Beating Covid in the Courts: Three Civil Rights attorneys join the VSRF Weekly Update tomorrow.
Bobbie Anne Flower-Cox is fighting mandatory quarantine camps in New York, former Marine, Dale Saran is fighting the Pentagon, and Tracy Henderson is fighting the Newsom Covid Regime.
VSRF Weekly Update
Thursday, November 3
7pm Eastern / 4pm Pacific
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We are winning, especially in the courts! I work closely with the courageous emergency services workers of Bravest for Choice and could not be more thrilled with the recent New York court decision that will:
Overturn the existing New York City Covid-19 vaccine mandate on all municipal employees (everyone from administrators to firefighters)
Order the reinstatement of all city workers who had been fired or suspended for not taking the Covid-19 vaccine
And order back pay for all these reinstated workers!
Not surprisingly, Mayor Eric Adams is appealing this decision, so it is crucial that EVERYONE in New York State and America carefully consider who to vote for next week.
Thus, the key issue we face in this election: Who will fight to keep the mandate regime and who will fight to remove it?
Even when we win at the ballot box, we will need to continue moving forward in the courts. This is what we will discuss this Thursday. How do we defeat the many imprudent Covid policies through litigation?
Join us for the call and meet:
Civil-rights attorney Bobbie Anne Flower-Cox, who defeated New York Governor Kathy Hochul’s executive order that attempted to establish quarantine camps. The State is currently appealing this decision!
Former U.S. Marine Captain and JAG attorney, Dale Saran who represents over a thousand service members who are fighting the Pentagon’s Covid-19 vaccine mandate.
Parents’ Rights Leader and Attorney, Tracy Henderson, who is the founder of the California Parents Union
It will be a great show! Bring your questions and bring a friend.
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I think its a pretty huge development that Crowder had the embalmers on about whatever non-biological "calamari-like" entity that is growing in people who took the vaccine. It got over 600K views on Rumble the first day. The mainstream Republicans who were vax pushers are starting to speak out, ala Ben Shapiro too. Floodgates are about to open. The "amnesty" article was a flag up the pole to see how the publlic would react to sweeping it under the rug, and also a covert admittance of a crime that is about to be exposed to the masses.
Interesting too that Crowder was given a dumb two week suspension on YT, before he even aired the video. It's like they were tipped off it was coming and banned him ahead of it. Like their wires were tapped while doing the research, oddly enough.
When they have a winning formula, can someone please tell a bunch of lawyers in Australia about it so they can attempt to claw back some of our hard-won yet all-too-easily-lost Rights?!?!