80 Anti-Vaccine Bills Have Been Introduced In State Legislatures
You read that right. ANTI-vaccine bills, not PRO-Vaccine bills. Can you believe that?
OK, I admit when I first read this headline I mentally interpreted it as more blue-pill legislation to force people to take the deadly vaccines. After all, forcing people to take the jab is the only viable way forward for the vaccine promoters.
Then I re-read the headline… it said “anti-vaccine bills.”
WTF?!?!? That is unbelievable!
Here’s the article. This is easily the best news I’ve heard all day.
On reading, the article misses one crucial point, the actual legislation proposed! Lots of talk of how good mRNA is, but not one word of what even one of the legislation bills contains.
From the whole article linked at the bottom of the one Steve put here: "... (with) the anti-vaccine movement growing stronger, experts expect its adherents to grow only more ambitious, targeting the school vaccine mandates that have been critical up to now in eradicating diseases like measles, mumps, and polio." Phooey, they did nothing of the sort. Polio slowed because it was both redefined and we banned DDT simultaneously. Measles is now vaccine derived, chicken pox was only serious to the malnourished. For the greater majority it was a week off school.