The link the spreadsheet was broken. It has been fixed. Sorry about that!

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Where can we find this spreadsheet? Thank you Steve.

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Steve Ive got a question about your poll. It showed 22% claimed their loved one died from the "virus". I would have added a caveat to that poll: How many of you that believe your loved one died from Covid had the deceased in the hospital when they died from covid. And , " How many of the hospitalized were ventilated or put on Remdesivir or had their organs shut down. I believe the 3.5 % more died from the shots is MUCH HIGHER> I believe that those who died from the "virus" actually had bacterial pneumonia as we've all discussed before and died as a result of untreated pneumonia OR from murder via ventilation and remdesiver. Thoughts about the 22%$ #. TIA

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that is incorrect. only people who lost someone reported. the 22% is relative to the Vaccine cause of death.

Of course hospitalization hurt, but one battle at a time.

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Ty for the response. I asked because sadly i worked in the medical field with patients in the 80s. Chronic care , hospice and more. Later I spent a huge amount of time in some of the top medical centers in MA. I saw the machine then. Then in 2011 my daughter almost died from massive and systemic medical malpractice in hospitals like UVA, Stanford, Lis Gatos Community, Good samaritan in San Jose. And top hospitals in the Denver Metro area. I was in the ER over 300x from 2011-2018, NOT including in patient “ care” at Stanford where they refused to do a toxicology panel ( turned out she was being poisoned from cannabis which STEEP LABS reported in 2014 that “ 85% of all recreational AND Medical MJ is poisoned by 23 pesticides (( including organic neem oils)) that when ingested or smoked , turns into cyanide in the body causing severe vomiting and neausea to the point if death )and they left IVs falling out of infected IV sites for over 6 hours at a time among other criminal acts. We fled for our lives after aweek. Look at the YELP reviews for stanford IN Patient and ER to see the horror stories. I witnessed over 90% of Drs actively committing medical neglect to the point if murder. After 2020 it was clear to me these were ACTIVE killing fields. I have seen these Covid mandates still continue in our local hospitals up to Today. My Dr is aware and we discuss which hospitals, if ANY , are safe in terms of not being actively murdered.

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Have you seen the video of:

Nurse Turned Whistleblower Speaks out On Health Care Corruption.

Dated April 18, 2023.

Find it on: alphanews.org/category/videos/page6/

(Hopefully it's still on page 6, but may be on page 7)?

Sorry about posting this late, but I'm behind on things.

Regards, Andy. 06 Nov. 2023.

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That's right on .The cold,flu and pneumonia was renamed covid . All the previous infections disappeared and I believe it is still the case to this day .

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Hi Steve,

I’m in the UK and the vaccine has damaged lots of my friends.

My evidence is flimsy according to the vaxaholics however, many people wish they had not gone and done the right thing.

Two of my friends who battled and beat cancer suddenly got a diagnosis of grade four tumour back, within four months of being clear!

Two friends have permanent colds and illness and, they have just had their sixth booster, and guess what? Every time they get a booster they are in bed sick from that for a week and then, they get COVID.

I have many more sad stories like this.

Suddenly died and all kinds of body pain and disability since 2021.

I remain unvaccinated and have no intention to get any more in the future but, I’ve been looking after these friends, cooking, cleaning, dog walking, shopping and.... nothing! I’ve never been sick.

I must admit that I never catch colds and have no clue what flu is but, if this was as everyone described it. I would have expected it to visit my body before now.

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Jane your thoughts are the same as mine .My brother had a flu like issue and went to a hospital ,where he was taken prisoner ,sedated ,isolated ,given Remdesivir and was ventilated ..Visiting him was made extremely difficult ,even for me his brother ..His son was able to spend more time with him and could observe the treatment my brother got .It was not to cure anything but to .kill him ,that took six days . I was escorted out of the hospital several times ,by guards and told not to come back .It is murder for money and depopulation at the same time .

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This is exactly what weve all seen. I have wanted to get a group to picket hospitals in my state im in ( Colorado) but despite encouraging my bodily autonomy group im in , nobody wanted to join me. Im too old to be doing it alone. They are focusing on legislators and vaccines.

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I’m so sorry 😞

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Shocking and sad bless you and your loved ones

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They did not want me in the hospital ,to visit my brother ,because I was critical of the treatment he got ..His son thought he got the best treatment ,so was allowed to visit more easily and often .He could see what they did and I got enough out of him in regard of the treatment to give me a picture of the kill treatment .my brother got .

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Truly awful I hope you find justice one day.

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I expect that the surveyed, COVID-jab skeptics also are less likely to over-attribute deaths to COVID. So if an extra large family member goes into the hospital for DKA for the 3rd time, gets a positive routine test for COVID, then subsequently dies, the skeptics might be more likely admit that the out-of-control-diabetes contributed to the death.

So many confounders exist in surveys, but this is all we have, since governments and their affiliates are hiding data and/or misinterpreting it.

"Experts" seem unwilling take Steve Kirsch up on his data, and offer countervailing evidence. Pfizer asked to hide their pre-market data for 75 years. These

behaviors tell us that Steve Kirsch's work is a vital service to humanity, even if it does not meet the idealized and unavailable standards which are being waved at us to counteract it.

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Yes this is EXACTLY why i asked Steve to further isolate the poll. I took a full load of STATS in college. Im no expert but it seems to me that the respondents whose family & friends died in the hospital would be biased unless they were aware of the Killing Fields Thus the need IMO to further drill down by asking the simple questions : 1: Did your lived one die in a hospital ? 2: Do you know for sure if they were given Remdesivir or ventilation ? And lastly 3: Do you know if the decedent had organ failure ( likely Remdesivir). Im fairly certain once those questions are properly asked we will find out MOST or all died from murder.

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Organ failure can be caused by a lot of things. While remdesivir was pretty useless, waste of money, and the liquid form was to be excluded in kidney failure, it is not the poison that killed everyone. Many remdesivir patients were able to leave the hospital through the front door.

For one, the pharmacists were supposed to talk doctors down from the drug in cases of the patient having COVID over 7 days, kidney or liver impairment. This is because people had already learned it was a mess for the ultra dehydrated Ebola patients who had preexisting organ failure. Two, the people “dying of COVID” generally had numerous comorbidities. Three, applying the ventilators right away (initially with the idea of protecting staff), was a bad move. Isolating patients from visitors was the worst move, in terms of patient outcome. Second worst was denying the drugs that were more effective.

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Great job on this. (One typo on the #4 link section... it’s reads 2x when the article is saying 3x. Just letting you know in case that’s a typo.)

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Paper says: "Compared with hospitalization for influenza, hospitalization for COVID-19 was associated with a higher risk of death (hazard ratio, 1.61 [95% CI, 1.29-2.02])."

Where is the 3X?

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Mr Kirsch… catching up on emails, forgive my being a little late to the party. I see you just dropped a bomb on me. As much as I wanted to (tried to), I did not answer this survey because of requested phone number. I get hammered w robo calls so I choose not to give phone. Now, reading this post a month later, I see the method to your madness, SURVEY INTEGRITY. Real science data!! Hot damn!!

“Over 10,000 readers responded.The results were not anonymous. To respond and be counted, you had to include your contact information. This is a huge benefit compared to a “scientific survey.” In a “scientific survey,” you normally aren’t allowed to collect the identity of the responder, so it must be anonymous. So in a “scientific survey,” the peer-reviewers cannot verify whether the research was telling the truth or not. In my survey, they can. Which one is more trustable?”

It seems you have also exposed the weakness in most (all?!) “scientific surveys”, lack of identifying the respondents to verify answers by independent researchers! BINGO!!

Mr Kirsch, I love your tenacity!!!

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What I can say with absolute certainty is that 1.1 million people did NOT die of Covid in the US. Its straight up nonsense.

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I'm sorry that Flatrick Gunnels was so nasty to you. But now I'm curious how you put up $1M. I'd like to be able to do that.

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No evidence presented to the contrary by this site. Don't bother clicking the links. You won't learn anything.

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Hello Steve Kirsch....I truly appreciate your unfaltering dedication and work to this humanitarian travesty. However, how do you explain the FACT that SARS CoV2 has NEVER been isolated NOR purified by any scientist, epidemiologist or virologist ANYWHERE in any lab in ANY Country in the world. Therefore covid does not exist. THIS is the elephant inn the room no-one wants to address. A payment of 1 Million was offered to anyone who could prove covid exists and thus far NO-ONE has come forward. Why is that?

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Effing beautiful.

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Look at this document published in March of 2021, and only revealed though discovery in an ongoing court case by attorney Todd Calendar.

Effect of Coronavirus Worldwide through Misusing of Wireless Sensor Networks


It calls into question what coronavirus actually was.

At any rate, the COVID vaccines seem to increase the sensor network effect. The two appear to be related and they are tied into the wireless technologies like 5G.

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Ah ok thanks. Shame. I have read from many different sources about identification methods of covid and other viruses. Using the argument of virologists I can’t see how their techniques can produce anything but arbitrary results. At least nothing specific enough to derive the statistics from a population of billions. (The test does not test for ‘Covid’). Thanks for your reply in any case.

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Steve, you have been a beacon of light from the beginning. Here is a video that will bring you hope https://rumble.com/v3qf7ig-breaking-documentary-short-cutting-off-the-head-of-the-snake-geneva-switzer.html

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Ghosts in The Machine


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WOW ! Steve, you're like a dog with many bones (of truth) specifically, Lt Columbo's bloodhound that has collected a multiplicity of skeletal bones & assembled them together into an orderly form strongly resembling a human skeleton !! Not too many bones left to complete the picture (skull, finger bones, feet bones maybe) & with your sharp nose for truth, said remaining bones shall be unearthed soon!! "GRATIAS" for work you've done (seminal June 2021 interview with Malone & Weinstein on Darkhorse podcast which critically informed myself to say 'Nyet' to the jab) and continue to do!!!👌👍👏

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What about the latest revelation that the vaccines that were "tested" were not the same type that were sold? I read that the vaxxers did this to get the EUA!

And relatedly, you cannot get an EUA when there is already a working med in the marketplace. Remember Ivermectin? That worked against Covid (and apparently against a whole host of illnesses as we are finding out), so they have to demonize this wonder drug and call it horse paste to get their EUA! Just ask Joe Rogan whose face color was altered by CNN in a video to show that he was sick from horse paste.

The regulatory agencies are bought, corrupt and anti-good health! The lengths Big Pharma (or Big Anyone, really) will go to in order to achieve their goals is quite revealing.

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Steve, we know that the pro-vaxxers don't have a leg or even a toe to stand on. They have no reproducible surveys, no real scientific data, refuse to debate, refuse to make easy money (your bets) if they are right, refuse to show the data (unless forced: 75 years to release Pfizer data?!), ad nauseam. They will keep on pushing the narrative until the nth booster helps them meet their Maker.

I know this must be frustrating to you (it is to me!), but you gotta keep at it. Someday, you and the other brave truth-tellers will be publicly vindicated. Unfortunately, many more will die because of ignorance, denial, coercion, etc. I feel sorry for the people who were deceived, but feel zero pity for those who despite knowing the truth or having the truth shown to them deliberately push this pro-death/injury narrative and succumb themselves. Good riddance!

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"In a “scientific survey,” you normally aren’t allowed to collect the identity of the responder"


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OK, but I think a survey can be used to gather information for the purpose of understanding a phenomenon. So, I think here the adjective 'scientific' is suitable, especially if it is used to imply that the survey will be designed to follow rules for being unbiased

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Why do you say Botany isn’t science? Isn’t it one of the first natural sciences?

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If only I could wake up more folks who made the mistake getting the shots and are paying the heavy price two years afterwards. Some who are suffering still don’t know it’s because of the vaccine. 👇

True story from a wife of a vaccine injured. Christine Kotlar, posted a harrowing account in August 2023 on her personal blog. She details what her husband Yuri Turchyn, a musician (once an original member of Kinderhook Creek), has been dealing with after he took his second Pfizer shot in 2021. I hope you read her latest post on October 21, as well as her first post entered in Spring 2021, when their saga started.

Christine is a gifted and compassionate writer, a true artist, and a devoted wife, who is doing a phenomenal job as Yuri’s loving full time caretaker.

This spring she set up a GoFundMe account. Their savings are depleted due to Yuri’s ongoing medical condition. It‘s humbling to understand the heavy crosses that so many decent folks like Christene and Yuri carry. Please offer a prayer, if you can’t contribute. They will appreciate it. 👇



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