I'm so grateful for the work you do, Steve Kirsch! Here is yet another fellow fighter very much worth reading: https://covidmythbuster.substack.com/p/the-bolus-theory-needs-your-help

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I/we didn't 'comply' the first time round. and certainly won't when they release the next Scamdemic.

No masks - after a week or so when I realised the futility and 'virtual signalling' I influenced to others!

No segregation from Family meetings and parties from mi-May 2020 onwards!

Regular shopping trips several times each week. Wearing one of my controversial T-shirts= "Vax related Deaths up this week" or 'Experimental jab = No thanks" and my favourite for visiting Doctors or/and hospitals = 'Don't mention IVERMECTIN".

NO experimental INJECTIONS for our wider family of 13! Are we glad we waited because the public are now 'GENETICALLY MODIFIED' and can't turn back the clock. Several have had Adverse Reactions. One was a healthy fit person that 'died suddenly' of a cardiac issue not apparent before the injections.

I made a few visits to the VAX CENTRE, wearing my controversial t-shirts, to ask about Vaccine Adverse Reactions and VAX DEATH stats. It used to be called 'Informed Consent' before they decided to keep such nonsense away from the public - in case it impacted on the dwindling VAX numbers.

We did however, respect other people's perception of 'Safe Space', keeping a polite Social Distance.

The biggest clue to the 'man-modified' Covid virus & pre-planned DEADLY VAX nonsense was the manufacturers insistence on 'ZERO LIABILITY' for any/all Vax related INJURIES and VAX RELATED DEATHS! Our Governments have to agree to provide the necessary compensation scheme for these hidden 'excess deaths' as part of Big Pharma's Contract in order to avoid their culpability!

Mick from Hooe (UK) Unjabbed to live longer!

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Great topic for VSRF Live! I'm glad to see VSRF branch out into exploring the motivational forces behind the vaccine/plandemic problem. The Covid Litigation Conference is equally welcome because awareness by itself isn't enough. After we understand the problem, we have to take steps to fix it.

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Haha expanding now. Finally. Almost 4 years later and right on schedule with Canada. I guess it’s ok now to put Pfizer — and only Pfizer — on the chopping block. Steve branching out into motivational forces!!

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Steve is part of the elite, wake up folks.

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If you go to war you have to pick your battles.

Steve's done a great job at picking his battles.

If you go full on against all of it you will be silenced and made to go away. OR WORSE!

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What convinced you, his putting on Defeat The Mandates, Covid Litigation Conference I and II, protesting Dr. Fauci, testifying anti-vax information or writing hundreds of anti-vax articles?


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Well, Wayne, it's not great that Steve's stance is: "If you [CDC, FDA] want to restore trust, admit your mistakes and apologize to people." Steve said this on Day 2 of the Covid Litigation Conference.

So, you know, either Steve knows this is not about morons botching things and making "mistakes"--that it was a military operation from the beginning and planned years in advance, and that the shots were designed to kill--or he is just plum stupid. I'm guessing he is not stupid, in which case, he has been hired to control the narrative/narrative response.

All vaccines have been attempts to change our brains and hurt us, not help us. "Vaccine safety" is an oxymoron, but that is Steve's platform. If I'm wrong, he can take the heat right? He wouldn't have to come out swinging.

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You can believe what you want, AL - it's a free country. You can be outstanding in your field, believing that Steve Kirsch is a secret agent for Deep State. You won't read the VSRF articles or watch the videos because that would upset your wacky narrative. You can just pick up cherry picked tidbits at your little gossip sites.

While you and your Whispering Wormtongue friends are jabbering, VSRF is fighting for medical freedom and helping the vaccine injured.


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Oh—so you do think being defensive is the way to go.

Cherry pick? It’s a direct quote!

Interesting you didn’t deny Steve said exactly what I said he said. He knows damn well what this is all about but acting like a back country bumpkin pretending to be dismayed at the CDC’s “incompetence” and advocating for “safe vaccines.” I guess you’ve just confirmed our suspicions. Your whole purpose is to lead away from the who and why and focus on the consequences. Keep us in the narrative but act outraged. That’s your game.

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You don't understand very much because you don't read the articles and watch the videos here. You don't really know anything about what is going on with VSRF, Steve Kirsch and the entire medical freedom movement. You don't even understand what cherry-picking means.

The people in the comments here do understand these things, so your gossip trolling has little effect other than boring everyone.

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You’re so bored, you keep responding. How would I not know what’s going on with VSRF? It’s posted all the time. The same info regurgitated over and over. Steve’s “polls” where he implies the results “prove” his ideas.

And there are plenty of trolls in the MFM. That’s how the ruling class cartel works.

But interesting. All I did was respond to another post and made reference to Steve’s stance, which you still haven’t responded to. Which vaccines are safe? Why inject kids at all? We now know this is a control tool that was never intended to prevent disease.

You don’t understand the concept of cherry-picking. You can cherry pick data or information or players on a team but when it comes to verbatim statements, pointing them out isn’t cherry picking. It’s quoting the speaker. Get real, Wayne.

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Al and Karla, My opinion (which you didn't ask for) is that Steve is very scientific. His choice until recently to mainly concentrate on the problems with the shots (and not the Big Picture) is due to the fact that those problems can be addressed with facts and scientific analysis. A large and noble endeavor in itself. He's been reluctant to veer off into the realm of speculation. I find it strange that you accuse him of being a deep state schill now of all times when the topic of this VSRF Live has to do with the roots of the pandemic. I'll bet Will Witt has a lot to say that will be music to your ears.

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Kurt, the only thing Steve presents is that which is in the mainstream already. For instance, the SV-40 story was already in the mainstream press originating from CBC--the Canadian government owned and run news. Then Steve was able to publish it.

The messaging is controlled.

Steve is very scientific? Polling his own anti-vaxx (including me) audience to show that vaccines aren't safe? Or offering $1 million dollars to people over and over also as proof the vaccines are "bad." That's not science. That's hyperbole. Dumbed down outrage for the peons.

Where is the actual science? And don't you think that even "science" might be slightly irrelevant to the idea that our own military initiated both the release of the virus and the manufacture of the "countermeasure" designed to exterminate us? That tells us that science means nothing if the plan was to kill all along. Science becomes the "weeds" upon which thousands of people can reasonably disagree, and nothing gets done.

In other words, if the western world's population has been targeted for death, do I really care about what someone thinks what's in the vaccines are safe or effective? You can see where I'm headed right? Two very different approaches which NEVER converge.

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Haven't you heard the news? Now that 98% of Americans are onto the scam, there is nothing more to worry about!

Health Canada miraculously "found" SV40 promoter in Pfizer vials. "Health Canada has confirmed the presence of a Simian Virus 40 (SV40) DNA sequence in the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine, which the manufacturer had not previously disclosed." Finally--what a relief. It only took them 3 years, and happened just as Pfizer's stock has tanked.

We can all move on now! Oh wait, someone should be held responsible, don't you think? Or should we all agree that "mistakes" were made and we should forgive and just move forward?

Sasha Latypova has a better idea:

"What does this all mean? Have we won? Justice finally here? Bad bad Pfizer whi lied and bought politicians is finally going to jail and we can get out of the “toxic quagmire of blame and retribution” and move on with our lives voting harder for the political candidates and sending money to Ukraine, Israel and WHO?

A much better explanation of what is ongoing IMO is this:

As part of “covid live military exercise” it was always planned that when deaths and injuries become so undeniable, that 98%+ Americans refuse the boosters (and technically become anti-vaxxers), and the truth about DOD deploying bioweapons on Americans with intent to kill and harm becomes sort of known, Pfizer will be “prosecuted” with much great publicity (to drown out the truth). Just like all previous “prosecutions”, there will be some sort of government investigation, millions spent on lawyers (gov and Pfizer), billions-trillions-gazzillions paid in fines TO THE GOVERNMENT, and maybe a few bucks will go to the victims, but don’t hold your breath. Pfizer will probably declare bankruptcy which will protect its shareholders. Criminals investigating themselves, when find themselves guilty, pay themselves. The end."

I recommend following Sasha's Substack. She knows what is actually going on.


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"Big thank you to Steve Kirsch and the Vaccine Safety Research Foundation for inviting me to this interview. I enjoyed the discussion and questions. "

- Sasha Latypova


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And Sasha's stack today reiterates exactly what I have been saying to you:

"People who are now screaming on Twitter and elsewhere “you can sue Pfizerrrrrr nowwwww!” are grifting for clicks, likes and money as they are brining you NO NEWS." https://sashalatypova.substack.com/p/omg-sv40-pfizer-can-be-sued-now

But Steve is getting quite a bit of MFM for "breaking" this news (which was also never news to begin with) and had a long post all ready to go on this SV 40 the day the news broke in Canada. Feels like Mockingbird media to me.

Oh and sorry to burst your bubble, but someone posted "KIRSCH is CONTROLLED OPPOSITION and should be regarded as such..." on Sasha's substack today. And the comment was "liked" by Sasha herself. So much for credibility by affiliation.

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Right. So Sasha has stated many times that this was a military operation from the start--planned years in advance (and attempted several previous times/part of the same op through SARS, MERS and Swine to name a few), that the "vaccine" was always designed to be a kill shot--made deliberately to murder and disable people in Western culture, that the world's intelligence agencies and most western governments have been co-opted by a group (call them "globalist elite or bankster cartel or ruling class mafia) to control the world (depopulate, enslave, etc.). Does Steve agree with her (since you are touting the affiliation) and if so, why does he never even touch the subject/go beyond the "vaccines are bad" talking point?

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I've already said medical freedom fighters have different priorities in another comment and that Sasha seems to get along with many of them anyway. I don't agree that Kirsch has never touched the subject but I doubt if you would believe me.

I'm not going to re-watch 100 interviews, re-read 1,000 Kirsch articles, find every reference and give you a summary with quotes and transcriptions. And I'm not going to read all the comments, getting screenshots of the ones Steve Kirsch liked to add to the summary. I just don't have time for that.

You can do that yourself, though, or just don't believe me. Not believing me would be great since I think that would save a lot of valuable time. Or you could use the contact page https://kirschsubstack.com/p/how-to-contact-me to ask Mr. Kirsch directly. Or read kurt's reply to you which I agree with.

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Ok Wayne- but it still doesn’t add up. 3 years in and thousands of Kirsch articles as you say, and not once dipping his toe into the mechanisms behind all of this. The WHY. And the WHO (no pun intended). It really does feel like a limited hangout. Sorry if that offends you/him but “different priorities” just doesn’t explain this.

How they could orchestrate this is everything. The bad vax is just the result.

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Prager U has been too ,"woke" for me, but we'll see where Will goes tonight....interesting times we live in....

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You Have To Declare Victory For Natural Immunity.

Start There.


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I am very happy to read that Steve Kirsch is connecting with Will Witt. We live in an era when we have to be creating new contacts, expanding old networks, and especially realizing that some of our old perceptions and beliefs are no longer operational. We definitely need new friends and allies and we need to forge new alliances. Our survival as free Americans hinges on that.

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Love the "How To" Format. Will is a legend. Do not comply and live not by lies: https://yuribezmenov.substack.com/p/live-not-by-lies-solzhenitsyn-essay-bezmenov

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Alexander Solzhenitsyn, one of the greatest heroes of my lifetime, and an exemplary man. Definitely somebody we should all strive to emulate.

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