I'm putting the CDC and FDA on notice
They'll ignore me of course, but it's important to put all these people on record as having been notified that they are responsible for the death of hundreds of thousands of Americans.
Here’s the full text of the message
Hi Tom,
I just left you a voicemail at your work number:
I just wrote a story mentioning your failure to discuss the VAERS underreporting factor:
Have you heard about Wayne Root’s wedding?
ZERO for both in the unvaxxed (N=100)
I learned more from Wayne Root’s wedding than any study from the CDC.
His results are virtually impossible if the vaccines are as safe as claimed.
Check it out:
I was able to validate that Wayne’s numbers were actually expected! It wasn’t an outlier at all:
I have hundreds of thousands of followers and I found it very troubling that I couldn't find anyone who has any positive anecdotes comparing vaxxed vs. unvaxxed injury/death rates.
How is that possible?!? Check this out. It’s really stunning:
That’s a p-value of 1e-82. There is no way for the vaccine to be safe or neutral with a p-value like that.
Doesn't data matter anymore?
You can do your own survey yourself if you think mine was gamed.
It is very troubling to me that the CDC doesn’t do any surveys like these.
Take a look at the survey we did on July 4:
Q17: Shows 13 people died from COVID
Q15: Shows 36 people died from the VACCINE
It’s only 500 people in the survey, so there is less than a 5% margin of error (with 95% confidence).
In other words, they reported that almost 3X as many people died from the Vaccine than from COVID.
It’s an UNBIASED survey Tom. How do you explain that?
Pollfish randomly chooses the people from a cross section of America.
The vaccines are killing more people than the disease.
How do you explain why none of the autopsies were ever stained to find an association with the vaccine? Why hasn’t the CDC requested this even on a randomly selected sample of say 100 patients just to be sure we got it right?
Is it because nobody wants to know that the vaccine killed these people???
The pathologists refuse to do the tests. Medical records are omitting vaccination and death reports (in VAERS) fail to mention the vaccine as the cause of death. I’ll be making a video later today where I’ll be naming names.
Can we discuss this in a recorded Zoom call? After all, I’m sure you can easily explain all of this, right?
I look forward to hearing from you ASAP. Have a nice weekend.
Tom, where is the final pregnancy data???
Tom is the lead author of the NEJM pregnancy paper claiming vaccines are safe for pregnant women.
The paper said, “too early to make any determinations as to safety… the data isn’t fully in.”
The funny thing about that paper is they never told us what happened at the end of the study after the data was fully in.
We all know why they didn’t. It would be devastating because it would be an admission that the CDC gave women bad advice. So they keep it buried so that they won’t look bad and hope that nobody finds out.
It doesn’t matter to them how many unborn babies they kill.
They are compensated based on how many people they con into taking the deadly COVID vaccines. Period.
This is why I will never be allowed to talk to Tom. Because I ask intelligent questions like “where’s the data?”
See this comment.
Steve, this one is for you! https://anchor.fm/jsk/episodes/BOMBSHELL-dropped-on-Fox-News--Military-WHISTLEBLOWER-on-Pfizer-e1mevhp
Thank you for never quitting no matter how daunting the task or ruthless the opposition is, Steve. 💛