The medical establishment is utterly bewildered about why young people, among others, are suddenly finding cancer. https://www.wsj.com/health/healthcare/cancer-young-people-doctors-baffled-49c766ed?mod=hp_lead_pos7&mod=hp_lead_pos7

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Steve I know you don’t agree with the nicotine advice from Bryan Ardis but I feel like I am back at 100% because of him. Snake venom is in many prescription also. Snake venom is now an insecticide for crops. Dr McDougall MD complains about it on his YouTube account .

Ardis has a lot of fans because they are feeling better.

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One comment you made in this video with respect to O2 levels was a eureka moment for me, a metric to suggest to a person to get on Nattokinase, Bromelain, or Circumin to deal with the real problem. If a person is alert and not cognitively impaired and has an abnormally low O2 reading, it's a false low reading and clearly suggests micro-clotting in the extremities, whether it be caused by covid or MRNA. A previous indicator for me personally was persistent cramps in my extremities, hardly an objective diagnostic. Now, there are 2 criteria to diagnose whether or not a person should take one of the above proteases, false low O2 levels or high blood pressure, both being easily a self-diagnostic test. In one sense, these became early warning signs to seek remediation with one possible worst case adverse event of amputations if nothing is done.

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Of course, Drs Cole and Huber are way ahead of most.

This week Ralph Nader is featuring doctors on his program: https://www.ralphnaderradiohour.com/p/american-hero-dr-sidney-wolfe

There has to be some way to reach his people on the vax dangers which he has yet to speak out against.

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Erratic, violent random behavior on the rise. Attny Tom Renz on mRNA shedding and turbo cancer is real and they KNEW it would happen!! Spike factory in your body doesn't turn off and is just the tip of the iceberg. Many other misfolded proteins being produced.. vax Shedding. Both Pfizer and Moderna have admitted this is gene manipulation.. Criminal! Listen


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I love Colleen Huber and Ryan Cole, just wonderful fully developed, courageous and kind folks. Thanks for setting up this powerful program Steve Kirsch!

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Off topic, but it looks like Substack itself is now under attack. The narrative is that Substack is now a "haven for Nazis.”


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Dear Mr. Kirsch, I know this is off topic, but I'm permanently banned from X, formerly Twitter, and didn't know how else to contact you. I suspect that's by design and I don't blame you. There's a ton of whackidos out there and with your high profile, I'll bet you receive some less than polite interactions with the public who are increasingly mentally unstable. Regardless, I found this article

(see article link below) on The Epoch Times website today and was curious about your reaction to it. It seems that the mRNA shots aren't the first time the American and Western government(s) in general enforced mandatory vaccines with extremely poor results which got a lot of people killed. Apparently, the worst epidemics of Smallpox occurred *after* 70% - 95% of the Western world waa mandated to be vaccinated against the disease. My question is this: Has there been any vaccination campaign that was a broad success or has every vaccine pumped into us and our children been an expensive scam we've been lucky to survive?


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Do NOT waste Time & Resources with the herds of JABBED modern moron slaves. They do not deserve the Air they breathe and Energy they consume(waste)... And I have many "family" members among that herd.

And don't forget to https://voza0db.substack.com/p/morons-just-dont-get-it-801

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Death is NOT the worst thing that can happen to you from pharmaceuticals or vaccine injuries - this is my story on what a years long poisoning is really like and the arrogance and ignorance and cruelty you have to deal with - I can’t even imagine if it was my kids 🥺


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Another very informative podcast Steve and Team. Thank You ! The Year of the Reveal.

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Is there no illness or disease that the 'EXPERIMENTAL' injection, called Covid Vax, does not cause, exacerbate or re-introduce historic illnesses that were previously regarded as 'cured'?

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=htRavAZ6jVE This medical guy had two jabs and then realised!

That's why Pfizer, Moderna, J&J and other murdering vax manufacturers refuse to accept LIABILITY for their depopulating injections!

Mick from Hooe (UK) Unjabbed to live longer!

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Steve, did you read David Gortler senior research fellow public health policy regulation from the Heritage Foundation? “ Are Safety Reports From Covid mRNA Shots Due to Lack of FDA Ingredient Clarity.”

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Cancer is up to 100x more conductive than breast tissue with low impedance and contains conductive petrochemicals this explains how https://normanjames.substack.com/p/conductive-dis-ease-cancer-parkinsonsms. here is how to potentially remediate with PHYSICS https://normanjames.substack.com/p/electric-diet. here is also some shocking evidence a must-read https://normanjames.substack.com/p/mold-pneumonia-and-the-underwire

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How can u trust this mole of Cole ? He denies the nanotech and graphene and hydrogel in the vials... and in the bloid ! He is a LIAr. He tried do prevent dr Astrid to speak on stage ! DO NOT TRUS T COLE...

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Separately Steve. The good news is that Moderna and Pfizer made it to the Top 2023 Best Short Bets according to Bloomberg alongside regional banks. But probably not for the reasons we on this forum know of.

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