Help us get the mask mandates on public transportation overturned
The Senate voted to repeal the mask mandates. Please ask your member of Congress to repeal the mask mandates.
Robert Malone wrote an excellent Substack describing the Senate vote to repeal the mask mandate.
Now we need to get the House to vote.
Use this website to find the contact info of your representative and let them know via email or phone. There is almost always an email contact link on their website or shown on the search result.
If everyone reading this takes action, we will send a clear message.
It only takes a couple of minutes. Please register your displeasure.
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I write about COVID mitigation policies, vaccines, corruption, censorship, and early treatments. The data shows that vaccines are ruining the health of Americans and driving the epidemic in a variety of health conditions.
And if you want to add some facts about masks search and re-read Steve Kirsch's mask articles!
Also, ask them who is going to pay for increased dental costs from infected gums due to constant mask wearing.
Today I went shopping in five different shops, me without mask. Everyone smiled at me and was super friendly. What an uplifting experience, and that in Melbourne Australia. in the State that had the longest lock-down in the world.