"The stupid fuckers susceptible to Nazis fear-based mind control who run around wearing surgical or other masks designed to stop the drool from an exhausted surgeon from dripping into an open wound are, just that, dumb fucks falling prey to Nazis fear-based mind control. Pity them, don't join them."
"The stupid fuckers susceptible to Nazis fear-based mind control who run around wearing surgical or other masks designed to stop the drool from an exhausted surgeon from dripping into an open wound are, just that, dumb fucks falling prey to Nazis fear-based mind control. Pity them, don't join them."
"The stupid fuckers susceptible to Nazis fear-based mind control who run around wearing surgical or other masks designed to stop the drool from an exhausted surgeon from dripping into an open wound are, just that, dumb fucks falling prey to Nazis fear-based mind control. Pity them, don't join them."
Worth quoting on Gab. So I did.