Beware of those who question those who question authority
An excellent Ted talk by Sharyl Attkisson that was done 6 years ago explains how we got here and how you can tell when you are being manipulated.
Six years ago, Sharyl Attkisson gave an excellent TED talk entitled “Astroturf and manipulation of media messages.”
It explains precisely what is happening now including:
why my reputation on Wikipedia went from hero to zero over a few days.
how we are all being manipulated.
But most of all, at the very end, it explains the subtle clues that we are being manipulated. A key lesson: Beware of those who question people who question authority. In short, beware of those (such as Wikipedia, “fact checkers,” and doctors) who question people like myself, Robert Malone, Bret Weinstein, and others who question authority.
Sharyl Attkisson was viciously attacked by Wikipedia, exactly as she described in her talk: beware those who seek to discredit the truthtellers. Once again, wikipedia portrays Sharyl as a bad person, rather than objectively provide evidence and let the reader decide for themselves.
There is a simple test to see for yourself that Wikipedia is corrupt: they never link to the original source material of the subject so you never get to see what they actually said in context. They link only to takedown pieces and include ad hominem attacks as their “proof” rather than actual evidence and facts.
Watch the video now. You’ll be amazed how relevant it is today, 6 years later. Wikipedia says she spreads misinformation. You decide who the misinformation spreader is. Reading the comments on the video can also help you decide who is telling the truth.
The manipulation of all Americans is an issue, but dims in comparison to the facts being revealed now that show that our own Government has been planning for years to make a deadly virus that was release on us and the World. Then they ran fake negative evaluation testing and passed laws to keep proven safe and effective early treatment drugs, like HCQ and Ivermectin, off the market so the FDA could pass emergency use for their spike protein injections. Then blocked the ability of doctors, hospitals and old people homes from access to these cheap worldwide proven drugs, and in doing so probably causing the death of 85% of 800,000 that they say died from Covid19. All so they could play God and steal $billions with mRNA injections and killing nearly 700,000 Americans.
The proof is America has the highest death rate in the World, and it caused more deaths worldwide than all 20 century wars combined. That is what the headlines should be and what everyone should be pissed off about. These people need to be removed from power and the FDA, NIH, CDC need total
It makes little difference if it is greed, power, ineptitude , or insanity driving this genocide.
Sharyl was exposing the H1N1 lies in 2009. She is very impressive with her public speaking...a pro.