Ontario Judge R. T. Bennett got it right: the courts should NOT take judicial notice that the vaccines are "safe and effective." The health authorities are stating opinions, not facts.
Steve, do you know this new peer reviewed study (february 2023) which showed a positive association between vaccine doses and infant deaths???
"Introduction In 2011, we published a study that found a counterintuitive, positive correlation, r = 0.70 (p < .0001), demonstrating that among the most highly developed nations (n = 30), those that require more vaccines for their infants tend to have higher infant mortality rates (IMRs). Critics of the paper recently claimed that this finding is due to "inappropriate data exclusion," i.e., the failure to analyze the "full dataset" of all 185 nations. Objective In the present study, we examine various claims postulated by these critics and the validity of their scientific methods, and we perform several investigations to assess the reliability of our original findings. Methods The critics select 185 nations and use linear regression to report a correlation between the number of vaccine doses and IMRs. They also perform multiple linear regression analyses of the Human Development Index (HDI) vs. IMR with additional predictors and investigate IMR vs. percentage vaccination rates for eight different vaccines. We perform odds ratio, sensitivity, and replication analyses. Results The critics' reanalysis combines 185 developed and Third World nations that have varying rates of vaccination and socioeconomic disparities. Despite the presence of inherent confounding variables, a small, statistically significant positive correlation of r = 0.16 (p < .03) is reported that corroborates the positive trend in our study. Multiple linear regression analyses report high correlations between IMR and HDI, but the number of vaccine doses as an additional predictor is not statistically significant. This finding is a likely consequence of known misclassification errors in HDI. Linear regression of IMR as a function of percentage vaccination rates reports statistically significant inverse correlations for 7 of 8 vaccines. However, several anomalies in the scatter plots of the data suggest that the chosen linear model is problematic. Our odds ratio analysis conducted on the original dataset controlled for several variables. None of these variables lowered the correlation below 0.62, thus robustly confirming our findings. Our sensitivity analysis reported statistically significant positive correlations between the number of vaccine doses and IMR when we expanded our original analysis from the top 30 to the 46 nations with the best IMRs. Additionally, a replication of our original study using updated 2019 data corroborated the trend we found in our first paper (r = 0.45, p = .002). Conclusions A positive correlation between the number of vaccine doses and IMRs is detectable in the most highly developed nations but attenuated in the background noise of nations with heterogeneous socioeconomic variables that contribute to high rates of infant mortality, such as malnutrition, poverty, and substandard health care."
Goldman GS, Miller NZ. Reaffirming a Positive Correlation Between Number of Vaccine Doses and Infant Mortality Rates: A Response to Critics. Cureus. 2023 Feb 2;15(2):e34566.
Basically what happens is that the vaccines (especially TDP) cause microstrokes in the brain in the region that controls automatic respiration, so infants start having interrupted breath cycles, and unless they are at an ICU or somewhere else where they are monitored and can be resuscitated, once the breathing stops its fatal. A lot of people thought the COVID lockdowns dropping the childhood vaccination rate would reduce SIDS and that ended up being exactly what happened.
I have no doubt that some SIDS babies are killed by microstrokes in the brainstem respiratory centers -- specifically, strokes caused by vaccines. I'm familiar with Andrew Moulden's work on vaccine injury and I know this is one mechanism of harm he identified.
But I don't think that's the only route to a SIDS death.
I skimmed your "century of evidence" article and didn't see any discussion of Viera Scheibner's research re: SIDS. (It's possible you discussed it and I missed seeing it.) Are you familiar with her work? Her book "Vaccination: 100 Years of Orthodox Research..." (sometimes the subtitle is given as "The Medical Assault on the Immune System") is out of print but a few used copies are available through Amazon. This book reviews 30,000 pages of material on vaccines published in orthodox allopathc medical journals, and presents Scheibner's own SIDS research which strongly implicates vaccination (specifically the DPT vaccine) in SIDS. Scheibner also discusses adverse effects of vaccination, including SIDS, in light of Hans Selye's "nonspecific stress response."
During the nonspecific stress response there are "critical days", on which severe adverse events including death are more likely. Scheibner observed this in the babies whose breathing she monitored during her research on SIDS, and realized that babies' breathing was most disturbed on these critical days and that babies were more likely to die on these days. (BTW, I studied the first 66 reports of death following COVID-19 spikeshots that were reported out from the VAERS system, and I found that in this dataset, there were peaks in deaths on the early critical days. All 66 deaths occurred on the day of vaccination or on one of the next 9 days, so it wasn't possible to look for peaks on later critical days.)
There's also a very credible claim that heavier-than-air toxic gases from molds growing in mattresses cause SIDS. Here are links to two interesting articles on SIDS; the first focuses on toxic mold gases and the second discusses a variety of factors that may interact in causing SIDS deaths:
Scheibner's breathing monitors showed that babies experienced a specific disturbance in breathing that Scheibner and her husband (and fellow researcher) called the "Stress-Induced Breathing Pattern." During an episode of SIBP, a baby's tidal volume would drop to approximately 5% of normal. In other words, a baby's breathing would become extraordinarily shallow.
Picture a baby sleeping on a mattress that's emitting heavier-than-air mold gases. A baby sleeping on its tummy would have its nose right down in the "danger zone" but a baby sleeping on its back would have its nose a few inches off the mattress and be much safer. This could explain why "Back to Sleep" reduced SIDS deaths.
The baby sleeping on its tummy would probably be drawing in some clean air along with the mold gases collecting in a thin layer on top of the mattress. But what happens if the baby's tidal volume is only 5% of normal? I suspect a much higher percentage of this baby's intake would be the toxic mold gas and the baby would be much more likely to succumb to the toxins.
To sum up, I think when considering vaccination as a causal factor in SIDS, we need to factor in the critical days of the nonspecific stress response, the stress-induced breathing pattern, the possibility of heavier-than-air toxic mold gases being emitted from the mattress the baby is sleeping on, and the baby's sleeping position.
I have been having interrupted breathing since the Covid aero toxin got me on a drive from NC to PA. I also get headaches dizziness and muscle pain after a big chem-trail dousing. The FAA is ignoring air pollution from jets. The EPA is ignoring chem trails. The FCC is ignoring propaganda on the airwaves. The Vatican is ignoring the attack on the Earth by Moloch. Sigh. At least Stevo is having some success driving a stake through the black heart of Pfizer.
Success driving a stake through the black heart of Pfizer??? Pfizer isn't the least bit concerned about what Steve or anyone else is doing. Moreover, Big Pharma, the government and the mainstream media are targeting the poor and impoverished with "free" jabs.
To add insult to injury, your hero just posted what he terms: "A simple, easy way to reduce your risk of getting COVID by over 70%", but it's only available to those who have the funds to "upgrade to paid". See how that works?
People like Bill Gates, George Soros, and their cronies with the WEF all want to get rid of the peasant class and your hero is going to take one from their playbook by targeting those who can't afford his revelations because they don't matter to the elite.
When it comes time to ask the peasant class for help, they're not going to be there.
Yes Shnarkle I have those feelings too. What to do? Do the opposite? Wildcard? Melee? Break the fun meter? Why not. I am going to host a Barn Dance Fund Raiser, and spike the punch with Vitamins and CBD Oil.
BTW at least Stevo is actually doing something, so I am behind him ALL THE WAY. Remember he is risking his life putting out this info. He is a modern day Paul Revere.
Years ago, a friend of mine joined the Rainforest Action Network (RAN) which is a nonprofit organization tasked with raising awareness of the existential threat to the environment due to the obliteration of the rainforests.
You want to know what they accomplished? They alerted other people to this problem, and do you know what those people did? NOTHING. The rainforests are practically gone now. RAN has been letting everyone know what's going on and the rainforests are disappearing even faster now. They never planted a single tree.
Steve is in no danger whatsoever. How do I know that? Because if he truly was a threat to the powers that be, he'd be dead already. Contrary to popular delusion, knowledge is NOT power. Knowledge without action is useless.
Moreover, when someone comes along and announces that they have an effective way to deal with Covid, and then does exactly what Big Pharma does, i.e. puts a price on human health, they're not a modern day Paul Revere. They're a bonified Benedict Arnold.
At some point, the peasant class is going to revolt, not just against the elite, but anyone who financially discriminates against them. I don't have a problem with Steve offering his 'upgrade to paid' site, but when someone claims they've got a cure for Covid that doesn't cost anything to share, but then chooses to exclude only those who can't afford it, that's blatantly pathetic.
Seems your upset about the paid status to find out. I also think he is saying tongue in cheek. I predict the answer is don't get jabs being his entire existence these days is to bring exposure to their harms and protect the future generations from them. How about I pay it and tell you his answer? Or if you get sick get help at FLCCC.net or myfreedoctor.com or truthforhealth.org. No worries. Unless you are super unhealthy to begin with and which the jabs make you. As you said, he probably doesn't need the money, though he likely took a hefty cut after he was forced out from exposing lies. We all like to keep our income flow, don't we?
RAN, like hundreds of other nice and righteous sounding environmental 'non-profits' and organizations are frequently nefarious and keenly hidden covers, or are puppeted innocent players but still feed the likes of all those guys you listed whom are wanting to rid the world of us. It takes 5-10 minutes of research with any organization. Always scroll to the bottom of any website, check 'partners', 'leaders', 'mission', 'vision', 'board members', etc, etc. Then read about them and their financial supporters, philosophies, and future plans. Linking just two leaders of RAN I am quickly found a few web pages later on G20 and UN goals, which of course is to get the world population down to at least 1B and to 'learn' how to live 'together' and 'cooperate' toward THEIR goals. Which are not ours.
Now I do believe that the hearts of some of these people are often innocent ... but sadly ignorant that they are helping the agendas just the same. They don't research behind it or they are a part on a tiny scale. Even whilst doing 'good' to save the rainforest or fighting 'climate change' or 'save the whales', all these great ideas are prostituted and hijacked by the cash and evil and bad big boy billionaires, or at least the 'world leaders' of all ranks plans, which don't include us as part of their longevity. I want to save whales and rainforests too, but I'll never give one of these organizations my cash nor allegiance, because I research their backing, finance, promoters, and future goals.
Putting your pointless speculation aside, he's explicitly stating that he has a cure that costs nothing, yet he has decided to hide the cure behind his paywall. I don't care if it is only a dollar or if he's only joking, making money off of the suffering of others is just plain evil.
The more I look at what he's doing, the more it appears he's the controlled opposition. He doesn't just allow the restless hoards to feel that they have someone doing something useful for the cause. He gives them an excuse to sit back and effectively do nothing because they've placed their faith in what he's doing which is also effectively nothing. He's having mixers in Atlanta. He's writing emails that he admits are being ignored. He's being censored just like the hordes of peasants before him.
If I wanted to distract as many people as possible and give them a sense of hope and accomplishment to keep them distracted from my plans to exterminate a few billion people, I'd be pretty pleased with what Steve is doing perhaps without me even having to pay him off. The hedge fund idea and the mixer in Atlanta looks eerily like someone who has plans for running for political office. He's a wanna-be insider. He wants a place at THEIR table. He wants a piece of THEIR action.
I'm not going to get sick. It's highly unlikely that I will ever be infected. I live out in the middle of bumfuq Egypt. So I couldn't care less about Steve's cheesy sales pitch to the duped masses living in fear of dying from Covid 19. I'm just pointing out that those who can't see what's going on probably drank too much of the Kool Aid and aren't going to wake up.
Mixers the night before gathering with numerous lawyers who want to bring suit, setting right the recent lawlessness. On numerous occasions he has had ppl go to airports to talk w/ airline employees. Running a team of data scientists. Attending and speaking at events with thousands of ppl with the good docs. Perhaps all the good docs are controlled as well. Good docs and Steve calling to stop the deadly jabs for over a year. If that is controlled op, fine.
Just don't drink too much Kool Aid from RAN and the like.
Re: "lawyers who want to bring suit, setting right the recent lawlessness."
Correction: Lawyers who think they can win in a corrupt and rigged legal system. They can't, and a few of them probably already know it.
Re: " On numerous occasions he has had ppl go to airports to talk w/ airline employees."
Talk is cheap.
Re: " Running a team of data scientists."
There are a few who have pointed out that his data is lacking and not going to sway those who are hopelessly blue pilled.
Re: " Attending and speaking at events with thousands of ppl with the good docs.
More talk. See above.
Re: " Perhaps all the good docs are controlled as well. Good docs and Steve calling to stop the deadly jabs for over a year."
And all to no avail. Bill Gates makes more of a difference by simply short selling Pfizer and openly admitting that their vax doesn't work so we need to find something new which he will soon be investing in and promoting as well. Rinse, repeat.
Re: " If that is controlled op, fine."
It is. Controlled opposition is a defanged and demoralized opposition.
Re: "Just don't drink too much Kool Aid from RAN and the like."
Unlike RAN, I've actually planted quite a few trees. They've never planted one. I don't drink anything other than water from my very own spring. Those who are still drinking a product are probably never going to wake up to the fact that they're owned.
None of it is to no avail. Booster uptake is wayyyyy down. Medical pros all over the world woke up and stopped jabbing themselves and their patients. Deaths of loved ones and friends are waking ppl. Of course there are those that will never awaken. But there are also those that always were awake, and have and will awaken. Who cares if 'a few' point out Steve's data is useless. Data is coming from many places now, and it agrees. More than a few are seeing. I agree opposition is demoralized. I agree it will be 'rinse, repeat', never said it wouldn't. 'Tis the great good vs evil. Until then, I choose good. Sounds like your set, good for you. I've planted trees as well. Grow some food like you. Even make nice deco or useful things for my home from them. Hope you can contribute to truth and good from your perspective, which is a gift.
OK but I think survival of the good ones is important, and no one that is putting out the kind of energy and money that Steve is should be undeserving of financial support at any level... besides I am pretty sure that the "Cure" is a tongue in cheek reference to the natural immune system. You can be "mad" at Stevo but try directing that energy towards someone like Klaus Schwab, son of a Nazi officer. BTW we are all in danger. Any resistance is noted and as the numbers grow the danger quotient grows. I get your comment, "If they wanted him dead he would already be dead" however that's not actually true. It's a movie cliche. Killing someone especially someone with money and notoriety is expensive and can create a martyr.
Your friend that joined the RAN is a good person in my opinion and his work had a positive impact. Maybe immeasurable to you but not to Universe. All actions have an effect. It's quantum. The non-profit might have been dirty though. A false flag op or controlled opposition? What I do know is that evil always seeds it's own destruction because it operates on deception and lies and those never last. They are persistent on a cyclical basis however. This current racket is the same playbook as the ancient Egyptian one or the more recent Mein Kampf.
We might not really understand what this reality actually is but we can know, as in gnosis, that good and evil are always available and we can always pick which energy we want to embody at any given moment. Judas supposedly sold out Jesus but he wasn't happy about it. His name is Mudd but he played his part in the grand scheme of it all. We don't know how it will all play out but IMHO... Stevo is doing the right thing... and WHO knows... maybe you will get your violent revolution, with Robespierre type characters building Guillotines made from solar powered lasers to keep that death squad mean and green. How many will lose their heads in the next purge??? OR things might just fizzle out. As the immortal Mr. Natural once said, "What if they had a war and no one showed up?".
I'm not rooting for a revolution. My point is that raising awareness is only the first step. It isn't a career track. Having mixers in bars in Atlanta, and claiming a cure can be had by simply forking over some money while his adoring fans jerk him off because he's accomplishing something of absolutely no consequence whatsoever is about as cheesy as it gets.
There was no positive impact to the rainforests whatsoever. What used to be a vibrant and loud cacophony of wildlife has been replaced by hundreds of thousands of acres of flattened monocultured silence. Yes, my friend has a good heart. It was in the right place, but there was no actual action taking place to save the rainforests. Likewise, going to mixers and talking about how great we all are because we're not getting jabbed isn't accomplishing anything either.
Lee County Florida just dropped a bomb on the vaccine mandates. They're going to probably indict Fauci, the NIH, et al. and actually accomplish something tangible. They have an actual game plan that even without ANY news coverage at all, is beginning to spread to other counties and states.
What I like about this site is that there are a number of people providing links to some pretty good information. I find most of these links are far more valuable than anything else here.
Thanks for your continued responses. The end of your comment kinda proves my point that every bit of awareness helps in ways that we cannot see. The Butterfly effect is real. I have been inspired by Stevo and I have been inspired by Shnarkle. That keeps my energy level higher so I don't feel all alone and targeted by the New World Order and their minions. I know there are others out there that feel. I see others awakening. I can face the devil with confidence that I will not perish... alone at least. That makes me smile.
BTW I was in a revolution and the 100th monkey or straw that breaks the camel's back or dare I say it Sheldrake's Morphogenic field could be you or me or even Stevo... be well human. There is nothing cheesy about what is happening here... RIGHT FUCKING NOW!
I'm baffled how anyone would view dangling a carrot cure for Covid only to then refer them to a page where they can "upgrade to paid" in order to obtain that cure as anything other than a violent derailment from the stated goal. Perhaps one of these days, someone will wake up and actually know exactly what to do about all of this. For the most part, those who are waking up are too stunned to do much of anything about it. That's one of the biggest problems needs to be addressed. The 100th monkey only provides for an accelerated rate of waking up. That's not really going to cut it. We need people who know what to do after they wake up and I seriously doubt having drinks in a bar or forming hedge funds or coming up with more brazenly heartless ways to generate income on a website is going to help attain the stated goal.
I see more people waking up as well, but ultimately it isn't going to make much difference until someone is able to wake up and actually fix this mess. The problem is that we're dealing with people who are waking up to the fact that there's a Tsunami rushing towards them at over 400 mph, and it's going to hit in less than a minute. Most people can't wrap their heads around what's going on regardless of how awake one may be. Some will get up and run in the opposite direction, which is probably not the worst idea. The vast majority are too stunned to move. Frankly, they're better off asleep, and I think a lot of people have already done that. They don't want to become a target. The useful idiots or controlled opposition/limited hangout serves the same purpose. I think some people are starting to wake up to that possibility as well.
I'm baffled that I have been living in a reality tunnel that wasn't supposed to be a tunnel because I knew that everything I knew was wrong, or Maya as they say, and then that non-tunnel turned out to be a terrifying inverted white-hole meta-conspiracy theory I could have only thought of during bad psychedelic experiences, and even then it fractalized into multi uber-dystopian eigenstadts where I can only watch in horror or humor at the spewing corruption of all levels of organized society, and the possible roots or Archonic influences behind it all. Love the 400 mile an hour Tsunami imagery.
All I can say is that... there was this one time where I was standing on a corner in Baltimore and a car full of gang bangers came by. The passenger had a gun and pointed it at me and pulled the trigger. I was dead and he knew it and I knew it but Universe did not know it. No round in the chamber. By the time he racked the slide I was behind the telephone pole. As he aimed again and fired their car was rear ended and the shot went wide. I was laughing maniacally as I ran down the street. Maybe that can happen for us little guys? Maybe the NWO will get rear-ended??? The last video of old Klausie at the World Summit... he didn't look so good.
Anyone who has paid any attention to my posts know that I am not a fan of the medical establishment and most of what MDs prescribe. However, my parents taught me to always give credit where credit is due. What you posted is excellent info; so, hats off to you Doc!
It was proven that kids weren't contagious. The whole point of school lockdowns was to force haccination on the kids to maim and kill them.
How was it possible that mainstream media in different countries would cover news with the same scripted template, being the only difference the inclusion of local comments from the same pre-approved pool each time?
How was it possible that all dissident scientific and medical voices were ignored, censored and prosecuted by all levels of power, even universities and medical associations?
Is there a virus of contagious stupidity or lunacy?
Is there a pre-requirement of being socio or psycho-path to occupy any level of authority?
Why do secret societies of satanists and luciferian masons need secrecy and impose obedience on their members under the threat of losing their easy jobs, easy money, livelihoods or lives?
What do they have to hide?
Why are they freely allowed to benefit fellow accomplices with power seats, especially within Government, infiltrating all places of power?
Why are they allowed to act as if they are one man in controlling central banks, political parties, supreme courts, listed corporations, media, etc.?
Occam’s razor leaves only one logical answer: the global coup is run by masons.
When there's a confession of a crime, you need no more proofs. They expose their devious plans out loud and they put their money where their mouth is. The money trail proves they walk their talk with billions.
Yet, when there’s no money trail/profits, what else than freemasonry could explain precise coordination in 100+ countries (government agencies, politicians, judges, corporations, media, military, police, secret services)?:
• Why did the freemason President of France and freemason Fauci fund gain-of-function in Wuhan, supposedly being China THE enemy?
• Considering they control almost all listed corporations, they lost trillions with the lockdowns (they don’t care, they forge money).
• Unlike previous PLANdemics, it wasn't about selling billion$ of snake oil to governments, but about shoving it through your veins. This was most obvious with child and pregnancy haccination:
15 Feb 2022. Christofer Cole, FDA Executive Officer of Countermeasures Initiative: “The drug companies, the food companies, the vaccine companies.... so they pay us hundreds of millions dollars a year to hire and keep the reviewers to approve their product.” “If they can get every person required to get an annual vaccine that is a recurring return of money going into their company.”1
The PLANdemic wasn’t about the rich getting richer but about a global power grab. Only freemasonry can explain infiltration and coordination of all positions of power, especially, where there was no money trail. Why else do they need to be a secret society?
The more you study, the more smoke you can find from the smoking gun, not gun, cannons. Conspiracy-skeptics and cabal-deniers can't explain why those powers are spending billions in de-carbonisation, injected Bluetooth nano-routers, 5G, chemtrails, toxics, war-on-meat, gender ideology, paedophilia, robot-philia, human rights for the non-human persons (animals, AI robots), etc. Even if they admit the de-population progrom, they can’t explain the push for in-vitro fertilization, which contradicts depopulation.
If they just took time to read, they’d find it is proven beyond any doubt that the satanic digi-tatoship wants to murder 95% of mankind while there's no democracy when all parties are under freemasonic orders and pockets (n.b. democrats and RINOs).
Also, Dr Goldman has a terrific presentation on chicken pox vaccine. He was in charge of the CDCs largest vaccine monitoring program, but when he started reporting problems, they literally locked him out of his office. Not fired, just not allowed in the building! He would come to work, sit on the bench outside, and do his work from a bench! It's so absurd, and he's a very funny person:
Useful, but he still doesn't understand virology theory as it stands is fundamentally flawed and the causes of disease are toxic poisoning. Chicken pox is a made up name like all other disease names to cover up medics ignorance.
My daughter had chicken pox at 3, despite being vaccinated for it. Her pediatrician didn’t believe me and when I brought her in they quarantined that wing of the building. Wish I knew then what a I know now. Stopped all vaccinations last year as she entered middle school. No more!
I wish I had all this information when my children were small because NONE of them would’ve gotten any of his poison! As it is my youngest has not gotten any shots passed babyhood… No vaccines ever again!
I’m in the process of doing a data dump to my 28-year-old daughter. I told her now is the time to educate herself! 🙏🏽💖🙏🏽
My cousin never vaccinated either of his daughters and neither of them has ever been seriously sick a day in their lives. They both have robust immune systems.
Recently I looked at the CDC white paper for the chicken pox vaccine: The efficacy is unknown, the risks are unknown, the expected "effective" time frame is no more than 10 years. The greatest risk from chicken pox was always when you get it as a late teen or young adult. The excuse for it has been partly to prevent shingles later in life, but there is no proof it does this. I wish I had known years ago how corrupt the CDC, FDA and vaccine business is and that the doctors are ignorant or bought.
I tell people this ALL the time. They don’t believe it. Vaccinating kids when I was a kid in the late 70s meant taking them, as toddlers or babies, to get infected at any kid’s house in the neighborhood who had it. The same would be safer and more effective for covid.
I'm old enough to have had chicken pox when I was 6 or 7. I never got it again, even when around my daughter and other kids who also got it in the 1970s. No one I know who actually had chicken pox seems to have had a problem, but I wonder what the results are for those who got vaccinated for it later on?
Those results are still pending. I'm at the age where people sometimes first present with shingles and they didn't have the vaccine when I was a kid. I had it as a senior in high school, but I had it relatively mild despite being older. Behind closed doors I'm sure a lot of their excuse for pushing vaccines is the false idea that it keeps schools from missing out on their funding. Easy fix for that, vouchers.
There's an Adam-12 episode where one policeman (Reed) had the flu and infected the whole station, they were mostly out sick. Throughout the episode people tell Reed to get the flu shot next year and he replies. "I did get the flu shot this year. It didn't work." That was in the late '60s.
Gary Goldman, Ph.D., presents his varicella vaccine findings and whistleblower experience as a lead research analyst in the Antelope Valley Varicella Active Surveillance Project. He describes how a national chickenpox vaccine program altered the epidemiology of shingles . . .
I'm current reading her book, and it's amazing when you think that her book was published in 1957. The book cover says it's "The Classic Anti-Vaccination Bible". Another cover blurb said "She is one of the greatest and most noble Negro women in all of human history for her intelligent efforts to expose the profit-driven lies that were spawned by the cleverly concocted, cunningly crafted, devilishly devised and strategically fabricated concepts of viruses and viral contagion. She is a true hero". Everyone should read this book!
One of the authors of this study is Neil Miller. I highly recommend his book "Miller's Review of Critical Vaccine Studies" which contains short summaries of about 400 studies, in an easy-to-read format. Just flipping through this book reading the "headlines" at the top of many pages is an eye-opening experience. A great book to hand to relatives who insist "Vaccines are safe and effective."
I had a look at this book on Amazon, 2015, so before SARS-Cov 2! Much compelling evidence against vaccines (though he does not make that assertion). Than you for this reference.
I found that book recently in one of the little Free Libraries ( a great idea). I was amazed I have not heard of it before - I second the passing around of it. It presents the facts, doesn't lecture. How we present info is as important as the info itself. I have found that if you bond with them a little it helps rather than being seen as the one who always is crashing their party.
I brought that study into UK court and judge pretended not to see it and many more studies like that. They are expected to rule for vaccinations and ignore anything that contradicts that belief. I am
Pleased to hear about the Canadian judge, the truth will come to light I hope .
Steve get the garlic/COVID 19 crew and interview them. I crush the garlic and let it sit in water for 20 minutes and drink it. I have never had COVID . WHO states that garlic does not help however I have friends who are doing the same regiment I am and they have never caught it either. Please invite these scientist onto your podcast. It is material that most Americans would appreciate it. Thanks again Steve
I had to stop taking OTC cold remedies in college, because I’m very sensitive to ephedrines. Now, I put 3-4 peeled garlic cloves in a smoothie each day, when I have a cold/flu. It clears up the congestion and fever surprisingly well. Most people I tell this to refuse to try it, even when sick. Pharmaceutical advertising (which used to be illegal?) has been very effective.
I take the garlic supplement with Coenzyme Q, and have for years. Was also taking Vitamin D and some other things because of a bone fracture in Nov. 2019. My June 2020 Covid was very, very mild. Felt ill for about 36 hours and had a small occasional cough that persisted for about 10 days or so. I credit my routine.
Along with California, Washington is a prime "obedient" state used to test, perfect, model, and propagate "The Narrative" and oppressive measures against the general population. After living in California for 40 years, I moved to Washington almost two years ago. Same steaming heap of bovine manure served up as "the truth" and "what smart, well-informed people do." Same denigration of anybody who doesn't believe and cooperate with the propaganda.
Leftists destroy every state they end up running/taking over. They did it to my beautiful red state of Colorado. A few highly populated deep blue counties end up running the whole s*** show. As each blue election victory happens the state GOP becomes more and more neutered so they don't even fight anymore.
This goes farther than you would think. The mindset has literally paralyzed some people's brains. This is what I would call being paralyzed by fear. People say the most outlandish things and because of the fear people are grasping at straws, looking for anything that will save them. This is what induces a situation in society like we now have going on. For example:
Dr Amy Tam out the the University of British Columbia who has recently stated that people who aren't wearing face masks are "racist, ableists and classists." Hard as it is to believe this is an educated person. Of course nobody in our society wants to be branded as such so they will gobble this sh-t up like fine wine rather than rationally think about it. If they were capable of rational thought they would realize how absurd this really is and reject it out of hand. But they won't.
Do not blame the voters. Voting is completely usurped with fraud making informed consent useless. The voting apparatus is corrupt. This has been proven in 2020 and 2022. Ignoring this fact is ignorance.
You're probably right. We vote, but in the end no one really knows what happens to their vote. Is it really counted? Is it thrown away? Do people really vote in the people we are told that won? Look at all the corruption being revealed in Katie Hobbs' Arizona. I suspect she didn't really win.
While agreeing wholeheartedly that the system is corrupt, I do still blame voter to a certain degree, particularly at the locall/state level. As someone who grew up in Idaho, I've seen firsthand how people will flee a blue state like CA, OR, or WA over some leftist policy or policies and move to a red state like ID (or MT, or TX, etc). First thing they do when they settle into their new, non-oppressive state is look around and complain about how "red" it is politically, and begin voting for the very same dark blue leftists that trashed their original state.
Heck, Rogan said that part out loud on his podcast. I can't remember the exact episode, but it was after he'd made the move to Texas. He'd been telling his guest all about the horrors of trying to run his business and live in L.A., and how glorious it was living in Texas, but then turns right around and immediately complained that downside was that "it's just so red here." If these people can't realize that the reason living in their leftist states became untenable is due to the leftist policies enacted therein, I don't know what to do but blame them...
I moved from California to Florida, and immediately noticed that the heightened level of liberty can take a bit of getting used to. However, I'm firmly convinced that embracing it is the only solution that makes any sense. Hopefully Joe Rogan will come around soon.
I live in a foothills town in Northern California. When I moved here in 1987, it was a very conservative, red area with lots of 50+ and retired people. It's a highly desirable area, and over the years the moronic leftists from the Bay Area and L.A. have come here in droves, especially in the last decade. They drove up property values to the extent that the young people can't afford a house here any more. And they brought their leftist Democrat voting habits with them, so now this has become a blue county. Since I was here from so far back and have watched this happen over 36 years, I can say with certainty that to a large degree these idiot transplants have ruined this area. They never figure out how they ruined the lousy area they left to come here. They knew this was a better area but never asked themselves why it was better. They make me sick.
I saw the same thing happen just north of Napa County. I watched as libtards from Marin, Sonoma, and Napa counties sold their multimillion dollar mansions to escape onerous taxes and bought up two and three lots at a time removing the mobile homes and erecting a McMansion on the parcels followed by drumming up money for street lights, curbs, paved roads, etc. which forced yet more of the peasants out as well.
The localities have been (willingly) trapped in the central bureaucracy. All the sheriffs, health departments, towns, cities, counties, etc., just follow national guidelines. Our little town has rules for the community speaking at schoolboard meetings and city council meetings that are the same as basically anywhere else in the country. A few people at the top decide all the policies and rules and they are rolled out like a huge software update. Shameful.
We've had nonverifiable, hackable, usually unauditable electronic voting since 2000. Plus advanced paper ballot fraud in 2020. The military should (and legally could) takeover in aug. 2024 and run an honest national vote. They know how.
The same military that has been behind the entire spikeshot massacre? They know how to run an honest national vote and you think they'd actually do it? Nah. Alexandra ("Sasha") Latypova is a good source of information on the military's role re: the spikeshots. I hope you will look her up and see what she has to say. I had no idea re: the military's involvement until I heard her speak about it...
I prefer the Doctors be dealt with for being wimps, taking the money, and being stupid. Fine them, put them in jail for being part of a conspiracy, being corrupt, or something.
These are people we are supposed to be able to trust. My mom was a RN and for forever and a day she would say "if you have your health you have everything". It took me years to understand what she meant. These so called Doctors have stolen our everything.
Who should win if it is my body, my choice if I ignited the spark of life
And the love and joy of my life
Labors through 9 months to the birth
Of our three children over time. Then the work to build healthy solid citizens has begun. Intrusion into that process was always problematic but consistently monitored .let me be blunt my connection to my responsibility is cellular. Instinctively dangerously protective. But thankfully, my involvement was sufficient.
My gut is telling me that this insatiable emphasis is on children. It doesn’t feel genuine. It’s more like a collective but, in the broad sense, one tactic with a multi-purpose function, with the target being children. The tactic by the healthcare system.
That resembles a pedophile's approach, always looking for the troubled child to abuse and immerse yourself in their world.
is it just a coincidence maybe but in a very short time trans- genders barely on the radar to a 20% jump?
The schools with their maniacal arrogance to just decide they know Best is a power not afforded to them, but it seems the moms said enough.
Boom! This is how you argue effectively. Excellent work, Steve. You stuck with the facts and ignored the pitfalls of anecdotal evidence. I can argue like that on paper, but put me in a verbal debate and I'll crumble. It's nice to see one can do both leaning on logic and data.
The purpose of a vaccine is to subject the patient to a disease and stimulate an immune response AS WOULD BE DONE BY NATURAL INFECTION. The rationale is that vaccination allows a safer path to immunity then risking the disease.
Once the disease has come and gone, the rationale for vaccination has, too.
Besides, this is corona, and never before (not now, either) has a vaccine been possible for a fleeting “disease”.
Therefore, there is NO justifiable rationale for the vaxx.
As it relates to "investigational" products, I would say that the parent wanting NOT to participate in the investigation aka experiment, should take priority.
Was a 10 or 11 (idr) year old obese girl who lived in Suffolk, VA who died. All over news and schools she was normal and healthy. She was not. She was obese, likely morbidly obese and looked about 21-23 years old. Sad indeed, but obesity increases the risk of dying of covid crap alot, the obese are 3x as likely to die from it. Just like they are more likely to be diagnosed with many types of cancers, geeeee why wasn't that in our 'news' for the last few decades, which is how long it's been known and shown in medical research. Obesity is a state of chronic inflammation and insulin resistance, add spike protein, no matter how you got it, and your chances of illness/disease/death rise a whole lot. Sugar is evil people, LOL but kinda true.
Barry Sears's books "The Zone" and "Mastering the Zone" are excellent if you want to understand insulin resistance and chronic inflammation. Sears's Zone Diet is excellent though it does allow sugar within tight limits, for about 75% of people (the folks who are highly reactive to carbohydrates -- many of whom are obese these days -- are in the 25% that shouldn't eat sugar).
"If this case is properly contested, mom will lose."
If it were a US Court the dad could post a bond, indicating to the Judge that she will be financially liable for judging the trial in commercial court law.
Perhaps this is just an example of the principle I have been flogging.
The folk (sorry vampire squids) who genuinely and fully understand the evil ongoing are just a small subset. The vast majority of folk, including most of those who went along or even promoted the jabs, are just misled ordinary folk. We have an awake judge, ask him a year ago prob all in on jabs.
So when they wake up, we find there are only 10,000 genuine vampire squids, worldwide, without redemption. So despite they have the ownership papers to everything, that seems doable.
Amen! Vaccinating children and pregnant women with an experimental vaccine was unethical, immoral and had absolutely no backing in science. I’m a pharmacist and was mortified from day 1 on this issue. I will probably never trust our healthcare agencies, pharmaceutical industry or my industry ever again. I’m ashamed especially of my profession
You're in a tough spot, but you're standing on the truth and that's the only solid ground there is. I hope you can find sympatico pharmacists for honest talk and emotional support.
And going forward. . .There are many medicos working on setting up an *ethical* parallel health care system and I'm sure they'd welcome an ethical pharmacist. Both Pierre Kory and Peter McCullough are involved in this effort; also Ben Marble and the many doctors participating in his MyFreeDoctor network, and lots of others. Please join these folks. You are needed and your work will be appreciated.
Steve, do you know this new peer reviewed study (february 2023) which showed a positive association between vaccine doses and infant deaths???
"Introduction In 2011, we published a study that found a counterintuitive, positive correlation, r = 0.70 (p < .0001), demonstrating that among the most highly developed nations (n = 30), those that require more vaccines for their infants tend to have higher infant mortality rates (IMRs). Critics of the paper recently claimed that this finding is due to "inappropriate data exclusion," i.e., the failure to analyze the "full dataset" of all 185 nations. Objective In the present study, we examine various claims postulated by these critics and the validity of their scientific methods, and we perform several investigations to assess the reliability of our original findings. Methods The critics select 185 nations and use linear regression to report a correlation between the number of vaccine doses and IMRs. They also perform multiple linear regression analyses of the Human Development Index (HDI) vs. IMR with additional predictors and investigate IMR vs. percentage vaccination rates for eight different vaccines. We perform odds ratio, sensitivity, and replication analyses. Results The critics' reanalysis combines 185 developed and Third World nations that have varying rates of vaccination and socioeconomic disparities. Despite the presence of inherent confounding variables, a small, statistically significant positive correlation of r = 0.16 (p < .03) is reported that corroborates the positive trend in our study. Multiple linear regression analyses report high correlations between IMR and HDI, but the number of vaccine doses as an additional predictor is not statistically significant. This finding is a likely consequence of known misclassification errors in HDI. Linear regression of IMR as a function of percentage vaccination rates reports statistically significant inverse correlations for 7 of 8 vaccines. However, several anomalies in the scatter plots of the data suggest that the chosen linear model is problematic. Our odds ratio analysis conducted on the original dataset controlled for several variables. None of these variables lowered the correlation below 0.62, thus robustly confirming our findings. Our sensitivity analysis reported statistically significant positive correlations between the number of vaccine doses and IMR when we expanded our original analysis from the top 30 to the 46 nations with the best IMRs. Additionally, a replication of our original study using updated 2019 data corroborated the trend we found in our first paper (r = 0.45, p = .002). Conclusions A positive correlation between the number of vaccine doses and IMRs is detectable in the most highly developed nations but attenuated in the background noise of nations with heterogeneous socioeconomic variables that contribute to high rates of infant mortality, such as malnutrition, poverty, and substandard health care."
Goldman GS, Miller NZ. Reaffirming a Positive Correlation Between Number of Vaccine Doses and Infant Mortality Rates: A Response to Critics. Cureus. 2023 Feb 2;15(2):e34566.
Here is the link to the study, which is easier to read and includes some graphs: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/36751569/
A while back I put all of the evidence linking vaccines to sudden infant death.: https://amidwesterndoctor.substack.com/p/a-century-of-evidence-has-accumulated
Basically what happens is that the vaccines (especially TDP) cause microstrokes in the brain in the region that controls automatic respiration, so infants start having interrupted breath cycles, and unless they are at an ICU or somewhere else where they are monitored and can be resuscitated, once the breathing stops its fatal. A lot of people thought the COVID lockdowns dropping the childhood vaccination rate would reduce SIDS and that ended up being exactly what happened.
Thank you! ❤️
I have no doubt that some SIDS babies are killed by microstrokes in the brainstem respiratory centers -- specifically, strokes caused by vaccines. I'm familiar with Andrew Moulden's work on vaccine injury and I know this is one mechanism of harm he identified.
But I don't think that's the only route to a SIDS death.
I skimmed your "century of evidence" article and didn't see any discussion of Viera Scheibner's research re: SIDS. (It's possible you discussed it and I missed seeing it.) Are you familiar with her work? Her book "Vaccination: 100 Years of Orthodox Research..." (sometimes the subtitle is given as "The Medical Assault on the Immune System") is out of print but a few used copies are available through Amazon. This book reviews 30,000 pages of material on vaccines published in orthodox allopathc medical journals, and presents Scheibner's own SIDS research which strongly implicates vaccination (specifically the DPT vaccine) in SIDS. Scheibner also discusses adverse effects of vaccination, including SIDS, in light of Hans Selye's "nonspecific stress response."
During the nonspecific stress response there are "critical days", on which severe adverse events including death are more likely. Scheibner observed this in the babies whose breathing she monitored during her research on SIDS, and realized that babies' breathing was most disturbed on these critical days and that babies were more likely to die on these days. (BTW, I studied the first 66 reports of death following COVID-19 spikeshots that were reported out from the VAERS system, and I found that in this dataset, there were peaks in deaths on the early critical days. All 66 deaths occurred on the day of vaccination or on one of the next 9 days, so it wasn't possible to look for peaks on later critical days.)
There's also a very credible claim that heavier-than-air toxic gases from molds growing in mattresses cause SIDS. Here are links to two interesting articles on SIDS; the first focuses on toxic mold gases and the second discusses a variety of factors that may interact in causing SIDS deaths:
Scheibner's breathing monitors showed that babies experienced a specific disturbance in breathing that Scheibner and her husband (and fellow researcher) called the "Stress-Induced Breathing Pattern." During an episode of SIBP, a baby's tidal volume would drop to approximately 5% of normal. In other words, a baby's breathing would become extraordinarily shallow.
Picture a baby sleeping on a mattress that's emitting heavier-than-air mold gases. A baby sleeping on its tummy would have its nose right down in the "danger zone" but a baby sleeping on its back would have its nose a few inches off the mattress and be much safer. This could explain why "Back to Sleep" reduced SIDS deaths.
The baby sleeping on its tummy would probably be drawing in some clean air along with the mold gases collecting in a thin layer on top of the mattress. But what happens if the baby's tidal volume is only 5% of normal? I suspect a much higher percentage of this baby's intake would be the toxic mold gas and the baby would be much more likely to succumb to the toxins.
To sum up, I think when considering vaccination as a causal factor in SIDS, we need to factor in the critical days of the nonspecific stress response, the stress-induced breathing pattern, the possibility of heavier-than-air toxic mold gases being emitted from the mattress the baby is sleeping on, and the baby's sleeping position.
I sent you my book a long time ago. Have a chance to glance, love to know any thought you have on it? Please email me at nptru4u@proton.me
I have been having interrupted breathing since the Covid aero toxin got me on a drive from NC to PA. I also get headaches dizziness and muscle pain after a big chem-trail dousing. The FAA is ignoring air pollution from jets. The EPA is ignoring chem trails. The FCC is ignoring propaganda on the airwaves. The Vatican is ignoring the attack on the Earth by Moloch. Sigh. At least Stevo is having some success driving a stake through the black heart of Pfizer.
8:37-39 encouragement in case you are inclined. https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Romans%208&version=KJV
Success driving a stake through the black heart of Pfizer??? Pfizer isn't the least bit concerned about what Steve or anyone else is doing. Moreover, Big Pharma, the government and the mainstream media are targeting the poor and impoverished with "free" jabs.
To add insult to injury, your hero just posted what he terms: "A simple, easy way to reduce your risk of getting COVID by over 70%", but it's only available to those who have the funds to "upgrade to paid". See how that works?
People like Bill Gates, George Soros, and their cronies with the WEF all want to get rid of the peasant class and your hero is going to take one from their playbook by targeting those who can't afford his revelations because they don't matter to the elite.
When it comes time to ask the peasant class for help, they're not going to be there.
Yes Shnarkle I have those feelings too. What to do? Do the opposite? Wildcard? Melee? Break the fun meter? Why not. I am going to host a Barn Dance Fund Raiser, and spike the punch with Vitamins and CBD Oil.
BTW at least Stevo is actually doing something, so I am behind him ALL THE WAY. Remember he is risking his life putting out this info. He is a modern day Paul Revere.
Years ago, a friend of mine joined the Rainforest Action Network (RAN) which is a nonprofit organization tasked with raising awareness of the existential threat to the environment due to the obliteration of the rainforests.
You want to know what they accomplished? They alerted other people to this problem, and do you know what those people did? NOTHING. The rainforests are practically gone now. RAN has been letting everyone know what's going on and the rainforests are disappearing even faster now. They never planted a single tree.
Steve is in no danger whatsoever. How do I know that? Because if he truly was a threat to the powers that be, he'd be dead already. Contrary to popular delusion, knowledge is NOT power. Knowledge without action is useless.
Moreover, when someone comes along and announces that they have an effective way to deal with Covid, and then does exactly what Big Pharma does, i.e. puts a price on human health, they're not a modern day Paul Revere. They're a bonified Benedict Arnold.
At some point, the peasant class is going to revolt, not just against the elite, but anyone who financially discriminates against them. I don't have a problem with Steve offering his 'upgrade to paid' site, but when someone claims they've got a cure for Covid that doesn't cost anything to share, but then chooses to exclude only those who can't afford it, that's blatantly pathetic.
Seems your upset about the paid status to find out. I also think he is saying tongue in cheek. I predict the answer is don't get jabs being his entire existence these days is to bring exposure to their harms and protect the future generations from them. How about I pay it and tell you his answer? Or if you get sick get help at FLCCC.net or myfreedoctor.com or truthforhealth.org. No worries. Unless you are super unhealthy to begin with and which the jabs make you. As you said, he probably doesn't need the money, though he likely took a hefty cut after he was forced out from exposing lies. We all like to keep our income flow, don't we?
RAN, like hundreds of other nice and righteous sounding environmental 'non-profits' and organizations are frequently nefarious and keenly hidden covers, or are puppeted innocent players but still feed the likes of all those guys you listed whom are wanting to rid the world of us. It takes 5-10 minutes of research with any organization. Always scroll to the bottom of any website, check 'partners', 'leaders', 'mission', 'vision', 'board members', etc, etc. Then read about them and their financial supporters, philosophies, and future plans. Linking just two leaders of RAN I am quickly found a few web pages later on G20 and UN goals, which of course is to get the world population down to at least 1B and to 'learn' how to live 'together' and 'cooperate' toward THEIR goals. Which are not ours.
Now I do believe that the hearts of some of these people are often innocent ... but sadly ignorant that they are helping the agendas just the same. They don't research behind it or they are a part on a tiny scale. Even whilst doing 'good' to save the rainforest or fighting 'climate change' or 'save the whales', all these great ideas are prostituted and hijacked by the cash and evil and bad big boy billionaires, or at least the 'world leaders' of all ranks plans, which don't include us as part of their longevity. I want to save whales and rainforests too, but I'll never give one of these organizations my cash nor allegiance, because I research their backing, finance, promoters, and future goals.
Putting your pointless speculation aside, he's explicitly stating that he has a cure that costs nothing, yet he has decided to hide the cure behind his paywall. I don't care if it is only a dollar or if he's only joking, making money off of the suffering of others is just plain evil.
The more I look at what he's doing, the more it appears he's the controlled opposition. He doesn't just allow the restless hoards to feel that they have someone doing something useful for the cause. He gives them an excuse to sit back and effectively do nothing because they've placed their faith in what he's doing which is also effectively nothing. He's having mixers in Atlanta. He's writing emails that he admits are being ignored. He's being censored just like the hordes of peasants before him.
If I wanted to distract as many people as possible and give them a sense of hope and accomplishment to keep them distracted from my plans to exterminate a few billion people, I'd be pretty pleased with what Steve is doing perhaps without me even having to pay him off. The hedge fund idea and the mixer in Atlanta looks eerily like someone who has plans for running for political office. He's a wanna-be insider. He wants a place at THEIR table. He wants a piece of THEIR action.
I'm not going to get sick. It's highly unlikely that I will ever be infected. I live out in the middle of bumfuq Egypt. So I couldn't care less about Steve's cheesy sales pitch to the duped masses living in fear of dying from Covid 19. I'm just pointing out that those who can't see what's going on probably drank too much of the Kool Aid and aren't going to wake up.
Mixers the night before gathering with numerous lawyers who want to bring suit, setting right the recent lawlessness. On numerous occasions he has had ppl go to airports to talk w/ airline employees. Running a team of data scientists. Attending and speaking at events with thousands of ppl with the good docs. Perhaps all the good docs are controlled as well. Good docs and Steve calling to stop the deadly jabs for over a year. If that is controlled op, fine.
Just don't drink too much Kool Aid from RAN and the like.
Re: "lawyers who want to bring suit, setting right the recent lawlessness."
Correction: Lawyers who think they can win in a corrupt and rigged legal system. They can't, and a few of them probably already know it.
Re: " On numerous occasions he has had ppl go to airports to talk w/ airline employees."
Talk is cheap.
Re: " Running a team of data scientists."
There are a few who have pointed out that his data is lacking and not going to sway those who are hopelessly blue pilled.
Re: " Attending and speaking at events with thousands of ppl with the good docs.
More talk. See above.
Re: " Perhaps all the good docs are controlled as well. Good docs and Steve calling to stop the deadly jabs for over a year."
And all to no avail. Bill Gates makes more of a difference by simply short selling Pfizer and openly admitting that their vax doesn't work so we need to find something new which he will soon be investing in and promoting as well. Rinse, repeat.
Re: " If that is controlled op, fine."
It is. Controlled opposition is a defanged and demoralized opposition.
Re: "Just don't drink too much Kool Aid from RAN and the like."
Unlike RAN, I've actually planted quite a few trees. They've never planted one. I don't drink anything other than water from my very own spring. Those who are still drinking a product are probably never going to wake up to the fact that they're owned.
None of it is to no avail. Booster uptake is wayyyyy down. Medical pros all over the world woke up and stopped jabbing themselves and their patients. Deaths of loved ones and friends are waking ppl. Of course there are those that will never awaken. But there are also those that always were awake, and have and will awaken. Who cares if 'a few' point out Steve's data is useless. Data is coming from many places now, and it agrees. More than a few are seeing. I agree opposition is demoralized. I agree it will be 'rinse, repeat', never said it wouldn't. 'Tis the great good vs evil. Until then, I choose good. Sounds like your set, good for you. I've planted trees as well. Grow some food like you. Even make nice deco or useful things for my home from them. Hope you can contribute to truth and good from your perspective, which is a gift.
OK but I think survival of the good ones is important, and no one that is putting out the kind of energy and money that Steve is should be undeserving of financial support at any level... besides I am pretty sure that the "Cure" is a tongue in cheek reference to the natural immune system. You can be "mad" at Stevo but try directing that energy towards someone like Klaus Schwab, son of a Nazi officer. BTW we are all in danger. Any resistance is noted and as the numbers grow the danger quotient grows. I get your comment, "If they wanted him dead he would already be dead" however that's not actually true. It's a movie cliche. Killing someone especially someone with money and notoriety is expensive and can create a martyr.
Your friend that joined the RAN is a good person in my opinion and his work had a positive impact. Maybe immeasurable to you but not to Universe. All actions have an effect. It's quantum. The non-profit might have been dirty though. A false flag op or controlled opposition? What I do know is that evil always seeds it's own destruction because it operates on deception and lies and those never last. They are persistent on a cyclical basis however. This current racket is the same playbook as the ancient Egyptian one or the more recent Mein Kampf.
We might not really understand what this reality actually is but we can know, as in gnosis, that good and evil are always available and we can always pick which energy we want to embody at any given moment. Judas supposedly sold out Jesus but he wasn't happy about it. His name is Mudd but he played his part in the grand scheme of it all. We don't know how it will all play out but IMHO... Stevo is doing the right thing... and WHO knows... maybe you will get your violent revolution, with Robespierre type characters building Guillotines made from solar powered lasers to keep that death squad mean and green. How many will lose their heads in the next purge??? OR things might just fizzle out. As the immortal Mr. Natural once said, "What if they had a war and no one showed up?".
I'm not rooting for a revolution. My point is that raising awareness is only the first step. It isn't a career track. Having mixers in bars in Atlanta, and claiming a cure can be had by simply forking over some money while his adoring fans jerk him off because he's accomplishing something of absolutely no consequence whatsoever is about as cheesy as it gets.
There was no positive impact to the rainforests whatsoever. What used to be a vibrant and loud cacophony of wildlife has been replaced by hundreds of thousands of acres of flattened monocultured silence. Yes, my friend has a good heart. It was in the right place, but there was no actual action taking place to save the rainforests. Likewise, going to mixers and talking about how great we all are because we're not getting jabbed isn't accomplishing anything either.
Lee County Florida just dropped a bomb on the vaccine mandates. They're going to probably indict Fauci, the NIH, et al. and actually accomplish something tangible. They have an actual game plan that even without ANY news coverage at all, is beginning to spread to other counties and states.
What I like about this site is that there are a number of people providing links to some pretty good information. I find most of these links are far more valuable than anything else here.
Thanks for your continued responses. The end of your comment kinda proves my point that every bit of awareness helps in ways that we cannot see. The Butterfly effect is real. I have been inspired by Stevo and I have been inspired by Shnarkle. That keeps my energy level higher so I don't feel all alone and targeted by the New World Order and their minions. I know there are others out there that feel. I see others awakening. I can face the devil with confidence that I will not perish... alone at least. That makes me smile.
BTW I was in a revolution and the 100th monkey or straw that breaks the camel's back or dare I say it Sheldrake's Morphogenic field could be you or me or even Stevo... be well human. There is nothing cheesy about what is happening here... RIGHT FUCKING NOW!
I'm baffled how anyone would view dangling a carrot cure for Covid only to then refer them to a page where they can "upgrade to paid" in order to obtain that cure as anything other than a violent derailment from the stated goal. Perhaps one of these days, someone will wake up and actually know exactly what to do about all of this. For the most part, those who are waking up are too stunned to do much of anything about it. That's one of the biggest problems needs to be addressed. The 100th monkey only provides for an accelerated rate of waking up. That's not really going to cut it. We need people who know what to do after they wake up and I seriously doubt having drinks in a bar or forming hedge funds or coming up with more brazenly heartless ways to generate income on a website is going to help attain the stated goal.
I see more people waking up as well, but ultimately it isn't going to make much difference until someone is able to wake up and actually fix this mess. The problem is that we're dealing with people who are waking up to the fact that there's a Tsunami rushing towards them at over 400 mph, and it's going to hit in less than a minute. Most people can't wrap their heads around what's going on regardless of how awake one may be. Some will get up and run in the opposite direction, which is probably not the worst idea. The vast majority are too stunned to move. Frankly, they're better off asleep, and I think a lot of people have already done that. They don't want to become a target. The useful idiots or controlled opposition/limited hangout serves the same purpose. I think some people are starting to wake up to that possibility as well.
I'm baffled that I have been living in a reality tunnel that wasn't supposed to be a tunnel because I knew that everything I knew was wrong, or Maya as they say, and then that non-tunnel turned out to be a terrifying inverted white-hole meta-conspiracy theory I could have only thought of during bad psychedelic experiences, and even then it fractalized into multi uber-dystopian eigenstadts where I can only watch in horror or humor at the spewing corruption of all levels of organized society, and the possible roots or Archonic influences behind it all. Love the 400 mile an hour Tsunami imagery.
All I can say is that... there was this one time where I was standing on a corner in Baltimore and a car full of gang bangers came by. The passenger had a gun and pointed it at me and pulled the trigger. I was dead and he knew it and I knew it but Universe did not know it. No round in the chamber. By the time he racked the slide I was behind the telephone pole. As he aimed again and fired their car was rear ended and the shot went wide. I was laughing maniacally as I ran down the street. Maybe that can happen for us little guys? Maybe the NWO will get rear-ended??? The last video of old Klausie at the World Summit... he didn't look so good.
Anyone who has paid any attention to my posts know that I am not a fan of the medical establishment and most of what MDs prescribe. However, my parents taught me to always give credit where credit is due. What you posted is excellent info; so, hats off to you Doc!
Gosh, I wish more people knew about this! This is exactly what I've personally witnessed and have heard about from some stories. Thanks for sharing.
It was proven that kids weren't contagious. The whole point of school lockdowns was to force haccination on the kids to maim and kill them.
How was it possible that mainstream media in different countries would cover news with the same scripted template, being the only difference the inclusion of local comments from the same pre-approved pool each time?
How was it possible that all dissident scientific and medical voices were ignored, censored and prosecuted by all levels of power, even universities and medical associations?
Is there a virus of contagious stupidity or lunacy?
Is there a pre-requirement of being socio or psycho-path to occupy any level of authority?
Why do secret societies of satanists and luciferian masons need secrecy and impose obedience on their members under the threat of losing their easy jobs, easy money, livelihoods or lives?
What do they have to hide?
Why are they freely allowed to benefit fellow accomplices with power seats, especially within Government, infiltrating all places of power?
Why are they allowed to act as if they are one man in controlling central banks, political parties, supreme courts, listed corporations, media, etc.?
Occam’s razor leaves only one logical answer: the global coup is run by masons.
When there's a confession of a crime, you need no more proofs. They expose their devious plans out loud and they put their money where their mouth is. The money trail proves they walk their talk with billions.
Yet, when there’s no money trail/profits, what else than freemasonry could explain precise coordination in 100+ countries (government agencies, politicians, judges, corporations, media, military, police, secret services)?:
• Why did the freemason President of France and freemason Fauci fund gain-of-function in Wuhan, supposedly being China THE enemy?
• Considering they control almost all listed corporations, they lost trillions with the lockdowns (they don’t care, they forge money).
• Unlike previous PLANdemics, it wasn't about selling billion$ of snake oil to governments, but about shoving it through your veins. This was most obvious with child and pregnancy haccination:
15 Feb 2022. Christofer Cole, FDA Executive Officer of Countermeasures Initiative: “The drug companies, the food companies, the vaccine companies.... so they pay us hundreds of millions dollars a year to hire and keep the reviewers to approve their product.” “If they can get every person required to get an annual vaccine that is a recurring return of money going into their company.”1
The PLANdemic wasn’t about the rich getting richer but about a global power grab. Only freemasonry can explain infiltration and coordination of all positions of power, especially, where there was no money trail. Why else do they need to be a secret society?
The more you study, the more smoke you can find from the smoking gun, not gun, cannons. Conspiracy-skeptics and cabal-deniers can't explain why those powers are spending billions in de-carbonisation, injected Bluetooth nano-routers, 5G, chemtrails, toxics, war-on-meat, gender ideology, paedophilia, robot-philia, human rights for the non-human persons (animals, AI robots), etc. Even if they admit the de-population progrom, they can’t explain the push for in-vitro fertilization, which contradicts depopulation.
If they just took time to read, they’d find it is proven beyond any doubt that the satanic digi-tatoship wants to murder 95% of mankind while there's no democracy when all parties are under freemasonic orders and pockets (n.b. democrats and RINOs).
More here:
Replacement theory is real!
Sorry, but IVF does NOT
"contradict depopulation goals"....think about it, IVF represents CONTROL of human reproduction by TPTB....SEE?....
Spot on comment.
Pfizer and Netanyahu's government have been essentially a unity. Just sayin'.
And all governments.
Also, Dr Goldman has a terrific presentation on chicken pox vaccine. He was in charge of the CDCs largest vaccine monitoring program, but when he started reporting problems, they literally locked him out of his office. Not fired, just not allowed in the building! He would come to work, sit on the bench outside, and do his work from a bench! It's so absurd, and he's a very funny person:
Thanks for posting.
Useful, but he still doesn't understand virology theory as it stands is fundamentally flawed and the causes of disease are toxic poisoning. Chicken pox is a made up name like all other disease names to cover up medics ignorance.
My daughter had chicken pox at 3, despite being vaccinated for it. Her pediatrician didn’t believe me and when I brought her in they quarantined that wing of the building. Wish I knew then what a I know now. Stopped all vaccinations last year as she entered middle school. No more!
I wish I had all this information when my children were small because NONE of them would’ve gotten any of his poison! As it is my youngest has not gotten any shots passed babyhood… No vaccines ever again!
I’m in the process of doing a data dump to my 28-year-old daughter. I told her now is the time to educate herself! 🙏🏽💖🙏🏽
My cousin never vaccinated either of his daughters and neither of them has ever been seriously sick a day in their lives. They both have robust immune systems.
Well done!
Recently I looked at the CDC white paper for the chicken pox vaccine: The efficacy is unknown, the risks are unknown, the expected "effective" time frame is no more than 10 years. The greatest risk from chicken pox was always when you get it as a late teen or young adult. The excuse for it has been partly to prevent shingles later in life, but there is no proof it does this. I wish I had known years ago how corrupt the CDC, FDA and vaccine business is and that the doctors are ignorant or bought.
I tell people this ALL the time. They don’t believe it. Vaccinating kids when I was a kid in the late 70s meant taking them, as toddlers or babies, to get infected at any kid’s house in the neighborhood who had it. The same would be safer and more effective for covid.
I'm old enough to have had chicken pox when I was 6 or 7. I never got it again, even when around my daughter and other kids who also got it in the 1970s. No one I know who actually had chicken pox seems to have had a problem, but I wonder what the results are for those who got vaccinated for it later on?
Those results are still pending. I'm at the age where people sometimes first present with shingles and they didn't have the vaccine when I was a kid. I had it as a senior in high school, but I had it relatively mild despite being older. Behind closed doors I'm sure a lot of their excuse for pushing vaccines is the false idea that it keeps schools from missing out on their funding. Easy fix for that, vouchers.
There's an Adam-12 episode where one policeman (Reed) had the flu and infected the whole station, they were mostly out sick. Throughout the episode people tell Reed to get the flu shot next year and he replies. "I did get the flu shot this year. It didn't work." That was in the late '60s.
There are all sorts of clues in films I reckon if one knows where to look.
Very listenable.
Gary Goldman, Ph.D., presents his varicella vaccine findings and whistleblower experience as a lead research analyst in the Antelope Valley Varicella Active Surveillance Project. He describes how a national chickenpox vaccine program altered the epidemiology of shingles . . .
Follow up with: https://physiciansforinformedconsent.org/
A great site but the low-info will not care. Still they go and vote.
For over forty years we’ve known jabs cause excess mortality. It’s now just blatantly and absolutely obvious.
You are right. Eleanor McBean authored her book The Poisoned Needle in the 1950s, exposing the dangers of vaccines. Her book can be read for free here https://archive.org/details/the_poisoned_needle_mcbean
I'm current reading her book, and it's amazing when you think that her book was published in 1957. The book cover says it's "The Classic Anti-Vaccination Bible". Another cover blurb said "She is one of the greatest and most noble Negro women in all of human history for her intelligent efforts to expose the profit-driven lies that were spawned by the cleverly concocted, cunningly crafted, devilishly devised and strategically fabricated concepts of viruses and viral contagion. She is a true hero". Everyone should read this book!
Yes. Eleanor McBean is an American hero.
Yes, sadly it took a worldwide experiment to prove once and for all that vaccines are a Very Bad Idea indeed.
One of the authors of this study is Neil Miller. I highly recommend his book "Miller's Review of Critical Vaccine Studies" which contains short summaries of about 400 studies, in an easy-to-read format. Just flipping through this book reading the "headlines" at the top of many pages is an eye-opening experience. A great book to hand to relatives who insist "Vaccines are safe and effective."
I had a look at this book on Amazon, 2015, so before SARS-Cov 2! Much compelling evidence against vaccines (though he does not make that assertion). Than you for this reference.
I found that book recently in one of the little Free Libraries ( a great idea). I was amazed I have not heard of it before - I second the passing around of it. It presents the facts, doesn't lecture. How we present info is as important as the info itself. I have found that if you bond with them a little it helps rather than being seen as the one who always is crashing their party.
I brought that study into UK court and judge pretended not to see it and many more studies like that. They are expected to rule for vaccinations and ignore anything that contradicts that belief. I am
Pleased to hear about the Canadian judge, the truth will come to light I hope .
Hello from Sussex, UK. Very sorry to hear of corrupted judge. I am fighting for the truth.
Awesome work!!!
Steve get the garlic/COVID 19 crew and interview them. I crush the garlic and let it sit in water for 20 minutes and drink it. I have never had COVID . WHO states that garlic does not help however I have friends who are doing the same regiment I am and they have never caught it either. Please invite these scientist onto your podcast. It is material that most Americans would appreciate it. Thanks again Steve
I had to stop taking OTC cold remedies in college, because I’m very sensitive to ephedrines. Now, I put 3-4 peeled garlic cloves in a smoothie each day, when I have a cold/flu. It clears up the congestion and fever surprisingly well. Most people I tell this to refuse to try it, even when sick. Pharmaceutical advertising (which used to be illegal?) has been very effective.
Jennie I have not even had a small cold since I started crushing the garlic and putting in water for 20 minutes. My gums are awesome now also
I'll bet it also promotes "SOCIAL DISTANCING "
Porge, thanks for a good laugh!
Raw garlic gives me heartburn. Would this method prevent that? Anyone?
Try crushing 1 very small piece of the clove and see what your tolerance is. 20 minutes before you drink it
Try crushing it one time in water. It does not matter how stressed I am I always relax completely after taking it
How bad do you smell though? Anything to prevent that?
Eat a meal after you drink the garlic water
Ok thanks! I will give it a try.
I take the garlic supplement with Coenzyme Q, and have for years. Was also taking Vitamin D and some other things because of a bone fracture in Nov. 2019. My June 2020 Covid was very, very mild. Felt ill for about 36 hours and had a small occasional cough that persisted for about 10 days or so. I credit my routine.
That doesn't mean I wasn't affected by the Pandemic Panic. Read: https://www.amazon.com/Dance-Devil-Love-Age-Covid/dp/1639881670/r
Garlic is great for inflamed gums also
Crushing is just the best . NIH also has garlic /cancer studies.
WA was also hiring for 'quarantine' camps
They also believe using dead bodies as compost is ok.
Along with California, Washington is a prime "obedient" state used to test, perfect, model, and propagate "The Narrative" and oppressive measures against the general population. After living in California for 40 years, I moved to Washington almost two years ago. Same steaming heap of bovine manure served up as "the truth" and "what smart, well-informed people do." Same denigration of anybody who doesn't believe and cooperate with the propaganda.
Leftists destroy every state they end up running/taking over. They did it to my beautiful red state of Colorado. A few highly populated deep blue counties end up running the whole s*** show. As each blue election victory happens the state GOP becomes more and more neutered so they don't even fight anymore.
This goes farther than you would think. The mindset has literally paralyzed some people's brains. This is what I would call being paralyzed by fear. People say the most outlandish things and because of the fear people are grasping at straws, looking for anything that will save them. This is what induces a situation in society like we now have going on. For example:
Dr Amy Tam out the the University of British Columbia who has recently stated that people who aren't wearing face masks are "racist, ableists and classists." Hard as it is to believe this is an educated person. Of course nobody in our society wants to be branded as such so they will gobble this sh-t up like fine wine rather than rationally think about it. If they were capable of rational thought they would realize how absurd this really is and reject it out of hand. But they won't.
So much for "Doctor" (I use that term lightly) Amy Tam. She's an orthodontist, by the way.
Voters bring these things upon themselves. There should be some “informed” criteria before voting. Ignorance is our major plight.
I don't recall a vote for the FDA leadership or the Big Pharma corporations or the DOD.
Ding ding ding ding BINGO!
Do not blame the voters. Voting is completely usurped with fraud making informed consent useless. The voting apparatus is corrupt. This has been proven in 2020 and 2022. Ignoring this fact is ignorance.
You're probably right. We vote, but in the end no one really knows what happens to their vote. Is it really counted? Is it thrown away? Do people really vote in the people we are told that won? Look at all the corruption being revealed in Katie Hobbs' Arizona. I suspect she didn't really win.
While agreeing wholeheartedly that the system is corrupt, I do still blame voter to a certain degree, particularly at the locall/state level. As someone who grew up in Idaho, I've seen firsthand how people will flee a blue state like CA, OR, or WA over some leftist policy or policies and move to a red state like ID (or MT, or TX, etc). First thing they do when they settle into their new, non-oppressive state is look around and complain about how "red" it is politically, and begin voting for the very same dark blue leftists that trashed their original state.
Heck, Rogan said that part out loud on his podcast. I can't remember the exact episode, but it was after he'd made the move to Texas. He'd been telling his guest all about the horrors of trying to run his business and live in L.A., and how glorious it was living in Texas, but then turns right around and immediately complained that downside was that "it's just so red here." If these people can't realize that the reason living in their leftist states became untenable is due to the leftist policies enacted therein, I don't know what to do but blame them...
I moved from California to Florida, and immediately noticed that the heightened level of liberty can take a bit of getting used to. However, I'm firmly convinced that embracing it is the only solution that makes any sense. Hopefully Joe Rogan will come around soon.
I live in a foothills town in Northern California. When I moved here in 1987, it was a very conservative, red area with lots of 50+ and retired people. It's a highly desirable area, and over the years the moronic leftists from the Bay Area and L.A. have come here in droves, especially in the last decade. They drove up property values to the extent that the young people can't afford a house here any more. And they brought their leftist Democrat voting habits with them, so now this has become a blue county. Since I was here from so far back and have watched this happen over 36 years, I can say with certainty that to a large degree these idiot transplants have ruined this area. They never figure out how they ruined the lousy area they left to come here. They knew this was a better area but never asked themselves why it was better. They make me sick.
I saw the same thing happen just north of Napa County. I watched as libtards from Marin, Sonoma, and Napa counties sold their multimillion dollar mansions to escape onerous taxes and bought up two and three lots at a time removing the mobile homes and erecting a McMansion on the parcels followed by drumming up money for street lights, curbs, paved roads, etc. which forced yet more of the peasants out as well.
The localities have been (willingly) trapped in the central bureaucracy. All the sheriffs, health departments, towns, cities, counties, etc., just follow national guidelines. Our little town has rules for the community speaking at schoolboard meetings and city council meetings that are the same as basically anywhere else in the country. A few people at the top decide all the policies and rules and they are rolled out like a huge software update. Shameful.
We've had nonverifiable, hackable, usually unauditable electronic voting since 2000. Plus advanced paper ballot fraud in 2020. The military should (and legally could) takeover in aug. 2024 and run an honest national vote. They know how.
The same military that has been behind the entire spikeshot massacre? They know how to run an honest national vote and you think they'd actually do it? Nah. Alexandra ("Sasha") Latypova is a good source of information on the military's role re: the spikeshots. I hope you will look her up and see what she has to say. I had no idea re: the military's involvement until I heard her speak about it...
Left out the holocaust.
Bitter laughter at your comment. Also wondering if "anti-vaxxer" was included in the name-calling and just wasn't quoted here.
I prefer the Doctors be dealt with for being wimps, taking the money, and being stupid. Fine them, put them in jail for being part of a conspiracy, being corrupt, or something.
These are people we are supposed to be able to trust. My mom was a RN and for forever and a day she would say "if you have your health you have everything". It took me years to understand what she meant. These so called Doctors have stolen our everything.
Vaccinating kids sets them up for life long illness
Who should win if it is my body, my choice if I ignited the spark of life
And the love and joy of my life
Labors through 9 months to the birth
Of our three children over time. Then the work to build healthy solid citizens has begun. Intrusion into that process was always problematic but consistently monitored .let me be blunt my connection to my responsibility is cellular. Instinctively dangerously protective. But thankfully, my involvement was sufficient.
My gut is telling me that this insatiable emphasis is on children. It doesn’t feel genuine. It’s more like a collective but, in the broad sense, one tactic with a multi-purpose function, with the target being children. The tactic by the healthcare system.
That resembles a pedophile's approach, always looking for the troubled child to abuse and immerse yourself in their world.
is it just a coincidence maybe but in a very short time trans- genders barely on the radar to a 20% jump?
The schools with their maniacal arrogance to just decide they know Best is a power not afforded to them, but it seems the moms said enough.
They’re taking back the school boards .
and why is it. mom, of course????!
but then. you voted for biden....
seriously. logic doesnt have a gender.
last time i checked.
Probably because he stated this first:
"The father is red-pilled; the mom is blue-pilled."
But of course we all know women are more fear-driven than men. Duh.
THOSE POOR KIDS! I sure hope that they were not quackcinated!
When will this now GENOCIDE KILLING OF THE WILLING become
or free rides to FEMA KILLER CAMPS? Sadly, this seems to be in our near
future. I don't believe that THE EVIL THEY will wait for the "shedding"
from the jabbed victims to do us in. Do YOU?
EarthClinic.com. I post publicly and freely on MeWe.
Boom! This is how you argue effectively. Excellent work, Steve. You stuck with the facts and ignored the pitfalls of anecdotal evidence. I can argue like that on paper, but put me in a verbal debate and I'll crumble. It's nice to see one can do both leaning on logic and data.
The purpose of a vaccine is to subject the patient to a disease and stimulate an immune response AS WOULD BE DONE BY NATURAL INFECTION. The rationale is that vaccination allows a safer path to immunity then risking the disease.
Once the disease has come and gone, the rationale for vaccination has, too.
Besides, this is corona, and never before (not now, either) has a vaccine been possible for a fleeting “disease”.
Therefore, there is NO justifiable rationale for the vaxx.
THEN, you get to the RISK side of the ledger…
As it relates to "investigational" products, I would say that the parent wanting NOT to participate in the investigation aka experiment, should take priority.
Was a 10 or 11 (idr) year old obese girl who lived in Suffolk, VA who died. All over news and schools she was normal and healthy. She was not. She was obese, likely morbidly obese and looked about 21-23 years old. Sad indeed, but obesity increases the risk of dying of covid crap alot, the obese are 3x as likely to die from it. Just like they are more likely to be diagnosed with many types of cancers, geeeee why wasn't that in our 'news' for the last few decades, which is how long it's been known and shown in medical research. Obesity is a state of chronic inflammation and insulin resistance, add spike protein, no matter how you got it, and your chances of illness/disease/death rise a whole lot. Sugar is evil people, LOL but kinda true.
Barry Sears's books "The Zone" and "Mastering the Zone" are excellent if you want to understand insulin resistance and chronic inflammation. Sears's Zone Diet is excellent though it does allow sugar within tight limits, for about 75% of people (the folks who are highly reactive to carbohydrates -- many of whom are obese these days -- are in the 25% that shouldn't eat sugar).
"If this case is properly contested, mom will lose."
If it were a US Court the dad could post a bond, indicating to the Judge that she will be financially liable for judging the trial in commercial court law.
Solomon should decide...
always should error on the side of safety....which is "no". like, "just say no".
Perhaps this is just an example of the principle I have been flogging.
The folk (sorry vampire squids) who genuinely and fully understand the evil ongoing are just a small subset. The vast majority of folk, including most of those who went along or even promoted the jabs, are just misled ordinary folk. We have an awake judge, ask him a year ago prob all in on jabs.
So when they wake up, we find there are only 10,000 genuine vampire squids, worldwide, without redemption. So despite they have the ownership papers to everything, that seems doable.
Keep talking everyone. Its not lost yet.
Amen! Vaccinating children and pregnant women with an experimental vaccine was unethical, immoral and had absolutely no backing in science. I’m a pharmacist and was mortified from day 1 on this issue. I will probably never trust our healthcare agencies, pharmaceutical industry or my industry ever again. I’m ashamed especially of my profession
You're in a tough spot, but you're standing on the truth and that's the only solid ground there is. I hope you can find sympatico pharmacists for honest talk and emotional support.
And going forward. . .There are many medicos working on setting up an *ethical* parallel health care system and I'm sure they'd welcome an ethical pharmacist. Both Pierre Kory and Peter McCullough are involved in this effort; also Ben Marble and the many doctors participating in his MyFreeDoctor network, and lots of others. Please join these folks. You are needed and your work will be appreciated.
Some parents want to kill their kids.