Ben Tapper, a member of Biden's "Disinformation Dozen," joins me on the VSRF call this week
Ben created a wonderful 90-minute documentary on the pandemic response entitled "The Time is Now." Check it out before the call if you can. It's awesome.
“The Time Is Now” creator joins the VSRF Weekly Call
On Thursday, March 10 @7pm Eastern, I’m joined by Dr. Ben Tapper, D.C. who rose to fame as the creator of a wonderful documentary called “The Time is Now.” Register at www.vacsafety.org
Prior to the movie, Ben was highlighted as one of the top dozen spreaders of misinformation by the Center for Countering Digital Hate (CCDH).
I highly recommend watching the movie before the call if you get a chance. It’s awesome:
Doctors, scientists and ordinary people who spoke up against these false narratives were deplatformed, debanked, and turned into social pariahs.
The movie highlights what they did to gym owner Ian Smith. During a pandemic where overweight Americans were at severe and particular risk of hospitalization and death:

So where do we go from here? How do we totally shatter the corrupt Public Health system in America, stop their lies and grift, and re-center our health care around wellness?
Join us this Thursday, March 10th, at 7pm Eastern
Register at www.vacsafety.org
Call me AMD as well- only I am a Midwestern Dentist. I work for myself and I am also an opinionated SOB on these vaccines. My observations in my clientele?
- 2 People blinded by clots to the eye from the Pfizer jab (one also developed afib after the second jab despite the blindness from the first- implicit trust in her hospital based MD)
- 1 Guillain-Barre Syndrome
- 2 Bell's Palsy (the MD of one of these asked the patient to have me check his TMJ on the affected paralyzed side, it couldn't possible be the vaccine). Different cranial nerves affected- Anatomy 101- run away from a schmendrick MD like this one.
- most recently, a 50 year old nurse with an amputated right foot from microclots after the second Pfizer jab- not amenable to clot buster meds or surgical intervention.
- 2 people within my sphere of friends DEAD within 12-14 days of hospitalization with REMDESEVIR- denied early tx
-20 people within my sphere of friends ALIVE because of early intervention with Ivermection et al
Crimes against humanity you ask? Yes. To all of you store-front "trip and fall lawyers" have some balls. Go up against this evil and while in the process, go after the licensing boards as well. The latter are especially vicious little people. As a Holocaust Survivor patient of mine once said, alleve sholom, "something good has to come out of something bad."
What has the United States turned into? A bloody “ hit list”.. When Hilary decided to call half the country “ deplorable “ I knew that it was bad from a marketing perspective but it started what I call a “ pitch fork” society, which has unfortunately seeped into other countries too. Its made irrational, nasty vindictiveness the norm & helped fuel this inability to question or debate & now with Covid it was the perfect prelude to have perfected the shutting down of people.