I'm glad both of you are anti-vax. I listened to the whole episode. Dr Kaufman was way more convincing to me. I'm glad it remained a civil discussion. Regards.

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Wow Steve that was painful to listen to you, I almost feel sorry for you trying to defend a nonsensical pseudoscientific belief. Steve do you really not understand how absurd virology is? Are you being blackmailed or something?

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June 24th 2024 They're going to vaccinate all animals on Earth and poison them as protection against non-existent and non-transmissable "diseases". That have not proven causation, nor transmission nor contagion of “Foot And Mouth” Disease. Over 90% animals vaccinated for Foot And Mouth. Read more at: http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/articleshow/111215355.cms

NIH: No Proof Of Transmission of "Foot and Mouth Disease". A fundamental conundrum remains in the discordance between the detection of infectious FMDV in carriers and the apparent lack of contagiousness to in-contact animals. Although substantial progress has been made in elucidating the causal mechanisms of persistent FMDV infection, there are still critical knowledge gaps that need to be addressed in order to elucidate, predict, prevent, and model the risks associated with the carrier state. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7157498/

NIH: No Proof Of Contagion of "Foot and Mouth Disease". They had to inject animals with some unknown poison to claim they were "infected"; not "contagion" nor "transmisson" by being nearby, fluids or aerisols. Naive cattle were inoculated through intranasopharyngeal deposition of unprocessed OPF samples that had been collected from FMDV carriers at 30 days postinfection. These inoculated cattle developed clinical FMD, and the severity of disease they developed was similar to that of animals that had been infected with a high-titer inoculum. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6135961/

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Steve, I can't decide if you're ignorant or just a gatekeeper. Either way, you look like an idiot.

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I did a five-month investigation into "The Covid" and have been 95% in the no-virus camp ever since. I have been waiting for a debate between two experts (or teams) from both sides to hear what I consider to be the hard issues addressed. I really thought this was going to be it... It was embarrassing for Steve Kirsch, and I cancelled my paid support just now. Steve smelled like controlled opposition... Every single comment on the Rumble version that I read, and I read dozens, picks Andy as the winner and chastises Kirsch for his behavior and performance. Check out our monograph: Solving Covid - The Covid 19 Eugenics, Vaccine/Drug Scam Timeline at https://artofliberty.substack.com/p/solving-covid-the-covid-19-eugenics and its companion article: The Covid 19 Suspects and Their Ties to Eugenics and Population Control/Reduction at https://artofliberty.substack.com/p/the-covid-19-suspects-and-their-ties to understand who is behind "The Covid"

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Although iam in agreement on the virus isolation argument of Stefan Lanka, I also think that an engineered pathogen could be synthesized which to me is very similar to how glyphosate resistant crops are engineered wherein a specific gene (representing the tolerance to glyphosate) of the bacterium who is unaffected by glyphosate is fused into the gene of the crop and thus on glyphosate application only the weeds die and not the crop

The above I think was achieved by exposing multiple bacterial strains to glyphosate and extracting those that survived and probably doing a differential analysis of the genes of glyphosate resistant strain vis a vis the others that died

I believe the above because farmers use glyphosate and there is demand for it which obviously means that it isn't killing the crop but only the weeds

If a gene of a bacteria can be fused into corn/wheat to make the crop glyphosate resistant I can identify a gene that might make the crop more susceptible to glyphosate or any other element

Now if I have identified such a susceptibility gene for glyphosate in a plant I can similarly identify the susceptibility gene for a human and now I fuse this gene into a bacteria and dope the air-conditioning filters with this bacteria (which is below 2.5 microns) so that it can get into the bloodstream via the lungs I can make the persons in that setting more susceptible to disease or probably cause a disease.

Although we don't know if this is the SARS cov 2 (so called virus) and don't have any evidence whatsoever but my question is is this possible at all? If yes then the discussion ends if no could you explain why not

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You don't exist either. Existence is a relative thing. They exist only in the same manner as you. you may be AI or other software hiccup, so let's keep it a puzzle. You both exist or you don't.

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I found the discussion fascinating. The great irony to me is SK in his own intro states that AK is trying to prove viruses don’t exist when AK stated up front that you can NOT prove something does not exist. (ie God and Unicorns ).

What AK is arguing is that the current scientific consensus for the existence of Sars-Cov2 is based upon observational evidence and not stringent cause and effect evidence starting with the April 2020 Fan-Yu paper purporting to show the original Sars-Cov2 genomic sequence.

Which was allegedly taken from a lone patient with pneumonia from which a mish-mash of ingredients was taken and than appended too in a number of irrational ways which served as the original template for the rest of the world to piggy back off of.

And provided by the same trustworthy scientists of the CCP who claimed it came from a wet market and did not tell the world for months.

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To think I was a paid subscriber to your newsletter for close on a year. You made an absolute fool of yourself Mr Kirsch.

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The entire Heath freedom movement is a joke. This debate was unwatchable. You are controlled opposition and a joke. See ya

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In my 65 years, I have experienced and witnessed terrain theory and the myth of contagion. No research or “science” needed.

My maternal grandmother who lived to 99.5 was my primary caretaker and never once became sick when caring for me. As a child, I had warts, chronic upper respiratory illnesses, monthly high fevers of unknown origin, GI issues, Strep, Mono, and she never, not once, became ill when caring for me, my 3 siblings or 5 cousins. Explain that! No masks, no gloves, lots of hugs, kisses and close contact!

My grandmother grew up drinking raw milk (she was born 1901 in Havana, Cuba) and eating real food, was never on antibiotics or any pharma meds, took zero flu shots as an adult, never had mammograms, pap smears, or colonoscopies, or any other medical rape procedures, as Kelly Brogan rightfully calls them. She was the healthiest and most vibrant person I’ve ever known.

I did not get sick when caring for my 4 daughters, who I nursed for a total of 8.5 years. Their father, my former husband and I were not sick at the same time and always shared a bed. My 4 daughters did not all get sick at the same time and were always together as children. Some shared a room and bathroom.

When my 3rd daughter came down with Chicken Pox, my friend brought her children over for a lollipop part so they could “catch” my daughter’s Chicken Pox illness by sharing her lollipop, so sharing her saliva. Her children did not get sick!

By the way, in medicine in the early 1900s I believe, a similar experiment was done with the pus from smallpox and it did not make the subjects sick that were given the pus of an infected person. Explain that!

My youngest adult daughter, who took two “Covid” shots became quite sick, tested positive for “Covid.” She stayed in my apartment and I cared for her the way my grandmother cared for me. No gloves, no mask, lots of hugs, kisses and closeness. I never got sick!

Time to put on our thinking caps and rethink all we’ve been indoctrinated to believe! Think people, think! It is not as complicated as it is made to be. Contagion is a myth, and therefore so are viruses.

I’ve spent the past 46 years working on my terrain, which was basically wiped out by 3 years of antibiotics ad a young child, toxic pharma drugs and a diety steady in highly processed foods, more antibiotics as a teen.

I very rarely get sick, take no pharma meds, mammograms, colonoscopies, pap smears, flu shots, and never took the death and disability shots aka C-19 quackcines. I have zero diseases and am healthier and stronger than I was in my 20s.

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Here's my response to Steve Kirsch from Chief Justice of Nuremberg 2.0: Great No-Virus Debate w/ Dr Andrew Kaufman & Steve Kirsch ft Covid Virus never isolated. 56 Million Gene Sequences made-up in Computer (AI) Simulation. Then, turned into a Synthetic Vaccine in 3 days. https://nuremberg2.substack.com/p/great-no-virus-debate-w-dr-andrew

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Sorry Steve. I side with Andrew. Covid virus was never isolated. I missed the big debate, but in reading the comments, it doesn't sound like it went well for Steve. I'm no expert on viruses but I consider myself an expert in identifying bull shit. And I know one fact. That Big Pharma is criminal in nature, not out to help you but keep you sick. And if they say it's a virus that's affecting you, and you need a vaxxine to protect you, they're lying sacks of crap and I'll gladly stand on the other side of the isle from them. And it's that simple for anything they say or do.

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That's the soundbite I'd like to impress upon people who swallowed the whole narrative on covid. They justify their acceptance by saying it's science. But what do they know about science, and viruses? Have they ever been in a lab, run an experiment? All they're doing is taking big pharma's word for it. And if they ought to know one fact: Big pharma is criminal... just like you said.

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I’ve been a supporter of Paid supporter if Steve for a couple of years now, but after watching this ‘debate’ I’m reconsidering my position. Andrew Kaufman was polite and professional and Steve was rude and unprofessional! It was obvious that Steve had no response to the single most import question. Where was the proof of the pathogenic virus? When the question was asked, he danced around the issue pretending he didn’t comprehend the question! For me the issue of there being a virus or not is unimportant. It’s the ‘VACCINES’ STUPID!

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I have suspended my paid support to Steve Kirsch because of his rude and unprofessional behavior towards Dr. Kaufman, and his refusal to intelligently and honestly address the simple question; "Where is the proof of the pathogenic virus?"

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Steve, I am reminded of the film the Hustler with Paul Newman and Jackie Gleason. You were Paul Newman, sweaty and arrogant, Andrew was Jackie Gleason. Andrew, cool and calm and respectful and immensely talented, sticking to the Scientific method. Big Pharma will love you, so will the globalists.You can learn from what Andrew was trying to relate to you, please lesson.

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This conversation was an interesting beginning. Steve, calm down. Nobody has all the answers and doesn't have to. Please consider Dr. Mark Bailey Vs. Jeremy Hammond next. Also consider interviewing Daniel Roytas who wrote "Can You Catch A Cold?' This pivotal question is complex and needs to be flushed out from various angles. Virology and the PCR tests are being weaponed and now are being used to potentially threaten our food supply. This question is worth pursuing systematically because it has implications for our very survival.

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