I am an RN and worked for one of the largest regional hospitals in New Orleans. I refused the CoVid vaccines and got a religious exemption. That is when everything changed. Talk about hostile work environment. My boss accused me of being a Conspiracy Theorist because I was closely monitoring VAERS and saw all the injuries and deaths. Everyone got a $20,000 retention bonus. They took mine from me for something that never happened. They didn’t even ask my side of the story. I told one doctor didn’t they know Remdesivir is killing patients. Her response? That is all we have. There was one study done with Remdesivir and of the 4 drugs in the study Remdesivir killed the most patients 54%. I think I must be the only medical professional to even bother reading the study. I was fired last week which I knew was eventually going to happen. I don’t even want to work in healthcare anymore.

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I'm sorry you had to work among such shit human beings. I hope you eventually sue the daylights out of these corrupt Institutions and their heads. Godspeed

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I understand and applaud you for NOT wanting to go back and worling in the evil healthcare system. I resigned from my position in healthcare for similar and other reason; refused the vaccine and got into a ego-related drama with a supposed doctor. I was expected to sign a written apology (which I did not write) for telling the truth.

This is it for me. I would rather tell it as it is and pay the consequences, than put up with these devil-worshipping liars and psychopathic murderers. I have had multipme death threats already so I know I am on the black list when they enforce Marshall law and take Christians to prison or re-education camps, or enforce Noahide Law (execution by beheading). At this point I ONLY trust God Jesus Christ.

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Wow! That is unbelievable. So sorry you went through that. I totally agree with you. The shocking part to me is how fooled the residents and interns seem to be. Remember, God and Jesus Christ win in the end.

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I know lots of medical professionals. The good ones have been fired our quit.

Same thing with law enforcement and teachers and military members. Jesus is not happy with us but not abandoned us. I never thought I would see such a massive battle between good and evil in my lifetime, but it is happening.

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It's hard to calculate the number of honest caring healthcare workers that have been terminated or quit due to vaccine mandates and government covid policy. As a pathologist I did not treat live patients so why was I forced to get a covid shot? In any case, I just quit.

Jesus is our only way out of this, but my thoughts are he is very displeased of us due to the things we have done, abortion etc. One thing for sure we are in a biblical battle between good and evil. Things are going to get worse but in the end God wins. Satan will need to expand hell to make room for all the doctors, nurses, politicians, behind this covid genocide.

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Yes, judgement is falling on the world, and sadly vaccines are part of that. The wise will avoid them the unwise will not. We have a little way to go yet.


Strictly hell should be Hades or Gehenna, as bibles mistranslated. Both Hades and Gehenna are places of darkness. There is however also the lake of fire.


As you say, God wins.

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False, Remdesivir was studied in an Ebola clinical trial. Without treatment, Ebola has a 50 - 90% mortality rate. With Remdesivir, the mortality rate did not change significantly. Your conspiracy theories are easily refutable.

VAERS is a passive reporting system that has both unvetted and vetted reports. It cannot prove causation between deaths and vacines.

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Mar 27, 2023Edited
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Remdesivir clinical trial in Ebola patients:


VAERS does not prove causation between the alleged adverse events and vaccines because it is a passive reporting system. Read about disproportionality analysis.

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Apr 16, 2023
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NIAID funding is legitimate and transparent. Dr. Fauci, whose character has saved people from COVID-19 mortality and morbidity, was uninvolved in the institutional review board (IRB) to approve individual clinical trials.

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Thank you for telling us that. It shows the doctors are ignorant liars at best.


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I was forced into retirement because to not leave would have resulted in my being fired for refusing to comply with the CEOs covid 19 vaccine mandate to come. I lost a 20+ yr career and a lucrative paying job and have to sell my famili home to reestablish my life. It was slick as a snake, the way unions and management designed the forced exodus of senior employees at the top of the payscale. Pre-vaccine healthy, employees coersed into shots to not losevtheir careers, continue to die suddenly and unexpectedly every week. Plausible deniability will keep the guilty that are complicit with Fauci, raking in their rewards for getting their company employees/union members injected.

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Thank you for sharing this. It was such a gobsmacking injustice. But you have your health. I myself would live in on the street in a tent before I'd take one of those shots, and it was a wonder to me that more people who did know better did not value their rights and their health and put up more of a fight. I know many who didn't want the jabs but didn't even bother to apply for a religious exemption, they just went and got jabbed. And there are so many stories like that posted on www.realnotrare.com

I expect that many of those CEOs and business owners who, at their own discretion, imposed jab mandates on their employees will get legally creamed-- although this may take time to wind through the courts, and I expect that many of these individuals will have died of one thing or another in the next few years, having taken so many jabs themselves.

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Bless you for your good work. I was Remdesivir poisoned in the Denver VA. It was the only blind spot in my knowledge of Covid and pharmaceuticals. No informed Consent. The VA went on a VET-killing spree by denying HCQ, Ivermectin and putting many on death-sentence ventilators.

My 3-POlNT PLAN for Victory over Medical Tyranny

1. Create a central Online Vaccine Death and Injury Registry containing real names and data on the names hidden by our Govt., VAERS, hospitals, and ("Real Doctor") medical stonewalling.

2. Build Vaccine Holocaust Memorial walls in every big city to honor and memorialize the victims - both dead and injured. -- Use them as HEAVY VISIBLE Reminders of what Big Pharma did and what the FDA and CDC allowed and enabled, and the forever DENIALS and Mandates of the democrats and uni-party. These will heavily psychologically influence the many juries that need to preside over wrong death and personal injury cases. Will provide a way for people/families who were lied to too demand that real data be lease to see if the names of their loved ones should be on this wall. It will provide a psychological vehicle to demand the truth, the records and the bodies (for autopsies) of the dead as was done for MIAs in Vietnam.

3. MIA-POW Style bracelets for Vaccine dead and Injured to build presence and solidarity.

If we do this, the psychological weight of it all will overpower all efforts to contain it.

Both Walls and Bracelets become an organizing, Focal Point of POWER that gives us a united Voice to DEMAND to know what really happened to our dead and wounded in this war of the US DEEPSTATE, Democrats and WEF-NAZIS Against Americans.

It all start with a little seed funding. Maybe on GiveSendGo -- Re-titled as special purpose site: HonorUniteWin

This, my fellow Americans, is how a real war is organized, prosecuted and won.

Who's with me?

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Don't use 'H-word' because you-know-who has exclusive rights to that term.

"Disaster" or "Iotragenicide".

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the Mass Vaccine Genocide is way Beyond what the NAZIS did. Besides, we want them triggered by the Holocaust word. It gives us a chance to respond naming the True Dimensions of this so-called "Culling."

Force them to Admit the SCOPE of it: The WWII NAZI Holocaust was confined to Europe. the Vaccine Holocaust is Intercontinental.

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Well said. However "the Mass Vaccine Genocide is way Beyond what the NAZIS did." is incorrect.

This is because it is the Nazis again who never went away but moved into big pharma in a big way, mostly in the States (to distract from the German origins).

Of course they have the support of the Marxists/communists who also came out of Germany originally.

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Agreed. But whether its a continuation of the original Nazi program or a newer offshoot is a technical point.

Mankind is a disturbed nervous system wherein the conflict or contest between inflammation and inhibition has tilted us all into systemic imbalance.

Like all living organisms, human beings and human societies need energy, just as cells need Mitochondria -- to fuel healthy inflammatory-productive expansive growth and renewal activity, just as the body needs new cells to regenerate and renew itself.

The macro-societal human nervous system also requires inhibiting action to keep the forces and products of inflammation under control and clean up the toxic waste products -- just as cell need macrophages to engulf and breakdown foreign particles, viruses and cellular waste, including -- dead stuff.

Genocide is a pathological form of macro-societal inhibition, as when the human immune system attacks the body or specific organs. It can also be understood as a temporal form of inflammatory activity intended to protect, like a fever or an elevated level of white blood cells, in response to real or imagined threats.

Elites have always lived under the threat of losing their wealth, power and status and are far more aware of the fluctuating levels of vulnerability than ordinary people are. They have much to lose and being Elite by definition requires inflammation in the service of attaining and adding further wealth, power and prestige and oppressing all threat against their loss, infringement, theft, and diminishment.

Technology has therefore become a double edged sword by which elites have increased their power, control, and wealth while observing the unintended consequence of reciprocally empowering and arming masses always threatening (at least in their mind) to oppose, replace and depose them.

There appears to be a relationship between the pathological inflammatory paranoia of elites and technology. On the one hand, advancing technologies offer the elite the god-like powers for which they have always thirsted with foaming, flying rabid froth, driving them even madder in the Sisyphean apprehension that absolute power is within their reach but always just beyond it, as their plans are discovered and technology simultaneously counter-empowers the peasantry. On the other hand, the mere existence of totalitarian and genocidal technologies present an irresistible serpentine temptation of re-hashing world creation in their own image -- Genocide with a big "G"--as in Genesis, Satanic Genesis. Enter the Transhumanist movement which started with the Elites' plan to achieve quasi immortality by morphing themselves into cyborgs. The new Eternals TV series is mass desensitization to the Emperor-Elites' new clothes: silicon.

Unfortunately, as we have seen, the same dynamics that inflame the apotheotic delusions of the elite, also infect elite acolytes and wannabes -- a force multiplier for evil that has produced millions of god-complex-driven maniacs perfectly willing to assist GENOCIDE in the belief their own salvation and, moreover, their own elevation to demi-god-hood (at least) lies therein. This brings us to the current battlefield where armies of the god-complexed narcissists have recently shredded legions of the ordinary folk who didn't even realize they were under attack.

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Good ideas all, God bless!

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The internet develops terms that become common language. One I had never heard prior was the term Clown World. Part of this is a reflection of the complete insanity of society.

1. There are 70 genders not just men or women.

2. Covid will kill us all unless we all get injected with mrna.

3. Morbid obesity is heathy.

4. Children need sexual hormones and sexual mutilation surgery.

5. Climate change will kill us all soon.

6. Masks protect against respiratory viruses.

7. Strong masculine men are toxic.

8. The traditional family with Mom and Dad raising children is racist.

9. Men can get pregnant and have periods.

10. All white people are evil racists.

11. Natural immunity to infection does not exist.

12. To be heathy you need 100 vaccines between birth and 18 years.

13. Internet porn is as good as sex with a real person.

14. Smartphones make you smarter.

Well, we had a good run but. There are smarter animals than humans.

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They have threatened us with climate change since I was a child. Someone said the powers that be accuse ordinary mortals of the sins they commit and it is true. People like Bill Gates, John Kerry and Klaus Schwab lecture us about our carbon footprint. We are not the ones whizzing around on private jets and living in 10,000 Square foot homes.

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Bill gates home in Medina Washington is 66,000 sq feet that’s just the building.

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He can afford it, so what's the big deal with that? I wish he would build some more and leave us alone.

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I don't care if rich people fly in private jets. Their jets do not harm the planet any more than my bicycle does. Building, maintaining, and flying them are all decent paying jobs for nonrich people. What I object to is the way they mess with our lives. I wish they would spend their money buying and/or building more opulent homes with runways for their jets, and private lakes with fancy boats, herds of horses, etc. Anything they can afford.

Enjoy your toys and leave us alone.

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You mean 10,000 sq ft summer cottages.

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WHO, WEF and Government covid response- not covid has deliberately destroyed not just major economies but Nobel professions. The number of honest doctors, nurses' paramedics, pilots, firefighters, law enforcement, military that have been terminated for the crime of refusing an experimental mrna shot will cause incalculable damage to the US and many other countries. None of this was incomitance or ignorance. It was all done on purpose and planned in advance.

And they are not done with us yet. The goal of the elite is to take out 6 billion of us.

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At least that. They want all our money! :( :It won't do them any good though. :)

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The cabal has another one (in the freezer at UNC) more deadly, coming. It will be designed to take out all the CoVid-19 vaxxed, immune compromised.

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Have you sought out a personal injury or employment law attorney?

You should get the contact # of some of the lawyers presenting at the conference in Atlanta this weekend (3/23–25,I believe); FLCCC web site has the informational

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I am sorry you were fired but glad you did not take bribes to do medical protocols which kill people.

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When they start using the term "conspiracy theorist" it means they are terrified you are on to them. Also, a doctor saying "Remdesivir" is all we have is medical malpractice. I was a hand surgeon and have no expertise in treating covid. I took vitamin D, Zinc, vitamin C and quercetin.

based on the advice of my chiropractor. Never took the shot. Never got sick. But like you was fired.

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So sorry that happened to you. We had an RN at our hospital over 30 years who I was dialyzing due to renal failure from the Remdesivir. She told me she believes she was given Remdesivir to treat CoVid, ended up on a ventilator and in kidney failure. Her husband found data that Remdesivir causes renal failure so they believe that is what caused her to go on dialysis. We lost so many of our chronic dialysis patients during CoVid. It looked like a scene from a Sci-Fi movie. Nurses and doctors would not go in CoVid patients rooms and ran their IV poles out in the corridor. We had to go in the rooms to put patients on dialysis and they would ask us to do their job while we were in the rooms so they didn’t have to go in. Because I refused the Vax I was forced against my will to wear an N95 mask the entire 12 hour shift and told I would be fired if I removed it.

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"Also, a doctor saying "Remdesivir" is all we have is medical malpractice."

This is not just malpractice but outright lying. It is also premeditated murder.


Did you know that longest single word anagram of 'Pharmaceutical' is 'malpractice'? Should have been a warning to everybody.


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Polly Varnado, Thank you for posting here. I can only imagine how awful this must have been for you.

If you haven't seen it already, perhaps this video will provide some solace and cheer. I transcribed a little bit of it, of the speech by an RN who, like you, did some research, and got stomped as a result. When she gave this speech in February she got a standing ovation from a huge crowd-- which is to say, you are not alone. Not at all.

Pandemic Harms Listening Session - Wenatchee, WA - 28Jan23

Informed Choice WA, Posted February 12, 2023



KRISTIN [at podium, speaking into microphone]: Hi everyone. My name is Kristin. I am a local registered nurse here in Wenatchee. My background is in emergency medicine. But I am currently working in the integrative functional medicine space here locally. I love being a nurse but the past few years have been challenging to say the least. As s healthcare system at large we have failed our patients. We have lost and forgotten the art of healing. We have moved from healing disease to managing symptoms, from critical thinking to protocols, from being patient-centered to profit-centered. And from the freedom to discover and share new ideas to medical censorship and mandates.

I'm standing up here today because I, like most of you guys here, have been saddened by the global and local covid 19 pandemic response. Throughout this pandemic I have been on the frontlines caring for covid patients in both the ER and clinic setting. During the pandemic I lost my job for educating my patients about other potentially effective treatments for covid 19. In the emergency room the only thing we were allowed to tell our covid patients is, go home, take Tylenol, and come back when you can't breathe.

This was unethical to me. As a nurse, it is my job to educate, empower, and advocate for my patients. Even with a virus with a 99% survival rate, per the CDC, there was a 1% who did struggle. I had heard about doctors who were having great clinical success treating their covid patients with alternative therapies, repurposed drugs, and simple vitamins, and had studies to back it. I was confused why we weren't using these treatments in the hospital.

The FDA and CDC only approved one drug for the treatment of covid 19, at the time, which was remdesivir. Remdesivir is an emergency use authorized repurposed experimental drug most recently used in an ebola study in 2018. It was trialed with three other medications. In this study the group of patients receiving remdesivir actually had the highest mortality rate at 54%. And remdesivir was actually pulled early from the study by their data and safety monitoring board. This drug is known to be expensive, toxic to the kidneys, and has no data to support safety or efficacy against covid 19. I believe that this drug has caused a lot of harm.

The only approved preventative treatment by the CDC and FDA is the emergency use authorized covid 19 mMRA injection. These have also failed to prove safety and efficacy. Per Pfizer's study these injections only offer an absolute risk reduction of 0.84%. So that's less than a 1% overall benefit. Pfizer's study also revealed 9 full pages single-spaced of adverse effects related to their vaccine, as well as more total deaths in the vaccinated group than the nonvaccinated group.* Their data correlates with over 1 million adverse effects and over 32,000 deaths reported to the Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System also known

as VAERS, which is estimated to be largely underreported.

Despite this very concerning data these injections were mandated and forced upon the world without full informed consent of risk versus benefit and without the freedom to refuse. Locally over 100 healthcare workers lost their jobs for refusing these vaccines due to hospital mandates. This was a huge loss for our community.

While our health experts were so focused on remdesivir and vaccines, there was so much more exciting research going on behind the scenes, like I mentioned. Doctors and researchers and people like the FLCCC** were finding a plethora of promising therapies. Sadly, these treatments and doctors were suppressed and censored by our leaders and media.

I specifically remember one day in the ER, I had pulled up a webpage on my computer of a meta-analysis of multiple studies of therapies like Ivermectin, vitamin C, aspirin, and other therapies, all showing impressive efficacy against covid 19. I was like, this is cool! So I had one of my ER docs come over, and started telling him about therapies. And without even looking at my computer screen, he said, Oh those researchers are discredited. That's all snake oil. Without even looking at my screen to see who the researchers were and what the studies showed.

In the hospital there was no space for questioning, curiosity, or just a discussion. As a nurse, I did not want my covid patients to be in the 1% who did not make it, so I chose to educate about other potentially effective treatments for covid 19, things like vitamin C, vitamin D, and zinc. For this I lost my job. I was accused of covid misinformation and was seen as a liability. I was reported to the Department of Health where they required me to write a 2,000 page essay, complete mandatory education on nursing ethics, and placed my nursing license on a 2 year probation.

While I have been hurt by what has happened to me, I have a deeper hurt for all the patients and people who have suffered due to the suppression of truth. And if this is you, I am deeply sorry. I see you and we are with you. I pray that you find healing. And I pray that we can forgive those that have harmed us, and to not add to the hate and division that consumes our world right now. May this light a fire under us all to fight for truth, freedom, and a better health care system full of courageous, critical thinkers and one that reawakens the lost wisdom in art of healing centered around food and lifestyle. But most of all, may our hope not be in a healthcare system but a good God who is sovereign over it all. Thank you.

[audience claps, cheers, rises in a standing ovation]


#   #   #


* The Pfizer documents, which Pfizer wanted to withhold for 75 years (that is not a typo), and the story of how a US court ordered their release under a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request, for yourself at this link: https://phmpt.org/pfizers-documents

Of note is the Pfizer 5.3.6 document which title is: Cumulative Analysis of Post-Authorization Adverse Event Reports of PF-07302048 (BNT162B2) Received Through 28-Feb-2021


On p. 7, table 1, you will see the report of 1,223 deaths.

On p. 30 you will find Appendix I, Adverse Events of Special Interest.

** FLCCC is the Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance. From their website


"Founded by a group of leading critical care specialists in March 2020, the Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance (FLCCC) is dedicated to helping prevent and treat COVID, and to help patients take charge of other areas of their health. We aim to save lives and improve health by advancing protocols based on the latest science, data, and clinical observations. Our founding physicians are highly published and world-renowned thought leaders, with deep knowledge and expertise in a range of important health issues. The organization has reached millions of people through its protocols, website, webinars, newsletters, social media, speaking engagements, and media appearances. Our protocols are used by healthcare providers worldwide and have helped countless thousands of people. FLCCC is a 501(c)(3) non-profit funded entirely by voluntary donations from individuals and charitable organizations."

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Not failed patients --- Betrayed them. This is not about failure, which is from ignorance, inability or poor effort.

This is about BETRAYAL.

Under WEF-NAZIS, the DEESTATE and Democrats, BigTechBigMediaBigPharma

Western Medicine went from

FIRST Do No Harm


FIRST Poison them to Death.

SATAN is here.

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Mar 27, 2023
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Stop debating this "Carlos" thing. In all probability it is not even real.

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Carlos has been on these threads for months. It may be a paid troll or AI bot. I stopped engaging it as it is a total joke. As a pathologist I have seen remdesivir kill thousands of patients. If I were still working and carlos was real I would be happy to treat carlos with remdesivir

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Pathologists do not treat COVID-19 patients in person.

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I gather Carlos is a bot. Therefore Carlos is a Deadlos!!!

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Carlos never disappoints. It is a never-ending source of humor and so predictable. It also uses different usernames and makes identical posts.

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Mar 28, 2023
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Its more probable Carlos is a ChatGPT bot than paid troll. But I can't be for sure.

I stopped engaging it, but when I did, I was able to confuse it and its responses to me were illogical and its syntax was robotic and not consistent with human writing structure.

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Mar 27, 2023
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It's hard for most to accept that most of everything we have been told by tv and the educational system are lies and propaganda. Gulf of Tonkin, JFK assassination, Moon landing, 911 attacks, Vaccine safety, HIV, Covid etc.

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I have made several attempts to communicate with you Steve as I have some answers to some of your questions. The reason for the silence at UCSF is that they have culled the medical profession for over 30 years. In 1995 I was a clinical professor at a major NYC hospital. I spoke out about care I saw at the time that was problematic. I was harassed etc, etc when they saw that I would not comply with the hospital's story. They escalated the harassment pressuring me to resign. I refused to resign. Eventually, they fired me. The doctors and other hospital employees that have the strength or even tend to speak out have been systemically eliminated from the system. It is a big thing to fire a doctor - I had hours of hearings internally. Also, the hospital was required to report me to the state. When I went before the doctor from the state for questioning - he had thirty charts that were supposed to support the fact that my work was ' substandard. ' At the end of the interrogation after I was able to defend my work in every case - he said, " Keep up the good work, and don't run for President!" All this and more makes sense now than it did then.

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BTW, speaking of running for president, how about a Trump/Robert Kennedy from Childrens' Defense ticket? If we can just get Trump to acknowledge the shot development was wrong. But at least he wouldn't mandate it.

Robert Kennedy is one of the few good, honest Democrats, along with Tulsi Gabbard.

Yes, I get it that there would be all kinds of hurdles, and never gain traction. But if it did, it would be a death knell for the fasco-Marxists who have taken over this country.

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Except that Kennedy is Stone Cold Silent on Transgender Therapy and the Transgender indoctrination program in our public and private schools; He has taken no stand on Trans Conversion Therapies, Sex hormones to children and Child Sex Mutilation surgeries despite being challenged to do so. Additionally, Kennedy has spent his life cowering in a corner because of the assassinations of his father and uncle.

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If you were to tell me 3 years ago that we would even be discussing sex conversion, hormone treatments and surgical sex mutilation of children.

I would say you were insane. But here we have it. This is just another sign of the collapse of society.

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Obama unleashed the Tranny-Indoctrination-Program in schools (via the NEA) as revenge for Michelle or because they had planned it all along.

Never forget, Obama is the result of the Satanic conspiracy of his evil parents, the communist party and Islam which is symbolized in the Book and Movie Rosemary's Baby. --- A Democrat brag piece about conjuring and birthing Satan, Soebarka Obama Subud, using their own daughter, Stanley Ann Dunham.

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Trump will never make that statement and here is why, he ordered Pence to run up Op Warp speed, so the rushed development was his baby, and Anthony Faust was the advisor and interface to pharma. Trump is a business man, I would like to see him forced to disclose his business relationships with pharma. While he talked and played a big game, my measure of him dropped very fast when all this started.

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I beg to disagree. The Kennedy clan was only an example, but they were far from all good. Yes, a lot better than today's creeps. However, no politician will ever save the country:


The land was stolen as early as 1913 (the Federal Reserve Act and creating the IRS), but probably in 1882, when the Federal Government became a corporation:


Sorry, this is technocratic globalists using eugenusistic methods to cull the herd... I believe both "Marxist" and "Fascists" are only cuss words that prevent any further discussion...

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Incorporated in 1871 (not 1882) with the "help" of international bankers.

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Yes, of course the Kennedys had a LOT of corrupt-ness, starting with their daddy, and particularly as evidenced by corrupt Teddy. I also agree that no politician can, ipso facto, "save" the country; only a spiritual revival. I also agree that the land was outright stolen. Similarly the eugenicists movement. I have a 2,000 page, 10,000 footnote paper on the Covid shot (yes, really).

But the term fasco-Marxist, while one can take it anyway they want, is a descriptive term that clears, not obfuscates, what is going on, and what lies underneath their worldview. If people take that as a slur to prevent further discussion, all I can say is "if the shoe, fits, wear it." Mussolini's eponymous 1932 The Doctrine of Fascism, https://sjsu.edu/faculty/wooda/2B-HUM/Readings/The-Doctrine-of-Fascism.pdf makes it very clear. And if we don't use precise terms, all to spare the wokesters poor egos, then I guess we will need to revert to using sign language, to barking like dogs. Fact is, fasco-Marxist is not a cuss word; rather it is **descriptive** and elucidates what is going on. And that's a fact; it also helps develop discussion by defining terms https://blaisevanne.substack.com/p/introducing-fasco-marxism .

I will continue to use, and advocate the use of the term fasco-Marxism, as a means to elucidate what is going on, and **to clear the air** of the linguistic miasmi these people thrive on, where we won't know what hit us until it is too late.

And a Trump/Kennedy ticket? Fraught with a thousand problems. But rather than waiting for the perfect candidate, or trying to retreat to my bunker, where the drones will only eventually find me anyway, is worth a shot. The alternative is living as slaves on the Soros/Gates plantation. Rather, like William Wilberforce showed us, one can take partial victories, all the while pressing on and not letting up, to final victory.

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There is an old Zen Buddhist saying, "Opposites become each other". I agree with your view that Fascism and Communism are two sides of the same "coin" of tyranny (fasco-marxism). They both employ the same tactics from censorship to character assassination of opponents to engineered famines, to shipping the "undesirables (Jews, Tibetans, Uyghurs, etc) " or political opponents off to the Gulag or "isolation / internment / reeducation camps" that are in fact extermination camps (a la Gov. of NY Kathy Hochu - as witness the NY governors appeal to the ruling striking down proposed public health departmant rules on detainment and isolation camps as unconstitutional).l

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Thanks. Fascism (e.g., National SOCIALIST German Workers' Party) and Communism (eg. Union of Soviet Socialist Republics) are both socialist. The diff is that fascism uses big biz as the arm of the socialist state, whereas in communism the state owns the means of production directly. Also, fascism is nationalist (blood and soil) whereas communists are internationalists. All one has to do is read Mussolini's 1932 definitive The Doctrine of Fascism https://sjsu.edu/faculty/wooda/2B-HUM/Readings/The-Doctrine-of-Fascism.pdf and/or look up the party planks the Nazis adopted at their first convention, Munich, FEb. 1920

Then why did HItler invade the USSR is always the question. The answer is above about nationalism. And also these people need to answer why Brezhnev had the Ussuri River War with Mao late 60s/early 70s, which Brezhnev went to Nixon and asked if he nuked Mao, would the US get involved. Nixon said yes, so it never happened. As it was, hundreds were killed. Then after our Vietnam involvment, there were TWO times in the late 70s/early 80s that Communist China invaded Uncle Ho's Communist Vietnam. People answer me why that happened, and I will then answer the HItler/USSR Operation Barbarossa question

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Mar 21, 2023
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He also supports the "climate change" narrative that is part of the globalist cabal's attack on individual liberties. For the most part the "climate change" narrative pushers are the same people who are pushing the vaccines, the surveillance state, and the transgender wokeness. I predict the "wokies" which are now the Democratic base of support will never support a RFK Jr for president. Cow-towing to woke base is now necessary to win a Democratic primary. He is also toxic for corporate RHINO's. Personally, I would support him over Biden or any other Democrat any day, however. Vs DeSantis - I vote for Desantis; RFK vs Trump - a toss up unless Trump acknowledges his mistake with the CoVid-19 jabs and that his perception of the risk/reward ratio has changed. If he took a Dr. John Campbell position, then the situation would change.

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Mar 23, 2023
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Yum, depopulation

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Kennedy is a defective person and hence a democrat. He has spent his life cowering in a corner because of the assassinations of his father and uncle.

Kennedy is Stone Cold Silent on Transgender Therapy and the Transgender indoctrination program in our public and private schools; He has taken no stand on Trans Conversion Therapies, Sex hormones to children and Child Sex Mutilation surgeries despite being challenged to do so.

IMO Kennedy uses his speech disorder -- spasmodic dysphonia -- as a crutch to relieve him of responsibility for taking bigger roles. He has become comfortable sounding like an emotional basket-case.

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Mar 21, 2023
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Thank you for using the accurate acronym - DIE - I refuse to use the other one.

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Yes, agreed.

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There have been some terrible medical abuses perpetrated on the black community here in the U.S. You may not like that reality, but it is a fact.

They are not alone, however, in having been abused--nor do they stand alone in being abused even now. Similar abuses have been and are being perpetrated against Native Americans, not just here, but also in Canada, and against children in foster care, the elderly, the disabled, pregnant women, unborn children, babies, and other vulnerable groups here and abroad.

And let’s face it: at multiple points in our lives, regardless of genetic history or race, every person has the potential to be medically vulnerable. As unborn children, as babies, if we’re sick or injured, if we find ourselves dealing with a disability, or—eventually, old age and infirmity (far from the mono-focus that you accuse them of, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr, and Children’s Health Defense have documented the breadth and depth of this vile insanity in great detail).

In our greatest hours of need, the eugenicists have arranged pitfalls to trap and destroy every single one of us. It is what eugenicists do!

But their goal of a superior race has never been realized, and despite them, world population growth has increased to the blessing and enrichment of all.

Here in the U.S., where they have been the best funded and sadly, the most active, they have managed to make us the sickest and inflicted the highest infant mortality rates and the greatest number of deaths and injuries by over-prescription of medications. Not content with targeting the vulnerable, they have reached out their hands to afflict the strongest and healthiest among us. Their programs forcing experimental vaccines on the military and on as many medical personnel as possible inflicted great pain and suffering even before COVID.

Our entire population is MORE SICK NOW and dying much faster than before the eugenicists began to plot against us, which is quite something, given that that period coincided with poor sanitation and a series of serious epidemics and pandemics in the late 19th and early 20th centuries.

Since the 1970’s, their goals have changed. When they failed to create a race of superior beings, they switched to planning the mass extermination of the greater majority of the human race.

The only way to elude them is to avoid the trap. To never be vulnerable. To stay away from allopathic (MD) doctors' offices. The eugenicists have successfully inserted their tentacles everywhere in these offices, like the infamous Hydra. Every time you walk in, you have the potential of being preyed upon by them. Every doctor you see who takes insurance, and most especially Medicaid or Medicare, or any government program, has compromised their integrity in exchange for promised income and security. Every doctor who pushes vaccines—

Our best option for real assistance and genuine medical care has always been found in alternative medicine, where the insurance industry isn’t welcomed with open arms, and where everything touched by the Rockefellers is reviled and rejected. And this remains true, regardless of what your genetic makeup may be.

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Krystine Kercher writes:

"Here in the U.S., where they have been the best funded and sadly, the most active, they have managed to make us the sickest and inflicted the highest infant mortality rates and the greatest number of deaths and injuries by over-prescription of medications."


It is your COURAGE & your HONESTY that will wake up your fellow-Americans to the truth - it is a scary documentation you deliver - but only REAL facts will help you to end this TRAGEDY.

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And Real courage

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Mar 21, 2023
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This is sickening! This reminds me of the experiments for AIDS that Fauci was doing to orphans. I also saw a documentary on another institution. I couldn’t watch the entire thing, as it was so disturbing.

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Mar 21, 2023
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Agree. And he is 100% WRONG on AGW. But at this point, I'll take half a loaf rather than no loaf.

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Yes, I'm aware of the culling effect. The sheep remain.

Too bad you are not allowed to run for President.

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So, did you keep your job? Your note doesn't really say.

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He did. Good connections. :)

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Thank you so much for having integrity Dr Lewis.

Steve, you should do an interview with Frances I Lewis MD, and get this info spread far and wide ASAP.

This is crucial background information, explaining why stuff looks odd for us on the outside. Ideally get the technical side perfected as much as possible first, to not let that get in the way of the important message, i.e. use stable, cabled internet for no lag, good camera resolution and angle, good mike for clear and crisp sound, etc.

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Agree on getting the broadcast equipment right. Respects the audience and the interviewees.

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Dear Francis, the time is here to rebuild according to our sensibility, and honest wisdom. Please go to EweGrow.com to view the plan to do so. I am currently seeking partnerships who have the capacity to bring some not too major funding to the table to lift up the new website that is not a simple drag and drop. I have reached out to Steve Kirsch, he has too much else to focus on, and that is understandable. However, in light of the coming economic collapse and the absolute need to retain monetary economic freedom ( outside the planned programmable central bank currency) the EweGrow.com plan is instrumental. I need help getting it available. Therein, is also the answer to your profession, which as far as I can tell has been among THE most controlled and suppressed of all. The EweGrow plan accounts for the need for your honest practice of the art of healing. xo for now.

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good for you , however in your position you should be doing far more exposing than even Steve Kirsch is doing !!! ... if thats even possible

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Steve is doing a great job, but the CBDC, for one, is becoming an immediate threat to what little is left of "freedom."


Also, people might want to wake up to the fact that they already "own nothing," and it didn't start yesterday:


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EweGrow.com I have got to get a way to begin getting investments. Thats coming, I would rather find more of the 6 partnerships I seek to add to the two that are set.

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Thank you so much for your bravery and for being an ethical doctor who wouldn't "sell your soul".

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one in a couple of million....

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Your story resembles the Semmelweis treatment. He was literally killed for being right against his butcher colleagues:


At least you were not beaten to death in a mental ward...

In Canada, dissenting doctors are now "re-educated":


The mental card is used against patients, too:


Perhaps most importantly, the compartmentalization of "Medicine" started with the Rockerfellers taking over "medical" training from the 1920s. Even most well-meaning doctors are blindfolded by their training and the distribution of work in hospitals and clinics:


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being blindfolded by your training is ABSOLUTELY NO EXCUSE, a doctor should always be querying things. no excuses, no none.

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The problem is that many "doctors" consider their training a patent of nobility that makes them special. That makes them ignorant and arrogant...

All the hazing they have to go through their training also tends to make them callous to human suffering.

I consider every single doctor who manages to get out of their conditioning a literal miracle...

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They're psychologically overcompensating for being Drug-Dealing Hookers.

Robert Lifton referred to NAZI Doctors as "Half-Educated" and said that their half-education is what enabled them to become Killers and Mass Murderers.

It reminds me of some on this board who demand to be recognized as "THE REAL DOCTORS" -- the half-educated (but licensed) Drug Dealers who do their best to hook the naive on damaging, addicting, side-effect riven drugs. These are the same folks who fault all of the degree abbreviations after my name reflecting my broad multi-disciplinary multiple graduate degree education and proclaim themselves THE REAL DOCTORS when in fact they are THE REAL DRUG DEALERS and little more.

Spot -on about the Fake Doctorate MD degree being worn like patents of nobility and touted as educationally superior when the exact reverse it true. MDs are very narrowly educated and most do nothing after med school to keep up with the latest research. ZERO. Whenever I am introduced as a neurological device developer and try to answer the questionmark stares about my work in Vagus neuromodulation, 95% of physicians do not know what that is and many do not even know what Vagus does. Absolutely stunning WTF level of ignorance.

The MD is a fake Know-it-All degree that excuses the wearer from ever having to learn anything beyond his PDR and prescription pad and from admitting that in reality he's an insular know-nothing idiot because all he really cares about is his Drug Dealing kickbacks.

MD silence during Mass Vaccination Poisoning is a natural outgrowth of the true, mercenary Drug-Dealer nature of the MD and their chosen fealty to their BigPharma masters. The World EcoNazi Forum's entire Mass Poisoning / Population Reduction program was enabled, crafted and deployed on the certainty that all of the High-players could count on the Murderous Genocidal indifference of MDs-- the half-educated men -- that enabled it to occur.

If/when you enable Mass Murder -- what does that make you?

The foregoing is what makes Peter McCullough such a rare and outstanding example of WHO and WHAT IS A REAL DOCTOR. -- A world-class physician and top medical researcher who doesn't even flinch over losing his practice and his income to stand up for fact, truth and science in the face of mass murder.

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Some of the hired killers know who they are. I knew an oncologist, who was constantly drunk...

Apart from the compartmentalization of "Medicine,"


"medications" seem to trap patients into permanent conditions, instead of healing them:


How do you feel about acupuncture and pressure points? After all neural transmission in intercell communication is essential for health.

The whole "medical" paradigm must be replaced with something that at least works to a certain extent. I am collecting ideas:


Various frequencies are supposed to affect a patient's condition, too. Some are used for targeting specific areas, while others in a holistic manner.

These days I've been finding it hard to be nice (I cannot condone murderous or self-destructive attitudes), but being authentic doesn't make me a lot of friends. :)

Still, when I was a child, I used to have a good doctor. When I went to see him, he usually finished examining me by saying,

"Raymond, we doctors have no idea what we are doing, but let's try this."

It usually worked.

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Do you have any suggestions for MS patients? I see that vagus nerve stimulation is being studied for treatment.


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Low dose Naltrexone. Get the book. Also the "Autoimmune Solution" by Dr. Amy Myers

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We plan to do a trial. We already know that Vagus nerve stimulation (VNS) reduces demyelination -- the loss of myelin which forms the sheath covering nerves and protecting and preserving axons.

In the meantime, we agree with the Hans Seyle and Feinstein theory of Stress and its effects on the Vagus Nerve. --

The One Nerve that Rules health by regulating the inflammatory-Inhibitory Balance.

I believe this is correct: https://stressmechanism.com/

But I am not familiar with the C02 model

This is not new and I haven't has a chance yet to read Coleman's work.

There are over 30,000 paper on Vagus Nerve Stim or neuromodulation at the US Library of Congress.

Search Terms: Vagus nerve + Disease entity

As for a suggestion: VNS is pretty benign with a safety profile 2nd to nothing.

If I had MS (or a long list of many other diseases) I would find a way to get myself a VNS device ASAP.

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I would say avoid all big pharma drugs and boost vitamin C and D a lot. That is the a basics. As to anything else one should have thorough tests to determine vitamin and mineral levels.

That is all theory but MS is neurological damage and one has to eliminate the neuro-toxins that caused it.

My facial paralysis (LHS) was caused by sodium nitrite and I am trying to detoxify naturally.


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Frances I Lewis MD writes:

"The reason for the silence at UCSF is that they have culled the medical profession for over 30 years."


THAT mirrors only the LAST attempt from the ANTI-democratic, ANTI-American & ANTI-human & TOTALITARIAN, SATANIC WAR FOR POWER BY THE "WEF" (World Economic Forum) of Klaus Schwab.)



BEFORE that was the inauguration of that SMEAR- & FEAR-campaign which started in 1972 & lasts until today - from the "Club of Rome"- ‘The Limits to Growth’: (just scroll down & you see, its the SAME panic- mode going into 2030 for their World Economic Forum "WEF" so called "Great Reset") THIS IS WHY PSYCHOPATHS ARE PANIC-DRIVEN TO "DEPOPULATE" THE PLANET.



Another PROOF - this ANTI-democratic power-grab has been in the PLAN-ning for at least 50 years:



1910 was a decisive moment in time - when the ROCKEFELLER-CLAN takes over the entire field of medicine in the United States of America - making MEDICINE a FAKE-science about the material human BODY - while CENSORING the entire global, cultural KNOWLEDGE about eternal MIND & SOUL.



Great background-information



THIS book on the "The Davos Octopus, Attack of the WEF on democracy exists only in German language, but may be freely translated.



The most BASIC "Great Reset" I know of - occurred already 325 years after JESUS from NAZARETH appeared on this planet & gave us the REAL 10 Commandments - when the catholic Church CENSORED the reality of REINCARNATION to the BIBLE at the "Council of Nicaea" - WHICH FUNDAMENTALLY BRAINWASHED THE WEST REGARDING "REINCARNATION", so the killing of "enemies" & WARS & SANCTIONS & the VICIOUS CYCLE from the OLD & ANTI-CHRIST-ian Testament has been hammered into society ever since.



So the WEST lost track of the SPIRITUALITY of human life, where you find ancient roots in ALL human cultures - that only SURVIVED in ASIA - where BUDDHA has been teaching without western CENSORSHIP of all the MENTAL causes for material failures, when you CENSOR the existence of the human SOUL . . .

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Thank you for the links!

As a result of your work, you must have seen more than most people would ever like to see...

Reincarnation is a popular belief, because it has always been embraced by the rulers: all ideologies involve the tenet that the disempowered deserve their fate, and the rulers are better than their subjects. In fact, all civilizations have always followed the same structure:


The story of Rockefellerian "Medicine" directly coincides the history of compliance-training:


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Someone should ask Dr. Adler if he's a follower of Yuval Harari, WEFmudist extraordinaire, evil of the evil.

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Another of those irritating "says it all" posts - but only if you are inhumanely corrupt, devoid of all ethics, morals and common sense and value your personal self interests over demonstrable truth. Bravo Prof.

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WHEN are all you decent doctors going to form a truly SAFE and SANE medical community that doesn't drink the Kool-Aide from Big Pharma or take the toxic dollars from insurance companies that want us dead? I keep hearing that FLCCC is going to start their own clinics but I'm not seeing anything like this out there. HELP!!!

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You can find non-Kool Aid doctors via the Association of American Physicians & Surgeons:


Also look for those whose practice model is Direct Primary Care or, for surgery, something like the Surgery Center of Oklahoma: https://surgerycenterok.com/

Osteopathic schools of medicine, having been thought of as 'fringe' for some time, may be less corrupt than the 'normal' allopathic schools of medicine.

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A big problem is most medical training is profit driven, at the expense of patient health, which means doctors would have to re learn almost everything. One size fits all makes medical practice easy, and when patients get worse, doctors can always take comfort in that they followed the book.

An example is cholesterol. Cholesterol has nothing to do with heart disease. Old people with very high cholesterol live the longest. A doctor is required by the standard of care to prescribe statins in the case of high cholesterol. Statins are a nightmare drug with no benefit, and the adverse effects mimic old age (muscle pain and weakness, memory loss & 100's more nasty problems). If a doctor does not follow the official standard of care, they can be sued, and they would probably lose because they did not follow the standard of care, even though the standard of care causes harm.

I encourage everyone to exit the medical system, except for emergencies & things that can't be resolved in other ways. Learn how to care of yourselves, and find good holistic practitioners.

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Dr. John et all: I read and watched the recent rerun (dated March 18 found in the censored articles library at mercola.com) of Dr. Joe Mercola's April 2022 newsletter on statins. YES, they're a nightmare. Take 'em and you essentially accelerate your aging process, then watch yourself grow older faster. Take 'em and you stop your body's ability to make ketones (bye bye energy and healthy weight loss) and a whole lot more. Then there's Aseem Malhotra's lecture about this, too. Problem is finding physicians who truly do understand REAL health and practice that!

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I already have THREE L.Ac.s I use. There are virtually NO holistic practitioner M.D.s here in one of The most expensive counties in the U.S. b.c. all these EmDeities go in wanting to have a cushy life with lots of money, fine homes, fancy cars, fancy schools for their kids and second and third non-resident real estate for fun and profit. Physicians are now for the most part acting like a bunch of arrogant narcissists trying to make mommy and daddy and the grandparents from the old country happy with their Big Phat Degrees from Pfizer while looking utterly ethically and morally BANKRUPT. ENOUGH ALREADY-- CUT IT OUT!!

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I appreciate your comments and the conundrum you described. But it is false.

As a forensic psychologist I spent over 12 years working nationally as a trial consultant and the reality is that it is very hard to sue doctors because there's very little money it in and attorneys won't take cases that don't offer at least a million in likely (probable) damages and the more millions the better. In most states, medical and malpractice insurance lobbyists were successful in getting laws passed that CAP damages for pain and suffering. It was already difficult to win cases against doctors unless there was a gross injury and the doctor's work fell far far below the standard of care. Lawyers only take the cases where these is permanent damage to a malpractice victim that necessitates a future lifetime of care involving tens of millions of dollars, from which the attorneys will cut their 35 to 40 percent fees.

After all that, juries tend to side with doctors unless they've done something offensive, like carve their initials into someone's ovaries. Its easy for insurance companies to get experts to say that the doctor did nothing wrong. Juries can heartlessly ignore a plaintiff's injuries unless the sun, moon and stars of victimization all line up and they feel more for the victim-plaintiff than they do for the defendant doctor AKA God.

I would like to say that Doctors make lousy witnesses (because it's true and because it's so easy for opposing counsel to trip them up), but that is why they are usually never allowed to testify. I would favor a law that forced Doctors to testify to enable jurors to see what total sanctimonious god-complex bastards they can be.

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Thanks for your explanation!

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Yes, you'd have to sue the Corporate front-man before you get to the eedjot flunky doing their dirty work. It's wishful thinking that we'd live to see the day when medical schools didn't need to tell their students that 85% of the patients they see are there because of physician-caused reasons.

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" ... it is very hard to sue doctors because there's very little money it in and attorneys won't take cases that don't offer at least a million in likely (probable) damages and the more millions the better."

Another issue is that some states precondition a med-mal action on an affidavit of merit from another doctor in the same area of specialization stating that the doctor has reviewed the case and is of the professional medical opinion that there has been a breach of the applicable standard of care. This has essentially gutted med-mal actions in states like Michigan because doctors are increasingly reluctant to acting as the liability expert against a fellow medical professional.

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Very true. I had forgotten about that.

And doctors just love testifying against each other.

Its a Hired Gun situation and that means you usually have to hire from out-of-town if not out-of-state.

More $$$Barriers to MedMal Suits.

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Mar 21, 2023
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Indeed. If I haven't said 'Malpractice' is top word, apart from pharmaceutic as a single anagram of Pharmaceutical.

'Uh a malpractice' is full anagram.



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Okay, so you guys take that goddamned bull by the horns, butcher it and start over with a healthy one, for God's sake. UGH.

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Yes, John D Rockefeller was behind all that, 100+ years ago. Is why today's 'medicine' is often termed 'Rockefeller medicine'.

This is, of course, the way it is all over the world. I'm in the UK, and it's just the same, here.

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I hope you have been able to set up your own practice. Bless you. This is the same situation in academia.

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David Martin has confirmed there are no US Universities that have not been tainted by some form of tax fraud - involving, eg, acceptance of patents assigned to them that are effectively not commercially exploitable, which they claim as a charitable intangible donation which the US taxpayer matches ; meanwhile the commercial assigner writes off the patent's value - let alone any other form of academic woke command and control. Whilst the assigners have been brought to justice/account he knows of no US University that has been sanctioned from his specific work for the US IRS. Rotten apples or what?

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I think this climate is ripe for being organized and together on these truths. I do believe we can voluntarily and democratically do this. Here's a one-page intro. Cheers.


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I have tried to talk to my fellow physicians about covid policy, masks and mrna shots and they are all terrified. They know covid shots are killing people. And just do nothing. I have to give up and think of a better solution.

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Stick the shots into the doctors - they deserve them.

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What would you estimate as the % of fellow physicians that know the truth and do nothing, compared to those that drink the kool aid and truly believe?

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It's a hard question. I mainly associated with surgeons. About 70% told me privately the covid shoots were ineffective and dangerous. Most were offended that they were told to promote shots as they were not relevant to their scope of practice- some complied some just quit and went solo. I would suspect that a lot of Kool Aid drinkers are family doctors and pediatricians. Two of my best friends were family doctors I met in medical school. Both refuse to speak with me for refusing the toxic covid shot.

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Thank you very much for this reply. It shines some light for me, and I am sure for others here as well.

PS I also lost old friends, plus an entire branch of my family.

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70% and they aren't banding together and overthrowing the system??? Meanwhile in Australia the 1-10% of us who refused are just kind of ghosting along the margins of society, praying for numbers like that.

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I have the same question.

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Because most of these so-called "doctors" became doctors for money, not to help people.

They won't risk their jobs, but will watch people being poisoned forever it appears.

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Mar 21, 2023
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The Foreign doctors from Pakistan, China, Asia, and India are the worst, most money grubbing and callous on the face of the earth.

The VA is full of them and they HATE US VETERANS.

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In the UK I would certainly say that was true of those from Pakistan (Pakistan anagrams to 'kip Satan' which might be a reason) and India. I have been successfully diagnosed by someone of Chinese extraction.

But yes, I think the lure of high salaries attracts the dregs from other countries all too often.

I have come across a very nasty piece of work who has been in the UK a long time but originated from Egypt. He works in NHS but has been involved in a pharmacy too with one of his sons as far as I can judge.

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The doctors need to insist on their right to free speech, it starts there. They also need to think of how, if they have any honor, they are going to live with themselves if they do not.

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Most Medical docs have already proven that Honor is besides the point. Only Money counts. Thousands of "doctors" were silents as their fellow human beings (not really fellow humans because the doctors are demi-gods) were injected with poison. Any medical system (e.g., state, national, federal agencies) that allowed this are tainted with the blood of thousands of vaccine poisoned victims.

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Alas, I observe this also. The key word is "most." Fortunately, a few did resist and of these many have shown enormous courage and honor.

This morning I read an essay by David Bell


I thought he summed it up, all the labyrinthine roiling horror of it, with breathtaking economy:

"We have just been through three years in which novel drugs were trialed en-masse on children and pregnant women, and corporate investors enriched themselves through the coercion of millions. This repulsive devaluation of our fellow humans needs to stop."

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While it is true that most doctors are either in denial or playing possum, more are speaking out than many people realize; the problem is, their efforts are so heavily censored and shadow-banned so we just don't know about them. I have many examples such as this one:



source: https://kytruthsummit.com

KY Truth Summit, October 8, 2022



DR. STEVE LATULIPPE: I want to talk out of the box today, out of the doctor's box, because what I've done, and I did it pretty early on in this whole pandemic thing, you know I actually believe I treated my first covid patients in I believe it was late November early December of 2019 and then again late December early January of 2020.

I am a good husband and one day [on large screen displays photo of himself speaking into a microphone] November 7th 2020 is when my darling wife asked me to go to a "Stop the Steal"* rally at the Capitol Building in Salem, Oregon. And I thought, that's very nice honey but you know I've got 60 charts I have to get done, and this is a Saturday and of course we're starting up seeing patients on Monday, so please excuse me, I'd love to go, but I can't. And you know, when a wife says, no, I think you need to go, this is very important, and so, get in the last word, right? Yes, dear. Here we go. The charts could wait. And they did, so I

went and you see me there, I'm in my grubby jeans because I was actually working out in the yard, hat, baseball cap, I wasn't planning on speaking on that wonderful day. But we got there and there was quite a crowd there. I was surprised for Oregon because you know, it's very liberal, and I was pleasantly surprised. I had no idea I was going to speak that day. And of course I had no idea whatsoever that that day would be a fateful day for my destiny as a medical doctor.

I am the first medical doctor in the United States who had my medical license suspended really for doing my job. But what they said is that, they suspended my license because I was not masking. And they accused me of three things pertaining to social distancing which were, two of the allegations were erroneous, the third was I wasn't masking. But they said that four months prior to this day, November 7th, when I actually spoke, so they knew for over four months I was not masking in my clinic.

And why would I do such hideous thing? I was following the science, right? The best science says, masks are absolutely worthless.


And so, OK. Oh, and by the way I have PhD training in microbiology long before I ever became a medical doctor, so they could not dupe me.

And by the time I got to this point, like I said, I was going to be a spectator at this rally, and somehow I was asked to speak and I looked at my wife, she looks at me, we looked at each other, I said, well, OK.

But if I'm going to speak, I'm going to speak because by that time I had only treated 75 patients because Oregon didn't get that many cases. But I had elderly patients with co-morbidities, and guess what? With my protocol they all got better in a week's time. And by the time things happened and they stopped me from practicing medicine, I had treated only 200 patients, but they all got better 100% within one week's time. I'd call them all the next day, the very next day. How're you feeling? Hah, thanks, doc! I'm already drastically better. On my way to recovery. Great. Good to hear it.

And my real sin, the real reason that they took me down, the corrupt Oregon Medical Board took me down, because on November 7th— remember when did the vaccine hit? January 2021. That was just a short while. And here's this little kind of quasi country doc from Oregon speaking publicly, videoed by the Multnomah County RNC, that's up in Portland, you know, that crazy area, they video-taped me and my speech went viral on YouTube and it went viral globally. So I had doctors, next few days, calling me from Europe, Asia, all over the US, talking to me. But apparently on the day following, November 8th, the Oregon Medical Board saw it and read it, and on November 9th, a letter was written by the medical director of the Oregon Medical Board saying, Dr. LaTulippe, you are screwing up.

Is that in the Bible? Huh. Huh.


Yeah, you're kind of messing up and you'd better get your act together, buddy, because you are not practicing medicine according to the dictates of Governor Kate Brown! And if you don't start obeying Kate Brown's executive orders on how to practice medicine, you're going to face sanctions from the medical board.

And I thought, well, OK, I had you know 23 years thereabout of good medicine by that time. I thought, huh, wonder what sanctions mean?



#   #   #


The website https://kytruthsummit.com states that the Kentucky Truth Summit was sponsored by Global COVID Summit, AFLDS and myfreedoctor.com. Among the many speakers were Dr. Mary Talley Bowden, Dr. Ryan Cole, Dr. Angie Farella, Dr. Jennifer Hibberd, Dr. Mollie James, Dr. Kat Lindley, Dr. Robert Lowry, Dr. Kim Milhoan, Dr. Renata Moon, Dr. Molly Rutherford, Dr. Dan Stock, Dr. Richard Urso, Dr. Monica Wehby, and, among other vaccine injured individuals, Maddie de Garay (age 12) who suffered neurological damage in the pre-roll out Pfizer Trial. The Kentucky Truth Summit was held in Pendleton, Kentucky. Participant Dr. Molly Rutherford offers several posts about the summit on her Substack blog, UnbridledMD:


See also:

"Doctor Who Refused to Wear Mask and Supported 'Stop the Steal' Rally is Suspended"

by Brendan Cole, December 5, 2020


"Dr. LaTulippe's Story of Tyranny"


"My David and Goliath Moment Against the Oregon Medical Board"

by Dr. Steve LaTulippe September 21, 2021


More of Dr. LaTulippe's essays and podcasts can be found at America Outloud


*The Stop the Steal rally was organized by Oregonians for America [ https://ofamedia.org/ ] to protest the results of the US presidential election and show support for President Trump.

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Here's another example:

War Room / DailyClout Volunteer Dr. Jeyanthi Kunadhasan Presents Pfizer Documents Analysis Findings

December 14, 2022

Dr. Jeyanthi Kunadhasan Presents Pfizer Documents Analysis Findings to the Australian Medical Professionals' Society Symposium.




DR. JEYANTHI KUNADHASAN: So I think about why, why do this. Because it's been a very, very difficult road. And if some people even on our side of the football, some doctors say, they tell me, like you know, I want to keep working. Well, I want to keep working, too. I just want to be able to turn up for work with a sense of honor. We don't talk—


— about honor.

[clapping continues]

We don't talk about honor much in society today. Click bait society, it's easy, you know, it's just instant retribution. But honor's been important in formulating the types of society we live in, from the time of Aristotle to the time of Winston Churchill.

And I think of my journey. When I started I never thought I would have it in me to be able to pass the Australian exam because I migrated from Malaysia. I saved for two years to be able to take the Australian exam. So I didn't think I could pass it. But I didn't save for two years to practice the kind of medicine that needs to be enforced with the help of rubber bullets.


And the medical leadership in this country, it has dismayed me. Like I don't care what politicians say. I don't expect very much from them. I expect a lot more from my fellow doctor.


Thank you.



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Last one for now.

Dr. Chris Shoemaker at the Mother's March. Toronto December 4, 2022



DR. CHRIS SHOEMAKER: It's wonderful to be here with the fabulous friends. Everybody taking their own risks, everybody with their stories of sadness to an extent. We've all been isolated in one way or another. We've all perhaps been damaged by a vaccine. We've all had members of our families damaged by vaccines without question. I know there are surviving members of families right here today, families of Sean Hartman, families of other children whose names I don't know. But I do know that Canadian citizens, Canadian citizens, 14 and 15, and 16 years of age are dying because they've unfortunately taken the vax.

The early, early statistics way back in January of 2021, just as they started bringing in the vaxes, and in the first 30, 40 days, Pfizer knew, and the people supervising Pfizer knew, that they killed 2,000 people with the vax within a month and a half. Two thousand people were dead in the ground, with great clarity because of the vax, they were early adopters, they were the early accepters, and they were dead already.

The numbers have stretched out from there. People who are really in the know, people like Paul Alexander, people like Dr. McCullough, people like Dr. Kory in the United States, and wonderful people like Dr. Braden and Dr. Hodkinson here in Canada, we all know how toxic and dangerous these shots are.

And as I was walking in today I was recalling that, it was about 9 months ago I came down to be in the Toronto London area rather than being up in Ottawa where I had been. And nine months is a long time. I've been fighting hard here in this area for 9 months. And it made me reflect on pregnancy. That is a long time to care, a loving little child that you want to be a child that will come into your world 9 months later. You take great care during those 9 months. You take your vitamins, you cut down on your smoking, you don't have a drink of alcohol. You don't do anything to harm that baby.

But the pieces of crap above us, the agencies and the medical agencies, and the liars at WHO, and the liars at Pfizer, they have completely lied to every citizen on the face of the earth that this vaccine was essentially important to give to pregnant mothers.

It was unimportant to be given to pregnant mothers. It has killed baby after baby after baby, fetal death in the womb. It's only one third of women who are vaccinated during pregnancy who deliver a child successfully. One third. Two thirds of the babies are lost in early spontaneous abortion if the mothers, the potential mothers, have received the shot in pregnancy. And it's a horrible fact.

There was actually a distinct Pfizer cohort that they released accidentally, they didn't mean to release it, and it showed in the earliest group of people they gave the shot to, 28 out of 29 pregnant women lost the baby. There was one healthy baby born out of 29 women given a double-vax while pregnant.

So ladies and gentlemen, the world, this has to stop!

I mean, unduly damaging to pregnancy, I mean, maybe you don't die 67% as a human who gets the shot in your arm, like a baby does. Maybe it's only 3, 4, 5% so far in adults. But the number's going to grow. When you damage your T-cells, what are called the T-cells in the body, are the only things that work against two things, viruses and cancers.

Antibodies don't do anything against viruses, they never have, they never will. Antibodies are a signpost. Antibodies show you and your doctor that way back when, you had a certain kind of infection. Ah, nice to know. But it does nothing in terms of preventing you from getting the infection.

Everybody, every reasonable doctor has always known that antibodies are merely a signpost. They do very, very, very little to actually affect your ability to get an infection in the future.

Your ability to fight an infection in the future when it comes to a virus is based on one entity, T-cells. T-cells have to be good and strong and numerous. And in the same way that AIDs knocked down your T-cells, this poisonous, poisonous vaccine knocked down your T-cells in the months and in the years following.

And if your T-cells go down you, get extra infections in winter time, like this respiratory syncytial virus thing that's going on around us. You get extra infections because your T-cells are down and you also slowly but surely over the years ahead get extra cancer. And it's T-cells that are damaged by the covid-19 vaccine. It was always a damaging vaccine. It was meant to be a damaging vaccine.

And the world, stop taking it!

Take back your shoulders. Take back your shoulders. And this is meant for the people who aren't here, the people who are already triple-vaxed or quadruply-vaxed. Take back your shoulders. Take no more. You'll be safer, healthier, less likelier to get cancer, more likely to live the number of years you're supposed to live if you stop taking these shots.

If you continue to take these shots you will die sooner, sadly. That is my news to you as a physician.

Bless us all.

Mothers, thank you for your energy in coming out to save our children. We are going to save all of ourselves. God bless everybody.


Let's have a wonderful march.




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Dr. Chris Shoemaker's website is


More about Dr. Shoemaker at:


From the show notes page on rumble:

"Dr Chris Shoemaker in Toronto Canada "Canadian citizens are dying" 12/04/22

Dr. Shoemaker's Prescription for Canada and the World

1. WAKE UP !!

2. BAN All C19 Spike Protein generating mRNA SHOTS immediately.



AND they are causing the Pandemic to perpetuate for 40 + years.

3. START regular AVAILABILITY of IVERMECTIN in all pharmacies beginning December 1, 2022.

It was always the Right Drug to cure Covid and Long Covid.




Dated December 1, 2022




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Dr Charles Hoffe and many others in Canada too. God bless them all.

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Thank you. I so admire Dr. Shoemaker and others who have spoken out about the dangers of these vaccines. It is distressing that so many people remain in the dark, resulting in danger for themselves and their families.

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Puh-LEEEZE ORGANIZE and start your own healthy and SAFE clinics, for God's sake! I'm tired and sick of being treated like a lab rat, research monkey or petri dish for Big Pharma, and I'm TERRIFIED your colleagues are going to murder me by forced "medication." Or lock me away if I don't take your DEATH SHOTS!! The Mad Doctor is indeed THE MOST TERRIFYING NIGHTMARE in the Haunted House and we are seeing this MONSTER come to life, lurk among us and now hunt us down on an unprecedented MURDER SPREE!!!

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Mar 21, 2023
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Wow. The STOOOPIDS!! I mean, what kind of..... oh, the heck! Ya know, we're also being sprayed with mountains of nanoparticulate metals, plastics, polymers and other assorted chemicals as well as biologic carriers (graphene oxide). This ramped up in 2010 Big Time. I could SMELL THE SH*T and it was making me sick! I mistakenly went to ER with a racing heart, feeling weak and tired. The idiot in charge that night wouldn't treat me, let me lie there til dawn and proclaimed that I was "delusional along Axis 1," never mind that is an EIGHT HOUR-LONG TEST and this little man was eminently NOT qualified to administer it. You don't diagnose something like that in a 10-minute mini-session in the ER, DUH. So now my medical records have in there that I was having "olfactory hallucinations." Never mind all of Geoengineeringwatch.org's tests of soils, water and rain water showing it's full of aluminum, barium, strontium, cesium, etc. Finally I was diagnosed with ACUTE BARIUM POISONING. Admitted to hospital for arrhythmia, I again sat in a hospital bed overnight and wasn't given so much as simple potassium to fix my symptoms. The STOOOPIDS!!!

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Mar 21, 2023
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That ignorant Em Deity has NOT A CLUE how to diagnose even YOUR sick pet cricket.

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What are they afraid of? Loss of identity? Financial ruin? These are people who have no identities beyond what is bestowed on them by the system and are thus dangerous. Best lead by example and they will follow because it is obvious that they are unable to think for themselves.

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My doc of over 20 years is so brainwashed I can't fathom how she became an M.D. Her specialty appears to be doctoring geriatric patients (I only see such in the office). She evidenced such disapproval when I told her I refuse all her covid propaganda. I don't trust her any more. Following my doctors' orders is why I had The Widow Maker 14 years ago. IMHO.

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that was your first and most fatal mistake , you trusted her 20 years ago already.. wrong foot forward from the very beginning...

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For God's sake get a new doctor. Most GPs now are only there because they are in the club and can memorise things. Get a country doctor - one of faith.

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Just curious what your specialty is. You do not have to use your real name. The best rotation I did in med school was renal transplant. You mentioned heart transplants. I know nothing about them but did first assist James Kirlin and Al Pacifico in cardiac surgery as medical resident.

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I am an Internist

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Had a similar but different experience. I was a hand surgeon. Mostly did outpatient surgery and took trauma call 2 nights a week. Managment told me to force covid shots on patients. I do carpal tunnel surgery, tendon repair and put pins and plates in wrists and hands and occasionally would reattach fingers as I was boarded in microsurgery.

Covid has nothing to do with my training. I refused to take part in this. I was fired. But old. Never going back.

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Dr. Ronald: Those are exquisite and important skills to force retire prematurely, showing yet again the shots aren't about health or making a diversified health system ready to meet all sorts of patient needs. The same health system administrators forcing shots for profit and power will someday panic when they or a loved one need these specialized professions. It is part of what made Western medicine so revered around the world, the depth of the specialties. Another facet of our collective strength being purposely destroyed. A family member of mine just had a thumb tendon surgery fail and had to fly across country for a follow up repair. In a profession where that thumb is important. So I feel personally frustrated to see highly trained professionals being forced out. I am glad you took a principled stand on the way out.

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Thank you for posting here. It gives me great heart to see doctors commenting here. And thank you for refusing to comply.

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You are one of the heroes.

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Good for you! What a loss for the people to cut short such talent and experience. Covid has simplified things for them in choosing who to eliminate. I had multiple experiences that were surgical which you might appreciate it. I worked ER had a trauma patient who in my judgment needed a CT scan -they allowed the trauma team residents to whisk her off to the OR, against my protestations ( over empowering these golden boys) against my plan for CT) - she herniated upon intubation. They then came back to me to sign the chart which had no attending without my signature. I refused. I can add many other tales at a later date, saving the best for last-- it was a slow process that grew over time. The head of trauma surgery called me to argue, " my boys have attending privileges." (Which of course they might be granted under exigent conditions at 4 am when no one was around) "Good for you, then you don't need my signature!" As you can see I can be quite pity, bold and firm. BTW they found someone in the ER who did not work with the patient to sign the chart.

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infinite gratitude for you!!

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Sounds like you could write a book or edit a collection of chapters on these stories, as the public needs to know.

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Dr Lewis and Dr Ronald please start substacks. We need your wisdom.

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Exactly. Maybe a collective one curating doctor and medical professional stories.

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I second the motion. We need you guys.

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So many horrible things happening in the hospitals around Covid, and these shots (that I will not call a vaccine). One friend called me asking if I knew of a good medical malpractice lawyer. (I did not). She broke her leg and needed emergency surgery. The ortho surgeon came in to her room, did not even look at her leg that was shaped like an L and yelled at her for 15 minutes about why she needs to get the Covid shot and how selfish she is. Then the surgery was delayed for three days until another orthopedic surgeon came on duty. My friend ended up getting blood clots in her leg and lungs and her leg swelled up triple the normal size..

A nurse I know in the very large California hospital “healthcare” system that I retired from knew of two separate patients that came in to emergency and thought they were getting a pain shot but, after the shot, they were notified they had just been given the Covid “vaccine” against their wishes and without their knowledge!

HORRIFYING! I wonder how many other patients that assault happened to that my friend never heard about.

My friend is also one of the few nurses there who did get an exemption.

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That was a form of torture, withholding treatment to what would be a painful and disabling outcome. These doctors are no longer afraid of malpractice complaints?

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This confirms my suspicions and fears.

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I don't want an injection of any kind for that reason. I don't trust doctors.

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Mar 21, 2023
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I had a patient last year in the hospital awaiting a heart transplant. He had Covid early on and had antibodies to prove it. They persisted in pressuring him to take the vaccine. I worked with him for weeks to months translating articles he found that supported vaccination. I would translate these articles line by line in layman's terms to show him the flaws in the studies. Some from the CDC. One day he called and said, " tomorrow they will be mandating the shot or I will be taken off the transplant list. I scrambled to find where in the county he might travel to that did not mandate. Hours later a miracle happened. As I was researching where he might go he called and said, " They got me a heart I go to the OR in an hour." Dodged that one. It is really a war.

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wow, indeed. thank you for sharing and for advocating for your patient with intelligence, bravery and aplomb. may you receive abundant support as you continue your efforts. namaste

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NOTE: I sometimes add items near the top of the list like I did just now. So when commenters refer to a number, you should add 1 to it if the comment was made before 3/20/23 at 7pm.

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Steve my man your writing is helping so many remember they are sane. But this adding items to the top of the list is lazy and that’s kind of a bad habit Steve your making it hard to read. I know it seems harmless when you make the mistake and it’s probably bad user interface design causing you to do so but that’s something you should work on. Where do I even find the time that a comment was made? And why can’t you just add the items to the end of the list? And also why hasn’t Steve Kirsch answered any of these questions (I might have to buy a billboard).

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Hello Michael_Nikiforakis,

Why don't you post that in the dustbin? THERE you find it immediately - if you don't empty it?

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Clearly, Josh needs to answer these questions in a criminal court of law, where he is on trial for committing crimes against humanity. That way we stand a chance of getting some real answers from this pompous prick.

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Tell us how you really feel about him......

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Perhaps the words lucking fyre and bucking fasturd would do.

Or even Billy Sugger who ever he is.

I make a lot of smelling pistakes I do.

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I love it!!!

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I’d like to, but I hold back because I’m a little shy… 🤣

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Steve has had many posts about "Doctors" similar to Dr. Josh Adler. They all went to medical school and earned the title MD. But most became administrators or agents of big pharma. Most completely stopped treating patients. So, my question to them- what is a doctor that does not treat patients? These MD's have lost all contact with humanity and the art and science of medicine. Fauci is a perfect example of this. These people should just get MBA degrees. They are a disgrace to medicine.

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Exactly. They are far worse than just a disgrace to medicine, they are criminals against humanity. And for being criminals against humanity, they must be prosecuted. Being a disgrace to medicine is, well, too bad no big deal.

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Totally agree. The enormity of the crime is hard to even express. But I think David Bell did it in his Brownstone essay:


"We have just been through three years in which novel drugs were trialed en-masse on children and pregnant women, and corporate investors enriched themselves through the coercion of millions. This repulsive devaluation of our fellow humans needs to stop."

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Sounds like what Fauci or Mengele did

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I was just about to reply same and you beat me to it. These doctors ARE same mentality as a Fauci or Mengele. Nass herself, I think (wasn’t it you Dr Nass?) posted that famous pic of the 2 Nazi doctors hovering over a vat of ice water into which a live human had been submerged. I’m sure these modern doctors wouldn’t think twice about doing this to us. They didn’t think twice when mandating a death jab.

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Yep. (They look very friendly though and probably are fine to play golf with. Just kidding.)

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My comment is insanely off the topic, but "court of law" triggers me. I finally read "Uncle Tom's Cabin" a few years ago. I found the book was slow but the forward by Harriet Beecher Stowe was electrifying. She said she wrote the book out of outrage for the fugitive slave act, that allowed bounty hunters to track down slaves in free states and return them to slavery. Anybody giving the escaped slave help could be jailed. This was the direct result of the infamous supreme court Dred Scott Decision. A slave was brought into the State of Wisconsin that banned slavery. The Supreme Court threw out the 10th amendment and decided that a federal court could overrule a state. They could allow slavery to continue in the state of Wisconsin. They decided that federal courts were supreme over state law even where the 10th amendment forbade it.

No federal judge has ever understood that the 10th amendment is a limit on federal judges. Every damn last one of them should impeached and if found guilt of impeachment, be charged with treason and if found guilty, be hanged.

No state is bound by federal bureaucracy rules. They may be bound by federal law that is allowed by the constitution. The corollary to this, is any state agency is responsible for for rules they enforce. It does not matter what the CDC/NIH says. The stage agency has to be held responsible for rules they enforce. Must be legal. Must show due diligence. Referring to federal agencies is irreverent. They must audit the federal agency for accuracy and if the federal agency balks, they must ignore the agency as irrelevant.

It will never end it we don't start hanging some federal judges for treason.

So not so insanely off topic. Enforcing CDC rules by state officials is unlawful.

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Not off topic and extremely fine comment.

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Yeah, every time I hear someone quoting a SCOTUS ruling, I want to vomit. They have been tools forever. It just figures, that lawyers would devise a system of "checks and balances" almost all of which were written by, and favorable to, lawyers. Friggin lawyers.

The Declaration of Independence, as perfect a document as a government could need/heed, got into the hands of lawyers, and look what they did. Butchered the spirit of the declaration with a cold steel blade before we even got started.

'We the People" GAVE them something, and right away they started chipping away at it, all the while gouging us for the privilege of being robbed.

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Ex doc but not an attorney. It's my understanding that states have way more power under the law than most people accept. Agencies like the CDC, FDA and NIH have ZERO authority do anything but issue guidelines. Guidelines are not law. None of the states voted on CDC policy they enforced them without putting the policy though the legislator, so all CDC policies are null and void. This is what my attorney tells me.

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Indeed states have power, but a CEO can impose a mandate illegally (it is violation of the EUA terms to coerce compliance with an experimental intervention by leveraging jobs and providing NO informed consent) because he is afraid of insurance denials if CDC rules are not followed. Since a corrupt DOJ will never investigate and litigation is too expensive for most, the company gets its way. EFFECTIVELY the HHS agencies hold dictatorial power in a corrupt system.

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How then do you read the WHO power grabbing amendments that would, in essence, cede sovereignty to the WHO in the next pandemic?

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1. Any treaty requires 2/3 of the Senate to ratify.

2. No treaty can give up US sovereignty or supersede the US Constitution.

3. Our basic human rights come from God or are Natural. No laws, treaties, or black robes can take them away unless we allow it.

The most powerful word is NO.

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I appreciate and like your comment but disagree in the basic premise or implication you make that Biden and handlers can’t find a way around that. Remember, there’s an obvious plan here for control and our OWN US dept of HHS is the one who wrote the amendments that would cede authority (or most of the amendments if not all). Can you tell me why they would do that? I can only guess. Anyone know if they have our loud or in writing actually stated their intent? Real question here.... anyone?

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It's up to us individually and as a group if we allow it. A person with nothing to lose can be dangerous. Choose if you would rather due as a slave or as a free person. Unfortunately too many will choose slavery and are willing to die for it.

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LauraJ just wrote the above comment and substack piblished it as though it was from props,children. Unless my phone or the server isn’t working and maybe it will autocorrect, I did NOT highjack props.children account.

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Great comment!

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Yes, and sheriffs also have tremendous power and discretion, but many of them (and most of the population) don't know it! Things such as police arreting people who broke "mandates" could have been overriden by sheriffs.

If states had a governor like mine, the states complied with all of the insanity - because . . . democrats.

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The only thing the Feds can do is cut off medicare and medicaid

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Beautifully written!!! 🇺🇸

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Mar 21, 2023Edited
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The theme of a Twitter thread I wrote some time ago (before being suspended for offering a professional medical opinion that was factually correct) was, "Look in the mirror, citizen." Whether we save the Republic or not depends on our taking up our responsibilities of active citizenship.

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It amazes me that these sociopaths with medical degrees are even listened to. It in your hand's patients. You know they are just paid prostitutes for big pharma. If possible leave and get an independent doctor you can trust. I left both Kaiser and UCSF prior to covid for what I considered medical crimes and billing fraud.

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I hope the medical industry realizes it has f#cked itself. This should show up in the only thing they care about soon... the bottom line.

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It never had to come to this. But it did and a lot of good doctors were fired.

Lots of good nurses were fired. Pilots as well.

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Yes. The ones I know are all replaced with Filipino Temps, with ZERO vax mandate. Its Criminal.

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maybe we'll get lucky and they will sue me.

Then I will be able to depose all of them and we will FINALLY learn the truth.

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Steve, why don’t you sue them, wouldn’t discovery / depositions be part of the process?

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If you wanted to be sued you could easily get sued. But that just part of your act.

You will never get to depose anyone, because you'll never put yourself @risk.

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Troll alert!

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So a so-called "troll" in your tiny little mind is anyone who does not "troll" the party line in these echo-chambers?

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Eh if you say so, it must be true.

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Go, Steve! The 624 comments after only 11 hours and 181 likes for the heroic Dr Frances I Lewis MD says it all. The rulers are losing the grip over us, fast.

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Unfortunately, Nick, “the rulers“ are not losing their grip over us. Everything we’re doing, people like us just a tiny, scratch on the surface. The reality is “the rulers“ are in near total control. That total control extends far beyond just the, big Pharma complex, it extends to governments, propaganda outlets, what passes for institutions of higher education, the corporate world… The list goes on. In contrast “624 comments” is, unfortunately, a nonevent.

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Filmed depositions are the best. That's why they aren't suing you. They don't dare.

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Precisely Steve, and you will be able to force disclosure of all kinds of shi* during discovery -- the fear of this will keep any suits to a bare minimum if not zero.

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All of the lawsuit release the kraken talk -- I can't wait for discovery -- is pure theater and nothing more.

Steve will never sue any of these people or organizations.

He has no standing and nothing to gain. He would have to be a complete idiot to stir up a lawsuit.

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That would be a packed court room!

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The only way you will get answers is to file a lawsuit which will force the release of information during the discovery process. They will of course try to settle in order to hide the truth. Real lawsuits by real individuals or better yet a class action lawsuit is the only way to resolve this matter. 💪

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There are plenty of us lawyers who’d be happy to help with that

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I’m definitely fine with that, but as a starting point. We must absolutely, totally have criminal prosecution, because crimes have been committed against humanity. Nothing else is acceptable.

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If there are any honest judges out there. You win!

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B'rer Fox, whatever you do ... don't throw me into the Briar patch!"

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Thanks Steve for your courageous reporting!! Do you know a lot about the MNRA vaccine being injected into animals and the attempt to get it into the food supply? Forgive me if I have missed it in the past.

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Somehow I get the very strong feeling that they believe they can ignore us, as if they can do as they will, and the hell with the rest of us. We definitely do need to correct that attitude of theirs!

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That would be wonderful!

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Mar 21, 2023
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The DOD made the mrna covid shot in 2013. The whole story of warp speed etc. is just a soap opera.

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Correct, the DOD certainly is the law. For now, that is. It’s up to us as a free people to fix that.

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If true, the entire Pentagram needs to be sent to Gitmo. Anyone involved needs to be given the Mussolini treatment

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Sorry but who is UCFS?

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What is UCSF?

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I don’t believe that Tim Damroth got a second shot just so he can receive treatment after the first shot caused his heart to stop. I don’t believe it happened.

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Peramivir: Here's the stuff being hauled in by the plane load for the next plandemic (shut down election?) Per Mike Adams

The symptoms are Zombie behaviors


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The beast derives its power through peoples unwillingness to sacrifice careers they love. Like a chess move, the elites have pinned peoples passions(their career) against taking their toxins. Doctors, the Healthcare industry are not alone in this trap. Professional athletes, actors and musicians, pilots etc., are also funneled into this position where they are forced to choose between careers and toxic jabs.

The trap extends to the corporate and even private sector. People are afraid they can't get another job, or they don't want or hate other forms of work. Whatever the reason, many have chosen to play russian roullette with their lives over making necessary sacrifices.

This was plotted out long ago by these psychopaths. They plot everyday, day and night. And now their plans are being executed upon the world.

The antidote for the globalist takeover lies in understanding the battlefield and choosing our objectives. We must understand that freedom is more important than anything. We must understand that once freedom is lost, everything is lost anyways. We really have no viable choices in the matter.

We need to fight for freedom, and to obtain/maintain it we must simply be willing to make the necessary sacrifices and say no. No shots, no tests and no masks! No digital currency. No, no, no!

We outnumber them. They are a very small part of the population. Their power comes from people whose greed for easy money has blinded them to their fates. Those serving the beast cannot see it will cost them their freedom, and maybe their lives. This knowledge must be conveyed to those participating in the NWO takeover. If we can illuminate those who are feeding the beast, and get them to starve the beast; we can prosecute them and take their money back. Yes, they have stolen our money through taxes. We can take it back and regain solvency by simply making the necessary sacrifices to starve the beast.

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I contacted the Regents of the University of California and forwarded them your claims in this article, and UCSF reached out to me asking for proof. You should forward the proof to William.Secord@ucsf.edu who works for the Ombudsman.

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Just shows how meticulously they must be to keep a secret. A very well planned out genocide.

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🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 Bombshell Vax Analysis Finds $147 Billion In Economic Damage, Tens of Millions Injured or Disabled



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Would be cool if doctors could unionize or something like that as some sort of counter weight to the top down CEO meat grinder approach to medicine.

It seems like there's some polluted part of the world though, like a subcontinent or something, where medical degrees are just turned out in a factory. I dunno.

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Keep notes. Document everything, because the actions here are prima-facia evidence of collusion. Of culpability. It is going to take decades to bring the vast array of criminals to justice. Some say that the only justice for what they have done is the Nuremberg solution. These people are fools, just like the Nazis were fools. They, like the current crop of totalitarian psychopaths, think they're invincible Untouchable. Just like the Nazis did. Do these people really believe that the millions of families who have lost family members to this genocidal pogram - what? Are just going to walk away? Stick around. This is going to come crashing down on everyone involved in this genocide. Amazing, isn't it, that todays tyrants are unable to learn anything from earlier bouts of tyranny we've had to endure - and eradicate.

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I read the study as did many other people and of 4 drugs used in the study it stated Remdesivir was pulled from the study because 54% of patients given Remdesivir died. Look, I saw first hand what Remdesivir did to patients. Believe what you want the study I read Remdesivir killed more patients than the other 3 medications. It was in plain English easy to read.

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According to the VAERS website:

"The Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) is a national early warning system to detect possible safety problems in vaccines used in the United States. VAERS accepts and analyzes reports of adverse events (AEs) after a person has received a vaccination. Anyone can report an adverse event to VAERS. Healthcare professionals are required to report certain adverse events and vaccine manufacturers are required to report all adverse events that come to their attention."

The link: https://vaers.hhs.gov/reportevent.html

The way I read this, if they fail to report adverse events they would be in violation of this requirement.

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