More explanation on Medicines/vaccines/Health today. Truly - MIND blowing.


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God is taking out some of the most vocal supporters of the killing spree

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The evidence is overwhelming at this point, yet democrats like her still deny the truth.

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Yes -

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Talk about irony she directly censored information on the c19 experimental gene therapy injection causing turbo cancer, She literally censored videos that would have saved her life. It's sad because we feel bad for our fellow human, but she was an evil, horrible person that caused harm to countless millions and did so gleefully drunk with, So I won't shed too many tears

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She was the problem for years.

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Chances are according to statistics of the jabbed vs. the unjabbed.

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Two ladies connected with my church died in their sleep…ones battling cancer… and a new born is deaf! One lady had teenage daughters! Several others are gone since the jibby jab not sure what of…it’s sad! I don’t believe any of them have a clue…why…or even care why! It’s like they’re just consigned to death…no questions asked no answers wanted! They’re all in a stupor! Mind control!

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With the horrendous uptick in illness and death over the last few years, as well as the increased pollution of our water, food, air and soil, it would seem more logical to think that the vaxxes are simply being effective at their designed task, which is to reduce the world's population. I have no reason to speculate....this is what I believe.

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It was my first thought. Seeing my sister, uncle, friends drop like flies after the vax, I don't think that the numbers being attributed to vax injuries and death are accurate. My brother-in-law and aunt are clueless and wouldn't ask for an autopsy. My sister had 5 shots, got a bladder infection, and died of sepsis in 5 days. My uncle's story is similar - but turbo cancer.

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Of course they are not accurate. Two weeks in I said Lehman Bros are managing this expect the worst. It is much worse than even pessimist me understood or cared to imagine.

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It's clear that this possibility exists, and no one can dismiss it entirely.

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My brother in law also suddenly diagnosed with lung cancer 3 months ago non smoker and now metastasise to his brain!! He had 3 doses of Covid 19 injection.

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Joe Tippens (story/website of his protocol) used fenbendazole for that and fasting. Seems effective and basically free. Joe is still alive 15 years later and in good health.. was given 3 months at the time.

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Thank you. I will look into that

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My colleague at work (big pharma) came down with lung cancer shortly after her second jab. She never smoked and never worked in a smoking environment, but she refuses to acknowledge any link with the jabs. 🇨🇦

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There is a genius for you. I know people who contracted cancer post Stabbination and died. Their family and 'friends' also denied any link to the poisons. That level of stupid and ignorance is irreducible. The only response I have is to avoid contact with those suffering from the disease of blind idiocy. And when Rona v2.0 comes along - these same morons will be diapered and baying for a shot and demanding the unpoisoned be put into camps and shot.

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Well, said. I have done the same trying to avoid “those living and suffering from disease of blind idiocy! These are people who were actually considered intelligent with doctorates, masters, and have high levels and long experience in life! How did they became so blind and quickly jump into believing all the lies and frauds?? It’s beyond my human comprehension how the most so called experts in their individual fields and masters of many have lost the basic common sense and most astounding is that they actually continue with their idiocy and some of them actually take this to their grave!

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Totally agree with you. A blind, stupid, assinine belief in 'authority'. Many of us have open FOIs to thousands of agencies asking for purified, isolated proof of the fake flying viruses - and not a single positive response. If you don't have an isolated virus, how can you make a poison antidote? Profit, power mongering, Medical Nazism, murder - this is what happened during Rona, but like you said, the self-proclaimed clever people with their b.s. degrees and their money, were clueless. People who live in the real world such as tradespeople, labourers, those who work with their hands and bodies, were in my experience, fully aware that Rona was a scamdemic. Education is not intelligence. In fact it is probably true to say that the more 'educated' you are, the more uneducated you are about life and reality.

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I have never heard or saw it been referred to as vaccine just Flu Shot. I have never taken it. I’m skeptical of anything that’s an annual occurrence and I don’t feel that I need it because I have never had the flu and if I did, it must have been mild. I’m knocking on wood right now.

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We might not be able to say definitively that any individual cancer was caused by the jab, but the statistics indicate that the jab was causal for a substantial number of those cancers and deaths. Consequently, we are justified in assuming a significant probability that the jab triggered her illness and caused her death.

Probability: Good evidence supporting the proposition.

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Aug 18Edited

Where is the evidence that she was vaccinated for Covid? Just because she was promoting the shots to the goyim doesn't mean that she got one.

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She’s a democrat CEO of Google. They required the Vaxx.

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