How about more convo and articles covering the millions who were fired for being right! Where are the reparations - thy tyrants can keep their apologies. That will not bring back the closed businesses and the careers.
People are like drops of water in the ocean waves. If you hang out with smart people, you end up in a smart wave. If you hang out with stupid people, you end up in the stupid wave. Surf or Undertow. Sink or Swim. Love the "moronic media control" anagrams. Mathematically beautiful. I had thought that looked like the moron variant too. 🤣!!! And this substack was written in Dec 2021, before the continued stupidity of 2022 and 2023. Interesting that Bill Gates said that it was the omicron, i.e moronic variant that actually achieved the natural immunity that the vaccines didn't, though he says alot of other Scary Stupid Stuff in this 2/21/2022 article as well.
You need to drop Robert Malone from the list. Look into him further. I want to vomit whenever he is mentioned. If he is the inventor of mRNA why didn't he warn us immediately. He is a shill. And why is he out there suing other truthers.
He didn't know exactly what the developers of the actual mRNA "vaccine" had concocted. Much could have been done perfecting his work which took place decades before. He knew the nano lipids he used were dangerous but assumed at first responsible development and testing had occured.
Why is he suing Dr. Breggin who wrote the book "Covid 19 and the global Preditors" If your answer is the case, Malone should be encouraging Dr.Breggins book and not suing him.
No. He over-reacted to over the top claims he was controlled opposition from the Breggins. He experimented with mRNA technology decades ago and had the thought it might be an effective vaccine. He had NO PART in developing the actual mRNA "vaccine" as the actual developers are quick to point out! The real problem is that so few, other than him, deep in drug / vaccine science, aren't ALSO blowing the whistle on the death and damage.
All this has been answered ad nauseam but you don't read Robert Malone or watch any of his interviews so you wouldn't know that. While you're whining about Robert Malone and shilling for the gossip sites, he's out fighting for medical freedom. Why bring your vomit here, anyway?
Dig deeper , you can dig right there while you are on george webb substack. His work never proves wrong, it admits mistakes if there is. He also tried to go to a convention Malone was at with a press pass he was given to directly confront Malone and when he arrived they would not let him in even though he had a press pass
Again, you are NOT reading Malone if you pretend he hasn't answered all this and is not fighting for medical freedom. I don't read him a lot but it's not hard to find his response and videos of interviews and speeches where he is fighting for medical freedom. Everyone can do that. You are not informing people but annoying them.
Repeat above paragraph for all further responses.
Live in your rumormonger world all you want but please don't spam whispering Wormtongue posts here or you'll be banned. One or two irrelevant off-topic gossip posts are ok but the main reason for article comments is to comment on the subject, not shill for gossip sites. Final warning.
you sound like you want to ban others rather than really digging into the subjects.I have been watching and investigating along with the medical freedom movement before Malone stepped in and he confuses the situation and I had hoped to let people know due to the fact most of the medical freedom movement wants to know all the information so they can research on their own and make up their own minds rather than someone deciding they do not agree so we better ban them from the conversation.
You had me until you say your doctor is in on it. Come on man. That would be impossible for all medical doctors in the world to be in on it. At least say they're fooled too, than I might give some weight to what you write.
@Gavin The American Academy of Obstetrics were paid $11 million to push the shots on pregnant women. Why did they need to get paid to push it, if it was such a good option for pregnant women? Hospitals were also paid big money by the Federal Government to push remdesivir and ventilators which resulted in many deaths.
Have you learned of this since you made this comment?
If doctors today are still telling their patients to get jabbed there just one of two things happening. 1 they ignore any vaxed patients with side effects, and write them off as coincidences or 2 they know what's happening completely but the flow of the extra cash for promoting the jabs is too irresistible.
get real you idiot.. this is how they have done the deed and YOU and millions like you, the willing disbelieving SHEEP with your heads buried in the sand...("oh...nah. they would never do anything to hurt us...") it's moronic thinking like this that has given us pandoras box unleashed!! stupid stupid humans
My own doctor from the beginning was fooled. I could see something of his journey as I informed him of more that I had found out with every visit. We talked about medical ethics. When I went to tell him I was switching to a non-jab-pushing doctor he said he was quitting his practice anyway to go to work in an ER.
But when I checked he never showed up there. I believe he quit practicing. Sure, some doctors are callously pushing the jab for money and taking only saline for themselves but we don't know the mind of every doctor.
Sure we don't....but they have been in practice a long time to not know - how bloody corrupt their whole business model is, let alone, that it has deliberately very little to next to nothing to do with ethics, "health" "care" or actual solutions for ppl who are suffering. They know the gig they ascribe to...until they reject it. You did good with yours.
I was contacted-registered letter that I had to sign for to prove that I received it-by my professional college for the terrible act of signing a petition that questioned the COVID response. It is a witch hunt and medical professionals are being silenced.
Looking for a Medical Exemption due to allergies, I was told, per the CDC website I don't fit the criteria, so no I cannot give you one. I told the Physicians Assistant that she is telling me the vax is "Safe and Effective" because that is what she is told to say. She said, no, if I don't I will lose my license. They were coerced with the potential to lose their life's work if they did not "play" and say the correct narrative. Evil.
Note that the article doesn't say that doctors are "in on it".
The article says: "Your doctor isn’t allowed to tell you anything but the false narrative."
That is very different.
If you listen to whistleblower nurses and doctors from pretty much all ovet the world, they all say the same thing: "We are being silenced and persecuted by our own Medical Boards. We are being ostracised by our colleagues for daring to speak the truth. We get gag orders, we're not allowed to say anything bad about the jabs, or else we get fired and threatened wih losing our medical licence. We are prohibited from even questioning the safety and efficacy of the injections". And so on, and so on, and so on.
So the doctors don't really need to be IN ON IT. It's enough that they're silenced into submission for fear of losing their jobs. That's how the pyramid of power works. Only the very few on top need to be IN ON IT. The rest are just following orders from their line manager. Who are also just following orders from their line manager. Who are also just following orders from their line manager.
Ancient Babylonian Majik. Interestingly, Jesus Christ has been right 100% of the time and if you read his word, the Bible, it'll tell you in the book of Revelations that these same occultists in power now do kill the majority of the human race in these end times! Sobering isn't it? Since these occultists not only believe, but know with 100% certainty that their days are numbered, they plan on taking everyone with them! That's why they're vaxxing everyone, chem spraying the skies, destroying all social structure and destroying global food systems. Only Christ's return stops them from killing 100% of the planets people. Read Matthew 24: 22, And except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved: but for the elect's sake those days shall be shortened. What you need to do. Romans 10: 13, For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved. God never lies, you will be saved :)
Reading Revelation one has to wonder how all these people are going to be killed. 50 years ago it would be a mystery but in today's world we can see scientifically how it could be done.
I still think we have been warned over and over like a bully playing with a weaker child. When I think back on many of the movies in the past and I see the same scenarios being played out in the world today. They, I think did this on purpose so that those of us who know what they are capable could be made out to be wing nuts and laughed at for being overly imaginative. Oh you watch to much TV. All the while laughing at the people being fooled and falling for whatever they want to do to the worlds population.
The numerology is unbelievable. The elites give us clues in advance and during their crime against humanity, and because the public does not see all of the symbolism, the elites think we are all stupid. Too much conditioning in early childhood causes people to believe everything they are told by the "news". This planet is so f*d up. We need fellow humans to embrace their sovereign powers and resist the WEF/WHO/UN and all of the dark egos perpetrating hell on humanity.
You have to ask yourself why is this situation so new? Well it isn't! People have been battling the Vax movement for years with varying degrees of success. The antivaxxers have been pilloried for years by Big Pharma, Media and Medical.
You have to ask yourself where has Steve been all this time concerning vaccine injured people before Coronavirus? Was Steve going along with Big Pharma until the past few years until his carpet cleaner told him about an illness he suffered? Well Patriot Steve, I wish you would check out the huge number of vaccine injured children, adults and military from other vaccines. Those numbers are astounding if you can find them.
Don't for one moment state those vaccine damaged people are separate from this latest group because they aren't. They are part of this continuum of vaccine damaged people thru the present. The present is not separate from the past.
The list you compile are incomplete unless you include true antivaxxers.
Anyone trying help should not be degraded. You could ad you information and help many with your knowlage and stand together. This is something we are learning as we go. Im interested in what you have to say. And are greatful to Steve.
My brother died after receiving a vaccine. The doctor warned my Mother to never take a chance vaccinating any future children. He would rather treat the illness that gamble on a child's life. So, none of us have been vaccinated, and I'm in the medical field.
I remember Trudeau saying that. We here could not believe what he said when he said it. If he could he would throw the un jabbed in the tent camps he spent so much of our tax dollars on and kill us off as fast as he could. We can't wait to see him go down.
Looks like in Canada they don't want us to see the because it can't be found. So what ever it was it is probably true. Trudeau can't have the truth being told. Dirty bastard.
TNI is quite useful - tells you which news to avoid - if you didn't know already. Like Spotify labeling the 'Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Corona Virus 2' information with a blue highlighted banner- very useful lol 😆
The first link, the Trusted News Initiative is nothing more than the misinformation network of liars that mark truth as lies and lies as facts. The 2nd link is gone.
Most people that I’ve met who took the vaccine developed serious medical problems.
Govern = CONTROL + ment = MIND !
How about more convo and articles covering the millions who were fired for being right! Where are the reparations - thy tyrants can keep their apologies. That will not bring back the closed businesses and the careers.
People are like drops of water in the ocean waves. If you hang out with smart people, you end up in a smart wave. If you hang out with stupid people, you end up in the stupid wave. Surf or Undertow. Sink or Swim. Love the "moronic media control" anagrams. Mathematically beautiful. I had thought that looked like the moron variant too. 🤣!!! And this substack was written in Dec 2021, before the continued stupidity of 2022 and 2023. Interesting that Bill Gates said that it was the omicron, i.e moronic variant that actually achieved the natural immunity that the vaccines didn't, though he says alot of other Scary Stupid Stuff in this 2/21/2022 article as well.
You need to drop Robert Malone from the list. Look into him further. I want to vomit whenever he is mentioned. If he is the inventor of mRNA why didn't he warn us immediately. He is a shill. And why is he out there suing other truthers.
He creeps me out.
He didn't know exactly what the developers of the actual mRNA "vaccine" had concocted. Much could have been done perfecting his work which took place decades before. He knew the nano lipids he used were dangerous but assumed at first responsible development and testing had occured.
Why is he suing Dr. Breggin who wrote the book "Covid 19 and the global Preditors" If your answer is the case, Malone should be encouraging Dr.Breggins book and not suing him.
I agree it was the wrong thing for Malone to do, but the Breggins accused him being controlled opposition without specific evidence.
No. He over-reacted to over the top claims he was controlled opposition from the Breggins. He experimented with mRNA technology decades ago and had the thought it might be an effective vaccine. He had NO PART in developing the actual mRNA "vaccine" as the actual developers are quick to point out! The real problem is that so few, other than him, deep in drug / vaccine science, aren't ALSO blowing the whistle on the death and damage.
Check out
There is more articles on Malone there also
George Webb is not credible in my opinion.
All this has been answered ad nauseam but you don't read Robert Malone or watch any of his interviews so you wouldn't know that. While you're whining about Robert Malone and shilling for the gossip sites, he's out fighting for medical freedom. Why bring your vomit here, anyway?
Dig deeper , you can dig right there while you are on george webb substack. His work never proves wrong, it admits mistakes if there is. He also tried to go to a convention Malone was at with a press pass he was given to directly confront Malone and when he arrived they would not let him in even though he had a press pass
Again, you are NOT reading Malone if you pretend he hasn't answered all this and is not fighting for medical freedom. I don't read him a lot but it's not hard to find his response and videos of interviews and speeches where he is fighting for medical freedom. Everyone can do that. You are not informing people but annoying them.
Repeat above paragraph for all further responses.
Live in your rumormonger world all you want but please don't spam whispering Wormtongue posts here or you'll be banned. One or two irrelevant off-topic gossip posts are ok but the main reason for article comments is to comment on the subject, not shill for gossip sites. Final warning.
you sound like you want to ban others rather than really digging into the subjects.I have been watching and investigating along with the medical freedom movement before Malone stepped in and he confuses the situation and I had hoped to let people know due to the fact most of the medical freedom movement wants to know all the information so they can research on their own and make up their own minds rather than someone deciding they do not agree so we better ban them from the conversation.
"You sound like...." Because you're not reading. Read the comment I wrote. Keep reading it till you understand the words.
You had me until you say your doctor is in on it. Come on man. That would be impossible for all medical doctors in the world to be in on it. At least say they're fooled too, than I might give some weight to what you write.
@Gavin The American Academy of Obstetrics were paid $11 million to push the shots on pregnant women. Why did they need to get paid to push it, if it was such a good option for pregnant women? Hospitals were also paid big money by the Federal Government to push remdesivir and ventilators which resulted in many deaths.
Have you learned of this since you made this comment?
If doctors today are still telling their patients to get jabbed there just one of two things happening. 1 they ignore any vaxed patients with side effects, and write them off as coincidences or 2 they know what's happening completely but the flow of the extra cash for promoting the jabs is too irresistible.
He did say they were fooled: "Most doctors even believe it because they are basically sheep and follow the herd." Isn't that clear enough?
My own doctor is one.
get real you idiot.. this is how they have done the deed and YOU and millions like you, the willing disbelieving SHEEP with your heads buried in the sand...("oh...nah. they would never do anything to hurt us...") it's moronic thinking like this that has given us pandoras box unleashed!! stupid stupid humans
My own doctor from the beginning was fooled. I could see something of his journey as I informed him of more that I had found out with every visit. We talked about medical ethics. When I went to tell him I was switching to a non-jab-pushing doctor he said he was quitting his practice anyway to go to work in an ER.
But when I checked he never showed up there. I believe he quit practicing. Sure, some doctors are callously pushing the jab for money and taking only saline for themselves but we don't know the mind of every doctor.
Sure we don't....but they have been in practice a long time to not know - how bloody corrupt their whole business model is, let alone, that it has deliberately very little to next to nothing to do with ethics, "health" "care" or actual solutions for ppl who are suffering. They know the gig they ascribe to...until they reject it. You did good with yours.
I was contacted-registered letter that I had to sign for to prove that I received it-by my professional college for the terrible act of signing a petition that questioned the COVID response. It is a witch hunt and medical professionals are being silenced.
Looking for a Medical Exemption due to allergies, I was told, per the CDC website I don't fit the criteria, so no I cannot give you one. I told the Physicians Assistant that she is telling me the vax is "Safe and Effective" because that is what she is told to say. She said, no, if I don't I will lose my license. They were coerced with the potential to lose their life's work if they did not "play" and say the correct narrative. Evil.
Hi Gavin,
Note that the article doesn't say that doctors are "in on it".
The article says: "Your doctor isn’t allowed to tell you anything but the false narrative."
That is very different.
If you listen to whistleblower nurses and doctors from pretty much all ovet the world, they all say the same thing: "We are being silenced and persecuted by our own Medical Boards. We are being ostracised by our colleagues for daring to speak the truth. We get gag orders, we're not allowed to say anything bad about the jabs, or else we get fired and threatened wih losing our medical licence. We are prohibited from even questioning the safety and efficacy of the injections". And so on, and so on, and so on.
So the doctors don't really need to be IN ON IT. It's enough that they're silenced into submission for fear of losing their jobs. That's how the pyramid of power works. Only the very few on top need to be IN ON IT. The rest are just following orders from their line manager. Who are also just following orders from their line manager. Who are also just following orders from their line manager.
Turtles all the way down.
"just following orders" ??? "who would you like us to kill next?"
Medical Boards - another Carnegie-Rockefeller Mafia Set-Up. Remember the Protocols.
Ancient Babylonian Majik. Interestingly, Jesus Christ has been right 100% of the time and if you read his word, the Bible, it'll tell you in the book of Revelations that these same occultists in power now do kill the majority of the human race in these end times! Sobering isn't it? Since these occultists not only believe, but know with 100% certainty that their days are numbered, they plan on taking everyone with them! That's why they're vaxxing everyone, chem spraying the skies, destroying all social structure and destroying global food systems. Only Christ's return stops them from killing 100% of the planets people. Read Matthew 24: 22, And except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved: but for the elect's sake those days shall be shortened. What you need to do. Romans 10: 13, For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved. God never lies, you will be saved :)
Reading Revelation one has to wonder how all these people are going to be killed. 50 years ago it would be a mystery but in today's world we can see scientifically how it could be done.
I still think we have been warned over and over like a bully playing with a weaker child. When I think back on many of the movies in the past and I see the same scenarios being played out in the world today. They, I think did this on purpose so that those of us who know what they are capable could be made out to be wing nuts and laughed at for being overly imaginative. Oh you watch to much TV. All the while laughing at the people being fooled and falling for whatever they want to do to the worlds population.
The numerology is unbelievable. The elites give us clues in advance and during their crime against humanity, and because the public does not see all of the symbolism, the elites think we are all stupid. Too much conditioning in early childhood causes people to believe everything they are told by the "news". This planet is so f*d up. We need fellow humans to embrace their sovereign powers and resist the WEF/WHO/UN and all of the dark egos perpetrating hell on humanity.
Sorry, but Berenson is dead for me. Highly corrupted like Andrew Hill. The rest is camouflage
Who are you talking to? Duh, it's a sham! You wake up!
Patriot Steve:
You have to ask yourself why is this situation so new? Well it isn't! People have been battling the Vax movement for years with varying degrees of success. The antivaxxers have been pilloried for years by Big Pharma, Media and Medical.
You have to ask yourself where has Steve been all this time concerning vaccine injured people before Coronavirus? Was Steve going along with Big Pharma until the past few years until his carpet cleaner told him about an illness he suffered? Well Patriot Steve, I wish you would check out the huge number of vaccine injured children, adults and military from other vaccines. Those numbers are astounding if you can find them.
Don't for one moment state those vaccine damaged people are separate from this latest group because they aren't. They are part of this continuum of vaccine damaged people thru the present. The present is not separate from the past.
The list you compile are incomplete unless you include true antivaxxers.
Anyone trying help should not be degraded. You could ad you information and help many with your knowlage and stand together. This is something we are learning as we go. Im interested in what you have to say. And are greatful to Steve.
The last few years has opened our eyes.
Don't scold Steve.
He is doing segments on Vaccines and Autism now. I think like most of us the Covid vaccination has lead us to an awakening and Steve is no different.
The graph in 1996 . They changed vax and Autism Graff is obviouse the increase of autism after that.
My brother died after receiving a vaccine. The doctor warned my Mother to never take a chance vaccinating any future children. He would rather treat the illness that gamble on a child's life. So, none of us have been vaccinated, and I'm in the medical field.
For additional confirmation see:
Although I've not verified Trudeau really said this, it wouldn't surprise me in the slightest it's real:
This is all very disturbing!
Could you tell us what he said seeing how they took it down? Thanks.
I don't know it was a long time ago. We faced similar gaslighting in the USA like this:
Quite pathetic if the translation is correct.
I remember Trudeau saying that. We here could not believe what he said when he said it. If he could he would throw the un jabbed in the tent camps he spent so much of our tax dollars on and kill us off as fast as he could. We can't wait to see him go down.
Looks like in Canada they don't want us to see the because it can't be found. So what ever it was it is probably true. Trudeau can't have the truth being told. Dirty bastard.
TNI is quite useful - tells you which news to avoid - if you didn't know already. Like Spotify labeling the 'Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Corona Virus 2' information with a blue highlighted banner- very useful lol 😆
The first link, the Trusted News Initiative is nothing more than the misinformation network of liars that mark truth as lies and lies as facts. The 2nd link is gone.
Newtube video is gone.
I noticed that Novavax Emergency Use Approval by WHO and EU seems to be getting no play in US talking head media....