Congress survey Part II results!
The results were both surprising and not surprising. There is hope, but not much.
I’ve updated the original article to include the results (so far) of the survey.
There is both good news and bad news.
Good news: There is some intelligent life in the House.
Bad news: Only 21 people called of the 68,000 who read the article. Nobody will set a number of kids that are killed before they will oppose the vaccine. So even if 1M kids are killed, they might still support the vaccine!!!
See the Results section of the article for details.
Please, it’s important we find our allies in Congress.
We need everyone to just make 1 phone call to the representative in your district.
See the original article for instructions. Thank you!
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I write about COVID mitigation policies, vaccines, corruption, censorship, and early treatments. The data shows that vaccines are ruining the health of Americans and driving the epidemic in a variety of health conditions.
I fully support Kirsch and other’s massive efforts to open peoples eyes but feel this plea to “call your congresscritter” is incredibly naive. Hoping a corrupt Congress will ride to the rescue is the same as the QAnon crowd believing that Trump was playing 4-D chess. If they weren’t already co-opted and controlled, we wouldn’t be in the situation we are in right now.
At this stage only a gargantuan sinkhole materializing directly under all of Washington DC and sucking the whole damn place into the bowels of the earth will solve these our problems.