Totally agree with you. A blind, stupid, assinine belief in 'authority'. Many of us have open FOIs to thousands of agencies asking for purified, isolated proof of the fake flying viruses - and not a single positive response. If you don't have an isolated virus, how can you make a poison antidote? Profit, power mongering, Medical Nazism, …
Totally agree with you. A blind, stupid, assinine belief in 'authority'. Many of us have open FOIs to thousands of agencies asking for purified, isolated proof of the fake flying viruses - and not a single positive response. If you don't have an isolated virus, how can you make a poison antidote? Profit, power mongering, Medical Nazism, murder - this is what happened during Rona, but like you said, the self-proclaimed clever people with their b.s. degrees and their money, were clueless. People who live in the real world such as tradespeople, labourers, those who work with their hands and bodies, were in my experience, fully aware that Rona was a scamdemic. Education is not intelligence. In fact it is probably true to say that the more 'educated' you are, the more uneducated you are about life and reality.
Totally agree with you. A blind, stupid, assinine belief in 'authority'. Many of us have open FOIs to thousands of agencies asking for purified, isolated proof of the fake flying viruses - and not a single positive response. If you don't have an isolated virus, how can you make a poison antidote? Profit, power mongering, Medical Nazism, murder - this is what happened during Rona, but like you said, the self-proclaimed clever people with their b.s. degrees and their money, were clueless. People who live in the real world such as tradespeople, labourers, those who work with their hands and bodies, were in my experience, fully aware that Rona was a scamdemic. Education is not intelligence. In fact it is probably true to say that the more 'educated' you are, the more uneducated you are about life and reality.