IMPORTANT: If you work at a hospital, I need your help NOW
I've expanded my survey to cover hospital statistics. If you work at a hospital, ask for the numbers. Let's see what the real data says.
I’ve expanded my vaccinated vs. unvaccinated observational study to now include hospitals.
If you work at a hospital, please fill out this form if you can get stats on the following based on vaccination type:
# hospital admissions
#ICU admissions
# deaths
Your choice of time period; as long as you can get. You can use any time period you want after Jan 1, 2021.
When you fill out the form, for “group,” pick the new “Hospital” choice:
For example, suppose since Jan 2021, your hospital admitted 1000 vaccinated and 100 unvaxed into the hospital. There were 200 ICU admissions of vaxxed and 10 of unvaxxed. There were overall 50 deaths of vaxxed, and 3 of unvaxxed over the entire period.
In the example above, you’d enter into the form fields:
name of hospital
1000 vaxxed admitted (for how many people in your group were vaxxed)
200 vaxxed ICU admitted (for # vax injured)
50 vaxxed dead (for # vax dead)
100 unvaxxed admitted
10 unvaxxed ICU admitted
3 unvaxxed deaths
This can be very helpful because it eliminates the claims that my readers are biased. Hospital stats aren’t biased. Period full stop.
So these numbers, even if they are hard to get, are like gold to people like me who want to expose the truth.
Please help me out. Your name will not be released.
You will have to appeal to the CEO of hospital to get the data. Here’s one of the comments I received:
Steve, I’ve tried to get some data related icu admissions and vaccines at my hospital and it’s a land mine. The data is horribly corrupted. Sara’s post is true in my service area as well. And administration is not going to allow research into this nor will our hospitalists. The spotlight is too bright and opens them up to liability. I do anesthesia at our small hospital and talk to pts everyday that report recent (within 6 months) PE, MI, stroke etc since jabs but they often don’t correlate them. And their physicians certainly won’t, I know them personally. Would love to help, but the data is biased towards vaccines are “safe and effective.”
And here’s another:
Good luck
These numbers are ignored and certainly the administrators are not counting.
I strongly believe that the increased cancer rates and metastasis rapidly grew after the shots.
Steve, if you did a quick interview on several morning radio talk shows in large cities that would be 2-5 hospitals in you could possibly reach in each city.
At this point, you're dynamite - any morning radio host would want to have you on. If you got Joe Rogan you'd hit the jackpot.
I work as a rep in many hospitals. So here's my opinion on where we can all be most helpful. Docs like McCullough, Ryan Cole, Malone etc... already have the numbers down pat. I understand where you're going with this but it's kind of re-inventing the wheel. They can get people numbers and explain the science better than anyone. Bigger help we can all do now (I feel) is figuring out how to get eyes on those experts.
Look, I'm not a scientist but I'm observant. I walked the halls of many "Overcrowded" hospitals during the pandemic. They were empty. EMPTY! The Overcrowding they promoted was ICU numbers. A hospital is a business. They PLAN for their ICU to be 70%-80% full at all times. It's how they make their money. This leaves 20% open during COLD AND FLU SEASON. Doesn't take much for ICU's to reach capacity during winter and report - They're Full.
MY POINT: We know the Vax is Bad and hurt people - DON'T TAKE IT. Most helpful now is Getting to the bottom of the "Marketing of Covid". More important than the Medicines (which we know are bad). The longer people debate what booster to get when and who's recommending what, or trying to reinvent the wheel, the more time is lost.
We need to Jump to the real issue. #1. Numbers prove there was no need for a Vax at all. #2 effective alternatives exist for those who need treatment.
- Why were Doctors silenced and fired? Why were we forbidden to discuss among each other what worked? Social Media deplatformed the President and me and you and anybody who spoke out. There was a coordinated effort to instill fear into the public and keep them afraid. The answer we get is "We filtered misinformation for your own good". Well it turns out it wasn't for our own good. It killed people.
I know there's a process and we can't accuse people of being malicious. But this is substack and I'll just say it. Fauci "directed traffic" for 2 years of this pandemic. He censored useful information while promoting treatments we now know to be harmful. We know this. Yet he's still the "goto" for information. People are still listening to him. At some point you need to pull the pitcher off the mound. He needs to be sidelined until a full investigation can be done on what happened.
Kirsch, McCullough, Cole etc.. have a lot of "Juice" to make some waves but also a lot to lose if you're wrong. You can't call out Fauci NIH, CDC directly like I'm doing right now. (it was intentional). If we can't sideline Fauci, we can figure ways to circumvent MSM (who won't put them on) and divert public attention to other well known experts. Experts who will deliver facts, explain the science and allow people to make educated decisions. We were duped by a marketing campaign. Is what it is. Promoting alternative educators everywhere possible is the most immediate way to help people and save lives.