not based on any science. Why isn’t it 5.2 feet? Nobody has seen the science justifying 6 feet so we aren’t going to comply with silly non-scientific rules.
The current COVID vaccines are more likely to kill people than save them. In the Pfizer trial, 24% more people died in the group taking the vaccine! So it’s clear. If the vaccines don’t kill us, they will actually make the pandemic worse because they depress our immune system making us twice as likely to be infected with COVID as well as susceptible to other diseases (like reoccurrence of cancer). They also cause serious side effects. They are the most dangerous vaccines in human history. There is no way we will take them. Mandating them is just going to piss us off and hurt the economy. You will not get us to take them.
Why would we take a drug that could kill us to prevent a variant that cannot? You’d have to be nuts. We will not comply so the mandates won’t make us.
The primary variant is Omicron which if it happened today, we’d just ignore it since it is like getting a cold.
If we get sick, we have very effective early treatment protocols using existing safe repurposed drugs like ivermectin, HCQ, aspirin, vitamin D, NAC, and Prozac. These protocols are 100% successful in preventing death from COVID when given early. We would never use Molnupiravir or Paxlovid; those drugs are both super dangerous.
We use symptoms to determine if we have COVID. If we are unsure, we can use antigen tests. There is no need to test if we aren’t symptomatic because we know there is virtually zero asymptomatic spread and because the antigen tests almost never work reliably unless you are symptomatic so it’s a complete waste of money to test asymptomatic people. The testing companies don’t want anyone to know that, but we do.
If we do get sick with COVID symptoms, we stay home and rest.
Even if we had a truly safe vaccine, those of us who are recovered from COVID wouldn’t need it. A uniform mandate for everyone makes no sense.
We believe doctors should be allowed to be doctors and that medical care should always be delivered by our healthcare professional we trust to use his professional judgement on our individual case. The CDC guidance is just awful.
Any consideration made about mandating forced medical procedures isn't a discussion.
It's a threat.
We will not submit to this fate. There are destinies worse than death, and the world they want to create - where the government and their pharma buddies can inject us with whatever they want whenever they want - is one of them.
To all of you would-be injection jockeys going door to door with your poison needles: is this the hill you are willing to die on?
Everything we've been experiencing has been in the works for many many decades. If you take the time to read the following and watch all of the videos you will understand how and why we got here and where they want to take us:
We are not going to give up without a fight...
Absolutely agree. I watched the protest in Washington city 2 days ago and the speech of any of you. And last night I watched also Senator Ron Jonson in Rumble Channel COVID-19: A Second Opinion.
BRAVO. All of you are OUR HEROES and history will remember you as such.
All of us in my family recovered from Covid using Ivermectin, Vit. D, zink, Vit.C, quercetin, black cumin seeds oil, and iodine. Unfortunately, my mom who lives in Bulgaria and got the vaccine before we knew all the information about this killer drug, has died and my heart is broken. She got the second Pfizer dose on the 29th of June 2021 and shortly after she started not feeling well. In the middle of August, we had to call emergency and after that, we went to different hospitals many many times where we have been told that she is well and we have nothing to worry about but she was getting worse every day, until the last time when she has been admitted in ICU because we have been told that some of her organs were functioning very little. Just the day before we called again emergency that came to our house telling us that she is well and her blood oxygen is good, her pulse is good, etc. She went out of ICU after 3 days but remained in hospital for another 1 week. In a hospital, she got Covid ( that was what we have been told ), And 2 days after we have been told she is positive she has died. I decided to investigate the case to understand what exactly happened to my mom and why she has died. I want answers. My mom was a healthy woman and now she is dead. The investigation is still going on. But my life, our life is not anymore the same. My heart is broken, I can't sleep, can't eat can't concentrate on anything.
She was everything for me and my brother. We grow up just with her. With NO father or grandma or grandpa. Our father was an alcoholic and left us when we were small. He has died in a car accident when we were still in school. My mother`s mom has died when she was 10 and her father remarried and had another kid and another family.
How many families lost a loved one and suffer because of these MONSTERS? This is a CRIME AGAINST HUMANITY. People`s life has been destroyed because of these MASS MURDERERS.
Is time to say ENOUGH is ENOUGH and bring these MONSTERS to justice. WE NEED TO CHANGE THE ENTIRE SOCIETY. NO globalization and NO corporations. NO stilling anymore our money and our lives. Time to fight to get back our FREEDOM and DEMOCRACY.