My colleague at work (big pharma) came down with lung cancer shortly after her second jab. She never smoked and never worked in a smoking environment, but she refuses to acknowledge any link with the jabs. 🇨🇦
My colleague at work (big pharma) came down with lung cancer shortly after her second jab. She never smoked and never worked in a smoking environment, but she refuses to acknowledge any link with the jabs. 🇨🇦
There is a genius for you. I know people who contracted cancer post Stabbination and died. Their family and 'friends' also denied any link to the poisons. That level of stupid and ignorance is irreducible. The only response I have is to avoid contact with those suffering from the disease of blind idiocy. And when Rona v2.0 comes along - these same morons will be diapered and baying for a shot and demanding the unpoisoned be put into camps and shot.
Well, said. I have done the same trying to avoid “those living and suffering from disease of blind idiocy! These are people who were actually considered intelligent with doctorates, masters, and have high levels and long experience in life! How did they became so blind and quickly jump into believing all the lies and frauds?? It’s beyond my human comprehension how the most so called experts in their individual fields and masters of many have lost the basic common sense and most astounding is that they actually continue with their idiocy and some of them actually take this to their grave!
Totally agree with you. A blind, stupid, assinine belief in 'authority'. Many of us have open FOIs to thousands of agencies asking for purified, isolated proof of the fake flying viruses - and not a single positive response. If you don't have an isolated virus, how can you make a poison antidote? Profit, power mongering, Medical Nazism, murder - this is what happened during Rona, but like you said, the self-proclaimed clever people with their b.s. degrees and their money, were clueless. People who live in the real world such as tradespeople, labourers, those who work with their hands and bodies, were in my experience, fully aware that Rona was a scamdemic. Education is not intelligence. In fact it is probably true to say that the more 'educated' you are, the more uneducated you are about life and reality.
My colleague at work (big pharma) came down with lung cancer shortly after her second jab. She never smoked and never worked in a smoking environment, but she refuses to acknowledge any link with the jabs. 🇨🇦
There is a genius for you. I know people who contracted cancer post Stabbination and died. Their family and 'friends' also denied any link to the poisons. That level of stupid and ignorance is irreducible. The only response I have is to avoid contact with those suffering from the disease of blind idiocy. And when Rona v2.0 comes along - these same morons will be diapered and baying for a shot and demanding the unpoisoned be put into camps and shot.
Well, said. I have done the same trying to avoid “those living and suffering from disease of blind idiocy! These are people who were actually considered intelligent with doctorates, masters, and have high levels and long experience in life! How did they became so blind and quickly jump into believing all the lies and frauds?? It’s beyond my human comprehension how the most so called experts in their individual fields and masters of many have lost the basic common sense and most astounding is that they actually continue with their idiocy and some of them actually take this to their grave!
Totally agree with you. A blind, stupid, assinine belief in 'authority'. Many of us have open FOIs to thousands of agencies asking for purified, isolated proof of the fake flying viruses - and not a single positive response. If you don't have an isolated virus, how can you make a poison antidote? Profit, power mongering, Medical Nazism, murder - this is what happened during Rona, but like you said, the self-proclaimed clever people with their b.s. degrees and their money, were clueless. People who live in the real world such as tradespeople, labourers, those who work with their hands and bodies, were in my experience, fully aware that Rona was a scamdemic. Education is not intelligence. In fact it is probably true to say that the more 'educated' you are, the more uneducated you are about life and reality.