I was invited to a fundraiser for Congressman Ro Khanna. Here's my RSVP.
They probably don't get a lot of RSVPs like the one I sent.

Hi Cooper,
Good to hear from you.
Ro seems uninterested in talking to me about the vaccines.
This is an important issue. When I started speaking out, I had no followers. Now I have close to 1 million followers.
Recently, I appeared on Fox News and said “The vaccines have killed hundreds of thousands of Americans.”
The Fox host said, “We can’t verify that.”
I offered to send them the data for them to review.
They had no interest in looking at the data. However, the data was independently analyzed by a third party and validated. No fact checker will touch this.
I have access to the safety data from the Israeli Ministry of Health. I offered a private briefing on this data to the head of the CDC outside committee. She refused.
How can a scientist in charge of safety REFUSE to view safety data from Israel’s top regulator?? Explain that one to me.
I’m hardly the only one who believes this. I just came from a medical conference with 500 doctors and got two standing ovations for my 45 minute talk on what the data says. Not a single person challenged me on my stats.
I have offered to debate the doctors promoting the narrative. No takers. I even offered a $1M incentive to debate me. No takers.
If he’s not willing to invest 15 minutes of his time to have a discussion about the possibility that the CDC could be wrong, then I think you need to remove me from your list.
WOW Steve this is a powerful RSVP.
Thank you for being our voice. Every govt organization blames the other for the issues we are shouting about. The latest, approving COVID vax for the required routine vax schedule for children. 💀
Steve u r the best!! I don’t think I could survive this without you!! Thank you. Thank you thank you for everything you are doing God is using you as a mouthpiece and he will surely bless you!!