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Dear Steve, regarding masks (personally, I don't wear them) - could you comment on this study by dr. Seheult: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7reTqobet2o? He seems to me a rather independent thinker, following data - he was a great source of info regarding Vitamin D back in 2020.

Here he argues that masks in planes have some effect.

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Does the study this genius doctor cites address the detrimental effects of breathing through cloth or plastic? For example, https://pdmj.org/papers/masks_false_safety_and_real_dangers_part1 The particulates that find their way into lungs -- and stay there? To do what, exactly???

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What "genius doctor" are you referring to?

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The one referenced by Pavel Kuk in the comment above my reply-- the genius doctor asserting that slave rags in planes have some "effect".

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Seems like you take that mask stuff pretty personally. Who hurt you?

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So, Tyrone, you did not take personally the unlawful "mandate" to don a slave rag in order to participate in daily life? You summoned your inner stoic, did you, to remain unfazed by the damage to individual rights, liberty, health, the Constitution, and Bill of Rights? You remained unmoved by the unlawful conduct of governors, "public health" directors, corporate CEOs , and places of public accommodation that denied entry and/or equal access to goods and services to people in the absence of cloth or plastic over their noses and mouths? It made you feel good -- as opposed to hurt or heartbroken -- to see the adverse impact on small children forced to keep their noses and mouths covered for hours at a time? The failure of this country's inhabitants -- especially its men -- to stand for individual liberty -- and worse their cooperation with and celebration of illegal conduct -- makes little impression on you? The violation of the law by "law enforcement" and their Constitutional oaths (joining governors, mayors, town managers, city council members, et.al.) gives you a feeling of confidence in the state of this republic and its people? Hmm?

Does that about sum it up, Tyrone? If it does, then please tell me what it is you would have me -- or anyone -- think of ЁЭТЪЁЭТРЁЭТЦ.

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I don't want to make a mountain out of a molehill.

I don't think anyone's injured significantly by wearing a mask. It seems more and more silly as time goes on, but the basic notion that reducing the velocity of a person's outbreath could act as a form of source control if that person is contagious doesn't seem idiotic. It turns out, apparently, that science doesn't support that idea, so I'm no longer particularly keen on wearing a mask. But the idea seems neither idiotic to me nor particularly burdensome.

I get that it's not good for children to have their faces covered. It's a problem. But it's not just some evil overlords requiring it, it's people who still buy the whole fear-based narrative, and think they're the good guys. Elevating it into high-flown rhetoric about standing for individual liberty seems silly too. That's not the way to de-escalate the fear. If anything, that rhetoric about "liberty" is counterproductive. People who are in the grip of fear will throw their liberty away with both hands. Getting the fear spiraled down is important.

I don't agree with you on how simple this is, your take seems like how I used to think in elementary school. My world has gotten more complex since then, and I guess yours just hasn't for some reason. If you have only a few black-and-white categories to work with, then I guess we're not going to be able to agree.

Sorry you're so pissed at me, but there may not be a lot I can do about that.

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If one study finds an effect, then the fact that other studies don't find that effect does *not* disprove that the effect is real, it just adds more data to interpret.

If my radio brings in WABC, and yours doesn't, your radio may be broken, or may be out of range. Or I may be mistaken that what I've brought in is in fact WABC.

It seems to me the study cited by MedCram is suggestive of an effect, but it doesn't seem definitive. I'd look for other evidence.

And given how loudly the mainstream shouts about the studies showing a significant therapeutic effect in IVM, how they are weak because of this that or the other flaw, I'd suggest similar restraint when drawing conclusions about the effects of masks on one's personal health. Or the health of others.

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There is ONE peer-reviewed journal article that published results from a SMALL, highly-clinically-controlled experiment with masks, Corona virus, influenza, and, as I recall one other pathogen, perhaps a rhino virus, that concluded the mask type, likely at least an N95, but I don't recall, seemed to be able to stop some transmission of the Corona virus, and none of the other viral types, but the authors concluded the study was too small, and the results they deemed were inconclusive. The stupid fuckers susceptible to Nazis fear-based mind control who run around wearing surgical or other masks designed to stop the drool from an exhausted surgeon from dripping into an open wound are, just that, dumb fucks falling prey to Nazis fear-based mind control. Pity them, don't join them. I'm too lazy to do the google/scholar search for the topic to dig up the paper I found 2 years or so ago when I did a lit review. All the other papers concluded masks don't do shit to stop transmission of respiratory pathogens.

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"The stupid fuckers susceptible to Nazis fear-based mind control who run around wearing surgical or other masks designed to stop the drool from an exhausted surgeon from dripping into an open wound are, just that, dumb fucks falling prey to Nazis fear-based mind control. Pity them, don't join them."

Worth quoting on Gab. So I did.

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