I'm so grateful for the work you do, Steve Kirsch! Here is yet another fellow fighter very much worth reading: https://covidmythbuster.substack.com/p/the-bolus-theory-needs-your-help

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I/we didn't 'comply' the first time round. and certainly won't when they release the next Scamdemic.

No masks - after a week or so when I realised the futility and 'virtual signalling' I influenced to others!

No segregation from Family meetings and parties from mi-May 2020 onwards!

Regular shopping trips several times each week. Wearing one of my controversial T-shirts= "Vax related Deaths up this week" or 'Experimental jab = No thanks" and my favourite for visiting Doctors or/and hospitals = 'Don't mention IVERMECTIN".

NO experimental INJECTIONS for our wider family of 13! Are we glad we waited because the public are now 'GENETICALLY MODIFIED' and can't turn back the clock. Several have had Adverse Reactions. One was a healthy fit person that 'died suddenly' of a cardiac issue not apparent before the injections.

I made a few visits to the VAX CENTRE, wearing my controversial t-shirts, to ask about Vaccine Adverse Reactions and VAX DEATH stats. It used to be called 'Informed Consent' before they decided to keep such nonsense away from the public - in case it impacted on the dwindling VAX numbers.

We did however, respect other people's perception of 'Safe Space', keeping a polite Social Distance.

The biggest clue to the 'man-modified' Covid virus & pre-planned DEADLY VAX nonsense was the manufacturers insistence on 'ZERO LIABILITY' for any/all Vax related INJURIES and VAX RELATED DEATHS! Our Governments have to agree to provide the necessary compensation scheme for these hidden 'excess deaths' as part of Big Pharma's Contract in order to avoid their culpability!

Mick from Hooe (UK) Unjabbed to live longer!

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Great topic for VSRF Live! I'm glad to see VSRF branch out into exploring the motivational forces behind the vaccine/plandemic problem. The Covid Litigation Conference is equally welcome because awareness by itself isn't enough. After we understand the problem, we have to take steps to fix it.

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Steve is part of the elite, wake up folks.

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Haven't you heard the news? Now that 98% of Americans are onto the scam, there is nothing more to worry about!

Health Canada miraculously "found" SV40 promoter in Pfizer vials. "Health Canada has confirmed the presence of a Simian Virus 40 (SV40) DNA sequence in the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine, which the manufacturer had not previously disclosed." Finally--what a relief. It only took them 3 years, and happened just as Pfizer's stock has tanked.

We can all move on now! Oh wait, someone should be held responsible, don't you think? Or should we all agree that "mistakes" were made and we should forgive and just move forward?

Sasha Latypova has a better idea:

"What does this all mean? Have we won? Justice finally here? Bad bad Pfizer whi lied and bought politicians is finally going to jail and we can get out of the “toxic quagmire of blame and retribution” and move on with our lives voting harder for the political candidates and sending money to Ukraine, Israel and WHO?

A much better explanation of what is ongoing IMO is this:

As part of “covid live military exercise” it was always planned that when deaths and injuries become so undeniable, that 98%+ Americans refuse the boosters (and technically become anti-vaxxers), and the truth about DOD deploying bioweapons on Americans with intent to kill and harm becomes sort of known, Pfizer will be “prosecuted” with much great publicity (to drown out the truth). Just like all previous “prosecutions”, there will be some sort of government investigation, millions spent on lawyers (gov and Pfizer), billions-trillions-gazzillions paid in fines TO THE GOVERNMENT, and maybe a few bucks will go to the victims, but don’t hold your breath. Pfizer will probably declare bankruptcy which will protect its shareholders. Criminals investigating themselves, when find themselves guilty, pay themselves. The end."

I recommend following Sasha's Substack. She knows what is actually going on.


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Prager U has been too ,"woke" for me, but we'll see where Will goes tonight....interesting times we live in....

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You Have To Declare Victory For Natural Immunity.

Start There.


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I am very happy to read that Steve Kirsch is connecting with Will Witt. We live in an era when we have to be creating new contacts, expanding old networks, and especially realizing that some of our old perceptions and beliefs are no longer operational. We definitely need new friends and allies and we need to forge new alliances. Our survival as free Americans hinges on that.

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Love the "How To" Format. Will is a legend. Do not comply and live not by lies: https://yuribezmenov.substack.com/p/live-not-by-lies-solzhenitsyn-essay-bezmenov

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