I've got $50 on "the virus came from a lab" and $50 on "the 'vaccines' are a scam and are killing more than they save" since 2021 with an old 'friend' who recently ghosted me when we were debating yet another controversial topic, fluoride.

I didn't even go down the usual path in this one, I provided evidence that the fluoride we use is technical grade (not medical grade), which contain arsenic and promote lung and bladder cancer.

I asked him why he's not still vaccinating his family per the recommendations of our gov, the same people he was quoting to prove his case on fluoride.

He still hasn't given me my hundred bucks, I suspect fluoride debate wasn't the reason for the ghosting and he's just being tight ass who's trust in his gov is slowly crumbling (I don't envy him right now and this part of the process)

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I always ask them if theyve gotten all 10 shots and if not, why they are not still following the recommendations and thats where the conversation always ends.

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My daughter had a long term relationship with a man who became autistic after the covid19 shots. He was unable to carry on with the relatiinship.

I know a number of people who seem to have had no ill effects from the shots so maybe he was just unlucky.

Since I have had no shots and not been ill either I hope that in the future we can look on this period of madness as something to learn from.

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I’ll take your bet

And you’re gonna regret

Cause I’m the best there’s ever been

Well, I’m not as good as Charlie Daniels, but I’m not bad. I’m not sure if it’s vaccines, food, electronic devices or a combination of all causing the problem. I’ll gladly write you a song for a million dollars to help share your concerns with the world.

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I actually have tried to find people to debate you. I suppose I can try harder. It would be helpful to show them the terms of your debate with Wilf. Where can those be found?

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cdc hid the link. vaxed 1. why you cant find it

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I tell people all the time if they’re so sure vaccines do not cause autism to make some coin and bet Steve Kirsch!

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If vaccines cause autism, why did this never show up before. Vaccines have been around since the 1920s at least. I never knew anyone who was autistic growing up in the 1950s and 1960s, why now? Have there been societal changes that could be affecting this? Is it because children are getting too many vaccines? Has the formulation changed, even before the doom covid shots? Our son had maybe 16 shots in total, from his infancy through his teen years and he never had any problems. I'm not saying that they don't, but I'm not convinced that they do or that they are the only factor. And, what is the alternative, to let children get sick again? Childhood illnesses are not benign, mumps can sterilize boys if caught at the right age, measles can kill, Roald Dahl's daughter died of measles. Whopping cough and diphtheria are serious illnesses that can kill. Rather than get rid of vaccines, maybe a better idea would be to make them safer. Several generations of people have grown up with no knowledge of these illnesses, so they have no idea of how serious they can be. German measles can cause deformities in unborn children. During the 1920s over 200,000 children died during a diphtheria epidemic. My own father almost died of diphtheria as a baby, it was only my grandfather holding him up by his feet and beating his back until the mucus plug came out that saved him. Shouldn't this subject be looked at objectively, without hysteria and emotion? And before everyone jumps on me for having a heretical opinion, I am not and have never been associated with any pharmaceutical company, nor has anyone in my family. And yes, I have been accused of being a shill for those companies, which I basically despise myself.

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I don't think there's any good evidence vaccines played a role in mitigating those diseases. They were very much on the wane and all but gone when their respective vaccines were introduced. The book Turtles All the Way Down may elaborate on this. (I have yet to read it, but such is my understanding from the reviews. Make sure you get the real one, not the book with the same title intended to confuse.)

I believe formulations have changed. And that's more the case with the inactive ingredients (which people point towards more as the culprit) than the active ones. The schedule surely has. I'm an old guy and only got a few of these, but kids today are supposed to get like several dozen.

That's a good question to ask - whether or not other societal changes may be contributing. But that's another question that won't be investigated adequately. Clearly we're doing something wrong. There has been this massive increase in allergies as well as autism (and other chronic diseases). But people are very averse to thinking they're wrong. (I don't get that. I'm always happy to find out I was wrong about something. It's an opportunity to improve.) No one wants to ask a question where the answer might be painful. e.g. Fauci presided over all this mess, so by any reasonable objective measure he's a colossal failure. But if you believe him to be a hero you get to believe we have heroes at the helm. And isn't that pleasant?

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It is not that easy to create a vaccine that doesn't kill or maim on the spot, it is a fine (dark) art to create damage over time. Also, the rates of those diseases are much lower now because of better nutrition and sanitation, not vaccines. They still affect the poor and uneducated, living near garbage dumps etc., as they did before, but you don't get to hear about it.

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Of course it's hard to make a decent, safe vaccine, that's why it takes 10 to 15 years to do it. We avoided the covid vaxx because we remembered, way, way back when they were trying gene therapy to help people with genetic diseases. They thought they could alter the DNA in a person and somehow, almost magically, it could be injected into them and all the cells of the body would transform. They tried it on a retarded teen and a man with ALS. Both died almost before the needle was out of their arms. When they came out with this mRNA stuff we knew to avoid it like the plague. And we may be seeing much higher rates of those 'childhood illnesses' and other diseases like TB now that we have an invasion over our borders, including the Canadian border.

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Yes, it takes 10 to 15 years to make a vaccine that doesn't draw suspicion, but the basic idea is flawed anyway. The immune system is much more than antibodies, and it is not lack of aluminum or mercury that makes it underperform. Thinking that toxins that have no place in the human body would somehow make it healthier is a flawed idea as well. But being ignorant to the ways of nature (nature being a form of technology anyway), there are arrogant idiots who think they can play God, messing with genes and altering the human body in ways it was not designed to perform, without even basic understanding of how it is supposed to work, this resulting in the current atrocities.

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Well, considering that the child mortality rate during the 19th century was extremely high, I can see why people wanted to have some way to prevent the death of their children. When I was a child myself, a friend of mine had an old cemetery on her parents' property and one of the inscriptions from the 19th Century stuck with me: "She was the sunshine of our life until God took her from us." The little girl was 2 years old. Scientists were not trying to play God when they started developing vaccines, they were trying to stop children from dying. Isn't it quite possible that God gave these men the idea and help to develop vaccines, also?

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The best vaccine is the one that cost the least time to make and makes the most profit and u need about 70 of them. Or 80 shots if ur really a sleazy low life SOB

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God didn't take anyone, but lack of knowledge. It is possible that the original scientists were well intended, but the results speak for themselves. No healthy body dies from a little infection. There is no magic pill or shot that works as a substitute for a healthy lifestyle, meaning get the nutrients in and the toxins out, lots of sunshine, balancing your energy with enough sleep and the right amount of exercise, a positive attitude towards life and people etc. Just because someone seems to "never had any problem" from vaccines, it doesn't mean they didn't. One of the main purpose of vaccines is dumbing you down, lowering your IQ. Even smart people, high intellectual achievers, they could get ten times smarter if they got rid of the poison in their system.

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No, God didn't take that child, but from where she was living, she was definitely in the top part of society. The manor where she lived was rich, and her parents were rich. These were people who owned probably 100 acres in Connecticut, in a very beautiful area. You can talk all you want about eating healthy, etc, but pathogens will exploit any body eventually. If you think that eating the right foods will keep you from being sick, go for it. And if you think vaccines didn't cut down on childhood deaths by a huge factor, then believe what you will, arguing with you is like arguing with a flat earther. Don't bother to waste your time replying because I'm done answering you.

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So has the bet not been taken in part because the taker would have to come up with a million dollars to escrow beforehand? Are there willing takers who simply don't have those kinds of funds?

I meet a lot of people with an absurd level of conviction that vaccines never cause autism but they all seem to have no debate/ research chops and are just reading your typical fact checks. They may even work with vaccines in some manner but still don't know the safety/ autism literature because of specialization. I have my doubts that there is anyone familiar with that literature that isn't an "antivaxxer". Which proves your point. The pro side can't debate very effectively unless they know what evidence they are debating against, and they don't even know it.

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The amount of vaccine propaganda = the profits off of the sick and injured

And it is best u don’t no or c anything that may even start u to think it is a scam

Like covid the scam is huge

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Thanks for all you do! A true American hero! May God Bless Your Family and You!

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I don't think it's fair to say that "science says vaccines don't cause autism". Because you can literally do a Google search of PubMed and come up with at least a dozen studies showing a correlation. The few studies that they used to say vaccines don't cause autism a lot of them don't even say that. Like the Danish study is the main one they say that that had millions of participants. But literally everybody was vaccinated they didn't have a control group. If anything they were testing the MMR vaccine. And there's a bunch of studies indicating that the MMR causes autism.

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Hard to find what y never look for

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(Non) actions speak louder than words!

Thank you Steve!

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Does anyone else in the subscribership feel the same frustration I do, of the cricket phenomenon? This issue is such a big deal to me, because early on I did not follow the vaccination schedule for my three boys, and the vitriol I got was so bizarre and intense. I get the same vitriol today from doctors to friends to family members, and at this point I really just don’t know what to do with it.

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They need u to help validate the scan they bought

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I know what you mean; here is a small, inexpensive book about parents not vaccinating children. It seems to be geared toward providing an explanation for the confused vaccine believers. If you think it's worth the eight bucks for a particular person you could gift them a copy.


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Nice Steve! Crickets gonna cricket.

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I have an observation and idea to get this topic out there in the Mainstream. I believe it would also help to get RFKjr massive overhaul health & food industries more accepted.

First, after looking at the history of vaccines in the USA especially from the mid-1980's on its clear no doctor of significance will debate on the question of vaccines and autism because that same "money" that shows intent in a bet, is also the "money" that supports the doctors, their organizations and research. Truly informing and protecting the public is not their primary goal.

My idea is to get a debate of what is causing autism, especially in the USA versus the rest of the world. Its the lack of intellectual curiousity that is the real crime and maybe doctors could be convinced to talk about alternative causes. Clearly the sharp rise in cases is worth debating alone and it ties into other vaccines, food and health practices.

Nothing will happen until RFKjr is in place at the HHS but a campaign such as this could get people talking that otherwise live in a media bubble.

Just a thought...

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That is what we have learned.The money and profit is more important than people or their health?We are ruled by A.I .Algorithms which they do not have any feelings.They are planing and proceeding only what is good for profit.In case the people and their interests are in the way of maximum of profit, algorithm will swiftly remove such an obstruction.Including every single everything.And that might be the reason why whole planet was injected with bio weapon causing all kind of diseases , infertility and so on.............Joe

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