Dig deeper , you can dig right there while you are on george webb substack. His work never proves wrong, it admits mistakes if there is. He also tried to go to a convention Malone was at with a press pass he was given to directly confront Malone and when he arrived they would not let him in even though he had a press pass
Dig deeper , you can dig right there while you are on george webb substack. His work never proves wrong, it admits mistakes if there is. He also tried to go to a convention Malone was at with a press pass he was given to directly confront Malone and when he arrived they would not let him in even though he had a press pass
Again, you are NOT reading Malone if you pretend he hasn't answered all this and is not fighting for medical freedom. I don't read him a lot but it's not hard to find his response and videos of interviews and speeches where he is fighting for medical freedom. Everyone can do that. You are not informing people but annoying them.
Repeat above paragraph for all further responses.
Live in your rumormonger world all you want but please don't spam whispering Wormtongue posts here or you'll be banned. One or two irrelevant off-topic gossip posts are ok but the main reason for article comments is to comment on the subject, not shill for gossip sites. Final warning.
you sound like you want to ban others rather than really digging into the subjects.I have been watching and investigating along with the medical freedom movement before Malone stepped in and he confuses the situation and I had hoped to let people know due to the fact most of the medical freedom movement wants to know all the information so they can research on their own and make up their own minds rather than someone deciding they do not agree so we better ban them from the conversation.
Dig deeper , you can dig right there while you are on george webb substack. His work never proves wrong, it admits mistakes if there is. He also tried to go to a convention Malone was at with a press pass he was given to directly confront Malone and when he arrived they would not let him in even though he had a press pass
Again, you are NOT reading Malone if you pretend he hasn't answered all this and is not fighting for medical freedom. I don't read him a lot but it's not hard to find his response and videos of interviews and speeches where he is fighting for medical freedom. Everyone can do that. You are not informing people but annoying them.
Repeat above paragraph for all further responses.
Live in your rumormonger world all you want but please don't spam whispering Wormtongue posts here or you'll be banned. One or two irrelevant off-topic gossip posts are ok but the main reason for article comments is to comment on the subject, not shill for gossip sites. Final warning.
you sound like you want to ban others rather than really digging into the subjects.I have been watching and investigating along with the medical freedom movement before Malone stepped in and he confuses the situation and I had hoped to let people know due to the fact most of the medical freedom movement wants to know all the information so they can research on their own and make up their own minds rather than someone deciding they do not agree so we better ban them from the conversation.
"You sound like...." Because you're not reading. Read the comment I wrote. Keep reading it till you understand the words.