Perps don't confess unless they can work a prosecution deal. We need prosecution.

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Has there been excess deaths in professional athletes like tennis players who were required to be vaccinated in order to compete tournaments, or else be excluded like Novak Djokovic?

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And now Singapore (Malaysia) is putting I. Requested Money Pox vaccine for health workers and, of course wink wink, it is only for your safety and it will be monitored along with other entry surveillance on visitors!!

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How come we never hear any news from Gibraltar. It was reported early in the COVID Scamdemic their population was 100% compliant🤔. What are the stats?

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Sep 9Edited

Can you clarify this statement, 'OWID data shows that you are more likely to die from an Omicron case than a Delta case.' The charts on OWID do not note the variants in play. Just because a new variant has shown its face, the other variants do not disappear, so would it be a fair call to assume the numbers only align to the dominant strain at any given point in the last three years?

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Singapore is a police state with a brutal secret police.

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Last time I was there you were jailed if you got caught chewing gum. Typically any sentence from a judge will have "Strokes" from the Rattan cane attached to it.

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Yes it is a very ordered society. Last time I was there I had dinner with a retired General. He told me an amazing story of the history of Singapore. The secret police were formed to fight communism but were turned against the people by the politicians and used as their private army. Similar to what is happening now in western countries.

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One would Think the Singaporans would Object to this growing Govt Genocide. Are there no independent health agencies there?

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More Canadian website evidence of the Killshots via Government’s own statistics, courtesy of the Wayback machine. This time, it’s Alberta. Scroll to the bottom of the link page, it shows deaths peak at only 10 days after the jab.

Clearly, the jabs were killing people! And government lied about, media IGNORED IT!

The BC data is damning both for the data, and the government’s actions to delete and censor their records of deceit and killing its own citizens, have my own screen caps of the BC Donut charts corroborating Steve’s paywalled story.


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What do you mean higher CFR for omicron ? The first OWID graph shows a peak of slightly over 500 cases per day in Fall 2021 (delta), and a peak of slightly over 3,000 cases a day in Feb/Mar 2022 (omicron). The second graph shows that the death rate peak is slightly higher in the first of these two waves. Thus the CFR is more than 6 times higher for delta than omicron. Even if you compare the entirety of the pre- and post-omicron periods, about 40% of Singapore's ca 2,000 official Covid deaths occurred pre-omicron. But less than 10% of its ca 3,000,000 official Covid cases are pre-omicron:


Of course, the pattern of *all-cause* mortality in Singapore is something else, and does indeed show a steadily worsening situation up to the present:


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Finally someone else pointed this out. I think when Kirsch compared the two plots from OWID, he accidentally compared the March 2022 spike for cases against the October 2021 spike for deaths. There's a pattern of 4 roughly equally spaced spikes, but the first spike for cases was so low that it's easy to miss (especially with OWID's irregularly spaced x-axis labels).

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It’s almost Sep 17, the three year anniversary of leaving my job at Broadcom, facility in PA. I wrote to the State AG indicating that, as a witness to the run-up to the mandate, not only were metal particulate contaminants reported by inspectors in Japan a month before the company deadline for shot #1, but that is was public record that the shots were manufactured by DOD contractors with effectively no quality control. The State’s own rules for informed consent were broken, not to mention consumer protection laws in 50 States that prohibit affirmative misrepresentation, clearly in play.

No matter what PREP otherwise says, no matter how you rationalize the casuistry of its wording, it states clearly and simply that willful wrongdoing, so easy to prove, strips all immunity from agencies and individuals. Only a corrupt or threatened judiciary protects them from prosecution.

The mandate was company wide, Singapore included. No exemptions for NI or or a testing alternative. I inquired with four prominent law firms but could not get not even get a paid consultation. My lost compensation would be my “standing” to sue for fraud. But … timing is everything.

So, when the political leadership whether in the US or overseas chooses to ignore extra-judicial killings of its citizens, legal channels are blocked or at best delayed.

With some serious luck we may get a new government in the US. We would have in principle economic leverage that might wake up governments abroad. Like Canada. Screw Canada. Screw all the Commonwealth countries that have fallen into tyranny and limit our business dealings until they get on board turning back the Global Poisoning.

Only truckers have any common sense. Welcome all truckers and their brothers and sisters who protest tyranny to immigrate legally to the US … we are about to make room for them. What would this do to the foreign economies? Fuck them till they get on board. Imagine intelligent, highly literate, economically productive health freedom fighters everywhere imported to the US while the criminals are deported en masse.

CONSTITUTIONAL GOVERNANCE has to start with us, rebuilding on what we have still have. Nobody else has it.

No matter how naïve that sounds, I would reject pronouncements about what is possible or not.

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Must be all those tabletop exercises before the pandemic hit that is convincing all these politicians that there is only one way.

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Huge correlation in Chile with 4 shot (2nd booster for seniors, but only 4 age group 65-84 and 85+ age groups). The small spike in vaccine dose administration in Feb 2022 period is to this age group and notice the huge bump in excess deaths 3 or 5 sigma event?



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A friend who castigated me for not taking the clot shot, saying you "do it for your friends", has since had Covid twice. His most recent boutique, two week ago, he said was worse than the first: severe aching joints, fatigue, loss of smell, chest cough and a stabbing sore throat. He perhaps forgot what he told me about 18-months ago, when he said that his first bout of Covid left him fatigued for 4-months.

After telling me about his recent infection, I said that I had just had my first infection, picked up on a cruise, and that symptoms were very mild: no joint ache, no sore throat, no loss of smell and a couple of tired days (didn't tell him I took Ivermectin on my second tired day, about day 5, and the tiredness disappeared in 90-minutes, I could literally feel it leave my body and head). I'm about 20-years older than this guy, I'm 68. He said he's hearing that the second bout is worse than the first for many. Hmm, maybe Geert is right. My wife also got Covid with me and had mild symptoms. Also not jabbed.

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"do it for your friends" means "confirm my bad decision and do something that will help neither you nor I". This is the main point of those supporting the vax. "Doing it for your friends" is evidence that they don't believe it works because if it did they would have nothing to fear themselves except the loss of your friendship when you die for foolishly rejecting the life giving vax. Do you think that is what they mean, or is it the former-that you need to confirm the decision they made? In any case I have said this many times, in the face of clear evidence that it doesn't work i.e. everybody still gets the disease it comes down to this; in their mind it is better to be wrong about something albeit with the best intentions (protect grandma!) than to be right but with the wrong intentions (wrong in this case means you don't just do something to signal your being a good person willing to sacrifice for others even if ineffective and counter-productive).

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Yep, just like those CHO's and polticians flapping about 'Doing it for the greater good of the country'. Millions of people have died because they did something for the 'greater good'.

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I don't understand how your plots from OWID show that Omicron had higher CFR than Delta. The peak in weekly cases is about 5 times higher in February 2022 than October 2021 (from 128242/25730). But the peak in weekly deaths is about 23% lower in February 2022 than October 2021 (from 92/71):

wget covid.ourworldindata.org/data/owid-covid-data.csv

awk 'NR==1||/Singapore/' owid-covid-data.csv|csvtk cut -fdate,excess_mortality,new_cases,new_deaths|awk -F, '$3!=0'|csvtk pretty -s' '

You can see the same thing from this plot where I interpolated the weekly data at OWID into monthly data: i.ibb.co/M6MqC4N/singapore-monthly-wmd-owid.png.

The caption of your plot from Mortality Watch says that the plot has a 1999 to 2019 average baseline. But that doesn't match the data shown in the plot, because a 1999 to 2019 average shouldn't produce negative excess deaths in 2020: mortality.watch/explorer/?c=SGP&t=deaths&ct=monthly&df=1994%2520Jan&bf=1999%2520Jan.

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Bringing the Demons to Light! Praying for Humanity 🙏

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Are so many people so unenamored with life that death seems not so bad? Crazy times.

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