Steve, you do fantastic work and I personally appreciate all that you do. Here is a STUNNING article I think you will be interested in if you haven't seen it already:


It clearly documents the spike protein harms and compares vaxxed with unvaxxed in Australia hospitalizations.

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Thank you for your post. The unimpressively credentialed authors of this piece lost me at "the vaccines saved millions of lives..." Their data makes the case for the dangers of the vaccines, , but where is the proof of protection?

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To me that’s exactly the point of the article, there does not appear to be any proof of protection. The vaxx is all risk and no reward and I think the graphs say it all.

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Cheeeeky! Making the denialists uncomfortable.

Meanwhile, I'm hounding my 'fellow' 'conservative' writers to once in a while show at least 2% of the nerve Steve is: https://pomocon.substack.com/p/mark-hemmingway-says-its-wrong-for

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Once in a while 2%, that's about it, maybe. Seriously, thanks for this.

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I read recently that the FDA is balking at releasing the VAERS data claiming not enough staff.

The lawyers should just ask for the raw data immediately.

Believe it or not there are people that are better with data than Steve!

Fauci is trying to save himself from having to do the hemp fandango. He's already kissing up to Biden after Biden's disasterous debate.

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The compensation for vaccine injuries will never equate for the economic disasters and psychological traumas, all caused in the interest of population control in the guise of public health.

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well said

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What a shame it is that those of lower level discernment are pushing the red herring ‘lab leak theory’(another “theory” without a leg to stand on). Imagine the positive impact on human health once the lies of virology are exposed. I do however fear it’s not just a lack of discernment slowing this process down but in fact, as much of the history of science is littered with, a matter of stubborn egos.

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Bring back hanging for all involved in the manufactured Covid and DEADLY mRNA injection SCAMS!

Lambs to the slaughter. It seems very few questions were asked about 'EXPERIMENTAL mRNA (Gene Editing) injections'. No evidence was requested about the origins and background of the man-modified disease before millions took the giant leap of faith. No investigation as to why and how Big Pharma enjoyed ZERO LIABILITY for any/all adverse effects (serious, long term or even DEATHS) that follow many 'vaccines'?

It's excusable, I suppose, because it was early days in the Covid depopulating scam and the 'pretend vaccine' CULL!

Now, after 4 years of data (much of which is deliberately hidden or falsified by Big Pharma) there is considerable evidence that Covid was designed, engineered, modified and intensified by Fauici & his associates in order to justify the magically quick 'CURE' which can, and do, KILL recipients. The jabs seem to have little or NO IMPACT on stopping Covid spreading or Covid being caught more frequently by the gullible 'vaxxed' amongst us.

Now that most of our early Conspiracy Theories seem to have been proven accurate - if not understated, many have accepted the 'pretend vaccines' make recipients more susceptible with every shot. The injections exacerbate pre-existing illnesses and even re-introduce illnesses that were cured many years ago.

Do not accept another shot until Pfizer et al, are held financially responsible for injuries and DEATHS caused by their deadly depopulating (money-making) injections.

You were warned - but now it's probably too late. Each extra injection you take reduces your Life Expectancy!

NO MORE mRNA injections until creators of the CULLING injections are executed for Pre-meditated Mass Murder!

Unjabbed mick! I'll live longer without medical intervention!

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Steve, you are a legend.

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Great footage! Cognitive dissonance gone wild!

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Where is the link please for tonight?

Episode 134: A Week in the Life of Steve!

Thursday, July 4th, 2024 7pm ET | 4pm PT


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Dear Steve,

I signed up to receive your substack for two reasons. First I respect you, and secondly, I want to have an Email address to replace the one in which I receive a fatal error whenever I send you life saving information such as the one I just finished sending around the world that's about cellphones/mobiles, that's from Arthur Firstenberg, because they are killing human beings and insects that the wording in the subject line says PLEASE GET RID OF YOUR CELLPHONE NOW.

Now, there is a substack that I just received today that says that the same ingredients that are in chemtrails are also in fireworks. So these fireworks are killing Americans. I sent it to Arthur Firstenberg, the man who sent out the Email exposing cellphones/mobiles

God bless,

Arlene Johnson



To access my work, click on the icon that says Magazine.

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Option 1 of https://kirschsubstack.com/p/how-to-contact-me has many sub-options.

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Thank you for trying Wayne. I provide information that's life saving. So neither of the choices in this link apply.

God bless,


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You could always write your own Substack, then.

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I have an e-zine that's top secret history which is the biggest secret on the planet even though I began in March 2001. It's got everything from JFK's assassination to organizations that most people have never heard of to 9/11 and much much more. If you're interested, log onto http://truedemocracy.net and click on the icon that says Magazine, the 4th icon in the row of them on the main page.

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You spelled pFauci incorrectly....

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You are a good person Steve!

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Hard to believe Fauci was not locked away for a life time for his AIDS contributions!

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Maybe because his AIDS patients have died ?

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Not just AIDS patients. Scores of infants and toddlers who simply tested posirive for HIV succumbed to his toxic treatment regimen. Wasn't Child Protective Services ever called in?

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Jul 4·edited Jul 4

The only way the courts will consider someone sufficiently aggrieved to 'have standing' is if they are dead thus rendered incapable of bringing the case ;-)

Much like how only registered researchers are allowed access to 'sensitive' public health data, and nobody gets their name on that list if they are likely to expose anything inconvenient.

We could go on and on with examples, but those who can't see it by now likely never will.

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Hard to believe that Fauci is still promoting himself with doom staring him in the face.

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I wonder if Mr Science has worked out that under enough pressure teflon becomes sticky. Looking forward to that day.

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Fauci is a Jesuit; that's why he's still promoting himself.

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Looking forward to it! I was at an MIT alumni event in Washington DC last week with speakers talking about disinformation, and one of the authors had never heard of you! Lee McIntyre. I told him about you. I hope you hear from him so you can sit him straight on vaccines! https://alumcommunity.mit.edu/events/88043


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Also ... We now have visual proof that the children are leading the asylum known as the White House.


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