I downloaded the UK data that you linked to in point 17 but I don't see any separate data for the 10-14 age group - it looks like they have lumped this into a 10-39 age group now. Do you know where I can get the original data that you referred to ?

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great informative list. Thank you.

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This setup is hard for people to believe.I once explained how statins have a low benefit to risk ratio and bad for athletes causng pain but instead my motivation was suspected. I am a scientist and yet I am not believed. my mom just took the 2nd cov booster this week despite my asking her to wait. she is 74, only minor health issues, a high vit D, stays at home 90% socializes by zoom. I am working on accepting people having shorten lives as intended by the wef frankenmembers. I so appreciate all the work by lawyers scientists ect.. and you substackers. My spouse and I continue to support an wakening. But with the gov using our taxes against us it is going to take a miracle for this to turn around. I hope that rFK jr and his CHD childrens health defense and informed consent network ICAN are able to survive the new ministry of truth BS coming our way. I remember questioning the offer of hep b va x for my newborn and now I know I should have rejected it.I did reject the hpv vax for my kids. Rick Perry years ago tried to mandate hpv in our state, I was furious. I now believe and without a doubt many medical problems result from over vaxx ing our kids and pets. Slow poisons. Let’s Pray for a better world.

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WHO exactly offered Ernest Ramirez $30K?!? These kinds of things need to be recorded.

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And of course they can't even isolate the virus, the stats show for themselves

In most nations in 2020

-total deaths in line with past years

-average age of co-vid death is around life expectancy or a bit higher

What deadly virus besides background normal deaths which happen every year?

But hey keep on thinking there's a virus out there, that's the excuse they use to cover up that 2021 and 2022 have lower average age of death and a higher total death count.

Insurance industries know. They'll blame it on COVID and say the vaccines didn't work. I hope we remind everyone that is not the real cause of increase in deaths.

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Great article Steve! What a great honor it was to meet you in person here in Ohio. Keep up the great work!

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Yes, I have been following and supporting Dr. Reiner Fullimich since he dropped everything to pursue truth and justice. An incredible man worthy of support and admiration. This dimension has been a place where evil has flourished for eons. I have known this since childhood. It is our choice whether we let evil corrupt our spirit. Most who succumb to the dark physical temptations of this ever so brief existence think this is all there is or ever will be.

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Yes Steve pleaseeeee can we start getting a billboard campaign and make it go national with those messages?? We still have "Don't wait, vaccinate" billboards in our town and it disgusts me. I wish I could could change them to say "Wait, don't vaccinate. And live"

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Steve: Have you seen or heard about this yet? If not, it is a Must Watch Interview. Same for everyone else who sees this comment. Please push this info out there to everyone you know. Geert Vanden Bossche is the only virologist/vaccine expert who has been right about everything since the beginning of Covid-19 vaccination rollout. Del Bigtree’s interview w/GEERT VANDEN BOSSCHE: ‘MY FINAL CALL’: bitchute.com/video/v8A7TM6MmK57/

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Thank You Annette for posting this.

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I think to try one large print in a publication (or digital?) with the UK kids at risk info, and see if it gets any results. Although I don't know how you would track responses. Maybe page visits. Then can try another similar. Good to start with info about kids. Could you get actual signatures from the doctors? Maybe to have headline "vaccinated kids die at 28 times the rate of unvaccinated kids. Doctors worldwide confirm results of UK Study. Please do not vaccinate your kids. You could also add related info links at the bottom of the page they click through to, and maybe even ask for donations. I wouldn't do billboards bc I suspect wouldn't get as well targeted audience. one other thought here they say in advertising you have to have multiple exposures before someone will buy. So likely ads should be done in a series of maybe 6 or so not a one-off expecting responsiveness.

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May 7, 2022Edited
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Do you know about Pam Popper on rumble.com? She is all about fighting through the courts, and they've already had some success. She's been fighting corruption in healthcare for 27 years. She is building a community. https://rumble.com/v139go7-its-time-for-justice.html

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May 7, 2022Edited
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Great to hear, ya she's my hero I'm a total fan of both her and Kirsch. They help me breathe, sort-of :-D

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"the “good guy” legislators in Ohio said they don’t have the votes. " I just threw up in my mouth. What you call 'legislators' I call 'Representatives'. And the 'good guys' would do their job and represent. Not cop out with the most patetic excuse ever believed by at least one person (you). So that this issue and those who support it have a voice, no matter how ignored. How many fence sitters remain silent because they feel their position has no representation? I'm from Ohio, I know half of Ohio, and while there is a healthy share of gullible idiots, there are nonetheless huge numbers of people who would get behind such legislation. To give it a voice and establish it as a safe and legitimate position. But these 'good guys' won't even bring it to the table out of fear of not getting re-elected. Well you can tell me their names or not. But I'm gonna find out who they are and make sure nobody I know votes for them. And I've probably got more pull than any rusty Chamber of Commerce still pretending Ohio is anything but the destitute industrial desert that it is. Who do they represent? The two companies in Ohio that you could name if I gave you a week? You got lied to bald faced by some professionals. Don't feel too bad about it. But it is pretty disappointing that you bought that song and dance then put it to print yourself. Did it not occur to you that your other 19 bullet points are the reason these 'good guys' are full of shit for feeding you this cop out? Seems pretty clear to me.

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All of this only goes to show me that the vast, vast majority of people in this country, including and especially the "elites" in "medicine", academia, government, corporate "America", etc. are venal, ignorant, corrupt lowlifes -- lowlifes regardless of their fine homes, fancy cars, big titles, high-end suits, etc. I must assume that every person I encounter is as I have described until and unless they prove otherwise.

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I wanted to give an update on my niece. She was diagnosed with Sepsis Gastroenteritis. Her blood pressure is finally up to 98/62, and heart rate better, no longer in the 120-130's. More blood test are being done. She also had US of her abdomen, CT Scan and MRI. Apparently, the doctor told her they have an infectious disease doctor trying to figure things out. That everything is still a little ambiguous. I wonder if they asked her when she had her last shot?

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Steve, first thank you for continuing this fight, for collecting and analyzing all the data, secondly I did suggest a while back that billboards is a way to bring information to publics attention. Newspaper ad seems like a good idea but not sure how many people still read newspapers. Younger generation, at least with younger kids, rely more on digital media. One local organization thought of postcards delivered to local addresses hoping to reach young families with kids - not sure if it worked as I never received one. We had a local man driving around with homemade billboard for a short while- not sure that it worked as it’s easy to think of one individual being “crazy”, I’m thinking prominent stationary billboards, maybe even electronic like on Times Square, will get people’s attention…

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This is the culling of low IQ people. Amazingly, all the evidnce in the world can't stop Bill Kill Gates from killing these pea brain vaccination lovers.

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You would be surprised how many high IQ young people are/were duped. I think it’s more about gov/media brainwashing and some naïveté that their own gov would protect them.

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How about billboards next to Ohio State University that OSU is being paid almost $1 billion as long as they comply with the CDC vaccine guidance?

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I had a heart attack around March 2020. By the time I was able to leave the house. First visit de it out was the library. They required masks. After about two seconds with it I could tell it interfered with my breathing. A few weeks later I was better informed on the subject than most doctors, thanks to the honest medical experts that post to lewrockwell.com.

Besides, I'd been on the wrong end of government disinformation for decades, and became an expert in that. Don't need a medical degree to know when somebody's lying.

When has ANY government stopped lying?

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Dear Steve, regarding masks (personally, I don't wear them) - could you comment on this study by dr. Seheult: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7reTqobet2o? He seems to me a rather independent thinker, following data - he was a great source of info regarding Vitamin D back in 2020.

Here he argues that masks in planes have some effect.

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Does the study this genius doctor cites address the detrimental effects of breathing through cloth or plastic? For example, https://pdmj.org/papers/masks_false_safety_and_real_dangers_part1 The particulates that find their way into lungs -- and stay there? To do what, exactly???

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What "genius doctor" are you referring to?

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The one referenced by Pavel Kuk in the comment above my reply-- the genius doctor asserting that slave rags in planes have some "effect".

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Seems like you take that mask stuff pretty personally. Who hurt you?

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So, Tyrone, you did not take personally the unlawful "mandate" to don a slave rag in order to participate in daily life? You summoned your inner stoic, did you, to remain unfazed by the damage to individual rights, liberty, health, the Constitution, and Bill of Rights? You remained unmoved by the unlawful conduct of governors, "public health" directors, corporate CEOs , and places of public accommodation that denied entry and/or equal access to goods and services to people in the absence of cloth or plastic over their noses and mouths? It made you feel good -- as opposed to hurt or heartbroken -- to see the adverse impact on small children forced to keep their noses and mouths covered for hours at a time? The failure of this country's inhabitants -- especially its men -- to stand for individual liberty -- and worse their cooperation with and celebration of illegal conduct -- makes little impression on you? The violation of the law by "law enforcement" and their Constitutional oaths (joining governors, mayors, town managers, city council members, et.al.) gives you a feeling of confidence in the state of this republic and its people? Hmm?

Does that about sum it up, Tyrone? If it does, then please tell me what it is you would have me -- or anyone -- think of 𝒚𝒐𝒖.

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I don't want to make a mountain out of a molehill.

I don't think anyone's injured significantly by wearing a mask. It seems more and more silly as time goes on, but the basic notion that reducing the velocity of a person's outbreath could act as a form of source control if that person is contagious doesn't seem idiotic. It turns out, apparently, that science doesn't support that idea, so I'm no longer particularly keen on wearing a mask. But the idea seems neither idiotic to me nor particularly burdensome.

I get that it's not good for children to have their faces covered. It's a problem. But it's not just some evil overlords requiring it, it's people who still buy the whole fear-based narrative, and think they're the good guys. Elevating it into high-flown rhetoric about standing for individual liberty seems silly too. That's not the way to de-escalate the fear. If anything, that rhetoric about "liberty" is counterproductive. People who are in the grip of fear will throw their liberty away with both hands. Getting the fear spiraled down is important.

I don't agree with you on how simple this is, your take seems like how I used to think in elementary school. My world has gotten more complex since then, and I guess yours just hasn't for some reason. If you have only a few black-and-white categories to work with, then I guess we're not going to be able to agree.

Sorry you're so pissed at me, but there may not be a lot I can do about that.

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If one study finds an effect, then the fact that other studies don't find that effect does *not* disprove that the effect is real, it just adds more data to interpret.

If my radio brings in WABC, and yours doesn't, your radio may be broken, or may be out of range. Or I may be mistaken that what I've brought in is in fact WABC.

It seems to me the study cited by MedCram is suggestive of an effect, but it doesn't seem definitive. I'd look for other evidence.

And given how loudly the mainstream shouts about the studies showing a significant therapeutic effect in IVM, how they are weak because of this that or the other flaw, I'd suggest similar restraint when drawing conclusions about the effects of masks on one's personal health. Or the health of others.

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There is ONE peer-reviewed journal article that published results from a SMALL, highly-clinically-controlled experiment with masks, Corona virus, influenza, and, as I recall one other pathogen, perhaps a rhino virus, that concluded the mask type, likely at least an N95, but I don't recall, seemed to be able to stop some transmission of the Corona virus, and none of the other viral types, but the authors concluded the study was too small, and the results they deemed were inconclusive. The stupid fuckers susceptible to Nazis fear-based mind control who run around wearing surgical or other masks designed to stop the drool from an exhausted surgeon from dripping into an open wound are, just that, dumb fucks falling prey to Nazis fear-based mind control. Pity them, don't join them. I'm too lazy to do the google/scholar search for the topic to dig up the paper I found 2 years or so ago when I did a lit review. All the other papers concluded masks don't do shit to stop transmission of respiratory pathogens.

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"The stupid fuckers susceptible to Nazis fear-based mind control who run around wearing surgical or other masks designed to stop the drool from an exhausted surgeon from dripping into an open wound are, just that, dumb fucks falling prey to Nazis fear-based mind control. Pity them, don't join them."

Worth quoting on Gab. So I did.

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