A large part of what Vaccine Safety Research Foundation does is help the vaccine injured so I'm not sure why you're here except to sneer at everyone. The readers and supporters of Steve Kirsch and VSRF want to help the vaccine injured, not wish them dead.
I see you have a small start on your own substack so why not spew all your hate and death wishes over there and leave the rest of us alone?
Or yours.
After 3 years of OPERATION COVIDIUS seems that mine is not the one... if you're still at that level.
A large part of what Vaccine Safety Research Foundation does is help the vaccine injured so I'm not sure why you're here except to sneer at everyone. The readers and supporters of Steve Kirsch and VSRF want to help the vaccine injured, not wish them dead.
I see you have a small start on your own substack so why not spew all your hate and death wishes over there and leave the rest of us alone?
Way too soon to start crying...
The best way to help them is to do what Bill Gates & Friends did.
And we're full circle; same evil.
There are plenty of far worse ways to die... Specially for the moron jabbed ones!
Another couple of COVIDIUS boosters and they'll go away happy.