Help us get the mask mandates on public transportation overturned
The Senate voted to repeal the mask mandates. Please ask your member of Congress to repeal the mask mandates.
Robert Malone wrote an excellent Substack describing the Senate vote to repeal the mask mandate.
Now we need to get the House to vote.
Use this website to find the contact info of your representative and let them know via email or phone. There is almost always an email contact link on their website or shown on the search result.
If everyone reading this takes action, we will send a clear message.
It only takes a couple of minutes. Please register your displeasure.
Did it!
Response from CA Congressman Mark DeSaulnier. He is still referencing the Delta variant, and also "the science" of face masks:
"Ensuring the safety and well-being of all Americans is one of my top priorities, particularly during the current crisis. Due to the alarming rise of Delta variant coronavirus infections, the CDC recently issued guidance recommending that all individuals, vaccinated and unvaccinated, wear masks in public indoor settings if they live in areas with high or substantial levels of transmission. Additionally, Contra Costa County reinstituted indoor masking requirements in public settings regardless of vaccination status beginning August 3, 2021. The science shows that face masks combined with other preventive measures, such as getting vaccinated, frequent hand-washing, and physical distancing, can help slow the spread of the virus. Masking by vaccinated people reduces the risk of breakthrough infections and transmission of the virus to others."