I clearly struck a nerve on this post. Over 304 comments so far!

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I also recall hearing years ago that 5G millimeter waves were going to cause a lot of eye health problems as the eye has no protection. They installed the 5G apparatuses all over the place with remarkable efficiency while we were all locked in our homes during the Covid coup. That being said I do think the increased EMF exposure and the Covid injections are like a 1-2 punch. Declassified Soviet studies showed the harmful biological effects of millimeter waves in the 1970s. The govt knew and they deployed it anyway. Anyone who is interested in this topic can check out EHTrust, EMFScientist websites or see the documentary Generation Zapped. We are under siege, folks.

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re: "They installed the 5G apparatuses all over the place" & "I also recall hearing years ago that 5G millimeter waves ..."

Q: What is millimeter wave (mmWave)? A: Millimeter wave (mmWave), also known as millimeter band, is a range of electromagnetic frequencies between microwaves and infrared. The mmWave band contains wavelengths between 10 millimeters (at 30 gigahertz) and 1 millimeter (at 300 GHz.)


FOr the last few years, the telecom companies have been using, have been converting their spectrum in the lower 'microwave' spectrum, the cm or centimeter wavelengths (cmWave), from 3 to 30 GHz to 5G protocols from 4G LTE protocols as more smartphones are capable of 5G signalling and protocols.

From a practical standpoint, 5G protocols are being implemented on the sub 6GHz frequencies, in notably 'traditional' cellular frequencies between 600 MHz and 3.3 GHz and supplanting 4G LTE protocols.

Remember, 5G is actually a set of over-the-air (and to a lesser degree network) "protocols" or signalling rules that phones and the networks obey or respect in order to handle wireless data and phone calls in an orderly and predictable manner. 5G frequency 'bands' in the mmWave area are noted to only cover out to a block or so, and used in high density coverage areas like stadiums, malls, and even in areas having dining and eateries nearby. 5G and these higher frequencies serve to 'off-load' traffic from longer range 4G LTE/5G lower freqs to those mmWave bands that have the shorter coverage distance. You won't find a 5G 'cell' with 5 mile or even 1 mile range, that's the province of 4G LTE lower frequencies (but in the future using 5G NR protocols that replace 4G LTE.)

AS to exposure, here is a compendium of reports and data on that aspect: http://www.emfandhealth.com/

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It could be an effect of the jabs, but it may be more likely due to the rollout of millimeter wave tech worldwide (which started around 2019).


"It is known that millimeter waves (MMW) are absorbed by surface tissue such as skin and the cornea."

What you've uncovered in pharma/regulators/govt deceiving the public, applies just as equally to the telecommunications/regulators/govt sector.

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re: "It is known that millimeter waves (MMW) are absorbed by surface tissue such as skin and the cornea."

Yes, because, we are not made of aluminum skin like most (but not all) aircraft, or stainless steel like a Cyber Truck!

Note also when you walk out into bright noon-time sun (and feel the warmth) you are receiving solar irradiation at about 1,000 Watts per square meter density. Cellular and so-called 5G operate several orders (like 3 or more) of magnitude less power density.

Also note a crackling fire in the fire place is irradiating at an order less magnitude than the sun (depending how close you sit to the fireplace) but nonetheless irradiating with long wavelength EMF/EM waves in the IR (Infrared) spectral region.

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Unfortunately, professionals in the electrical engineering sector are like professionals in other sectors, protective of their own industry & arrogant. Entities like the IEEE or WHO or the regulators like to pretend they are using the best "science" available or that they are using a "weight of evidence" approach, all the while denigrating legitimate science that shows harms. They produce voluminous materials, based on "meta-analyses", reviews, & the like, twisting the data to produce the conclusions they want. Honestly, it saddens me greatly, when someone with your intelligence, equates normal cosmic radiation or sunlight with the artificial radiation of digitally pulsed signals the earth is becoming increasingly saturated with.

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re: " it saddens me greatly, when someone with your intelligence, equates normal cosmic radiation or sunlight with the artificial radiation of digitally pulsed signals "

Denying that EM energy produced by once source is 'magic', while the other is entirely different? What world to you live in anyway? This is fantasy ...

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re: "Entities like the IEEE"

Broad hand wave again. Do you know who constitutes the voting members of the IEEE, or not?

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re: "Unfortunately, professionals in the electrical engineering sector are like professionals in other sectors, "

Blah, blah, blah. Look at the reports and the data. Too easy for Dunning-Krugers to hand-wave away inconvenient facts like you just did, not addressing the facts, research and data.

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I have. I've also considered the science & data ignored in those reports, but produced by others in the field who have been essentially silenced into submission. I have read extensively on the topic, including published books by people like Blank, Marino/Becker, Kane etc warning about the dangers & how conflicted the regulators/associations are.

It is very telling to me that you use terms like "dunning kruger", because that is a way to discredit any opposition, typically of industry tactics & so called skeptics. Unfortunately what you people either haven't realised, or refuse to acknowledge is that we don't live in a pure science driven world. It has become subservient to corporate & commercial interests. That is what science is about today.

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it warms me to know these facts about the sun and fire. I think we can rule out the exclusive cause as 5G. But it and the sun, may be a contributor or exciter of the metabolic effects of the MRNA injections, or some subset of those injections as no one knows who got what in their shots, just that there were different batches and different batch numbers.

That might be a place to start, if you can correleate batch numbers to eye problems.

No MRNA injections at my house and all our visions is fine. Also no one has died suddenly, but I did have several friends and co-workers who suffered cardiac events, including one death. - they all had Fauci's magic injection.

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What about comorbitites? Age? Diet? Chronic conditions that have been left untreated / unknown issues? So many different diagnoses that cause eye conditions and cataracts. All present befor COVID with the only documented uptick now being everyone is paranoid post COVID inauculation, same as when all vaccines were initiated people go to the doc with a throat tickle or a blurry eye even though it's been present for years before hand). I am not saying your unresearched conspiracy theory doesn't have value, there may be a correlation down the line, currently none.

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The post below yours was a reply to your post, for orders sake

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So many diseases/medical conditions so insanely on the rise and the only common demoninator is the jabs. Butgo ahead and take all the poison you can take, but dont believe that somebody else will when tings are so obvious.

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I was blaming the LED lighting NOT the JAB since I haven't had a jab buttt Ive had Cataract surgery in 2023 myself.

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what is your age? all people (who don't live in a cave) are subjected to UV radiation from the sun daily. Damage accumulates, Cataracts are primarily a problem of the aged who didnt wear sunglasses that block UV.

If you have cheap (or even expensive) LED's from China, there is no testing done to prove your illumination doesn't also contain radiation from the UV spectrum. One of the nice things about Incandescents, they favor the red spectrum and produce infrared light which is at the other end of the spectrum from UV. Thats why you can use them to keep the little tiny chicky chicks warm in the brood box.

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False, sunlight is unpolarized. Non-native emf is polarized. The negative effects this causes compared to natural sunlight can’t be emphasized enough. Read up on quantum biology. Millions of years of evolution didn’t create a species harmed by sunlight. But 150 years under artificial light inside an electric grid has caused Neolithic disease to skyrocket.

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Case representation to the contrary: Me.

I live bathed in RF (radio) so-called 'EMF' (WHICH in a previous generation used to stand for Electro-Motive-Force (AKA 'voltage') before the Dunning-Krugers began to misuse the term) much of the day, while operating a MW and SW frequencies plus VHF and UHF ranging up to 1.296 GHz.

And then, of course, there is the microwave oven (2.4 GHz) AND not to be ignored is the wireless router at both 2,4 GHz and 5.8 GHz that MANY of us have in our homes, usually on the order of 10 to 15 feet away when we are in our living rooms. ALL of this energy is linearly polarized, which really makes little difference to 'exposure'.

You ALSO forget the constant 0.3 to 0.6 Gauss deep-tissue-penetrating magnetic field we are ALL immersed in, from our conception thru birth and unto death, generated by the very earth we walk on. Whenever we MOVE this field generates current within our tissues, too. You can see this by doing a simple experiment, with 3 or 4 turns of wire in a 1/2 meter diameter coil hooked to a DVM (a Digital VoltMeter, sold by Kroger Grocery stores even) and the meter will indicate when you move the coil around.

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Me as well. Cataracts but no jab. We also were looking at our phones & computers a lot more during COVID

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AND let's not forget, each of these hand-held computers (we call smartphones) w/illuminated flat-panel hi-res displays is LED-based illumination too.

I often in the mornings in the pre-dawn hour wear lightly tinted sunglasses on my morning bicycle ride ... they have a yellowish tending towards red tint, but the visual impression in use is like, kinda, night and day. Instead of grayish concrete in artificial or early morning sunlight, the concrete streets and parking lot (where I ride laps) takes on a 'warmer', more pleasant appearance. BTW cataract surgery in 2018 for me at age 63.

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Both of my younger siblings have bad cases of glaucoma now. I do not have it and it does not run in our family. And yes, I am not jabbed and they are.

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I also have floaters and blurred vision in one eye.

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I have noticed that styes and floaters have been very common amongst acquaintances and friends over the last year. I have had an issue with styes under my eye lids reoccurring in both eyes. I also have

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My father (75 years of age) has had glaucoma for over 15 years. He took drops to reduce eye pressure and his eyes were stable, and he had regular visits to his opthalmologist. Of course, there had been some irreversible eye damage as the glaucoma has gone undiagnosed for quite some time. Regardless of this, his eyes were stable. And then my dad, a so-called man of science, received multiple COVID shots. Within 6 months, his eyes started to deteriorate quickly. The opthalmologist also stated that he had never seen such a rapid onset of glaucoma. My dad had one surgery after another to try to stabilise the eye pressure. He is now legally blind and his eyes continue to deteriorate. He refuses to ask the opthalmologist about the link between the 'vaccine' and glaucoma, despite me having read an article that said opthalmologists should be on the look out for a rise in adverse ocular disorders. Worst part is, my dad continues to happily get his annual COVID 'vaccine', hailing the wonders of modern science.

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My father (75 years of age) has had glaucoma for over 15 years. He took drops to reduce eye pressure and his eyes were stable, and he had regular visits to his opthalmologist. Of course, there had been some irreversible eye damage as the glaucoma has gone undiagnosed for quite some time. Regardless of this, his eyes were stable. And then my dad, a so-called man of science, received multiple COVID shots. Within 6 months, his eyes started to deteriorate quickly. The opthalmologist also stated that he had never seen such a rapid onset of glaucoma. My dad had one surgery after another to try to stabilise the eye pressure. He is now legally blind and his eyes continue to deteriorate. He refuses to ask the opthalmologist about the link between the 'vaccine' and glaucoma, despite me having read an article that said opthalmologists should be on the look out for a rise in adverse ocular disorders. Worst part is, my dad continues to happily get his annual COVID 'vaccine', hailing the wonders of modern science.

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Also. Please incorporate blue light glasses for your online work. This statement should be self evident. However not everyone intuits physics

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My mom also had an eye problem pop up out of nowhere. She's had to get shots in her eyes and one eye required a surgery to make a repair. She got two shots. I worry most about my niece and nephews whose Doctor mom made them get 3 shots. They are adults, but they wouldn't question her.

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Diagnosed with cataracts 12/23. No jabs, but family hx.

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Is there a dynamic in US cataract surgery data similar to the UK? I could not find it through online searches.

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Steve, 5G was rolled out concurrent with the mRNA shots. I would not rule out 5G

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5G Towers:

Frequencies emitted by this by this device can be up to 100 GHz and exceed recommended FCC exposure limits.

Exposure can cause:

Headaches, Insomnia, Cognitive Fog, Fatigue, Tinnitus, Vision problems, Heart Issues, Flu-Like Symptoms, Muscle and Nervous system problems...

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re: "5G Towers: Frequencies emitted by this by this device can be up to 100 GHz "

Not presently. I think I posted on this in a different comment. No 'subscriber equipment' (AKA iPhones) make use of anything this high yet.

re: "Exposure can cause: Headaches, Insomnia, ... "

Or, a general case of hypochondria, a possible psychosomatic disorder.

Do you know what one of the cellular companies does upon finishing the physical installation of a pole-mounted ('nailed up') 5G panel-antenna 'base stations'? They leave off the power meter for a couple months, and await for complaints from neighbors to roll in (remember, the POWER METER has not been installed by the power company yet, so the BASE STATION is still inactive.) After the complaints (which are obviously unbased, since the equipment to that point has remained UNPOWERED) have rolled in, they will have the power company install the power meter. BTW, this is an old 'ham' trick too ... put up the tower and antenna, DO NOT USE the equipment yet, and wait for the neighbor complaints (unbased, again) to roll in. After a month or two, its now safe to use the equipment and see if REAL COMPLAINTS come in.

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I now found a UK document titled "Understanding Coding in Ophthalmology": https://uk-oa.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2018/08/UKOA_Publications_Coding_Background_to_Coding_for_Ophthalmologists_Aug_2018.pdf.

On pages 11-12, the document gave an example of two ways to code for the same case. In one example the primary diagnosis was listed as H26.9 (cataract, unspecified) but in the other example the primary diagnosis was listed as H28.0 (diabetic cataract). And next a note said: "By simply recording that this is a diabetic cataract, rather than just a cataract, and by recording the two systemic conditions (vascular dementia and congestive cardiac failure) the hospital is paid more."

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The blind are not those who cannot see, but those who will not see....

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The vaccine has definitely contributed to changes in vascular issues of the eyes.I have found one eye Dr who admitted this but most wont.

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