A mask exemption should not warrant an investigation without alleged harm.

If harm is alleged, the board is obligated to declare the finding they intend to support with an investigation. That is, if the board disagrees with a mask exemption, it needs to state the grounds upon which an exemption would not be valid; the investigation then substantiates or clears the allegation. Since the board has no grounds for cleaving a patient's mask exemption from a doctor, it has no place in the matter.

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Regarding the Czech data, they /we need to ask for ongoing All Cause Mortality numbers. I am seeing ongoing more and more friends dying early and cancer in the group of friends that got the inoculations. We won’t see the true picture until maybe by 5 years but more likely by 15 years from the roll out.

We won’t know the implications for our children’s children until they are born. I have three family members who got the inoculations and have had babies since and thank God they seem fine.

If I submit a formal request for record level data from my country, please state all of the variable you would like me to include. I know to ask for year born and not date born.

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Pfizer or Moderna - Chose your POISON! Russian Roulette if you got jabbed! Strangely some still do.

The authorities, Governments, big pharma, Pfizer, Moderna, etc, hid the useless but DEADLY nature of the dangerous injections, the public were stupid enough to believe the total bull-shi* and got jabbed.

Those still getting jabbed and will eventually learn the truth when their Life Expectancy proves to have been compromised by these deadly injections. They will know no different but the data will prove it!

Interestingly, the only honest politician on the edge of the US political race is RFK (Jr). The rest pretend Covid was a natural phenomena and the useless but poisonous jabs are necessary. They pretend the medical profession is not evil and CRIMINAL!

Pfizer's & Moderna's (et al,) Deadly injections they call 'vaccines' (useless Covid jabs and the upcoming Bird Flu injections), must be stopped until they can make these deadly poisons truly "Safe and Effective", A decades old lie. since the useless Swine Flu jab killed over 50 service personnel back in the 1970's. .Blatant and obvious lies = PROFIT!

NO LIABILITY is assumed by the makers of these depopulating 'medicines'. No other product is sold with this unbelievable condition of use ('Acceptance'?) It's INSANE!

90% of "vax injuries" and 2Vax related" deaths never get reported and the deliberate falsification of 'cause of death' by 'the authorities' is used to hide the poisonous Vax being the most likely cause of much of the Covid mayhem?

Those scientists certainly did a great job with their Gain of Function maximisation of the impact of the, previously almost harmless, CoronaVirus, with their bio-weapon laboratory experimentation. Let's see if they can achieve number one status with their next murderous GoF-modified Bird Flu virus modification, and with the next (Safe & Effective') useless but deadly injection, which they've probably already prepared as stage 2 of the WEF's New World Order Cull of humanity.

NO LIABILITY for Vax Injuries and vax-related DEATHS. The makers deny all culpability for anything sinister which occurs after their Death Shots. No LIABILITY comes FREE with every deadly shot! Insanity now rules in the medical world.

Unjabbed Mick (UK) I'll live longer without evil medical intervention.

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Thank you for your relentless pursuit toward finding truth. You are like a dog who won't let go of a bone and this bone holds to the key to unlock many other modern mysteries.

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Steve, I believe doctors around the world have been treated oppressively, not just Canada. Doctors in the U.S weren’t allowed to prescribe ivermectin for instance.

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That’s very true- the problem is global. I think though, that it makes it more manageable and effective when your focus is narrowed to one certain cohort at a time, rather than the whole world. And I know there are plenty of lawsuits against the censorship and overreach against US doctors…the tyranny has been exposed!

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Superspreader on Substack:

Japanese Biopsy Specialists Prove Covid Shots Cause Deadly Heart Failure

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You certainly cover a great spectrum of people and topics Steve, thank you for your work!

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So much appreciation for keeping the pressure alive steve. Even the hardcore folks seem to be moving on lately.

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As a Canadian, living under the tyrannical leadership of Trudeau, I’m looking forward to listening to this talk

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Dear Steve, could you please lead a class action against social media censorship of alleged misinformation which turned out to be truth-information, especially, involving COVID narratives?

Linkedin is an obvious target because they blocked all our contacts, groups, blogs, without letting us save the information, thus causing serious business losses. Damages are high because clients or potential customers still think we access our accounts, asking to join our groups, sending linking invitations, trying to contact, or seeing an outdated resume as if it was the latest.

I could get you so many freedom warriors who want compensation and we could be setting a huge precedent for future censorship attempts.

Thank you!


Have you seen this?:

No Free Speech without Reach. We need a #FreeReach laws urgently!


16 laws we need to exit Prison Planet


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Jul 18·edited Jul 18

"Damages are high because clients or potential customers still think we access our accounts, asking to join our groups, sending linking invitations, trying to contact, or seeing an outdated resume as if it was the latest."

Alas, what you describe is our basic problem. We (some) have allowed ourselves to be nearly 100% dependent on the Tyrants via their Internet based virtual world. AI follows naturally and none of their world can be adjusted to give us Liberty. Trust me, the only way to survive is to go back to the world we left behind.. If you don't think its possible, people in California of all places pushed back efforts of ATT to ditch their analog lines. So, for now, they must remain.

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They had a session about class action at Covid Litigation Conference II; one speaker said there are only a few class action specialist law firms which do not include the relatively small group of anti-vax / mandate lawyers.

Suggestion: Look up and create a list of known Class Action law firms. Write up a detailed report about Linked-in Covid Censorship. You are a prolific and detailed writer so that should be no problem.

Then send that report to the Class Action Law firms on your list. There are not that many of them. One of them might just see the profit involved!

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