Were any of the vaccines Alexis was given PEGalated? Doxil produces similar injuries. It is pegalated like the mRNA vaccines—and was also the first liponanoparticle delivered drug, utilizing squalene. It was invented by Avril Haines’s father. https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1155/2016/8034832

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Un bel domani, fratello 👆🏻

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This same thing happened to my pt after c19 jab. It took few months to clear but now has cardiac issues.

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It may be the PEG. Doxil produces similar injuries. It is PEGalated like the mRNA vaccines—and was also the first liponanoparticle delivered drug, utilizing squalene. It was invented by Avril Haines’s father. https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1155/2016/8034832

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Was the hospital given an incentive bonus for giving these extra vaccines?

Hope she feels better.

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A belated realisation.

Alexis' case may be pivotal.

In Jacobsen vs Massachusetts, circa early last century, the US Supreme Court of the day decided, in its questionable wisdom, that the State has authority over individual choice. Hence the world we live in now, mandates for jabs, like it or not, whether necessary or not, and even despite risk of serious individual harm, including death.

We all need Alexis to get through this, to then be able to tell her story personally.

Her case may be the extremely graphic poster case sufficient to sway judges in matters of 'informed consent' and 'right to choose'.

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Given that in the first Mary Holland interview video it is stated that the hospital staff are claiming that different whatevers (different vaccines, not even vaccines, who knows?) were administered vs what their own medical records show (lies,gaslighting?) I wonder if it would be viable, and not too late, to get a blood sample, for analysis of what exactly they put into Alexis.

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Is there a way for readers of this story to 'go for the throats' of the alleged culprits, haematologist (Zahra Pakbaz), and that so-called doctor's managers, and the hospital admin staff that endorse the policy/ies allegedly applied by Pakbaz? Or would doing so be premature in not allowing 'due process' of investigation, and the decision of a court?

(I am only qualifying with the term 'alleged', as only personal testimony by the victim, Alexis, may attest as to who, what, when, etc. No doubt the hospital staff will have done, or do, everything to erase written records/accountability.)

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Hi Steve, any updates? I haven't seen any new reports since a week ago on your VSRF show.

II found this local fox news story:


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Start at the 35-min mark. Kim Iversen interviewed Alexis and Angela 17 hours ago. It is quite the revelation. If not for Angela Alexis would have died.

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Why has Donald Trump escaped culpability for the countless millions of world wide C-19 vaccine adverse effects, including death? See this and please share it far and wide (Bitchute link):


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Trump was given bad advice by Fauci/Birx. He never mandated the c19 jabs, but Biden/Harris did mandate it, Biden/Harris and mainly Democrats insisted on everyone get this safe and effective jabs. So please get your story straight before you ask everyone to share those lies.

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Hey Steve, I want to see proof of the vaccinations she was given and the time and date of each on her MYCHART profile. You have other MyChart blood records on the one drive and then some random informal note about her getting platelets the day before she supposedly gets 3 vaccines…. Post the information.

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How awful. Poor woman. It’s like mass insanity has taken over.

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Sue them to the end of the earth

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I suffered a vaccine injury when I was 17 years old to the MMR vaccine. It has taken 43 years to discover the truth about what happened to me. Their so called pandemic and how they treated the vaccine injured made me realise what really happened to me.

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Everything but the names of the doctors, which should be public, and all over social media.

Only then might they consider never giving vaccines again.

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Perhaps you only skim read? Included in Steve's summary is the note that the vaccine mandate was decreed by "Haematologist (Zahra Pakbaz)".

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Didn't see it, thank you.

A woman, don't know why but that bothers me even more.

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Sep 24Edited

Let's pretend vaccines were well-researched and safe. Yet, who in their right mind would give them to anyone with Paroxysmal Nocturnal Hemoglobinuria? PNH is a rare blood disorder that happens when part of your immune system attacks and damages your red blood cells and platelets. The immune system is already compromised of its base defense system (and I wouldn't be surprised if she's had all her childhood vaccines...) so, now the hospital wants to make it worse? Whoever made that decision should be jailed.

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There is the catch.

Vaccinations are 'contraindicated' if a person is ill. So as you point out, why would anyone administer them contrary to the insert.

That can be easily researched and if the inserts have been changed the question remains then when and why. Meaning what evidence has come to light to change protocols.

There are other conditions that can manifest symptoms Alexis is experiencing and maybe why retesting her bone marrow biopsy was requested. Why is there doubt with the first test?

ADE, (antibody dependent enhancement) an autoimmune reaction where the immune system attacks itself launching a hyper immune response.

The late, dr. 'Archie' Kalikorinos documents this in his book, 'Every Second Child'...If a child presented with otitis media as was common in the malnourished Aboriginal population even with 40-60mgs supplimentation from government food program and then vaccinated in that state of health he would see near immediate adverse reactions including death. The cause being respiratory collapse of the signal to the diagragm muscle responsible for breathing. The signal to the muscle gets cut from toxins breaching the blood brain barrier. Kalokarinos also testified in Florida about Sudden Infant Death Syndrom (SIDS) and won

Re-exposure to Dengue can cause ADE. The new novel jab therapy can cause ADE as published also.

Being poisoned by a snake bite can cause destruction of the blood and immune system. Dr. Peter Kory refuting Dr. Ardis's claims still mentions that cobra venom peptides are identified as a componant of the 'spike protien' .

Dr. Susanne Humphries has pointed out that AIDS componants are in the spike protien. Dr. Ladapo, FLA Surgeon General disclosed that SV-40 (a known cancer vector) is also a componant in the vaccine.

These are some highly inflammatory substances which begs the definition. Inflammation is capillary bleeding. The redness of a sore throat are red blood cells (actually blue) leaking and coming into contact with oxygen turning them red presenting with the classic red sore throat.

This capillary bleeding can occur anywhere in the circulatory system and in any organ; eyes, brain, liver, pancreas, etc..

Inadequate stores of ascorbate become quickly oxidized in the presence of inflammatory toxins. This why in animals ascorbate production is increased. Animals produce ascorbate in their livers like humans produce saliva (in huge 10s of thosands of miligrams). Humans have three of the four enzymatic steps but a genetic defect or toxin surpresses the 4th step.

About Alexis' bone marrow, importantly, adequate ascorbate is required to assemble bone matrix.

Humans are collagenous creatures. Collagen is the number one protein comprising sixty percent of the proteins of the body.

In fact all the collagen tissues require ascorbate to assemble normal functioning structures as well ascorbate is essential in supporting the immune system in a process called phagocytosis. Ascorbate is the immune system's paycheck.

Dr. C.A.B. Clemetson's three volume series concludes persons presenting with disease are all dangerously deficient in ascorbate and the default decision is to test for deficiency, test for G6PD and immefiately correct the deficiency.

Alexis' body is screaming for vitamin C. Capillary fragillity is Classic Frank Scurvy out of the pages of Admiral James Lind's, 'Treatisie on Scurvy'; extensive bruising, bleeding gums, immobillity even internal organs dissolving!

God help Alexis against this systematic evil being perpetraited against her!

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Let's get down to some brass tacks! Alexis looks like she competed against a 'biological male' in Olympic boxing! Anyone can make that observation that she has massive systemic contusions and hematomas.

She's bleeding folks!

She was assaulted. Getting to the point, she was poisoned.

The collgen bonds holding her endothelial cells together are disentigrating in real time.

There are cellular damaging substances circulating in her already compromized immune system which is another point in itself (she had such a low blood count) coming from Florida, maybe Bill Gates mosquito bite? Dengue can drop platelet count like a rock.

What's with asking for another bone marrow biopsy are they doubting the first results? Should everyone getting bone marrow biopsies get two?

One thing that is indisputable is that in that state of health that she is in she is 'scorbutic' meaning she has extremely low asorbate, not enough to support her immune system let alone repair her damaged cells.

Furthermore, ascorbate as an antioxidant 'free radical scavanger' has been shown to nutralize offending 'poisonous' toxins which assists in mitigating further damage.

Ascorbate is something Alexis is in desperate need of and the current attending medical administration is sitting on tbeir hands pathetically not knowing what to do.

The Vitamin C Orthomolecular doctor, the late Robert Fulton Cathcart III treating 30 thousand patients with high dose intraveneous and oral vitamin C has said in an in interview that hospitals are 'Scurvy Houses' and properly administrated vitamin C would bankrupt every hospital in the U.S..

Even with a new attending physician testing for G6PD in preperation for high dose vitamin C infusion, performing ascorbic acid deficiency testing and requesting immediate correction of vitamin C deficiency, it is doubtfull getting hospital compliance.

Legal resolution of injunctive relief as witnessed and documented in New Zealand in the Case of Allen Smith is unlikely as it would be a precedence case in the U.S..

Dr. Thomas E. Levy is credited with indirectly saving Mr Smith as it was through Levy's educating a family friend of Mr. Smith that led the family to demand vitamin C.

Allen Smith has three sons and a strong wife watching his back in his most dire hour of need and by the family's very nature were not going to be bullied by the medical establishment but they weren't out of the woods yet. The story is revealing about just what kind of world we live in.

The 60 minutes documentary can be found



Alexis has possibly the world supporting her as they watch her literally falling apart before their eyes as a medical monopoly stands idle.

if there is a time to scrutinize the 80 year medical stone walling and continuing war on ascorbate it is now.

Alexis has no time to spare.

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