I was able to obtain death/vax records for people who died in Connecticut. The data provided new insights for how the vaccines kill people of different ages. I was surprised.
I added a link to the CDC data showing that ACM is up in 2021 and 2022. That means the intervention made things worse (unless someone can identify the "real" killer).
We have covid, we have covid mrna shots, that kill people, we have illegitimate elections.We have people in government and even doctors that say there are 70 genders and men can menstruate or get pregnant. In other words, humanity has gone insane. I pray for this to end.
This evil age of man ( of only 6000 years!) will end when Yahweh The Creator of EVERYTHING brings it to a close. WE HAVE BEEN SO LIED TO! I post publicly and freely on MeWe. ETERNAL LIFE BLESSINGS FOR YAHWEH'S SAINTS!
Still very good though. George talks about "where did this sudden fear of germs com from?"
Strictly the fear has not arrived suddenly but has been gaining traction over decades. But it has noticeably accelerated in recent times.
Anyway the fear came out of Germ-many the home of germ theory and a number of prominent big pharma companies.
Pfizer in USA was founded by a Germ-man. No surprises there. And the one making most money of all big pharma companies.
No surprises there either.
I think Fauci did learn from George as Fauci has been promoting germ theory over the decades. Although he has Italian rather than German roots. Italian as in Sicily where the Mafia come from...
If the great philosopher and comedian George Carlin were alive he would totally eviscerate the covid scam. I think Kurt Vonnegut would do the same. Even Ron White has a great quote
"you cant fix stupid" I feel sorry for those people forced to be injected to keep their jobs. But at what point do the people stand up the people that enslave them say Fuc2$%$$ you.? I think that in a way some people love being enslaved and controlled. This is a well-documented psychological phenomenon, so I am not very optimistic about the where this is going.
Science aside it seems the last 3 years have been like a bad nightmare. Both my mentally intact parents developed rapid dementia after their covid shots. Like others on this forum, lifetime friends and family have excommunicated me for the crime of being unvaccinated. I know many previously healthy people that have permanent injuries from covid shots. Yet other than this and other forums -complete silence from the media. I pray every day for this nightmare to end and encourage we all do the same regardless of whether we believe in God or not. There is a strange thing about quantum mechanics that collective thought has power and mass and can influence the future. If enough of us focus for this to end it will.
I will not get dragged into the viruses exist or do not exist argument as it is an ongoing distraction. But every day- people on these forums claim to have had covid and recovered and I think it is great that people recover, but how do we know they actually had covid?
It all comes down to testing. Every clinical scientist I have spoken to has told me the test most people take for covid is nonspecific to covid and can have false positive rates greater than 60%.
No virus and virus is the difference between alleged 60+ percent false positive and 100 percent false positives. But ok you can read Turtles all the way down and come up with the same conclusion no poison jab works at all except maybe for Rabies vax which might in reality be an antivenom. Haven't read the book but one part is said to bring up no poisonjab has been compared with a true placebo.
When pit lamping in the virus swamp,for the mighty covid ,it pays to have a lively imagination .To have or have had the king covid is a badge of honor ,you are a veteran ,of the deadliest plague in human history ,a holocaust comeback from the dead .Since colds,flu,and pneumonia don't exist anymore it's so easy to self diagnose .The conclusion is always covid and why not? All the ones around you listening in ah ,you are famous . On a more serious note it's never fun or make light of having a cold flu or pneumonia ,it needs to be taken serious and taken care of ,even a runny nose .What I find hilarious is the fact people adopt the covid cult ,without reservation ,or thinking ,that maybe what I have or had was really just a bad flu .Something that was and still is around as long as humanity exists .
One difference that allows for self-diagnosis is the loss of the sense of smell, present with the cold/flu symptoms. If not for that, I’d have guessed it was a cold I had for a couple of days. Zinc speeds up the recovery of the olfactory system. Using diluted iodine to clean the nostrils daily is a better preventative than the vaccine, for sure.
I did not have a runny nose for a long time now ,but when I did I could not smell anything ,just being busy blowing my nose .I doubt very much that I was the first one with the covid ,some twenty years ago ,because I could not smell anything .
Well said. Here you will find an example of the Covid Cult worship service. It is quite long and rather tedious perhaps, but amused me. "Come let us prey..."
Exactly....how do we know anyone had covid or not? The PCR tests were given much higher cycle rates that according to Kary Mullis, can show just about anything in anyone. The PCR test was NOT designed to be a disease diagnostic tool. So crank up of the cycle rate, something shows up positive, but what the heck is it? Could be covid, could be a cold virus, but the point is, the PCR test can't distinguish covid from flu or a cold, or anything else.
It's amusing to read over and over again people claiming that the last infection was the worst and very different from all the ones they had before .Is it really the worst.? Experts claim the recovery rate from the novel flu or as it is renamed covid is 99.8% .To catch a cold is very easy if we get chilled .The immune system seems to need some time to kick in ,but kick in it will,if it is not harmed by the Pfizer venom .Often people have a number of other health issues ,complicating the flu and making it more serious ,because the body is already in distress besides the new infection ,the flu . Whou I never thought being a doctor is sooo easy ,since my intelligence quotient is below absolute zero ,celvin .
Some posters below talked about being pressured by their family doctors to get covid mrna boosters and it was good to hear that most resisted. I'm not a doctor but have worked with them for years. This is my take on what drives their behavior. Some are ignorant and believe what the CDC, AMA tells them -the lie that covid shots are safe and effective. Some know covid mrna shots are dangerous but are cowards and refuse to speak out for fear of retribution. So, they are actually putting their patients at risk. The worst type of doctor is the one that injects as many people - even pregnant women with covid mrna shots as they receive financial bonuses and kickbacks for each shot.
There are recurrent posters with different usernames that post on Steves Sub stack and they are uniformly consistent in their messaging. I do not know if they are paid trolls or AI bots but they all promote the same lies. These are the lies.
1. All vaccines are safe and effective, especially the covid mrna shot.
2. Covid is responsible for all premature deaths we are seeing in healthy people not mrna shots.
3. Asymptomatic people or those that have natural immunity transmit covid.
4. Mrna injections confer B and T cell immunity and are superior to natural immunity.
5. The naturally immune are a threat to society and should face criminal prosecution.
These are all lies but whoever is posting them has an agenda and we know what it is.
I see a troll called TACT is attempting to attack you. Never mind, it is not very bright, it doesn't understand that the 'flu is not contagious so it can't help it.
It also still believes in current germ theory and mainstream virology thinking so it will attempt to lead us up or down the garden path.
Interesting, the flu is not contagious. Well that is news to the world. Please provide a source or the data that supports this new development. Thank you.
1. Vaccines are not safe unless timed appropriately and aren't high risk. mRNA shot is not very effective anymore. Helps to prevent severe disease but won't stop infection or prevent long term organ infection.
2. COVID is responsible for the vast majority of excess deaths and accelerates epigenetic aging.
3. Asymptomatic, prior infected or vaccinated are still contagious.
4. mRNA vaccines do NOT confer superior immune response to natural infection. Natural infection came at a greater cost but the the immune response is superior for as long as it lasts.
5. There is no lasting immunity. Everyone can be infected, re-infected and be contagious.
That is the truth based on all the available science and data.
Anyone with an once if critical thinking skill can see or smell the fraud . Never ever did I need to wake up to separate right from wrong .I kept my distance from the propaganda from day one and long before that ,having learned my lessons in previous encounters with evil . Government and most holders of power are not friends of us ,they are the enemy .If doing every thing they demand we pay a high price ,and that price could be our life .Many payed that price already .
That crime spree did and is still happening in most of the countries on earth .,not just in the U.S. It is and was a war against every one even against former friends and family members .There is a hearing going on about the harm of the actions in regard covid .The criminals promise they will continue doing the destruction now and in the future .They are hardened criminals deserving of being led out of the court room ,with a rope around their neck
Nah, they probably work for Govt agencies. Look up who is driving all the efforts to counter "vaccine hesitancy". Twitter Files will also give you a honking big clue where this is coming from.
Doug ,it seems there is no one left honest enough to contact an investigation ,besides a few heroic lawyers ,who must be payed .The evil doers get payed for destroying our lives .It is a big business and very profitable .Their headquarters is in hell .
The bigger question is when will that and all other information that already came out make it to the general public and get them to understand how important it is and do something? It seems that even when incriminating information comes out, if the government and "mainstream" media act like it's no big deal, people take their lead from that. The way small children just note whether adults think something is good or bad and take their lead from that. Sad and scary.
No one got arrested for mass murder .No fine was ever payed for ruining our lives . I believe they will get away with it .As we can see the police is always on the side of tyrants .They are the body guards of the criminal cabal .
It's very tragic and sad that so many healthy unvaccinated people with natural immunity have been outcast or permanently ostracized by friends and family. Even the corrupt CDC cannot document a single case of someone with natural immunity to covid infecting anyone. Yet in some countries they are planning to put unvaccinated people in detention camps. I suppose history does repeat itself and the unvaccinated are just a new version of the Jews in WW2 Germany.
I'd like to add that unvaccinated people without natural immunity are also not more likely to transmit COVID if they get it. It should not matter whether or not a person has immunity. It does not affect transmission.
Since I agree with free speech- you have right to your opinion. Yet everything in your post above is complete propaganda and lies. Even worse the links you posted are meaningless and biased due to financial conflict of interest. Just come clean and tell the truth about your intentions. That like the eugenicists and population reduction globalists bill gates and Klaus Schwab you want to create irrational fear of covid and ensure everyone on the planet is injected with mnrna.
You can post all you want but most people on this forum will just laugh at you. You are wasting your time. And as a clinical scientist and someone with a doctorate in microbiology everything you said about coronaviruses is fiction. But you do feel compelled to attach web links to sources that receive their funding from the vaccine manufacturers?
Ok, doctor. Tell me what your thoughts are on this.
“We specifically highlight the role of the four above-mentioned cytokines (IL-6, IL-10, IL-18 and IL-27), as they seem to be ‘constant’ markers for COVID-19 infection. Their concentrations rise independently of the genetic variant of the virus, potentially marking the dysregulation of immune responses to SARS-CoV-2 infection. This study is a successor for our previous work focused on the chemokine profiling of different SARS-CoV-2 genetic variants; overall, it is becoming more evident that the evolution of the virus brings new challenges to immunology.” (9)
A case study of 58 year old man experiencing a rapid increase in cytokins after vaccination, with BNT162b2 (tozinameran), an mRNA COVID-19 vaccine, had a persistent elevation of IL-2R, IL-2, IL-16 and IL-18 on day 12 of admission indicating sustained T cell activation.(10)
COVID can cause a significant increase of inflammatory cytokines, and potentially to a less significant degree, the mRNA vaccine booster, particularly if taken recently after an active (acute) infection, during a persistent (chronic) infection, or predisposed to any of the more than 80 types of autoimmune diseases that affect a wide range of body parts. There may be an increased risk of an autoimmune response for a few days to a weeks from vector and mRNA based vaccinations. The risk from COVID is many times greater but it appears there is the potential for this to occur with vector and mRNA based vaccines in a subset of people.
The "potential" adverse risk associated with taking a vaccine booster dose too soon after the last dose of mRNA vaccine, "Of note, cytokine production in CD8+ T cells was boosted in donors that received three doses of mRNA vaccine."(12)
“Cytokine-positive CD8+ memory T cells (CD45RO+IFN-γ+CD8+ T cell) were observed (21% for mRNA vaccinated, 43% for vector vaccinated, 0% for heterologous vaccinated)”(12) In the spring of 2021, the Johnson and Johnson vaccine, Janssen was paused over concerns over rare blood clots. A study comparing adverse reactions to Sinopharm and Pfizer–BioNTech COVID-19 vaccines said, “Participants who received the Pfizer–BioNTech vaccine had significantly higher frequencies of all types of adverse reactions”(13)
Similar to COVID, these vaccines could “theoretically” cause vascular dysfunction in some people. “Accumulating evidence suggest that vascular inflammation and inflammatory cytokines play a role in the vascular dysfunction associated with vascular disease.”(11) In theory, the sudden burst of these inflammatory cytokines in someone with pre-existing conditions or an undiagnosed persistent infection , it may cause vascular dysfunction for a few days or weeks.
Even if you’re correct that the virus is causing all these problems more than the vaccines are (the evidence suggests otherwise), you still have a huge problem. The jabs don’t freaking work! Australia, New Zealand, and Scandinavia are having never ending waves of covid despite (or probably because of) high vaccination rates. So all these jabbed people are at risk of long covid anyway!
The vaccine reduced the odds of Long COVID by about 15% for a few months. The vaccines only helped prevent severe disease and death by inducing a CD8 T-cells. The circulating T-cells wane within 6 to 10 months. Depending on T-cells means that the virus has time to circulate and infiltrate before infecting cells, at which point the T-cells respond to take out the infected cells. That means that it has time to infect organs and other areas out of reach from the immune response., enabling it to persist. The XXB variants are the most antibody evasive variants to date, and can infect most cells of the immune system. Since it can so effectively suppress the immune response, people are having less symptoms. Most symptoms are a result of the fight. No fight, less symptoms. That's is how insidious this has become.
Persistent infections cause an ongoing T-cell response and inflammatory response. That leads to vascular issues and autoimmune issues.
Coronaviruses have a history of causing vascular dysfunction and blood clotting that could lead to heart attacks and strokes.
“Coagulation disorders in coronavirus infected patients: COVID-19, SARS-CoV-1, MERS-CoV and lessons from the past” (2)
They concluded, “The dysregulation of the coagulation cascade and the subsequent formation of intra-alveolar or systemic fibrin clots are prominent findings in coronavirus infections associated with severe respiratory disease, and have been demonstrated in both humans and animal models. They can be attributed to the prothrombotic response, which attempts to prevent diffuse alveolar hemorrhage, but can instead result in overt clot formation with detrimental effects in patient recovery and survival.”
COVID has a history of causing vascular dysfunction, blood clotting and strokes prior to vaccines.
Studies from 2020 demonstrate how COVID affects the vascular system before anyone took the vaccines.
There are a lot of studies that get into much more detail between 2020 and today but this is to demonstrate that we already knew about this occurring before people started taking vaccines. Together, with all the evidence below, we show that COVID is the primary driver of the excess deaths. This is largely due to patients that die from a stroke or a heart attack weeks or months after the initial infection. As a result, COVID likely went undetected at the time of admission and thus was not recorded.
An analysis of over 17,000 cardiovascular events after COVID-19, using the UK Biobank looked at cases between March 2020 and 2021. It showed that the top 3 cardiovascular events were VTE, followed by heart failure and stroke. They noted the risks were greatest in the first 30 days after infection but that risks remained higher afterward. (3)
August 2020, Platelet and Vascular Biomarkers Associate With Thrombosis and Death in Coronavirus Disease “Our findings are consistent with recent reports of platelet hyperactivity in patients with COVID-19. We extend those finding and demonstrate that biomarkers of platelet activation are associated with thrombosis or death in patients hospitalized with COVID-19.”(4)
In a study published, on August 16, 2020, they noted that "coronaviruses are known to affect the cardiovascular system.” This was an early warning when they noted that COVID-19 itself might aggravate the myocardial injury, by causing the “release of multiple cytokines and chemokines that can not only lead to vascular inflammation and plaque instability but also to myocardial inflammation.”(5)
Additional References from 2020:
Coagulation abnormalities and thrombosis in patients with COVID-19.
Lancet Haematol.2020;7:e438-e440 View in Article, Scopus (874),
Thrombocytopenia is associated with severe coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) infections: a meta-analysis. Clin Chim Acta.2020; 506:145-148
Immune Evasion and Suppression
We already have studies showing how COVID can infect CD-4 T-cells, dendritic cells, and neutrophils, so the question of whether or not COVID can weaken the immune system by depleting these cells has been answered.
We know that COVID has been listed as one of the leading causes of Lymphocytopenia. "People with lymphocytopenia experience recurrent infections or develop infections with unusual organisms & it is a risk factor for the development of cancers & for autoimmune disorders." (7)
COVID impacts everyone’s immune system to varying degrees. Some people recover faster than others, but it can take weeks to more than eight months to recover. (8)
There has been a lot of understandable confusion. The reality is that COVID is the primary driver of the excess deaths. The heart attacks and strokes aren't being recorded as COVID related when in fact they are. That's what is behind the excess deaths.
In a data analysis from the Smidt Heart Institute at Cedars-Sinai, published on September 29, 2022, they ran the data and showed that increases in heart attack mortality have coincided with increases in COVID-19 infection, even during the pandemic's assumed milder Omicron phase. Also, the increase was most noticeable in people between the ages of 25 and 44, who are not usually thought to be at high risk for a heart attack. This age group is less vaccinated than the older adults, who tend to be at the highest risk for heart attacks.
They found that acute myocardial infarction deaths during the pandemic increased across all age groups but were most significant in the youngest group they looked at, which was ages 25 to 44. In 2021, the "observed" death rates from heart attacks were 29.9% higher than what was "predicted" for adults 25–44, 19.6% higher for adults 45–64, and 13.7% higher for adults 65 and older. The most vaccinated older adults are dying less often than younger adults due to acute myocardial infarction.
The 25–44 age group is more likely to be re-infected by COVID through their jobs and by their school-age children.
In the year before the pandemic, there were 143,787 heart attack deaths; within the first year of the pandemic, before vaccines, this number had increased by 14% to 164,096.
You can read much more detail with links to all the references.
You are trying to conflate the known dangers of the Covid Shot with Covid the virus. The proof that the vaxes are the cause of these terrible diseases like myocarditis, stroke, numerological disorders is that virtually no young people under the age 50 had these afflictions when covid was raging in 2019-2020.
When the shots were rolled out is when Sudden Death, returning cancers, blood clots, seizures exploded. Find some other place to Gaslight the gullible. We know the facts here.
The virus has evolved to get around vaccine induced antibodies, and those from prior infections. It is better at suppressing the immune system and persisting in our organs for months. Most young adults didn't get vaccinated in the U.S. Only 15% took the latest booster. COVID is rampant. What is the more likely cause? Think about that.
A side note, if vax was that bad for heart then I how did I completely avoid any injury? 4 shots, mild autoimmune reaction after 4th passed me off but took to soon. Had echocardiogram and stress test on heart last week. Everything is normal and healthy.
People reinfected with COVID repeatedly, not so healthy.
I don't defend them. I state the facts. The point is that COVID is much more dangerous. While people are looking left and distracted. The threat is to the right and coming straight for them. Wake up to what's actually occurring. COVID is a systemic infection that causes vascular, musculoskeletal, neurological, immunological, and cognitive dysfunction. This is leading to heart attacks and strokes in young adults.
As far as the vaccines, T.A.C.T. warned about how they increase the risk of autoimmune disorders and inflammation, vascular dysfunction.
Coronaviruses have a history of causing vascular dysfunction and blood clotting that could lead to heart attacks and strokes.
“Coagulation disorders in coronavirus infected patients: COVID-19, SARS-CoV-1, MERS-CoV and lessons from the past” (2)
They concluded, “The dysregulation of the coagulation cascade and the subsequent formation of intra-alveolar or systemic fibrin clots are prominent findings in coronavirus infections associated with severe respiratory disease, and have been demonstrated in both humans and animal models. They can be attributed to the prothrombotic response, which attempts to prevent diffuse alveolar hemorrhage, but can instead result in overt clot formation with detrimental effects in patient recovery and survival.”
COVID has a history of causing vascular dysfunction, blood clotting and strokes prior to vaccines.
Studies from 2020 demonstrate how COVID affects the vascular system before anyone took the vaccines.
There are a lot of studies that get into much more detail between 2020 and today but this is to demonstrate that we already knew about this occurring before people started taking vaccines. Together, with all the evidence below, we show that COVID is the primary driver of the excess deaths. This is largely due to patients that die from a stroke or a heart attack weeks or months after the initial infection. As a result, COVID likely went undetected at the time of admission and thus was not recorded.
An analysis of over 17,000 cardiovascular events after COVID-19, using the UK Biobank looked at cases between March 2020 and 2021. It showed that the top 3 cardiovascular events were VTE, followed by heart failure and stroke. They noted the risks were greatest in the first 30 days after infection but that risks remained higher afterward. (3)
August 2020, Platelet and Vascular Biomarkers Associate With Thrombosis and Death in Coronavirus Disease “Our findings are consistent with recent reports of platelet hyperactivity in patients with COVID-19. We extend those finding and demonstrate that biomarkers of platelet activation are associated with thrombosis or death in patients hospitalized with COVID-19.”(4)
In a study published, on August 16, 2020, they noted that "coronaviruses are known to affect the cardiovascular system.” This was an early warning when they noted that COVID-19 itself might aggravate the myocardial injury, by causing the “release of multiple cytokines and chemokines that can not only lead to vascular inflammation and plaque instability but also to myocardial inflammation.”(5)
Additional References from 2020:
Coagulation abnormalities and thrombosis in patients with COVID-19.
Lancet Haematol.2020;7:e438-e440 View in Article, Scopus (874),
Thrombocytopenia is associated with severe coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) infections: a meta-analysis. Clin Chim Acta.2020; 506:145-148
In a data analysis from the Smidt Heart Institute at Cedars-Sinai, published on September 29, 2022, they ran the data and showed that increases in heart attack mortality have coincided with increases in COVID-19 infection, even during the pandemic's assumed milder Omicron phase. Also, the increase was most noticeable in people between the ages of 25 and 44, who are not usually thought to be at high risk for a heart attack. This age group is less vaccinated than the older adults, who tend to be at the highest risk for heart attacks.
They found that acute myocardial infarction deaths during the pandemic increased across all age groups but were most significant in the youngest group they looked at, which was ages 25 to 44. In 2021, the "observed" death rates from heart attacks were 29.9% higher than what was "predicted" for adults 25–44, 19.6% higher for adults 45–64, and 13.7% higher for adults 65 and older. The most vaccinated older adults are dying less often than younger adults due to acute myocardial infarction.
The 25–44 age group is more likely to be re-infected by COVID through their jobs and by their school-age children.
In the year before the pandemic, there were 143,787 heart attack deaths; within the first year of the pandemic, before vaccines, this number had increased by 14% to 164,096.
You can read much more detail with links to all the references.
Most of the people getting reinfected with Covid are the same ones getting boosted. The recent study by the Cleveland Clinic proves this. Those with zero jabs are the least likely to get infected!
There is no test available to the general public that is specific to the covid you refer to. The standard covid pcr test will flag positive for rsv, adenovirus, parainfluenza, influenza and rhinoviruses.
Zoom in and out to see the scope of the expansion.
click each dot to give you location, mutations, and other information.
You can track where this virus is and how it moves.
Thousands of teams from around the world aren't playing the biggest practical joke in history, this is happening. Thousands more doctors are studying the mutations, and deciphering how this virus is evolving. Thousands more people are figuring out how to get ahead of it by using treatments or new vaccines. They will never get ahead of it with transmission this widespread. The virus will evolve around treatments just like it is doing now. We are inadvertently training this virus to beat our immune systems by treating during widespread transmission. Ask if you have questions.
Wait a little. My 40-year-old heathy Tripple covid injected boss also had a completely normal workup. 6 months after his booster he almost died of a STEMI and required 3 vessel bypass surgery. I do not wish you harm but just do not believe in anything you say on this matter.
That's your right. When was he infected with COVID and how many times? Did he know about taking the booster to soon after an infection? Vaccines cause autoimmune reactions, inflammation and can in rare instances lead to vascular dysfunction.
There is a problem and things like you are losing the information war and you are freaking out. The websites you post are financed by pharmaceutical and vaccine manufacturers. Are you not aware of the term "conflict of interest" Actually the CDC did admit that there is no case of someone with natural immunity transmitting covid but google and u tube took the video down.
I never had an advantage but thanks for thinking there was a point that people understood the actual risks of being infected with COVID repeatedly and taking it seriously. That point was fleeting if it ever happened.
Yes, and was pissed off about the autoimmune response. Blood pressure increase, knee swollen for no reason other than booster and other unpleasant things so I did some digging. I posted all that digging a few months ago, warning about how the vaccine's can increase the risk of autoimmune disorders, inflammation, and vascular dysfunction.
The point is that COVID is much more dangerous. While people are looking left and distracted. The threat is to the right and coming straight for them. COVID is a systemic infection that causes vascular, musculoskeletal, neurological, immunological, and cognitive dysfunction. This is leading to heart attacks and strokes in young adults.
This isn't new information either,
Coronaviruses have a history of causing vascular dysfunction and blood clotting that could lead to heart attacks and strokes.
“Coagulation disorders in coronavirus infected patients: COVID-19, SARS-CoV-1, MERS-CoV and lessons from the past” (2)
They concluded, “The dysregulation of the coagulation cascade and the subsequent formation of intra-alveolar or systemic fibrin clots are prominent findings in coronavirus infections associated with severe respiratory disease, and have been demonstrated in both humans and animal models. They can be attributed to the prothrombotic response, which attempts to prevent diffuse alveolar hemorrhage, but can instead result in overt clot formation with detrimental effects in patient recovery and survival.”
COVID has a history of causing vascular dysfunction, blood clotting and strokes prior to vaccines.
Studies from 2020 demonstrate how COVID affects the vascular system before anyone took the vaccines.
There are a lot of studies that get into much more detail between 2020 and today but this is to demonstrate that we already knew about this occurring before people started taking vaccines. Together, with all the evidence below, we show that COVID is the primary driver of the excess deaths. This is largely due to patients that die from a stroke or a heart attack weeks or months after the initial infection. As a result, COVID likely went undetected at the time of admission and thus was not recorded.
An analysis of over 17,000 cardiovascular events after COVID-19, using the UK Biobank looked at cases between March 2020 and 2021. It showed that the top 3 cardiovascular events were VTE, followed by heart failure and stroke. They noted the risks were greatest in the first 30 days after infection but that risks remained higher afterward. (3)
August 2020, Platelet and Vascular Biomarkers Associate With Thrombosis and Death in Coronavirus Disease “Our findings are consistent with recent reports of platelet hyperactivity in patients with COVID-19. We extend those finding and demonstrate that biomarkers of platelet activation are associated with thrombosis or death in patients hospitalized with COVID-19.”(4)
In a study published, on August 16, 2020, they noted that "coronaviruses are known to affect the cardiovascular system.” This was an early warning when they noted that COVID-19 itself might aggravate the myocardial injury, by causing the “release of multiple cytokines and chemokines that can not only lead to vascular inflammation and plaque instability but also to myocardial inflammation.”(5)
Additional References from 2020:
Coagulation abnormalities and thrombosis in patients with COVID-19.
Lancet Haematol.2020;7:e438-e440 View in Article, Scopus (874),
Thrombocytopenia is associated with severe coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) infections: a meta-analysis. Clin Chim Acta.2020; 506:145-148
In a data analysis from the Smidt Heart Institute at Cedars-Sinai, published on September 29, 2022, they ran the data and showed that increases in heart attack mortality have coincided with increases in COVID-19 infection, even during the pandemic's assumed milder Omicron phase. Also, the increase was most noticeable in people between the ages of 25 and 44, who are not usually thought to be at high risk for a heart attack. This age group is less vaccinated than the older adults, who tend to be at the highest risk for heart attacks.
They found that acute myocardial infarction deaths during the pandemic increased across all age groups but were most significant in the youngest group they looked at, which was ages 25 to 44. In 2021, the "observed" death rates from heart attacks were 29.9% higher than what was "predicted" for adults 25–44, 19.6% higher for adults 45–64, and 13.7% higher for adults 65 and older. The most vaccinated older adults are dying less often than younger adults due to acute myocardial infarction.
The 25–44 age group is more likely to be re-infected by COVID through their jobs and by their school-age children.
In the year before the pandemic, there were 143,787 heart attack deaths; within the first year of the pandemic, before vaccines, this number had increased by 14% to 164,096.
You can read much more detail with links to all the references.
When we get to the omega double plus variant, all the healthy young people will die of covid and it will be the end of the human race! Take 5 jabs and wear 3 masks and stay home! Be afraid!! Be very afraid!!!
As a retired doctor I am deeply saddened by the loss of trust that reasonable people have about physicians and the medical system in the United States. Yet this distrust makes sense. Prior to covid things were deeply corrupt. Covid made things much worse. I am retired and cannot be sued so I will say do not trust the CDC, NIH or FDA. They all lie to you. It's hard to accept, but when it comes to covid, its also possible your doctor is lying to you as well.
I concur. Do not trust the CDC,FDA or major media pundits. They have been putting out horrible guidance, lies, and distractions. The doctors for the most part, are simply out of the loop and don't have time to keep up with a fast evolving situation like this. They place their misguided trust in the CDC and FDA thinking they will be told the truth and that decisions are based on the science and data. The decisions are seldom based on the science and data exclusively. They use the science and data but twist into a pretzel to try to make it work around the goals of the political leaders or to fit the narrative provided by big pharma who is holding the promise of high paying jobs in front of them when they leave the CDC or FDA.
Thanks for this! You've proved that I have the same ability to reason and critically think as a medical doctor...without having to bear med school or face bankruptcy from it's outrageous costs. I ain't so dumb after all...
I have no idea the last time the United States had a legitimate election. Whether you like him or not Trump won by a massive margin. It can be worse at the state level. I lived in Arizona during the midterms. The governor and attorney general election results are completely fraudulent. And it was republican RINOs that pulled the steal off.
Republican Rinos have much more in common with the Radical Left than they do with Traditional Conservatism, i.e. MAGA. Their bond is the entrenched political class aka Deep State which is follows the agenda of the WEF / NWO.
They are Traitors to America that purse a globalist agenda of no borders, no national sovereignty, no national independence, no trade deals that benefit the working class but very much like and pursue wars and global aggression.
They are also the very same people that support the Criminal Medical Industrial complex that is responsible for killing and maiming many millions of people worldwide. This criminal cabal needs to be destroyed if the Western World as we knew it is to survive.
Yes, doctors are lying. My PCP tried to get me to take a booster after I had recovered from the VID or whatever it was. (It felt like the flu.) By the way, what happened to the flu? Why would any sane human being trust doctors or the vast medical cartel?
Most doctors don't know that actually they are laying, they are educated in trusting the medical firms, and thereby they trust them, and standard doctors don't go in debt concerning their drugs, or vaccines. Actually CDC and WHO changed the meaning of the word "vaccine", so no longer meaning protecting againgst a disease. But doctors, and civil persons, don't know this, and still think that the "vaccines" are vaccines.
All good, but changing the name means nothing. All vaccines were pointless at best anyway and never protected against anything except big pharma profits.
Durin decades I have said that probably in the future all of the standard vaccinations will stop, when persons, and doctos, realise, read, that it never has been prowed that vaccines helps, and neither that virusses results in the diseases as for example flu. Again and agen research has found that bigger chance to be hit by a disease when vaccinated.
As a retired medical provider that worked in research I discussed the future corruption allowing BigPharma and special interest groups into the "funding claw" would bring. 1992 was the year. Today I look for non-democrat registered providers. I have to assume if your bold enough to support the Democrat party your not for me. Yes, I know there are bad Independents and Republicans, however, party affiliation is one of the screening tools I use.
You know, Tuesday Weld was offered the role of Lolita in the Stanley Kubrick movie before they settled on Sue Lyons. When Tuesday was asked why she turned down the role, she said, "I don't have to play Lolita. I am Lolita."
I used this list and found one good doctor in my town, from there my knowledge expanded as she recommended another. Doctors who are willing to prescribe Ivermectin are obviously not pharma shills.
The listing took some sifting to find one with a physical office in my area. When I hear of anyone having good experience I take the info and write it down.
yes, so sad it seems doctors are prisoners to the "standard of care" dictated from agencies captured by fascist billionaires and their foundations with an agenda of eugenics.
Do not expect physicians, judges, or politicians to help us. People like Steve are trying but until we resist things will never change. In the end it comes down to the individual.
It comes down to us as individuals but we need to take collective action with collective consciousness. Divide and conquer seems to be the MO of the corrupt power houses. We will win with solidarity of spirit.
One way that we can "resist" is to really let the politicians know how we feel. To that end, down in the bowels of this "Comments" section, I have placed instructions on how you, Steve's Substack followers, can be part of an "EMAIL FLASH MOB" to send politicians and their staff a message about these rotten jabs.
It's 4 easy steps that will take you just a minute to do.
Our first "email target" is Ohio Governor Mike DeWine. Let's have some fun and send them a "message" at the same time!
I sent emails, letters and made phone calls during the early plandemic and into the second year. Only to be sent form letters and emails. Some totally ignored me.
I wrote Marco Rubio about the FDA and gave many examples on how they were blatantly lying to the public. I received a form letter back about how important the FDA is. Ha! My only recource was to vote him out. However, the democrats put val demings against him. She is evil incarnate. Many times that is how they get reelected. The lesser of two evils. I live in Florida. Our Governor does a great job, but alot has fallen through the cracks..
Hospitals still have liability protection under covid. We have several statues on the books that give the health department the right to enter our homes, quarantine us and Treat us us medically against our will. With one exception, we have the right to an attorney. There are attorneys working with the legislators to change it. Basically we are ignored. Even in Florida we are bombarded with nonsense. I barely trust my own doctor anymore. I do not trust my local hospital, with liability protection for all things covid and now with the forced D.E.I. training in every organization I sometimes think we are fighting two battles. Thank God we have stand up attorneys like Jeff Childers and Liberty Council. They are not sitting on the side lines, they are in it to win. It's a great idea to email and write letters, it has not been that effective for me.
I agree with you completely. Getting our politicians to first LISTEN, and then DO something about these "bad jabs" has been almost impossible up until this point in time. BUT the tide is starting to turn. A whopping 80% of American adults over the age of 18 got the first two jabs. HOWEVER, less than 20% of Americans over age 18 have gotten the Omicron Bivalent booster, even though it has been available for over 5 months and is still being pushed heavily by the CDC and FDA. The 80% of Americans who DO NOT want to take any more jabs is a very large "voting block," and it's only a matter of time now before politicians move over to this 80% side with us. Conclusion: Keep trying. We are winning.
And I’m hearing there will be celebrities pushing paxlovid in commercials during Super Bowl. Pink, Michael Phelps, Quest Love,…these people make me sick as you know they have been paid. We can’t scape all the pushing of all these EUA horrible products. Wish my husband wouldn’t watch the game.
It's just incredible to me that after 2 full years of these crummy jabs that aren't needed, are so ineffective, and have so many nasty side effects associated with them, that ANYBODY would want to risk more damage to their reputation by supporting these bad jabs. The evidence against these jabs now is overwhelming. There are a bunch of people out there with VERY BAD CRITICAL THINKING SKILLS.
I agree! I have never been tested let alone jabbed. I'm 65 and the moment they said lockdown I knew something was terribly wrong. When they were telling us to get tested even if you had no symptoms made absolutely no sense. I have not been jabbed nor will I get a flu shot anymore. Years of experience with our government was my saving grace. Thank You for the uplifting message, I am so grateful people are waking up or better yet "awakened"
Not necessarily. Remember that both the Pfizer and Moderna vials have to be stored at VERY cold temperatures (like -20 to -70 degrees), so there is a good chance that by the time many people got their jabs, especially in outdoor lines in hot weather, that they probably got a "dud" (i.e., the mRNA went inert). In this case, getting a "dud" is a good thing. So those who have taken the jab and have not experienced any ill side effects yet, may have gotten lucky and escaped getting the poison.
Emailing and calling my "elected" representatives was infuriating during the covid coup and siege as they sent me these form letters blatantly written by the fascist coup leaders dripping with propaganda about the "pandemic" and the shot.
Also, had little success at the school board meetings as we could look them in the eye and get a lot of people to speak during public comments but they just kept on with torturing and killing our kids with lethal injections held at the school because the billionaires were lining their pockets and they feared ending the holocaust as they would loose money.
In the end it was legal action that forced our Gauleiter to end the mandates and freed our people from the siege and took the face swastikas off our kids.
I know, that was the most infuriating phrase. I am great grandma. I remember telling a nurse at my doctor's office, stop telling my grandchildren they are going to kill me. The shock on his face was priceless. These morons do not think in the future. What will they do when grandma dies? They've been telling the kiddies this nonsense for so long, the poor kids will really think they killed grandma. I see therapy in the future.
There came a point in 2020 when I realised that words are just that, mere words, and sometimes strong ones are necessary, especially for extraordinary times.
Like propane gas, they can be used in a controlled way for effect, but if one explodes the idiots who provoked it should not be surprised at the results if it hurts their iddums feelings!
Anyway, there are two places in Austria called Fugging. However they are pronounced 'F***ing'.
They used to be spelled 'F***ing', but changed the spelling, the smaller place only in 2020 I believe. So they still sound the same as before.
Only 3 medical professionals under US law are legally defined as advanced practitioners and have DEA prescriptive rights. Physicians, Nurse Practitioners and Physician Assistants. If most of them left communist democratic states and moved to free states that would be interesting.
See what has happened. Not all doctors were good or honest and now because of covid the unvaccinated healthy rational people no longer trust doctors. And can you blame them. I am done with this psychological operation. I never got sick or took a covid shot but because of covid I was denied visitation rights to my parents in nursing homes, I lost my job, I was not allowed to go to my gym to exercise. Family and friends will never talk to me again as I choose not to be injected with mrna. So am I angry and pissed off. Yes.
I lost my job, too. I also lost a college buddy of nearly a half century on account of my take on the WuFlu vaxx. As a physician deeply committed to the Party Line--i.e., to Big Pharma propaganda--my old friend took my attacks on the COVID-19 narrative as both a professional and personal affront.
I was willing to drop the subject in my interactions with him, but it was too late. I am now *persona non grata* to him. We live in interesting times.
Yes sorry here too Tony but one wonders how sincere your pal was as a friend if he wrote you off that easily. He should've stuck by you even though he disagreed. Another interesting piece of news I accidentally found out from a sister of mine is how many physicians are self medicating for one reason or another but many times due to DEPRESSION. There are people diagnosing and treating you who are on medication themselves. Shouldnt that sound alarms? I know it did for me...
My friend holds his profession in high esteem--as, I'm sure, most of his patients do. So he can't stand the idea his profession is as prone to corruption as any other. I let him know and he took it personally.
You're not alone but you will be vindicated some day for saying NO. I don't know what state you live in but you might think about relocating to one that is more friendly to the unvaxed. You will be needed and valued some day as the rest of the vax'd die off or become so sick, they will be prisoners of Big Pharma's fixes that do nothing. Keep the faith!
You have every right to be ticked off. Glad to see you stood up and resisted. It really grieves me that you were denied visitation rights to see your parents and also lost your job. The only thing I would take exception with is your saying that "not all doctors were good and honest." Actually, MOST doctors were not good and honest.
I added a link to the CDC data showing that ACM is up in 2021 and 2022. That means the intervention made things worse (unless someone can identify the "real" killer).
We have covid, we have covid mrna shots, that kill people, we have illegitimate elections.We have people in government and even doctors that say there are 70 genders and men can menstruate or get pregnant. In other words, humanity has gone insane. I pray for this to end.
This evil age of man ( of only 6000 years!) will end when Yahweh The Creator of EVERYTHING brings it to a close. WE HAVE BEEN SO LIED TO! I post publicly and freely on MeWe. ETERNAL LIFE BLESSINGS FOR YAHWEH'S SAINTS!
This has been posted before but it is so good it's worth reposting. Toni Fauci could learn from Carlin.
Still very good though. George talks about "where did this sudden fear of germs com from?"
Strictly the fear has not arrived suddenly but has been gaining traction over decades. But it has noticeably accelerated in recent times.
Anyway the fear came out of Germ-many the home of germ theory and a number of prominent big pharma companies.
Pfizer in USA was founded by a Germ-man. No surprises there. And the one making most money of all big pharma companies.
No surprises there either.
I think Fauci did learn from George as Fauci has been promoting germ theory over the decades. Although he has Italian rather than German roots. Italian as in Sicily where the Mafia come from...
If the great philosopher and comedian George Carlin were alive he would totally eviscerate the covid scam. I think Kurt Vonnegut would do the same. Even Ron White has a great quote
"you cant fix stupid" I feel sorry for those people forced to be injected to keep their jobs. But at what point do the people stand up the people that enslave them say Fuc2$%$$ you.? I think that in a way some people love being enslaved and controlled. This is a well-documented psychological phenomenon, so I am not very optimistic about the where this is going.
Science aside it seems the last 3 years have been like a bad nightmare. Both my mentally intact parents developed rapid dementia after their covid shots. Like others on this forum, lifetime friends and family have excommunicated me for the crime of being unvaccinated. I know many previously healthy people that have permanent injuries from covid shots. Yet other than this and other forums -complete silence from the media. I pray every day for this nightmare to end and encourage we all do the same regardless of whether we believe in God or not. There is a strange thing about quantum mechanics that collective thought has power and mass and can influence the future. If enough of us focus for this to end it will.
True. It helps to see the bigger picture too.
I will not get dragged into the viruses exist or do not exist argument as it is an ongoing distraction. But every day- people on these forums claim to have had covid and recovered and I think it is great that people recover, but how do we know they actually had covid?
It all comes down to testing. Every clinical scientist I have spoken to has told me the test most people take for covid is nonspecific to covid and can have false positive rates greater than 60%.
No virus and virus is the difference between alleged 60+ percent false positive and 100 percent false positives. But ok you can read Turtles all the way down and come up with the same conclusion no poison jab works at all except maybe for Rabies vax which might in reality be an antivenom. Haven't read the book but one part is said to bring up no poisonjab has been compared with a true placebo.
When pit lamping in the virus swamp,for the mighty covid ,it pays to have a lively imagination .To have or have had the king covid is a badge of honor ,you are a veteran ,of the deadliest plague in human history ,a holocaust comeback from the dead .Since colds,flu,and pneumonia don't exist anymore it's so easy to self diagnose .The conclusion is always covid and why not? All the ones around you listening in ah ,you are famous . On a more serious note it's never fun or make light of having a cold flu or pneumonia ,it needs to be taken serious and taken care of ,even a runny nose .What I find hilarious is the fact people adopt the covid cult ,without reservation ,or thinking ,that maybe what I have or had was really just a bad flu .Something that was and still is around as long as humanity exists .
One difference that allows for self-diagnosis is the loss of the sense of smell, present with the cold/flu symptoms. If not for that, I’d have guessed it was a cold I had for a couple of days. Zinc speeds up the recovery of the olfactory system. Using diluted iodine to clean the nostrils daily is a better preventative than the vaccine, for sure.
I did not have a runny nose for a long time now ,but when I did I could not smell anything ,just being busy blowing my nose .I doubt very much that I was the first one with the covid ,some twenty years ago ,because I could not smell anything .
Well said. Here you will find an example of the Covid Cult worship service. It is quite long and rather tedious perhaps, but amused me. "Come let us prey..."
Exactly....how do we know anyone had covid or not? The PCR tests were given much higher cycle rates that according to Kary Mullis, can show just about anything in anyone. The PCR test was NOT designed to be a disease diagnostic tool. So crank up of the cycle rate, something shows up positive, but what the heck is it? Could be covid, could be a cold virus, but the point is, the PCR test can't distinguish covid from flu or a cold, or anything else.
...And containing some poison will possibly give you the 'flu. Those that do this regularly will not be very well.
I feel the same. How do they REALLY know???
It's amusing to read over and over again people claiming that the last infection was the worst and very different from all the ones they had before .Is it really the worst.? Experts claim the recovery rate from the novel flu or as it is renamed covid is 99.8% .To catch a cold is very easy if we get chilled .The immune system seems to need some time to kick in ,but kick in it will,if it is not harmed by the Pfizer venom .Often people have a number of other health issues ,complicating the flu and making it more serious ,because the body is already in distress besides the new infection ,the flu . Whou I never thought being a doctor is sooo easy ,since my intelligence quotient is below absolute zero ,celvin .
Could you be more precise?
Some posters below talked about being pressured by their family doctors to get covid mrna boosters and it was good to hear that most resisted. I'm not a doctor but have worked with them for years. This is my take on what drives their behavior. Some are ignorant and believe what the CDC, AMA tells them -the lie that covid shots are safe and effective. Some know covid mrna shots are dangerous but are cowards and refuse to speak out for fear of retribution. So, they are actually putting their patients at risk. The worst type of doctor is the one that injects as many people - even pregnant women with covid mrna shots as they receive financial bonuses and kickbacks for each shot.
There are recurrent posters with different usernames that post on Steves Sub stack and they are uniformly consistent in their messaging. I do not know if they are paid trolls or AI bots but they all promote the same lies. These are the lies.
1. All vaccines are safe and effective, especially the covid mrna shot.
2. Covid is responsible for all premature deaths we are seeing in healthy people not mrna shots.
3. Asymptomatic people or those that have natural immunity transmit covid.
4. Mrna injections confer B and T cell immunity and are superior to natural immunity.
5. The naturally immune are a threat to society and should face criminal prosecution.
These are all lies but whoever is posting them has an agenda and we know what it is.
I see a troll called TACT is attempting to attack you. Never mind, it is not very bright, it doesn't understand that the 'flu is not contagious so it can't help it.
It also still believes in current germ theory and mainstream virology thinking so it will attempt to lead us up or down the garden path.
Interesting, the flu is not contagious. Well that is news to the world. Please provide a source or the data that supports this new development. Thank you.
I have told you already. Go look at my links, or research yourself, I am sure you are clever enough to find out if you want to.
1. Vaccines are not safe unless timed appropriately and aren't high risk. mRNA shot is not very effective anymore. Helps to prevent severe disease but won't stop infection or prevent long term organ infection.
2. COVID is responsible for the vast majority of excess deaths and accelerates epigenetic aging.
3. Asymptomatic, prior infected or vaccinated are still contagious.
4. mRNA vaccines do NOT confer superior immune response to natural infection. Natural infection came at a greater cost but the the immune response is superior for as long as it lasts.
5. There is no lasting immunity. Everyone can be infected, re-infected and be contagious.
That is the truth based on all the available science and data.
Anyone with an once if critical thinking skill can see or smell the fraud . Never ever did I need to wake up to separate right from wrong .I kept my distance from the propaganda from day one and long before that ,having learned my lessons in previous encounters with evil . Government and most holders of power are not friends of us ,they are the enemy .If doing every thing they demand we pay a high price ,and that price could be our life .Many payed that price already .
That crime spree did and is still happening in most of the countries on earth .,not just in the U.S. It is and was a war against every one even against former friends and family members .There is a hearing going on about the harm of the actions in regard covid .The criminals promise they will continue doing the destruction now and in the future .They are hardened criminals deserving of being led out of the court room ,with a rope around their neck
Nah, they probably work for Govt agencies. Look up who is driving all the efforts to counter "vaccine hesitancy". Twitter Files will also give you a honking big clue where this is coming from.
When will there be a full independent and transparent investigation into excess deaths?
Doug ,it seems there is no one left honest enough to contact an investigation ,besides a few heroic lawyers ,who must be payed .The evil doers get payed for destroying our lives .It is a big business and very profitable .Their headquarters is in hell .
The bigger question is when will that and all other information that already came out make it to the general public and get them to understand how important it is and do something? It seems that even when incriminating information comes out, if the government and "mainstream" media act like it's no big deal, people take their lead from that. The way small children just note whether adults think something is good or bad and take their lead from that. Sad and scary.
there won't be, and we don't need it... we have enough data and enough evidence of lies, fraud, and murder... what we need IS ARRESTS for murder.
No one got arrested for mass murder .No fine was ever payed for ruining our lives . I believe they will get away with it .As we can see the police is always on the side of tyrants .They are the body guards of the criminal cabal .
It's very tragic and sad that so many healthy unvaccinated people with natural immunity have been outcast or permanently ostracized by friends and family. Even the corrupt CDC cannot document a single case of someone with natural immunity to covid infecting anyone. Yet in some countries they are planning to put unvaccinated people in detention camps. I suppose history does repeat itself and the unvaccinated are just a new version of the Jews in WW2 Germany.
I'd like to add that unvaccinated people without natural immunity are also not more likely to transmit COVID if they get it. It should not matter whether or not a person has immunity. It does not affect transmission.
A single documented case and you are a retired doctor?
Coronaviruses have a history of causing vascular dysfunction and blood clotting that could lead to heart attacks and strokes.
“Coagulation disorders in coronavirus infected patients: COVID-19, SARS-CoV-1, MERS-CoV and lessons from the past”
Compared to people who did not get reinfection, those with reinfection had
2 fold increased risk of death
3 fold increased risk of hospitalization
3 fold increased risk of heart problems
3 fold increased risk of blood clotting
Reinfection was associated with adverse health outcomes in
those who had 1 vaccine shot
those who had 2+ vaccine shots
Reinfection also increased risk of Diabetes
Kidney problems
Mental health disorders
Musculoskeletal problems
Neurologic disorders
Lung problems
Cardiovascular disease and mortality sequelae of COVID-19 in the UK Biobank
COVID has a history of causing vascular dysfunction, blood clotting and strokes prior to vaccines.
Studies from 2020 demonstrate how COVID affects the vascular system before anyone took the vaccines.
To read all sources and understand what's happening,
TAKT you forgot to tell us how much Pfizer pays you .All the rest you write we are not interested in .
We know who you are TACT -and will ignore everything you say.
Since I agree with free speech- you have right to your opinion. Yet everything in your post above is complete propaganda and lies. Even worse the links you posted are meaningless and biased due to financial conflict of interest. Just come clean and tell the truth about your intentions. That like the eugenicists and population reduction globalists bill gates and Klaus Schwab you want to create irrational fear of covid and ensure everyone on the planet is injected with mnrna.
You can post all you want but most people on this forum will just laugh at you. You are wasting your time. And as a clinical scientist and someone with a doctorate in microbiology everything you said about coronaviruses is fiction. But you do feel compelled to attach web links to sources that receive their funding from the vaccine manufacturers?
Ok, doctor. Tell me what your thoughts are on this.
“We specifically highlight the role of the four above-mentioned cytokines (IL-6, IL-10, IL-18 and IL-27), as they seem to be ‘constant’ markers for COVID-19 infection. Their concentrations rise independently of the genetic variant of the virus, potentially marking the dysregulation of immune responses to SARS-CoV-2 infection. This study is a successor for our previous work focused on the chemokine profiling of different SARS-CoV-2 genetic variants; overall, it is becoming more evident that the evolution of the virus brings new challenges to immunology.” (9)
A case study of 58 year old man experiencing a rapid increase in cytokins after vaccination, with BNT162b2 (tozinameran), an mRNA COVID-19 vaccine, had a persistent elevation of IL-2R, IL-2, IL-16 and IL-18 on day 12 of admission indicating sustained T cell activation.(10)
COVID can cause a significant increase of inflammatory cytokines, and potentially to a less significant degree, the mRNA vaccine booster, particularly if taken recently after an active (acute) infection, during a persistent (chronic) infection, or predisposed to any of the more than 80 types of autoimmune diseases that affect a wide range of body parts. There may be an increased risk of an autoimmune response for a few days to a weeks from vector and mRNA based vaccinations. The risk from COVID is many times greater but it appears there is the potential for this to occur with vector and mRNA based vaccines in a subset of people.
The "potential" adverse risk associated with taking a vaccine booster dose too soon after the last dose of mRNA vaccine, "Of note, cytokine production in CD8+ T cells was boosted in donors that received three doses of mRNA vaccine."(12)
“Cytokine-positive CD8+ memory T cells (CD45RO+IFN-γ+CD8+ T cell) were observed (21% for mRNA vaccinated, 43% for vector vaccinated, 0% for heterologous vaccinated)”(12) In the spring of 2021, the Johnson and Johnson vaccine, Janssen was paused over concerns over rare blood clots. A study comparing adverse reactions to Sinopharm and Pfizer–BioNTech COVID-19 vaccines said, “Participants who received the Pfizer–BioNTech vaccine had significantly higher frequencies of all types of adverse reactions”(13)
Similar to COVID, these vaccines could “theoretically” cause vascular dysfunction in some people. “Accumulating evidence suggest that vascular inflammation and inflammatory cytokines play a role in the vascular dysfunction associated with vascular disease.”(11) In theory, the sudden burst of these inflammatory cytokines in someone with pre-existing conditions or an undiagnosed persistent infection , it may cause vascular dysfunction for a few days or weeks.
What are your thoughts on that?
Even if you’re correct that the virus is causing all these problems more than the vaccines are (the evidence suggests otherwise), you still have a huge problem. The jabs don’t freaking work! Australia, New Zealand, and Scandinavia are having never ending waves of covid despite (or probably because of) high vaccination rates. So all these jabbed people are at risk of long covid anyway!
The vaccine reduced the odds of Long COVID by about 15% for a few months. The vaccines only helped prevent severe disease and death by inducing a CD8 T-cells. The circulating T-cells wane within 6 to 10 months. Depending on T-cells means that the virus has time to circulate and infiltrate before infecting cells, at which point the T-cells respond to take out the infected cells. That means that it has time to infect organs and other areas out of reach from the immune response., enabling it to persist. The XXB variants are the most antibody evasive variants to date, and can infect most cells of the immune system. Since it can so effectively suppress the immune response, people are having less symptoms. Most symptoms are a result of the fight. No fight, less symptoms. That's is how insidious this has become.
Persistent infections cause an ongoing T-cell response and inflammatory response. That leads to vascular issues and autoimmune issues.
Coronaviruses have a history of causing vascular dysfunction and blood clotting that could lead to heart attacks and strokes.
“Coagulation disorders in coronavirus infected patients: COVID-19, SARS-CoV-1, MERS-CoV and lessons from the past” (2)
They concluded, “The dysregulation of the coagulation cascade and the subsequent formation of intra-alveolar or systemic fibrin clots are prominent findings in coronavirus infections associated with severe respiratory disease, and have been demonstrated in both humans and animal models. They can be attributed to the prothrombotic response, which attempts to prevent diffuse alveolar hemorrhage, but can instead result in overt clot formation with detrimental effects in patient recovery and survival.”
COVID has a history of causing vascular dysfunction, blood clotting and strokes prior to vaccines.
Studies from 2020 demonstrate how COVID affects the vascular system before anyone took the vaccines.
There are a lot of studies that get into much more detail between 2020 and today but this is to demonstrate that we already knew about this occurring before people started taking vaccines. Together, with all the evidence below, we show that COVID is the primary driver of the excess deaths. This is largely due to patients that die from a stroke or a heart attack weeks or months after the initial infection. As a result, COVID likely went undetected at the time of admission and thus was not recorded.
An analysis of over 17,000 cardiovascular events after COVID-19, using the UK Biobank looked at cases between March 2020 and 2021. It showed that the top 3 cardiovascular events were VTE, followed by heart failure and stroke. They noted the risks were greatest in the first 30 days after infection but that risks remained higher afterward. (3)
August 2020, Platelet and Vascular Biomarkers Associate With Thrombosis and Death in Coronavirus Disease “Our findings are consistent with recent reports of platelet hyperactivity in patients with COVID-19. We extend those finding and demonstrate that biomarkers of platelet activation are associated with thrombosis or death in patients hospitalized with COVID-19.”(4)
In a study published, on August 16, 2020, they noted that "coronaviruses are known to affect the cardiovascular system.” This was an early warning when they noted that COVID-19 itself might aggravate the myocardial injury, by causing the “release of multiple cytokines and chemokines that can not only lead to vascular inflammation and plaque instability but also to myocardial inflammation.”(5)
Additional References from 2020:
Coagulation abnormalities and thrombosis in patients with COVID-19.
Lancet Haematol.2020;7:e438-e440 View in Article, Scopus (874),
Thrombocytopenia is associated with severe coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) infections: a meta-analysis. Clin Chim Acta.2020; 506:145-148
Immune Evasion and Suppression
We already have studies showing how COVID can infect CD-4 T-cells, dendritic cells, and neutrophils, so the question of whether or not COVID can weaken the immune system by depleting these cells has been answered.
We know that COVID has been listed as one of the leading causes of Lymphocytopenia. "People with lymphocytopenia experience recurrent infections or develop infections with unusual organisms & it is a risk factor for the development of cancers & for autoimmune disorders." (7)
COVID impacts everyone’s immune system to varying degrees. Some people recover faster than others, but it can take weeks to more than eight months to recover. (8)
There has been a lot of understandable confusion. The reality is that COVID is the primary driver of the excess deaths. The heart attacks and strokes aren't being recorded as COVID related when in fact they are. That's what is behind the excess deaths.
In a data analysis from the Smidt Heart Institute at Cedars-Sinai, published on September 29, 2022, they ran the data and showed that increases in heart attack mortality have coincided with increases in COVID-19 infection, even during the pandemic's assumed milder Omicron phase. Also, the increase was most noticeable in people between the ages of 25 and 44, who are not usually thought to be at high risk for a heart attack. This age group is less vaccinated than the older adults, who tend to be at the highest risk for heart attacks.
They found that acute myocardial infarction deaths during the pandemic increased across all age groups but were most significant in the youngest group they looked at, which was ages 25 to 44. In 2021, the "observed" death rates from heart attacks were 29.9% higher than what was "predicted" for adults 25–44, 19.6% higher for adults 45–64, and 13.7% higher for adults 65 and older. The most vaccinated older adults are dying less often than younger adults due to acute myocardial infarction.
The 25–44 age group is more likely to be re-infected by COVID through their jobs and by their school-age children.
In the year before the pandemic, there were 143,787 heart attack deaths; within the first year of the pandemic, before vaccines, this number had increased by 14% to 164,096.
You can read much more detail with links to all the references.
You are trying to conflate the known dangers of the Covid Shot with Covid the virus. The proof that the vaxes are the cause of these terrible diseases like myocarditis, stroke, numerological disorders is that virtually no young people under the age 50 had these afflictions when covid was raging in 2019-2020.
When the shots were rolled out is when Sudden Death, returning cancers, blood clots, seizures exploded. Find some other place to Gaslight the gullible. We know the facts here.
The virus has evolved to get around vaccine induced antibodies, and those from prior infections. It is better at suppressing the immune system and persisting in our organs for months. Most young adults didn't get vaccinated in the U.S. Only 15% took the latest booster. COVID is rampant. What is the more likely cause? Think about that.
A side note, if vax was that bad for heart then I how did I completely avoid any injury? 4 shots, mild autoimmune reaction after 4th passed me off but took to soon. Had echocardiogram and stress test on heart last week. Everything is normal and healthy.
People reinfected with COVID repeatedly, not so healthy.
TACT ,the way you write and defend the Pfizer venom ,the shots you claim you took must have been shots of rum .When will you sober up?
I don't defend them. I state the facts. The point is that COVID is much more dangerous. While people are looking left and distracted. The threat is to the right and coming straight for them. Wake up to what's actually occurring. COVID is a systemic infection that causes vascular, musculoskeletal, neurological, immunological, and cognitive dysfunction. This is leading to heart attacks and strokes in young adults.
As far as the vaccines, T.A.C.T. warned about how they increase the risk of autoimmune disorders and inflammation, vascular dysfunction.
Look at COVID for a minute,
Coronaviruses have a history of causing vascular dysfunction and blood clotting that could lead to heart attacks and strokes.
“Coagulation disorders in coronavirus infected patients: COVID-19, SARS-CoV-1, MERS-CoV and lessons from the past” (2)
They concluded, “The dysregulation of the coagulation cascade and the subsequent formation of intra-alveolar or systemic fibrin clots are prominent findings in coronavirus infections associated with severe respiratory disease, and have been demonstrated in both humans and animal models. They can be attributed to the prothrombotic response, which attempts to prevent diffuse alveolar hemorrhage, but can instead result in overt clot formation with detrimental effects in patient recovery and survival.”
COVID has a history of causing vascular dysfunction, blood clotting and strokes prior to vaccines.
Studies from 2020 demonstrate how COVID affects the vascular system before anyone took the vaccines.
There are a lot of studies that get into much more detail between 2020 and today but this is to demonstrate that we already knew about this occurring before people started taking vaccines. Together, with all the evidence below, we show that COVID is the primary driver of the excess deaths. This is largely due to patients that die from a stroke or a heart attack weeks or months after the initial infection. As a result, COVID likely went undetected at the time of admission and thus was not recorded.
An analysis of over 17,000 cardiovascular events after COVID-19, using the UK Biobank looked at cases between March 2020 and 2021. It showed that the top 3 cardiovascular events were VTE, followed by heart failure and stroke. They noted the risks were greatest in the first 30 days after infection but that risks remained higher afterward. (3)
August 2020, Platelet and Vascular Biomarkers Associate With Thrombosis and Death in Coronavirus Disease “Our findings are consistent with recent reports of platelet hyperactivity in patients with COVID-19. We extend those finding and demonstrate that biomarkers of platelet activation are associated with thrombosis or death in patients hospitalized with COVID-19.”(4)
In a study published, on August 16, 2020, they noted that "coronaviruses are known to affect the cardiovascular system.” This was an early warning when they noted that COVID-19 itself might aggravate the myocardial injury, by causing the “release of multiple cytokines and chemokines that can not only lead to vascular inflammation and plaque instability but also to myocardial inflammation.”(5)
Additional References from 2020:
Coagulation abnormalities and thrombosis in patients with COVID-19.
Lancet Haematol.2020;7:e438-e440 View in Article, Scopus (874),
Thrombocytopenia is associated with severe coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) infections: a meta-analysis. Clin Chim Acta.2020; 506:145-148
In a data analysis from the Smidt Heart Institute at Cedars-Sinai, published on September 29, 2022, they ran the data and showed that increases in heart attack mortality have coincided with increases in COVID-19 infection, even during the pandemic's assumed milder Omicron phase. Also, the increase was most noticeable in people between the ages of 25 and 44, who are not usually thought to be at high risk for a heart attack. This age group is less vaccinated than the older adults, who tend to be at the highest risk for heart attacks.
They found that acute myocardial infarction deaths during the pandemic increased across all age groups but were most significant in the youngest group they looked at, which was ages 25 to 44. In 2021, the "observed" death rates from heart attacks were 29.9% higher than what was "predicted" for adults 25–44, 19.6% higher for adults 45–64, and 13.7% higher for adults 65 and older. The most vaccinated older adults are dying less often than younger adults due to acute myocardial infarction.
The 25–44 age group is more likely to be re-infected by COVID through their jobs and by their school-age children.
In the year before the pandemic, there were 143,787 heart attack deaths; within the first year of the pandemic, before vaccines, this number had increased by 14% to 164,096.
You can read much more detail with links to all the references.
Most of the people getting reinfected with Covid are the same ones getting boosted. The recent study by the Cleveland Clinic proves this. Those with zero jabs are the least likely to get infected!
Prove to me that "covid is rampant"
There is no test available to the general public that is specific to the covid you refer to. The standard covid pcr test will flag positive for rsv, adenovirus, parainfluenza, influenza and rhinoviruses.
False positives range between 60-95%.
It is called genomic sequencing and it is occurring by teams of scientists all around the world, every single day. Check out some of the sites.
Click on the dots to pull up the details on mutational fitness, logistical growth, ACE-2 binding, and all the mutations.
Here is a link to a search on XBB.1.5 (highlighted in red)
Zoom in and out to see the scope of the expansion.
click each dot to give you location, mutations, and other information.
You can track where this virus is and how it moves.
Thousands of teams from around the world aren't playing the biggest practical joke in history, this is happening. Thousands more doctors are studying the mutations, and deciphering how this virus is evolving. Thousands more people are figuring out how to get ahead of it by using treatments or new vaccines. They will never get ahead of it with transmission this widespread. The virus will evolve around treatments just like it is doing now. We are inadvertently training this virus to beat our immune systems by treating during widespread transmission. Ask if you have questions.
Wait a little. My 40-year-old heathy Tripple covid injected boss also had a completely normal workup. 6 months after his booster he almost died of a STEMI and required 3 vessel bypass surgery. I do not wish you harm but just do not believe in anything you say on this matter.
That's your right. When was he infected with COVID and how many times? Did he know about taking the booster to soon after an infection? Vaccines cause autoimmune reactions, inflammation and can in rare instances lead to vascular dysfunction.
Wrong, most young adults did get vaccinated in the US.
There is a problem and things like you are losing the information war and you are freaking out. The websites you post are financed by pharmaceutical and vaccine manufacturers. Are you not aware of the term "conflict of interest" Actually the CDC did admit that there is no case of someone with natural immunity transmitting covid but google and u tube took the video down.
I never had an advantage but thanks for thinking there was a point that people understood the actual risks of being infected with COVID repeatedly and taking it seriously. That point was fleeting if it ever happened.
If You Got the Covid Shot And Aren't Injured,This May Be Why -Dr. Ryan Cole, MD
Based on his arguments and the weblinks he posted TACT may the the regular troll well known as Carlos..
Yes, and was pissed off about the autoimmune response. Blood pressure increase, knee swollen for no reason other than booster and other unpleasant things so I did some digging. I posted all that digging a few months ago, warning about how the vaccine's can increase the risk of autoimmune disorders, inflammation, and vascular dysfunction.
The point is that COVID is much more dangerous. While people are looking left and distracted. The threat is to the right and coming straight for them. COVID is a systemic infection that causes vascular, musculoskeletal, neurological, immunological, and cognitive dysfunction. This is leading to heart attacks and strokes in young adults.
This isn't new information either,
Coronaviruses have a history of causing vascular dysfunction and blood clotting that could lead to heart attacks and strokes.
“Coagulation disorders in coronavirus infected patients: COVID-19, SARS-CoV-1, MERS-CoV and lessons from the past” (2)
They concluded, “The dysregulation of the coagulation cascade and the subsequent formation of intra-alveolar or systemic fibrin clots are prominent findings in coronavirus infections associated with severe respiratory disease, and have been demonstrated in both humans and animal models. They can be attributed to the prothrombotic response, which attempts to prevent diffuse alveolar hemorrhage, but can instead result in overt clot formation with detrimental effects in patient recovery and survival.”
COVID has a history of causing vascular dysfunction, blood clotting and strokes prior to vaccines.
Studies from 2020 demonstrate how COVID affects the vascular system before anyone took the vaccines.
There are a lot of studies that get into much more detail between 2020 and today but this is to demonstrate that we already knew about this occurring before people started taking vaccines. Together, with all the evidence below, we show that COVID is the primary driver of the excess deaths. This is largely due to patients that die from a stroke or a heart attack weeks or months after the initial infection. As a result, COVID likely went undetected at the time of admission and thus was not recorded.
An analysis of over 17,000 cardiovascular events after COVID-19, using the UK Biobank looked at cases between March 2020 and 2021. It showed that the top 3 cardiovascular events were VTE, followed by heart failure and stroke. They noted the risks were greatest in the first 30 days after infection but that risks remained higher afterward. (3)
August 2020, Platelet and Vascular Biomarkers Associate With Thrombosis and Death in Coronavirus Disease “Our findings are consistent with recent reports of platelet hyperactivity in patients with COVID-19. We extend those finding and demonstrate that biomarkers of platelet activation are associated with thrombosis or death in patients hospitalized with COVID-19.”(4)
In a study published, on August 16, 2020, they noted that "coronaviruses are known to affect the cardiovascular system.” This was an early warning when they noted that COVID-19 itself might aggravate the myocardial injury, by causing the “release of multiple cytokines and chemokines that can not only lead to vascular inflammation and plaque instability but also to myocardial inflammation.”(5)
Additional References from 2020:
Coagulation abnormalities and thrombosis in patients with COVID-19.
Lancet Haematol.2020;7:e438-e440 View in Article, Scopus (874),
Thrombocytopenia is associated with severe coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) infections: a meta-analysis. Clin Chim Acta.2020; 506:145-148
In a data analysis from the Smidt Heart Institute at Cedars-Sinai, published on September 29, 2022, they ran the data and showed that increases in heart attack mortality have coincided with increases in COVID-19 infection, even during the pandemic's assumed milder Omicron phase. Also, the increase was most noticeable in people between the ages of 25 and 44, who are not usually thought to be at high risk for a heart attack. This age group is less vaccinated than the older adults, who tend to be at the highest risk for heart attacks.
They found that acute myocardial infarction deaths during the pandemic increased across all age groups but were most significant in the youngest group they looked at, which was ages 25 to 44. In 2021, the "observed" death rates from heart attacks were 29.9% higher than what was "predicted" for adults 25–44, 19.6% higher for adults 45–64, and 13.7% higher for adults 65 and older. The most vaccinated older adults are dying less often than younger adults due to acute myocardial infarction.
The 25–44 age group is more likely to be re-infected by COVID through their jobs and by their school-age children.
In the year before the pandemic, there were 143,787 heart attack deaths; within the first year of the pandemic, before vaccines, this number had increased by 14% to 164,096.
You can read much more detail with links to all the references.
TACT is a regular troll that goes by other usernames as well. It always links to the same websites that are funded my Pfizer and Moderna.
Not sure if it is human troll or AI bot. In any case it is failing miserably, and nobody here trusts it.
You can feel this woman's rage after they killed her father being "treated" for COVID:
They did the same exact thing to my father one year ago.
1. Infections with fewer symptoms or no symptoms may not necessarily carry fewer risks, they may increase them.
2. With mild symptoms or without any symptoms, everyone is susceptible to multi-organ persistence, and dysfunction
3. Anyone can be infected, and re-infected because antibodies from prior infections and/or vaccines don't block the XBB variants.
XBB.1.5 and How This Variant Changes the Situation
When we get to the omega double plus variant, all the healthy young people will die of covid and it will be the end of the human race! Take 5 jabs and wear 3 masks and stay home! Be afraid!! Be very afraid!!!
As a retired doctor I am deeply saddened by the loss of trust that reasonable people have about physicians and the medical system in the United States. Yet this distrust makes sense. Prior to covid things were deeply corrupt. Covid made things much worse. I am retired and cannot be sued so I will say do not trust the CDC, NIH or FDA. They all lie to you. It's hard to accept, but when it comes to covid, its also possible your doctor is lying to you as well.
I concur. Do not trust the CDC,FDA or major media pundits. They have been putting out horrible guidance, lies, and distractions. The doctors for the most part, are simply out of the loop and don't have time to keep up with a fast evolving situation like this. They place their misguided trust in the CDC and FDA thinking they will be told the truth and that decisions are based on the science and data. The decisions are seldom based on the science and data exclusively. They use the science and data but twist into a pretzel to try to make it work around the goals of the political leaders or to fit the narrative provided by big pharma who is holding the promise of high paying jobs in front of them when they leave the CDC or FDA.
Thanks for this! You've proved that I have the same ability to reason and critically think as a medical doctor...without having to bear med school or face bankruptcy from it's outrageous costs. I ain't so dumb after all...
I have no idea the last time the United States had a legitimate election. Whether you like him or not Trump won by a massive margin. It can be worse at the state level. I lived in Arizona during the midterms. The governor and attorney general election results are completely fraudulent. And it was republican RINOs that pulled the steal off.
Republican Rinos have much more in common with the Radical Left than they do with Traditional Conservatism, i.e. MAGA. Their bond is the entrenched political class aka Deep State which is follows the agenda of the WEF / NWO.
They are Traitors to America that purse a globalist agenda of no borders, no national sovereignty, no national independence, no trade deals that benefit the working class but very much like and pursue wars and global aggression.
They are also the very same people that support the Criminal Medical Industrial complex that is responsible for killing and maiming many millions of people worldwide. This criminal cabal needs to be destroyed if the Western World as we knew it is to survive.
I am a libertarian not a democrat or republican. These are not my words but from a prior poster.
Under Trump leadership:
Affordable groceries.
Mideast peace
Affordable gasoline and energy bills.
US energy independence.
Low inflation
Affordable rent and home prices.
I disagree with trump about covid shots, but I would vote for him over bidden in a second. But wait will my vote even be counted?
RINOS, pose a much greater threat than overtly open communist democrats.
We know you they are. Mitch Mcconnel and Lindsey Gram come to mind.
Yes, doctors are lying. My PCP tried to get me to take a booster after I had recovered from the VID or whatever it was. (It felt like the flu.) By the way, what happened to the flu? Why would any sane human being trust doctors or the vast medical cartel?
Thanks Susan your comment made me think about and I will try to comment above.
Most doctors don't know that actually they are laying, they are educated in trusting the medical firms, and thereby they trust them, and standard doctors don't go in debt concerning their drugs, or vaccines. Actually CDC and WHO changed the meaning of the word "vaccine", so no longer meaning protecting againgst a disease. But doctors, and civil persons, don't know this, and still think that the "vaccines" are vaccines.
All good, but changing the name means nothing. All vaccines were pointless at best anyway and never protected against anything except big pharma profits.
Durin decades I have said that probably in the future all of the standard vaccinations will stop, when persons, and doctos, realise, read, that it never has been prowed that vaccines helps, and neither that virusses results in the diseases as for example flu. Again and agen research has found that bigger chance to be hit by a disease when vaccinated.
Agreed. I would add that the vaccines cause/lead to the dis-ease if they are the poisons listed in the ingredients.
As a retired medical provider that worked in research I discussed the future corruption allowing BigPharma and special interest groups into the "funding claw" would bring. 1992 was the year. Today I look for non-democrat registered providers. I have to assume if your bold enough to support the Democrat party your not for me. Yes, I know there are bad Independents and Republicans, however, party affiliation is one of the screening tools I use.
You know, Tuesday Weld was offered the role of Lolita in the Stanley Kubrick movie before they settled on Sue Lyons. When Tuesday was asked why she turned down the role, she said, "I don't have to play Lolita. I am Lolita."
I used this list and found one good doctor in my town, from there my knowledge expanded as she recommended another. Doctors who are willing to prescribe Ivermectin are obviously not pharma shills.
Hi. https://covid19criticalcare.com.
The listing took some sifting to find one with a physical office in my area. When I hear of anyone having good experience I take the info and write it down.
yes, so sad it seems doctors are prisoners to the "standard of care" dictated from agencies captured by fascist billionaires and their foundations with an agenda of eugenics.
True and willing prisoners I think.
Or willing poisoners!!
Do not expect physicians, judges, or politicians to help us. People like Steve are trying but until we resist things will never change. In the end it comes down to the individual.
It comes down to us as individuals but we need to take collective action with collective consciousness. Divide and conquer seems to be the MO of the corrupt power houses. We will win with solidarity of spirit.
Yes, collectively of course and the more the merrier.
One way that we can "resist" is to really let the politicians know how we feel. To that end, down in the bowels of this "Comments" section, I have placed instructions on how you, Steve's Substack followers, can be part of an "EMAIL FLASH MOB" to send politicians and their staff a message about these rotten jabs.
It's 4 easy steps that will take you just a minute to do.
Our first "email target" is Ohio Governor Mike DeWine. Let's have some fun and send them a "message" at the same time!
I sent emails, letters and made phone calls during the early plandemic and into the second year. Only to be sent form letters and emails. Some totally ignored me.
I wrote Marco Rubio about the FDA and gave many examples on how they were blatantly lying to the public. I received a form letter back about how important the FDA is. Ha! My only recource was to vote him out. However, the democrats put val demings against him. She is evil incarnate. Many times that is how they get reelected. The lesser of two evils. I live in Florida. Our Governor does a great job, but alot has fallen through the cracks..
Hospitals still have liability protection under covid. We have several statues on the books that give the health department the right to enter our homes, quarantine us and Treat us us medically against our will. With one exception, we have the right to an attorney. There are attorneys working with the legislators to change it. Basically we are ignored. Even in Florida we are bombarded with nonsense. I barely trust my own doctor anymore. I do not trust my local hospital, with liability protection for all things covid and now with the forced D.E.I. training in every organization I sometimes think we are fighting two battles. Thank God we have stand up attorneys like Jeff Childers and Liberty Council. They are not sitting on the side lines, they are in it to win. It's a great idea to email and write letters, it has not been that effective for me.
I agree with you completely. Getting our politicians to first LISTEN, and then DO something about these "bad jabs" has been almost impossible up until this point in time. BUT the tide is starting to turn. A whopping 80% of American adults over the age of 18 got the first two jabs. HOWEVER, less than 20% of Americans over age 18 have gotten the Omicron Bivalent booster, even though it has been available for over 5 months and is still being pushed heavily by the CDC and FDA. The 80% of Americans who DO NOT want to take any more jabs is a very large "voting block," and it's only a matter of time now before politicians move over to this 80% side with us. Conclusion: Keep trying. We are winning.
And I’m hearing there will be celebrities pushing paxlovid in commercials during Super Bowl. Pink, Michael Phelps, Quest Love,…these people make me sick as you know they have been paid. We can’t scape all the pushing of all these EUA horrible products. Wish my husband wouldn’t watch the game.
It's just incredible to me that after 2 full years of these crummy jabs that aren't needed, are so ineffective, and have so many nasty side effects associated with them, that ANYBODY would want to risk more damage to their reputation by supporting these bad jabs. The evidence against these jabs now is overwhelming. There are a bunch of people out there with VERY BAD CRITICAL THINKING SKILLS.
I agree! I have never been tested let alone jabbed. I'm 65 and the moment they said lockdown I knew something was terribly wrong. When they were telling us to get tested even if you had no symptoms made absolutely no sense. I have not been jabbed nor will I get a flu shot anymore. Years of experience with our government was my saving grace. Thank You for the uplifting message, I am so grateful people are waking up or better yet "awakened"
Not necessarily. Remember that both the Pfizer and Moderna vials have to be stored at VERY cold temperatures (like -20 to -70 degrees), so there is a good chance that by the time many people got their jabs, especially in outdoor lines in hot weather, that they probably got a "dud" (i.e., the mRNA went inert). In this case, getting a "dud" is a good thing. So those who have taken the jab and have not experienced any ill side effects yet, may have gotten lucky and escaped getting the poison.
Emailing and calling my "elected" representatives was infuriating during the covid coup and siege as they sent me these form letters blatantly written by the fascist coup leaders dripping with propaganda about the "pandemic" and the shot.
Also, had little success at the school board meetings as we could look them in the eye and get a lot of people to speak during public comments but they just kept on with torturing and killing our kids with lethal injections held at the school because the billionaires were lining their pockets and they feared ending the holocaust as they would loose money.
In the end it was legal action that forced our Gauleiter to end the mandates and freed our people from the siege and took the face swastikas off our kids.
I spoke out, resisted, and remain unjabbed but most coworkers were brainwashed thinking the needed to save grandma.
I know, that was the most infuriating phrase. I am great grandma. I remember telling a nurse at my doctor's office, stop telling my grandchildren they are going to kill me. The shock on his face was priceless. These morons do not think in the future. What will they do when grandma dies? They've been telling the kiddies this nonsense for so long, the poor kids will really think they killed grandma. I see therapy in the future.
There came a point in 2020 when I realised that words are just that, mere words, and sometimes strong ones are necessary, especially for extraordinary times.
Like propane gas, they can be used in a controlled way for effect, but if one explodes the idiots who provoked it should not be surprised at the results if it hurts their iddums feelings!
Anyway, there are two places in Austria called Fugging. However they are pronounced 'F***ing'.
They used to be spelled 'F***ing', but changed the spelling, the smaller place only in 2020 I believe. So they still sound the same as before.
So what was the Fugging point in that eh?
When jazz first started over 100 years ago, it was spelled "jass", but by the time it got to Broadway it had been changed to "jazz"
Really? I didn't know that. I have looked at Wikipedia and see what you mean., so thank you.
Only 3 medical professionals under US law are legally defined as advanced practitioners and have DEA prescriptive rights. Physicians, Nurse Practitioners and Physician Assistants. If most of them left communist democratic states and moved to free states that would be interesting.
See what has happened. Not all doctors were good or honest and now because of covid the unvaccinated healthy rational people no longer trust doctors. And can you blame them. I am done with this psychological operation. I never got sick or took a covid shot but because of covid I was denied visitation rights to my parents in nursing homes, I lost my job, I was not allowed to go to my gym to exercise. Family and friends will never talk to me again as I choose not to be injected with mrna. So am I angry and pissed off. Yes.
I lost my job, too. I also lost a college buddy of nearly a half century on account of my take on the WuFlu vaxx. As a physician deeply committed to the Party Line--i.e., to Big Pharma propaganda--my old friend took my attacks on the COVID-19 narrative as both a professional and personal affront.
I was willing to drop the subject in my interactions with him, but it was too late. I am now *persona non grata* to him. We live in interesting times.
Yes sorry here too Tony but one wonders how sincere your pal was as a friend if he wrote you off that easily. He should've stuck by you even though he disagreed. Another interesting piece of news I accidentally found out from a sister of mine is how many physicians are self medicating for one reason or another but many times due to DEPRESSION. There are people diagnosing and treating you who are on medication themselves. Shouldnt that sound alarms? I know it did for me...
My friend holds his profession in high esteem--as, I'm sure, most of his patients do. So he can't stand the idea his profession is as prone to corruption as any other. I let him know and he took it personally.
Sad to hear. I hope you have been able to find another job and your old college friend eventually "sees the light."
You're not alone but you will be vindicated some day for saying NO. I don't know what state you live in but you might think about relocating to one that is more friendly to the unvaxed. You will be needed and valued some day as the rest of the vax'd die off or become so sick, they will be prisoners of Big Pharma's fixes that do nothing. Keep the faith!
You have every right to be ticked off. Glad to see you stood up and resisted. It really grieves me that you were denied visitation rights to see your parents and also lost your job. The only thing I would take exception with is your saying that "not all doctors were good and honest." Actually, MOST doctors were not good and honest.
But got their paychecks. Killed for profit.